""" |
Audio IO methods are defined in this module (info, read, write), |
We rely on av library for faster read when possible, otherwise on torchaudio. |
""" |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
from pathlib import Path |
import logging |
import typing as tp |
import numpy as np |
import soundfile |
import torch |
from torch.nn import functional as F |
import av |
import subprocess as sp |
from .audio_utils import f32_pcm, normalize_audio |
_av_initialized = False |
def _init_av(): |
global _av_initialized |
if _av_initialized: |
return |
logger = logging.getLogger('libav.mp3') |
logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) |
_av_initialized = True |
@dataclass(frozen=True) |
class AudioFileInfo: |
sample_rate: int |
duration: float |
channels: int |
def _av_info(filepath: tp.Union[str, Path]) -> AudioFileInfo: |
_init_av() |
with av.open(str(filepath)) as af: |
stream = af.streams.audio[0] |
sample_rate = stream.codec_context.sample_rate |
duration = float(stream.duration * stream.time_base) |
channels = stream.channels |
return AudioFileInfo(sample_rate, duration, channels) |
def _soundfile_info(filepath: tp.Union[str, Path]) -> AudioFileInfo: |
info = soundfile.info(filepath) |
return AudioFileInfo(info.samplerate, info.duration, info.channels) |
def audio_info(filepath: tp.Union[str, Path]) -> AudioFileInfo: |
filepath = Path(filepath) |
if filepath.suffix in ['.flac', '.ogg']: |
return _soundfile_info(filepath) |
else: |
return _av_info(filepath) |
def _av_read(filepath: tp.Union[str, Path], seek_time: float = 0, duration: float = -1.) -> tp.Tuple[torch.Tensor, int]: |
"""FFMPEG-based audio file reading using PyAV bindings. |
Soundfile cannot read mp3 and av_read is more efficient than torchaudio. |
Args: |
filepath (str or Path): Path to audio file to read. |
seek_time (float): Time at which to start reading in the file. |
duration (float): Duration to read from the file. If set to -1, the whole file is read. |
Returns: |
tuple of torch.Tensor, int: Tuple containing audio data and sample rate |
""" |
_init_av() |
with av.open(str(filepath)) as af: |
stream = af.streams.audio[0] |
sr = stream.codec_context.sample_rate |
num_frames = int(sr * duration) if duration >= 0 else -1 |
frame_offset = int(sr * seek_time) |
af.seek(int(max(0, (seek_time - 0.1)) / stream.time_base), stream=stream) |
frames = [] |
length = 0 |
for frame in af.decode(streams=stream.index): |
current_offset = int(frame.rate * frame.pts * frame.time_base) |
strip = max(0, frame_offset - current_offset) |
buf = torch.from_numpy(frame.to_ndarray()) |
if buf.shape[0] != stream.channels: |
buf = buf.view(-1, stream.channels).t() |
buf = buf[:, strip:] |
frames.append(buf) |
length += buf.shape[1] |
if num_frames > 0 and length >= num_frames: |
break |
assert frames |
wav = torch.cat(frames, dim=1) |
assert wav.shape[0] == stream.channels |
if num_frames > 0: |
wav = wav[:, :num_frames] |
return f32_pcm(wav), sr |
def audio_read(filepath: tp.Union[str, Path], seek_time: float = 0., |
duration: float = -1., pad: bool = False) -> tp.Tuple[torch.Tensor, int]: |
"""Read audio by picking the most appropriate backend tool based on the audio format. |
Args: |
filepath (str or Path): Path to audio file to read. |
seek_time (float): Time at which to start reading in the file. |
duration (float): Duration to read from the file. If set to -1, the whole file is read. |
pad (bool): Pad output audio if not reaching expected duration. |
Returns: |
tuple of torch.Tensor, int: Tuple containing audio data and sample rate. |
""" |
fp = Path(filepath) |
if fp.suffix in ['.flac', '.ogg']: |
info = _soundfile_info(filepath) |
frames = -1 if duration <= 0 else int(duration * info.sample_rate) |
frame_offset = int(seek_time * info.sample_rate) |
wav, sr = soundfile.read(filepath, start=frame_offset, frames=frames, dtype=np.float32) |
assert info.sample_rate == sr, f"Mismatch of sample rates {info.sample_rate} {sr}" |
wav = torch.from_numpy(wav).t().contiguous() |
if len(wav.shape) == 1: |
wav = torch.unsqueeze(wav, 0) |
else: |
wav, sr = _av_read(filepath, seek_time, duration) |
if pad and duration > 0: |
expected_frames = int(duration * sr) |
wav = F.pad(wav, (0, expected_frames - wav.shape[-1])) |
return wav, sr |
def _piping_to_ffmpeg(out_path: tp.Union[str, Path], wav: torch.Tensor, sample_rate: int, flags: tp.List[str]): |
assert wav.dim() == 2, wav.shape |
command = [ |
'ffmpeg', |
'-loglevel', 'error', |
'-y', '-f', 'f32le', '-ar', str(sample_rate), '-ac', str(wav.shape[0]), |
'-i', '-'] + flags + [str(out_path)] |
input_ = f32_pcm(wav).t().detach().cpu().numpy().tobytes() |
sp.run(command, input=input_, check=True) |
def audio_write(stem_name: tp.Union[str, Path], |
wav: torch.Tensor, sample_rate: int, |
format: str = 'wav', mp3_rate: int = 320, ogg_rate: tp.Optional[int] = None, |
normalize: bool = True, strategy: str = 'peak', peak_clip_headroom_db: float = 1, |
rms_headroom_db: float = 18, loudness_headroom_db: float = 14, |
loudness_compressor: bool = False, |
log_clipping: bool = True, make_parent_dir: bool = True, |
add_suffix: bool = True) -> Path: |
"""Convenience function for saving audio to disk. Returns the filename the audio was written to. |
Args: |
stem_name (str or Path): Filename without extension which will be added automatically. |
wav (torch.Tensor): Audio data to save. |
sample_rate (int): Sample rate of audio data. |
format (str): Either "wav", "mp3", "ogg", or "flac". |
mp3_rate (int): kbps when using mp3s. |
ogg_rate (int): kbps when using ogg/vorbis. If not provided, let ffmpeg decide for itself. |
normalize (bool): if `True` (default), normalizes according to the prescribed |
strategy (see after). If `False`, the strategy is only used in case clipping |
would happen. |
strategy (str): Can be either 'clip', 'peak', or 'rms'. Default is 'peak', |
i.e. audio is normalized by its largest value. RMS normalizes by root-mean-square |
with extra headroom to avoid clipping. 'clip' just clips. |
peak_clip_headroom_db (float): Headroom in dB when doing 'peak' or 'clip' strategy. |
rms_headroom_db (float): Headroom in dB when doing 'rms' strategy. This must be much larger |
than the `peak_clip` one to avoid further clipping. |
loudness_headroom_db (float): Target loudness for loudness normalization. |
loudness_compressor (bool): Uses tanh for soft clipping when strategy is 'loudness'. |
when strategy is 'loudness' log_clipping (bool): If True, basic logging on stderr when clipping still |
occurs despite strategy (only for 'rms'). |
make_parent_dir (bool): Make parent directory if it doesn't exist. |
Returns: |
Path: Path of the saved audio. |
""" |
assert wav.dtype.is_floating_point, "wav is not floating point" |
if wav.dim() == 1: |
wav = wav[None] |
elif wav.dim() > 2: |
raise ValueError("Input wav should be at most 2 dimension.") |
assert wav.isfinite().all() |
wav = normalize_audio(wav, normalize, strategy, peak_clip_headroom_db, |
rms_headroom_db, loudness_headroom_db, loudness_compressor, |
log_clipping=log_clipping, sample_rate=sample_rate, |
stem_name=str(stem_name)) |
if format == 'mp3': |
suffix = '.mp3' |
flags = ['-f', 'mp3', '-c:a', 'libmp3lame', '-b:a', f'{mp3_rate}k'] |
elif format == 'wav': |
suffix = '.wav' |
flags = ['-f', 'wav', '-c:a', 'pcm_s16le'] |
elif format == 'ogg': |
suffix = '.ogg' |
flags = ['-f', 'ogg', '-c:a', 'libvorbis'] |
if ogg_rate is not None: |
flags += ['-b:a', f'{ogg_rate}k'] |
elif format == 'flac': |
suffix = '.flac' |
flags = ['-f', 'flac'] |
else: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid format {format}. Only wav or mp3 are supported.") |
if not add_suffix: |
suffix = '' |
path = Path(str(stem_name) + suffix) |
if make_parent_dir: |
path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
try: |
_piping_to_ffmpeg(path, wav, sample_rate, flags) |
except Exception: |
if path.exists(): |
path.unlink() |
raise |
return path |