portfolio_management / Dockerfile
huggingface112's picture
try to fix local.db readonly permission
history blame contribute delete
984 Bytes
FROM python:3.11
# Set up a directory for the persistent volume
VOLUME /code/instance
COPY ./requirements.txt /code/requirements.txt
RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip
RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /code/requirements.txt
COPY . /code
# make database writable
RUN chmod 777 /code/instance
RUN chmod 777 /code/instance/log.json
RUN chmod 777 /code/instance/local.db
# for huggingface
CMD ["panel", "serve", "portfolioEditingPage.py", "index_page.py","--setup","backgroundTask.py", "--address", "", "--port", "7860", "--allow-websocket-origin", "lamonkey-portfolio-management.hf.space"]
# Start the Panel app
# CMD ["panel", "serve", "portfolioEditingPage.py", "index_page.py",'--setup','backgroundTask.py', "--address", "", "--port", "7860", "--allow-websocket-origin", "localhost:5006"]
# permission required by huggingface
RUN mkdir /.cache
RUN chmod 777 /.cache
RUN mkdir .chroma
RUN chmod 777 .chroma