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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Hive Appier Framework
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Hive Solutions Lda.
# This file is part of Hive Appier Framework.
# Hive Appier Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the Apache License as published by the Apache
# Foundation, either version 2.0 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Hive Appier Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Apache License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the Apache License along with
# Hive Appier Framework. If not, see <http://www.apache.org/licenses/>.
__author__ = "João Magalhães <joamag@hive.pt>"
""" The author(s) of the module """
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Hive Solutions Lda."
""" The copyright for the module """
__license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0"
""" The license for the module """
import json
import time
import base64
import datetime
from . import util
from . import config
from . import legacy
from . import session
from . import exceptions
100: "Continue",
101: "Switching Protocols",
200: "OK",
201: "Created",
202: "Accepted",
203: "Non-Authoritative Information",
204: "No Content",
205: "Reset Content",
206: "Partial Content",
207: "Multi-Status",
301: "Moved permanently",
302: "Found",
303: "See Other",
304: "Not Modified",
305: "Use Proxy",
306: "(Unused)",
307: "Temporary Redirect",
400: "Bad Request",
401: "Unauthorized",
402: "Payment Required",
403: "Forbidden",
404: "Not Found",
405: "Method Not Allowed",
406: "Not Acceptable",
407: "Proxy Authentication Required",
408: "Request Timeout",
409: "Conflict",
410: "Gone",
411: "Length Required",
412: "Precondition Failed",
413: "Request Entity Too Large",
414: "Request-URI Too Long",
415: "Unsupported Media Type",
416: "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
417: "Expectation Failed",
500: "Internal Server Error",
501: "Not Implemented",
502: "Bad Gateway",
503: "Service Unavailable",
504: "Gateway Timeout",
505: "HTTP Version Not Supported",
""" Dictionary associating the error code as integers
with the official descriptive message for it """
class Request(object):
Request class that acts as a proxy for the both
the input and output of an HTTP request.
Other responsibilities should include indirect
session management and serialization.
ALIAS = ("session_id", "_sid")
""" The list of strings that are considered to represent
and alias to the session identifier name, this values may
be changed in case the app required loading of the session
using a different attribute name """
def __init__(
self.owner = owner
self.method = method
self.path = path
self.prefix = prefix
self.query = query
self.scheme = scheme
self.address = address
self.protocol = protocol
self.params = params
self.data_j = data_j
self.environ = environ
self.session_c = session_c
self.handled = False
self.stime = None
self.etime = None
self.context = None
self.method_i = None
self.exception = None
self.stacktrace = None
self.json = False
self.code = 200
self.location = prefix + util.quote(path).lstrip("/")
self.encoding = "utf-8"
self.content_type = None
self.cache_control = None
self.authorization = None
self.data = None
self.result = None
self.result_l = None
self.locale = None
self.language = None
self.query_s = None
self.prefixes = None
self.session = session.MockSession(self)
self.set_cookie = None
self.set_cookie_prefix = None
self.set_cookie_suffix = None
self.post = {}
self.files = {}
self.args = {}
self.cookies = {}
self.in_headers = {}
self.out_headers = {}
self.warnings = []
self.properties = {}
self._closed = False
self._params = None
def __str__(self):
return str(self.repr())
def __unicode__(self):
return self.__str__()
def close(self):
Called upon the closing of the request so that the internal references
the request contains may be related (avoiding memory leaks).
After a request is closed it cannot be re-opened and a new request must
be created instead if a new one is required.
self.owner = None
self.method = None
self.path = None
self.prefix = None
self.query = None
self.scheme = None
self.address = None
self.protocol = None
self.params = None
self.data_j = None
self.environ = None
self.session_c = None
self.handled = None
self.context = None
self.method_i = None
self.json = None
self.code = None
self.location = None
self.encoding = None
self.content_type = None
self.cache_control = None
self.authorization = None
self.data = None
self.result = None
self.result_l = None
self.locale = None
self.language = None
self.query_s = None
self.prefixes = None
self.session = None
self.set_cookie = None
self.set_cookie_prefix = None
self.set_cookie_suffix = None
self.post = None
self.files = None
self.args = None
self.cookies = None
self.in_headers = None
self.out_headers = None
self.warnings = None
self.properties = None
self._closed = True
self._params = None
def handle(self, code=None, result=""):
Handles the current request, setting the response code
and the resulting data that is going to be returned to
the current client.
This method should not be called directly by any of the
action functions but only by the internal appier structures
or any other extra middleware handler. Because of that
this method should be considered internal and must be
used with extreme care.
If this method is called the request is considered to be
handled and the "typical" action function based handling
is going to be skipped.
:type code: int
:param code: The status code that is going to be set for
the response associated with the current request.
:type result: Object
:param result: Value that is returned to the handling
infra-structure as the result of the handling, proper data
types may vary and the include: strings, dictionaries or
generator objects.
self.handled = True
self.code = self.code if self.code else 200
self.code = code if code else self.code
self.result = result
def flush(self):
Flushes the current request information meaning that the
current request information is updated so that it's state
is persisted into the current client's information.
This method should always be called at the end of the request
handling workflow.
def repr(self):
Returns the dictionary based representation of the current
request this information may be used both for debugging or
logging purposes.
For performance reasons this method should be used the least
amount of times possible.
:rtype: Dictionary
:return: The dictionary containing the information about
the current request.
return dict(
def warning(self, message):
message_t = type(message)
if message_t in legacy.STRINGS:
message = dict(message=message)
elif not message_t == dict:
raise exceptions.OperationalError(
message="Invalid message type '%s'" % message_t
def get_params(self):
if self._params:
return self._params
self._params = {}
for key, value in self.params.items():
self._params[key] = value[0]
return self._params
def get_param(self, name, default=None):
if not name in self.params:
return default
value = self.params[name]
return value[0] if value else default
def set_params(self, params):
self.params = params
def set_post(self, post):
self.post = post
def set_files(self, files):
self.files = files
def set_multipart(self, post, files, ordered):
self.post = post
self.files = files
def get_data(self):
return self.data
def set_data(self, data):
self.data = data
def get_json(self):
return self.data_j
def set_json(self, data_j):
self.data_j = data_j
def set_code(self, code):
self.code = code
def get_encoded(self, encoding=None, safe=True):
if encoding == None:
encoding = self.get_encoding()
if not encoding:
return self.data
return legacy.u(self.data, encoding=encoding, force=True)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
if not safe:
return self.data
def extend_args(self, args):
is_dict = isinstance(args, dict)
args = args.items() if is_dict else args
for key, value in args:
_value = self.args.get(key, [])
self.args[key] = _value
def get_encoding(self):
return self.encoding
def set_encoding(self, encoding):
self.encoding = encoding
def get_content_type(self):
return self.content_type
def set_content_type(self, content_type):
self.content_type = content_type
def default_content_type(self, default):
if self.content_type:
if self.has_header_out("Content-Type"):
self.content_type = default
def get_cache_control(self):
return self.cache_control
def set_cache_control(self, cache_control):
self.cache_control = cache_control
def default_cache_control(self, default):
if self.cache_control:
if self.has_header_out("Cache-Control"):
self.cache_control = default
def get_header(self, name, default=None, normalize=True):
if normalize:
name = name.title()
return self.in_headers.get(name, default)
def set_header(self, name, value, normalize=False, replace=True):
if normalize:
name = name.title()
if not replace and name in self.out_headers:
self.out_headers[name] = legacy.ascii(value)
def ensure_header(self, name, value, normalize=False):
self.set_header(name, value, normalize=normalize, replace=False)
def set_headers(self, headers):
if not headers:
for name, value in headers.items():
self.set_header(name, value)
def set_headers_l(self, headers_l):
for name, value in headers_l:
self.set_header(name, value)
def has_header_in(self, name, insensitive=True):
if insensitive:
name = name.title()
return name in self.in_headers
def has_header_out(self, name, insensitive=True):
if insensitive:
name = name.title()
return name in self.out_headers
def set_headers_b(self):
content_type = self.get_content_type() or "text/plain"
cache_control = self.get_cache_control()
self.set_header("Content-Type", content_type)
if cache_control:
self.set_header("Cache-Control", cache_control)
def get_address(self, resolve=True, cleanup=True):
Retrieves the client (network) address associated with the
current request/connection.
In case the resolve flag is set the resolution takes a more
complex approach to avoid the common problems when used proxy
based connections (indirection in connection).
If cleanup mode is used it means that IPv4 addresses encapsulated
in IPv6 addresses will have the prefix removed (eg: ::ffff:
will become just
:type resolve: bool
:param resolve: If the complex resolution process for the
network address should take place.
:type cleanup: bool
:param cleanup: If the final value should have the possible
IPv6 to IPv4 address prefix removed.
:rtype: String
:return: The resolved client (network) address.
if resolve:
address = self.get_header("X-Forwarded-For", self.address)
address = self.get_header("X-Client-IP", address)
address = self.get_header("X-Real-IP", address)
address = address.split(",", 1)[0].strip() if address else address
address = self.address
if cleanup and address and address.startswith("::ffff:"):
address = address[7:]
return address
def get_host(self, resolve=True):
Retrieves the hostname (as a string) associated with the
current request.
In case the resolve flag is set the resolution takes a more
complex approach to avoid the common problems when used proxy
based connections (indirection in connection).
:type resolve: bool
:param resolve: If the complex resolution process for the
hostname should take place.
:rtype: String
:return: The resolved hostname string value.
server_name = self.environ.get("SERVER_NAME", "localhost")
server_port = int(self.environ.get("SERVER_PORT", "80"))
server_host = "%s:%d" % (server_name, server_port)
host = self.get_header("Host", server_host)
if resolve:
host = self.get_header("X-Forwarded-Host", host)
return host
def get_url(self, resolve=True):
host = self.get_host(resolve=resolve)
if not host:
if not self.scheme:
query_s = "?%s" % self.query if self.query else ""
return "%s://%s%s%s" % (self.scheme, host, self.path, query_s)
def resolve_params(self):
self.params = self._resolve_p(self.params)
def resolve_query_s(self, prefixes=("x-",)):
parts = [
part for part in self.query.split("&") if not part.startswith(prefixes)
self.query_s = "&".join(parts)
self.prefixes = prefixes
def load_base(self):
def load_data(self):
# initializes the various structures associated with the data loading
# and/or parsing, so that the request is correctly populated
self.data_j = None
self.post = {}
self.files = {}
# verifies if the current data attribute contains a valid value in case
# it does not returns immediately as there's nothing to be loaded
if not self.data:
# tries to retrieve the current content type value set in the environment
# then splits it around the separator to retrieve the mime type
content_type = self.environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE", "application/json")
content_type = self.environ.get("HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE", content_type)
content_type_s = content_type.split(";")
mime_type = content_type_s[0].strip()
if mime_type == "application/json":
data = self.data.decode("utf-8") if self.data else None
self.data_j = json.loads(data) if data else None
except Exception:
elif mime_type == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
data = legacy.str(self.data) if self.data else None
post = legacy.parse_qs(data, keep_blank_values=True) if self.data else {}
post = util.decode_params(post)
elif mime_type == "multipart/form-data":
boundary = content_type_s[1].strip()
post, files, ordered = util.parse_multipart(self.data, boundary)
self.set_multipart(post, files, ordered)
def load_form(self):
self.params_s = util.load_form(self.params)
self.post_s = util.load_form(self.post)
self.files_s = util.load_form(self.files)
def load_authorization(self):
# tries to decode the provided authorization header into it's own
# components of username and password, in case the structure of the
# provided string is not compliant an exception is raised
authorization = self.environ.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", None)
if not authorization:
parts = authorization.split(" ", 1)
if not len(parts) == 2:
raise exceptions.OperationalError(message="Invalid authorization header")
_method, value = parts
value = base64.b64decode(value)
value = legacy.str(value)
parts = value.split(":", 1)
if not len(parts) == 2:
raise exceptions.OperationalError(message="Invalid authorization header")
self.authorization = tuple(parts)
def load_headers(self):
for key, value in self.environ.items():
if not key.startswith("HTTP_"):
key = key[5:]
parts = key.split("_")
parts = [part.title() for part in parts]
key_s = "-".join(parts)
self.in_headers[key_s] = value
def load_session(self):
def load_mock(self):
self.session.address = self.get_address()
def load_cookies(self):
cookie_s = self.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "")
self.cookies = util.parse_cookie(cookie_s)
def locale_s(self, value=None):
value = value or self.locale
return value.replace("_", "-").lower()
def locale_b(self, value=None):
value = value or self.locale
return value.replace("-", "_").lower()
def locale_l(self, value=None):
value = value or self.locale
return value.split("_", 1)[0]
def load_locale(self, available, fallback="en_us", ensure=True):
# tries to gather the best locale value using the currently
# available strategies and in case the retrieved local is part
# of the valid locales for the app returns the locale, otherwise
# returns the fallback value instead (using the first available
# locale in case the ensure flag is set)
locale = self.get_locale(fallback=fallback)
locale = self.locale_b(locale)
language = self.locale_l(locale)
if locale in available:
return self.set_locale(locale)
if language in available:
return self.set_locale(locale)
if ensure and available:
return self.set_locale(available[0])
return self.set_locale(fallback)
def get_locale(self, fallback="en_us"):
# tries to retrieve the locale value from the provided URL
# parameters (this is the highest priority) and in case it
# exists returns this locale immediately
locale = self.params.get("locale", None)
if locale:
return locale[0]
# uses the currently loaded session to try to gather the locale
# value from it and in case it's valid and exists returns it
locale = self.session.get("locale", None)
if locale:
return locale
# gathers the complete set of language values set in the accept
# language header and in case there's at least one value returned
# returns the first of these values as the locale
langs = self.get_langs()
if langs:
return langs[0]
# defines the locale as the global wide appier configuration and
# tries to retrieve the value of it in case it's valid uses it
locale = config.conf("LOCALE", None)
if locale:
return locale
# in case this code entry is reached all the strategies for locale
# retrieval have failed and so the fallback value is returned
return fallback
def set_locale(self, locale):
# sets both the base locale value but also the language attribute
# that may be used to determine the base (less specific) language value
self.locale = locale
self.language = self.locale_l(locale)
def get_langs(self):
# gathers the value of the accept language header and in case
# it's not defined returns immediately as no language can be
# determined using the currently provided headers
accept_language = self.in_headers.get("Accept-Language", None)
if not accept_language:
return ()
# starts the list that is going to be used to store the various
# languages "recovered" from the accept language header, note that
# the order of these languages should be from the most relevant to
# the least relevant as defined in HTTP specification
langs = []
# splits the accept language header into the various components of
# it and then iterates over each of them splitting each of the
# components into the proper language string and priority
parts = accept_language.split(",")
for part in parts:
values = part.split(";", 1)
value_l = len(values)
if value_l == 1:
(lang,) = values
lang, _priority = values
lang = lang.replace("-", "_")
lang = lang.lower()
# returns the complete list of languages that have been extracted
# from the accept language header these list may be empty in case
# the header was not parsed correctly or there's no contents in it
return langs
def set_alias(self):
for alias in Request.ALIAS:
if not alias in self.params:
self.params["sid"] = self.params[alias]
for alias in Request.ALIAS:
if not alias in self.post:
self.post["sid"] = self.post[alias]
for alias in Request.ALIAS:
if not alias in self.args:
self.args["sid"] = self.args[alias]
def set_session(self, create=False):
# tries to retrieves the session id (SID) from all the
# possible sources so that something may be used in the
# identification of the current request
sid = self.cookies.get("sid", None)
sid = self.post.get("sid", (None,))[0] or sid
sid = self.params.get("sid", (None,))[0] or sid
# in case the data type of the currently provided session
# identifier is not unicode based converts it into a string
# so that it may be used to correctly retrieve the associated
# session object from the underlying session class repository
sid = str(sid) if type(sid) == legacy.UNICODE else sid
# tries to retrieve the session reference for the
# provided SID (session id) in case there's an exception
# defaults to unset session so that a new one gets created
session = self.session_c.get_s(sid, request=self)
except Exception:
session = None
# in case no valid session exists a new one must be created
# so that the user may be able to interact with the system
# with some kind of memory/persistence otherwise sets the
# loaded session in the current request (to be used)
if session:
self.session = session
elif create:
self.session = self.session_c.new(address=self.address)
def get_session(self):
return self.session
def get_session_agent(self):
if not self.session:
return None
if not self.session.is_loaded():
return None
username = self.session.get("username", None)
if username:
return username
email = self.session.get("email", None)
if email:
return email
id = self.session.get("id", None)
if id:
return id
return None
def get_warnings(self):
return self.warnings
def get_set_cookie(self, lang="en", path="/", delta=31536000):
base = self.set_cookie
if not base:
return base
expires = time.time() + delta
expires_d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(expires)
with util.ctx_locale():
expires_s = expires_d.strftime("%a, %m %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
set_cookie = "%s%s;lang=%s;path=%s;expires=%s;%s" % (
self.set_cookie_prefix or self.owner.set_cookie_prefix or "",
self.set_cookie_suffix or self.owner.set_cookie_suffix or "",
return set_cookie
def get_headers(self):
return self.get_out_headers()
def get_in_headers(self):
headers = self.in_headers.items()
return legacy.eager(headers)
def get_out_headers(self):
headers = self.out_headers.items()
return legacy.eager(headers)
def get_code_s(self):
code_s = CODE_STRINGS.get(self.code, "Unknown")
code_s = str(self.code) + " " + code_s
return code_s
def get_sdate(self, format="%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S +0000"):
sdate = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.stime)
return sdate.strftime(format)
def get_edate(self, format="%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S +0000"):
edate = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.etime)
return edate.strftime(format)
def is_mobile(self):
user_agent = self.get_header("User-Agent")
return util.is_mobile(user_agent)
def is_tablet(self):
user_agent = self.get_header("User-Agent")
return util.is_tablet(user_agent)
def is_browser(self):
user_agent = self.get_header("User-Agent")
return util.is_browser(user_agent)
def is_bot(self):
user_agent = self.get_header("User-Agent")
return util.is_bot(user_agent)
def is_success(self):
return self.code == 200
def is_empty(self):
return self.code in (204, 304)
def is_mock(self):
return False
def location_f(self, safe=True):
query = self.query_s if safe else self.query
if not query:
return self.location
return self.location + "?" + query
def params_f(self, safe=True):
if not safe:
return self.params_s
if hasattr(self, "_params_f"):
return self._params_f
self._params_f = dict(
(key, value)
for key, value in self.params_s.items()
if not key.startswith(self.prefixes)
return self._params_f
def duration(self, milliseconds=True, safe=True):
if not self.stime:
return None
if not self.etime and not safe:
return None
etime = self.etime or time.time()
duration = etime - self.stime
if not milliseconds:
return duration
return duration * 1000.0
def in_length(self):
data = self.get_data()
if not data:
return 0
return len(data)
def out_length(self, safe=True):
return self.result_l or 0
def asynchronous(self):
return True if self.get_header("X-Async") else False
def partial(self):
return True if self.get_header("X-Partial") else False
def browser_info(self):
user_agent = self.get_header("User-Agent")
return util.browser_info(user_agent)
def _resolve_p(self, params):
secret = self.session.get("secret", None)
if not secret:
return params
raise exceptions.AppierException(message="Not implemented")
class MockRequest(Request):
Mock request class, that is meant to be used for situations
where no web oriented request is possible to be retried or
the logic being running outside of web request.
It's recommended to keep only one instance of a mock request
per each execution life-cycle.
def __init__(self, locale="en_us", *args, **kwargs):
Request.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.files_s = dict()
self.post_s = dict()
self.params_s = dict()
def close(self):
def is_mock(self):
return True