Runtime error
Runtime error
# %% | |
# load portfolio | |
import panel as pn | |
from utils import create_stocks_entry_from_excel, style_number, create_share_changes_report | |
import datetime as dt | |
from bokeh.models.widgets.tables import CheckboxEditor, NumberEditor, SelectEditor | |
from utils import time_in_beijing | |
import api | |
import pandas as pd | |
from sqlalchemy import create_engine | |
from pipeline import update_portfolio_profile_to_db | |
import table_schema | |
import pipeline | |
import db_operation as db | |
db_url = 'sqlite:///instance/local.db' | |
pn.extension() | |
pn.extension('tabulator') | |
pn.extension('plotly') | |
pn.extension('floatpanel') | |
# %% | |
# the width of iphone se | |
# %% | |
def app(): | |
# load portfolio df | |
p_profile = db.get_all_portfolio_profile() | |
p_profile.sort_values(by=['date'], inplace=True) | |
# change in shares for same ticker | |
p_profile['share_changes'] = p_profile.groupby(['ticker'])[ | |
'shares'].diff() | |
p_profile['share_changes'] = p_profile['share_changes'].fillna( | |
p_profile['shares']) | |
# indicate if change is saved | |
p_profile['change_saved'] = True | |
p_profile['sync_to_db'] = True | |
# get all stocks ticker for auto fill | |
stock_details = db.get_all_stocks() | |
all_tickers = stock_details.ticker.to_list() | |
# get most recent portfolio for auto generate entry | |
most_recent_portfolio = None | |
if len(p_profile) == 0: | |
most_recent_portfolio = p_profile | |
else: | |
most_recent_portfolio = p_profile[ == max( | |] | |
# create portfolio table tabulator | |
hidden_column = ['index', 'sector', 'name'] | |
col_to_titles = {'ticker': '证劵代码', 'weight': '权重', | |
'date': '时间', 'aggregate_sector': '分类', | |
'display_name': '名称', | |
'shares': '持仓', 'change_saved': '已同步', | |
'sync_to_db': '存入', 'share_changes': '持仓变化', | |
'cash': '现金', 'ave_price': '平均成本', | |
} | |
# styling | |
tabulator_formatters = { | |
# 'float': {'type': 'progress', 'max': 10}, | |
'sync_to_db': {'type': 'tickCross'}, | |
'change_saved': {'type': 'tickCross'}, | |
} | |
bokeh_editors = { | |
'ticker': SelectEditor(options=all_tickers), | |
'shares': NumberEditor(), | |
} | |
# frozen_columns = ['date','ticker','display_name','shares','sync_to_db','change_saved'] | |
portfolio_tabulator = pn.widgets.Tabulator(p_profile, | |
layout='fit_columns', | |
height_policy='max', | |
width=1000, | |
groupby=['date'], | |
hidden_columns=hidden_column, titles=col_to_titles, | |
formatters=tabulator_formatters, | |
editors=bokeh_editors, | |
pagination='local', | |
# page_size=25, | |
# frozen_columns=frozen_columns | |
) | |, subset=['share_changes']) | |
# history tabulator | |
history_dt = p_profile[['date', 'sync_to_db', 'change_saved']].copy() | |
history_dt = history_dt.groupby('date').agg({ | |
"sync_to_db": lambda x: all(x), | |
'change_saved': lambda x: all(x), | |
}) | |
history_dt['date'] = history_dt.index | |
history_dt.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) | |
history_tabulator = pn.widgets.Tabulator(history_dt, | |
formatters=tabulator_formatters, | |
buttons={'detail': "<i>📋</i>"}, | |
hidden_columns=hidden_column, | |
height_policy='max', | |
titles=col_to_titles) | |
# create component | |
new_stock_btn = pn.widgets.Button( | |
name='增加新股票', button_type='primary', sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |
preview_btn = pn.widgets.Button( | |
name='预览', button_type='primary', sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |
file_input = pn.widgets.FileInput( | |
accept='.xlsx', sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |
# strip timezone info | |
datetime_picker = pn.widgets.DatetimePicker(name='Datetime Picker', | |
value=time_in_beijing().replace(tzinfo=None), | |
sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |
upload_to_db_btn = pn.widgets.Button( | |
name='保存到数据库', button_type='warning', sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |
# emtpy stock_column to display new entires | |
stock_column = pn.Column( | |
width_policy='max', height_policy='max', scroll=True) | |
# floating window row | |
floating_windows = pn.Row() | |
def _update_history_tabulator(action, df=None): | |
'''handle update history tabulator''' | |
# handle add new entires to view | |
if action == 'append' and df is not None: | |
index = history_tabulator.value[ == | |[0]].index.to_list() | |
if len(index) == 0: | |
# drop duplicate date in df | |
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset='date', keep='first') | |
# if not in history tabulator add new entry | |
selected_df = df[['date', 'sync_to_db', 'change_saved']] | |
# if stream to empty tabulator, index will be mismatched | |
if (len(history_tabulator.value) == 0): | |
history_tabulator.value = selected_df | |
else: | | | |
df[['date', 'sync_to_db', 'change_saved']], follow=True) | |
else: | |
# if in history tabulator patch change_saved to false | |
history_tabulator.patch({ | |
'change_saved': [(index[0], False)] | |
}, as_index=True) | |
# hanlde editing portoflio tabulator | |
elif action == 'edit': | |
# mark synced_to_db to false when entry is edited | |
date = df | |
index = history_tabulator.value[ == date].index.to_list( | |
) | |
history_tabulator.patch({ | |
'change_saved': [(index[0], False)] | |
}, as_index=True) | |
# handle sync to db | |
elif action == 'sync': | |
# patch all synced_to_db to true | |
indices = history_tabulator.value[ | |
~history_tabulator.value['change_saved']].index.to_list() | |
# add an offset to address the issue when df is empty index start from 1 | |
history_tabulator.patch({ | |
'change_saved': [(index, True) for index in indices] | |
}, as_index=True) | |
# mark synced_to_db to false when editing or select not synced_to_db | |
# if dt is not None and[0] in | |
#[['date','sync_to_db','change_saved']], follow=True) | |
# update mark all synced_to_db to true when update | |
def delete_stock(row): | |
'''delete a stock entry''' | |
stock_column.remove(row) | |
def create_new_stock_entry(ticker=None, shares=0, ave_price=0.0, disable_ticker=True): | |
'''create a new new stock entry''' | |
delete_btn = pn.widgets.Button( | |
name='❌', width=50, height=60, sizing_mode='fixed') | |
ticker_selector = pn.widgets.AutocompleteInput( | |
value=ticker, | |
name='证劵代码', | |
sizing_mode='stretch_width', | |
options=all_tickers, | |
placeholder='input ticker', | |
) | |
share_input = pn.widgets.IntInput( | |
name='持仓', | |
value=shares, | |
step=1, | |
start=0, | |
sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |
mean_price_input = pn.widgets.FloatInput( | |
name='平均成本', | |
value=ave_price, step=0.01, start=0, sizing_mode='stretch_width') | |
row = pn.Row( | |
delete_btn, | |
ticker_selector, | |
share_input, | |
mean_price_input, | |
width_policy='max', | |
) | |
delete_btn.on_click(lambda _, row=row: delete_stock(row)) | |
return row | |
def update_stock_column(xlsx_file=None): | |
stock_entries = [] | |
if xlsx_file is None: | |
for ticker, shares in most_recent_portfolio[['ticker', 'shares']].values: | |
stock_entries.append(create_new_stock_entry( | |
ticker=ticker, shares=shares)) | |
# create from xlsx_file | |
else: | |
stocks_list = create_stocks_entry_from_excel(xlsx_file) | |
for entry in stocks_list: | |
stock_entries.append(create_new_stock_entry( | |
ave_price=entry['mean_price'], | |
ticker=entry['ticker'], | |
shares=entry['shares'])) | |
# modify time | |
datetime_picker.value = stocks_list[0]['date'] | |
file_input.value = None | |
# update | |
stock_column.clear() | |
stock_column.extend(stock_entries) | |
def update_profile_tabulator(e): | |
'''add all stocks entry to ui''' | |
new_entry = [dict(ticker=row[1].value, | |
shares=row[2].value, | |
ave_price=row[3].value, | |
date=datetime_picker.value) for row in stock_column] | |
if len(new_entry) == 0: | |
print("no entry added") | |
return | |
new_profile = pipeline.create_portfolio_profile_df(new_entry) | |
# calculate share changes | |
tmp_profile = pd.concat([p_profile, new_profile], ignore_index=True) | |
tmp_profile.sort_values(by='date', inplace=True) | |
tmp_profile['share_changes'] = tmp_profile.groupby('ticker')[ | |
'shares'].diff() | |
tmp_profile['share_changes'] = tmp_profile['share_changes'].fillna( | |
tmp_profile['shares']) | |
new_profile = new_profile.merge(tmp_profile[[ | |
'ticker', 'date', 'share_changes', 'change_saved']], on=['ticker', 'date'], how='left') | |
# fill emtpy change_saved to False | |
new_profile['change_saved'] = new_profile['change_saved'].fillna(False) | |
new_profile['sync_to_db'] = True | |
# calculate cash and weight | |
new_profile['cash'] = new_profile.shares * new_profile.ave_price | |
new_profile['weight'] = / | |
# update history tabulator | |
_update_history_tabulator('append', new_profile) | |
_stream_to_portfolio_tabulator(new_profile) | |
def add_new_stock(e): | |
row = create_new_stock_entry() | |
stock_column.append(row) | |
def _stream_to_portfolio_tabulator(entry): | |
if len(portfolio_tabulator.value) == 0: | |
portfolio_tabulator.value = entry | |
else: | |, follow=True) | |
def handle_click_on_history_tabulator(e): | |
'''handle click click on history tabulator''' | |
if e.column == 'detail': | |
row_index = e.row | |
date = history_tabulator.value.iloc[row_index]['date'] | |
date_str = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d : %H:%M:%S") | |
record_df = portfolio_tabulator.value[ == date] | |
floatpanel = pn.layout.FloatPanel(create_share_changes_report( | |
record_df), name=date_str, margin=20, position='right-top') | |
floating_windows.append(floatpanel) | |
def handle_sync_to_db(e): | |
# TODO: change to use profile df instead, because tabulator might not contain all entry (currently have no problem) | |
'''sync selected entry to db''' | |
new_portfolio = portfolio_tabulator.value | |
# only update selected row to db | |
selected_portfolio = new_portfolio[new_portfolio['sync_to_db']] | |
successed = update_portfolio_profile_to_db(selected_portfolio) | |
# update history tabulator and portfolio tabulator | |
if successed: | |
# mark changes as saved | |
indices = selected_portfolio[~selected_portfolio['change_saved']].index.to_list() | |
portfolio_tabulator.patch({ | |
'change_saved': [(index, True) for index in indices] | |
}, as_index=True) | |
_update_history_tabulator('sync') | |
def handle_edit_portfolio_tabulator(e): | |
date = portfolio_tabulator.value.iloc[e.row]['date'] | |
_update_history_tabulator(df=date, action='edit') | |
print(date) | |
# %% | |
# register event handler | |
upload_to_db_btn.on_click(handle_sync_to_db) | |
preview_btn.on_click(update_profile_tabulator) | |
new_stock_btn.on_click(add_new_stock) | |
history_tabulator.on_click( | |
handle_click_on_history_tabulator | |
) | |
portfolio_tabulator.on_edit(handle_edit_portfolio_tabulator) | |
# %% | |
# create handler component to add to panel so can be listened to | |
upload_xlsx_handler = pn.bind(update_stock_column, file_input) | |
# %% | |
# layout | |
editor_widget = pn.Column(floating_windows, datetime_picker, upload_to_db_btn, new_stock_btn, | |
preview_btn, file_input, pn.widgets.TooltipIcon( | |
value="用于更新修改持仓信息,默认股票为最近持仓,默认时间为目前北京时间,点击增加新股票按钮,输入股票代码和持仓选择日期(北京时间),点击预览,确认无误后点击保存到数据库。或者直接拖拽excel文件到下方上传按钮"), | |
stock_column, width=MIN_COMPONENT_WIDTH, height_policy='max') | |
# tooltip | |
toolTip2 = pn.widgets.TooltipIcon( | |
value="持仓总结,每一行的已同步到数据库代表所做更改是否已同步到数据库,点击保存到数据库将上传所有更改。点击右侧📋按钮查看详细持仓变化报告") | |
return pn.Row( | |
pn.layout.HSpacer(), | |
editor_widget, | |
pn.Spacer(width=10), | |
history_tabulator, | |
pn.Spacer(width=10), | |
portfolio_tabulator, | |
pn.Spacer(width=10), | |
upload_xlsx_handler, | |
pn.layout.HSpacer(), | |
height=1500, | |
# width_policy='max', height_policy='max') | |
# sizing_mode='stretch_both', | |
) | |
# app | |
template = pn.template.FastListTemplate(title='portfolio编辑') | |
template.main.append(app()) | |
template.servable() | |