portfolio_management / pipeline.py
huggingface112's picture
move files to normal tracking except .db
history blame
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import sys
# sys.path.append('/Users/lamonkey/Desktop/risk-monitor-dashboard')
import panel as pn
import datetime as dt
import asyncio
import random
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
import pandas as pd
from streamz import Stream
from datetime import timedelta
import settings
import os
import utils
import api
import numpy as np
import pytz
import table_schema as table_s
# fetch new stock price
stock_price_stream = Stream()
# save stock price to db
# stock_price_stream.sink(save_stock_price)
# from dask.distributed import Client
# client = Client()
# import nest_asyncio
# nest_asyncio.apply()
# import settings
# run using --setup
db_url = "sqlite:///local.db"
def create_portfolio_profile_df(stocks: list[dict]):
profile_df = pd.DataFrame(stocks)
profile_df = add_details_to_stock_df(profile_df)
# check if there is duplicate ticker
if profile_df.ticker.duplicated().any():
raise Exception(
'VALIDATION ERROR: cannot have duplicate ticker with the same date')
return profile_df
def need_to_update(table_name: str, freq: dt.datetime):
'''check table with table_name need to update
None if no need to update
(start_date, end_date, freq) if need to update
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
max_date = conn.execute(
text(f"SELECT MAX(date) FROM {table_name}")).fetchone()[0]
max_date = utils.convert_string_to_datetime(max_date)
current_time = utils.time_in_beijing()
if current_time - max_date > freq:
return (max_date + freq, current_time, freq)
return None
def need_to_fetch_new_stock_price():
check if need to pull new stock price from jq
(min_date, max_date) : if update is needed
the start and end date need to fetch new stock price
None if no need to fetch new stock price
# get min date from portfolio_profile
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
table_name = 'portfolio_profile'
query = f"SELECT DISTINCT date FROM {table_name} ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1"
df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn)
df.date = pd.to_datetime(df.date)
min_date = df.date[0]
# compare to min date from stocks_price
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
table_name = 'stocks_price'
query = f"SELECT DISTINCT time FROM {table_name} ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1"
df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn)
df.time = pd.to_datetime(df.time)
# return
if min_date <= df.time[0]:
return (min_date, df.time[0] - dt.timedelta(days=1))
return None
def get_most_recent_profile(type):
table_name = 'benchmark_profile' if type == 'benchmark' else 'portfolio_profile'
query = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM {table_name})"
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn)
# convert date to datetime object
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
return df
def update_stocks_details_to_db():
'''create table contain all stocks detail in db
will override existing table if exists
Table Schema
'display_name', 'name', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'type', 'ticker',
'sector', 'aggregate_sector'
df = api.get_all_stocks_detail()
# validation
if not _validate_schema(df, table_s.STOCKS_DETAILS_TABLE_SCHEMA):
raise ValueError(
'df has different schema than STOCKS_DETAILS_TABLE_SCHEMA')
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
df.to_sql(table_s.STOCKS_DETAILS_TABLE, con=conn,
if_exists='replace', index=False)
def fetch_new_stocks_price():
get a df contain updated stock prices for both benchmark and portfolio,
also indicate if the stock is in portfolio and benchmark
# most recent profiles
p_portfolio = get_most_recent_profile('portfolio')
p_benchmark = get_most_recent_profile('benchmark')
# combine ticker
unique_tickers = pd.concat([p_portfolio, p_benchmark])[
# fetch list of stock
# TODO: hard code delta time to 1 day
start_date = p_portfolio.date[0] + dt.timedelta(days=1)
end_date = utils.time_in_beijing()
freq = 'daily'
stock_df = api.fetch_stocks_price(
unique_tickers, start_date, end_date, freq)
stock_df['in_portfolio'] = stock_df['ticker'].isin(
stock_df['in_benchmark'] = stock_df['ticker'].isin(
return stock_df
def need_to_update_stocks_price(delta_time):
# convert p_portfolio.date[0] to timezone-aware datetime object
tz = pytz.timezone('Asia/Shanghai')
# get stock price df
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
# check if a table exist
if not conn.dialect.has_table(conn, 'stocks_price'):
return True
query = "SELECT * FROM stocks_price WHERE time = (SELECT MAX(time) FROM stocks_price)"
most_recent_price = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn)
most_recent_price.time = pd.to_datetime(most_recent_price.time)
date_time = tz.localize(most_recent_price.time[0].to_pydatetime())
if utils.time_in_beijing() - date_time > delta_time:
return True
return False
def processing():
run the whole processing pipeline here
def add_details_to_stock_df(stock_df):
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
detail_df = pd.read_sql('stocks_details', con=conn)
merged_df = pd.merge(stock_df, detail_df[
['sector', 'name',
], on='ticker', how='left')
merged_df['aggregate_sector'].fillna('其他', inplace=True)
return merged_df
def _validate_schema(df, schema):
validate df has the same columns and data types as schema
df: pd.DataFrame
schema: dict
{column_name: data_type}
True if df has the same columns and data types as schema
False otherwise
# check if the DataFrame has the same columns as the schema
if set(df.columns) != set(schema.keys()):
return False
# check if the data types of the columns match the schema
# TODO: ignoring type check for now
# for col, dtype in schema.items():
# if df[col].dtype != dtype:
# return False
return True
def save_stock_price_to_db(df: pd.DataFrame):
print('saving to stock to db')
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
df.to_sql('stocks_price', con=conn, if_exists='append', index=False)
def update_portfolio_profile_to_db(portfolio_df):
'''overwrite the portfolio profile table in db'''
if (_validate_schema(portfolio_df, table_s.PORTFOLIO_TABLE_SCHEMA)):
raise ValueError(
'portfoliijuo_df has different schema than PORTFOLIO_DB_SCHEMA')
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
print("updating profile to db")
table_s.PORTFOLIO_TABLE, con=conn, if_exists='append', index=False)
return True
return False
# TODO trigger recomputation of analysis
def update_stock_price():
'''get daily stocks price until today'''
# most recent profiles
p_portfolio = get_most_recent_profile('portfolio')
p_benchmark = get_most_recent_profile('benchmark')
# combine ticker
unique_tickers = pd.concat([p_portfolio, p_benchmark])[
# fetch list of stock
# TODO: hard code delta time to 1 day
start_date = p_portfolio.date[0] + dt.timedelta(days=1)
end_date = utils.time_in_beijing()
freq = 'daily'
stock_df = api.fetch_stocks_price(
unique_tickers, start_date, end_date, freq)
stock_df['in_portfolio'] = stock_df['ticker'].isin(
stock_df['in_benchmark'] = stock_df['ticker'].isin(
return stock_df
def patch_stock_prices_db(window):
patch stock price db with all daily stock price within window
window: tuple
(start, end) date of the window
start, end = window
# all trading stock between start day and end date
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
all_stocks = pd.read_sql('stocks_details', con=conn)
selected_stocks = all_stocks[(all_stocks.start_date <= end) & (
all_stocks.end_date >= start)]
tickers = selected_stocks.ticker.to_list()
# fetch stock price and append to db
stock_price = api.fetch_stocks_price(tickers, start, end, 'daily')
detailed_stock_df = add_details_to_stock_df(stock_price)
# drop where closing price is null
detailed_stock_df.dropna(subset=['close'], inplace=True)
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
'stocks_price', con=conn, if_exists='append', index=False)
return detailed_stock_df
def update():
run only once, update stock price and benchmark profile
print("Checking stock_price table")
# collect daily stock price until today in beijing time
if need_to_update_stocks_price(dt.timedelta(days=1)):
print("Updating stock_price table")
stock_df = update_stock_price()
stock_df = add_details_to_stock_df(stock_df)
async def run():
start the pipeline here to check update and fetch new data
print("background_task running!")
# TODO: update benchmark_profile
# if (need_to_update_stocks_price()):
if True:
print("running update")
# TODO testing code get stock price df
with create_engine(db_url).connect() as conn:
stock_df = pd.read_sql('stocks_price', con=conn)
print('sending data!')
# print(stock_df)
# # latest stock price
# stock_df = update_stocks_price()
# # add display name and sector to stock_df
# stock_df = add_details_to_stock_df(stock_df)
# save_stock_price_to_db(stock_df)
# stock_price_stream.emit(stock_df)
# update sotck_price
# send fetched data
# run processing
# send fetched data