image_denoise_demo / utils /
ky2k's picture
First demo commit, v2
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from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division
from six.moves import range, zip, map, reduce, filter
import collections
import warnings
import numpy as np
def get_coord(shape, size, margin):
n_tiles_i = int(np.ceil((shape[2]-size)/float(size-2*margin)))
n_tiles_j = int(np.ceil((shape[1]-size)/float(size-2*margin)))
for i in range(n_tiles_i+1):
src_start_i = i*(size-2*margin) if i<n_tiles_i else (shape[2]-size)
src_end_i = src_start_i+size
left_i = margin if i>0 else 0
right_i = margin if i<n_tiles_i else 0
for j in range(n_tiles_j+1):
src_start_j = j*(size-2*margin) if j<n_tiles_j else (shape[1]-size)
src_end_j = src_start_j+size
left_j = margin if j>0 else 0
right_j = margin if j<n_tiles_j else 0
src_s = (slice(None, None),
slice(src_start_j, src_end_j),
slice(src_start_i, src_end_i))
trg_s = (slice(None, None),
slice(src_start_j+left_j, src_end_j-right_j),
slice(src_start_i+left_i, src_end_i-right_i))
mrg_s = (slice(None, None),
slice(left_j, -right_j if right_j else None),
slice(left_i, -right_i if right_i else None))
yield src_s, trg_s, mrg_s
# Below implementation of prediction utils inherited from CARE:
# Content-Aware Image Restoration: Pushing the Limits of Fluorescence Microscopy. Martin Weigert, Uwe Schmidt, Tobias Boothe, Andreas Müller, Alexandr Dibrov, Akanksha Jain, Benjamin Wilhelm, Deborah Schmidt, Coleman Broaddus, Siân Culley, Mauricio Rocha-Martins, Fabián Segovia-Miranda, Caren Norden, Ricardo Henriques, Marino Zerial, Michele Solimena, Jochen Rink, Pavel Tomancak, Loic Royer, Florian Jug, and Eugene W. Myers. Nature Methods 15.12 (2018): 1090–1097.
def _raise(e):
raise e
def consume(iterator):
collections.deque(iterator, maxlen=0)
def axes_check_and_normalize(axes,length=None,disallowed=None,return_allowed=False):
S(ample), T(ime), C(hannel), Z, Y, X
allowed = 'STCZYX'
axes is not None or _raise(ValueError('axis cannot be None.'))
axes = str(axes).upper()
consume(a in allowed or _raise(ValueError("invalid axis '%s', must be one of %s."%(a,list(allowed)))) for a in axes)
disallowed is None or consume(a not in disallowed or _raise(ValueError("disallowed axis '%s'."%a)) for a in axes)
consume(axes.count(a)==1 or _raise(ValueError("axis '%s' occurs more than once."%a)) for a in axes)
length is None or len(axes)==length or _raise(ValueError('axes (%s) must be of length %d.' % (axes,length)))
return (axes,allowed) if return_allowed else axes
def axes_dict(axes):
from axes string to dict
axes, allowed = axes_check_and_normalize(axes,return_allowed=True)
return { a: None if axes.find(a) == -1 else axes.find(a) for a in allowed }
def normalize_mi_ma(x, mi, ma, clip=False, eps=1e-20, dtype=np.float32):
if dtype is not None:
x = x.astype(dtype,copy=False)
mi = dtype(mi) if np.isscalar(mi) else mi.astype(dtype,copy=False)
ma = dtype(ma) if np.isscalar(ma) else ma.astype(dtype,copy=False)
eps = dtype(eps)
import numexpr
x = numexpr.evaluate("(x - mi) / ( ma - mi + eps )")
except ImportError:
x = (x - mi) / ( ma - mi + eps )
if clip:
x = np.clip(x,0,1)
return x
class PercentileNormalizer(object):
def __init__(self, pmin=2, pmax=99.8, do_after=True, dtype=np.float32, **kwargs):
(np.isscalar(pmin) and np.isscalar(pmax) and 0 <= pmin < pmax <= 100) or _raise(ValueError())
self.pmin = pmin
self.pmax = pmax
self._do_after = do_after
self.dtype = dtype
self.kwargs = kwargs
def before(self, img, axes):
len(axes) == img.ndim or _raise(ValueError())
channel = axes_dict(axes)['C']
axes = None if channel is None else tuple((d for d in range(img.ndim) if d != channel))
self.mi = np.percentile(img,self.pmin,axis=axes,keepdims=True).astype(self.dtype,copy=False) = np.percentile(img,self.pmax,axis=axes,keepdims=True).astype(self.dtype,copy=False)
return normalize_mi_ma(img, self.mi,, dtype=self.dtype, **self.kwargs)
def after(self, img):
self.do_after or _raise(ValueError())
alpha = - self.mi
beta = self.mi
return ( alpha*img+beta ).astype(self.dtype,copy=False)
def do_after(self):
return self._do_after
class PadAndCropResizer(object):
def __init__(self, mode='reflect', **kwargs):
self.mode = mode
self.kwargs = kwargs
def _normalize_exclude(self, exclude, n_dim):
"""Return normalized list of excluded axes."""
if exclude is None:
return []
exclude_list = [exclude] if np.isscalar(exclude) else list(exclude)
exclude_list = [d%n_dim for d in exclude_list]
len(exclude_list) == len(np.unique(exclude_list)) or _raise(ValueError())
all(( isinstance(d,int) and 0<=d<n_dim for d in exclude_list )) or _raise(ValueError())
return exclude_list
def before(self, x, div_n, exclude):
def _split(v):
a = v // 2
return a, v-a
exclude = self._normalize_exclude(exclude, x.ndim)
self.pad = [_split((div_n-s%div_n)%div_n) if (i not in exclude) else (0,0) for i,s in enumerate(x.shape)]
x_pad = np.pad(x, self.pad, mode=self.mode, **self.kwargs)
for i in exclude:
del self.pad[i]
return x_pad
def after(self, x, exclude):
pads = self.pad[:len(x.shape)]
crop = [slice(p[0], -p[1] if p[1]>0 else None) for p in self.pad]
for i in self._normalize_exclude(exclude, x.ndim):
len(crop) == x.ndim or _raise(ValueError())
return x[tuple(crop)]