Wiki-Game /
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# import requests
# from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# import time
# import tensorflow as tf
# import tensorflow_hub as hub
# import numpy as np
# import jellyfish
# import re
# import streamlit as st
# # Load the pre-trained Universal Sentence Encoder
# embed = hub.load("")
# def calculate_jaro_similarity(str1, str2):
# jaro_similarity = jellyfish.jaro_distance(str1, str2)
# return jaro_similarity
# def most_similar_sentence(target_topic, labels_list):
# context_embedding = embed([target_topic])[0]
# sentence_embeddings = embed(labels_list)
# similarities = np.inner(context_embedding, sentence_embeddings)
# most_similar_index = np.argmax(similarities)
# return labels_list[most_similar_index], similarities[most_similar_index], most_similar_index
# def get_wikipedia_page(query):
# if "wikipedia" not in query:
# response = requests.get(f"{query}")
# else:
# response = requests.get(query)
# return response.text
# def get_topic_context(page_source):
# soup = BeautifulSoup(page_source, 'html.parser')
# first_paragraph = soup.select_one(" > p:not(.mw-empty-elt)").text
# context_sentence = re.sub(r'\[.*?\]', '', first_paragraph)
# context_sentence = context_sentence.split(". ")[0].strip().replace("\n", "")
# while " " in context_sentence:
# context_sentence = context_sentence.replace(" ", " ")
# return context_sentence
# def play_wiki_game(starting_topic: str, target_topic: str, limit: int = 100):
# topic = starting_topic
# num_pages = 0
# used_topics = []
# used_links = []
# start_time = time.time()
# st.write("-" * 150)
# st.write(f"\nStarting!\n")
# st.write("-" * 150)
# page_source = get_wikipedia_page(starting_topic)
# used_links.append(f"{starting_topic}")
# while True:
# num_pages += 1
# if num_pages > 1:
# # load url to new page of next topic
# page_source = get_wikipedia_page(used_links[-1])
# # create backup list of links and texts from previous page in case new current page fails
# prev_links_texts = links_texts.pop(loc_idx) # removes the previously used topic
# try:
# context_sentence = get_topic_context(page_source)
# except Exception as e:
# context_sentence = "Context could not be found from webpage"
# links_texts = []
# soup = BeautifulSoup(page_source, 'html.parser')
# links = soup.find_all('a')
# for link in links:
# link_url = link.get('href')
# if link_url and link_url.startswith("/wiki/"):
# link_url = "" + link_url
# link_text = link.text.strip()
# if link_text and topic.lower() not in link_url.lower() and link_url not in used_links and link_text not in used_topics:
# if "" in link_url and ":" not in "".join(link_url.split("/")[1:]) and "Main_Page" != str(link_url.split("/")[-1]):
# links_texts.append((link_url, link_text))
# # st.write(f'links_texts length: {len(links_texts)}')
# prev_links_texts = []
# if len(links_texts) == 0 and num_pages > 1: # if no links
# links_texts = prev_links_texts
# labels_list = [text for link, text in links_texts]
# # st.write(f'labels_list length: {len(labels_list)}')
# try:
# best_label, best_score, loc_idx = most_similar_sentence(target_topic = target_topic, labels_list = labels_list)
# except Exception as e:
# best_label, best_score, loc_idx = most_similar_sentence(target_topic = target_topic, labels_list = prev_links_texts) # previous page links without chosen error page
# st.write(f"\nPage: {num_pages}")
# st.write(f"Current topic: '{topic.title()}'")
# st.write(f"Current URL: '{topic}'")
# st.write(f"Current Topic Context: '{context_sentence}'")
# st.write(f"Next topic: '{best_label.title()}'. Semantic similarity to '{target_topic.title()}': {round((best_score * 100), 2)}%")
# next_link, topic = links_texts[loc_idx]
# if target_topic.lower() == topic.lower() or calculate_jaro_similarity(target_topic.lower(), topic.lower()) > 0.9 or best_score > float(0.90):
# st.write("\n" + "-" * 150)
# st.write(f"\nFrom '{starting_topic.title()}', to '{target_topic.title()}' in {num_pages} pages, {round(time.time() - start_time, 2)} seconds!")
# st.write(f"Starting topic: '{starting_topic.title()}': {used_links[0].replace(' ', '_')}")
# st.write(f"Target topic: '{target_topic.title()}': '{used_links[-1].replace(' ', '_')}'\n")
# st.write("-" * 150)
# break
# if num_pages == limit:
# st.write("\n" + "-" * 150)
# st.write(f"\nUnfortunately, the model couldn't get from '{starting_topic.title()}', to '{target_topic.title()}' in {num_pages} pages or less.")
# st.write(f"In {round(time.time() - start_time, 2)} seconds, it got from '{starting_topic.title()}': '{used_links[0].replace(' ', '_')}', to '{used_topics[-1].title()}': '{used_links[-1].replace(' ', '_')}'")
# st.write(f"\nTry a different combination to see if it can do it!\n")
# st.write("-" * 150)
# break
# used_links.append(next_link)
# used_topics.append(topic)
# # starting_topic = "soulja boy"
# # target_topic = "game"
# # play_wiki_game(starting_topic = starting_topic, target_topic = target_topic, limit = 100)
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import numpy as np
import jellyfish
import re
import streamlit as st
# Load the pre-trained Universal Sentence Encoder
embed = hub.load("")
def calculate_jaro_similarity(str1, str2):
jaro_similarity = jellyfish.jaro_distance(str1, str2)
return jaro_similarity
def most_similar_sentence(target_topic, labels_list):
context_embedding = embed([target_topic])[0]
sentence_embeddings = embed(labels_list)
similarities = np.inner(context_embedding, sentence_embeddings)
most_similar_index = np.argmax(similarities)
return labels_list[most_similar_index], similarities[most_similar_index], most_similar_index
def get_wikipedia_page(query):
if "wikipedia" not in query:
response = requests.get(f"{query}")
response = requests.get(query)
return response.text
def get_topic_context(page_source):
soup = BeautifulSoup(page_source, 'html.parser')
first_paragraph = soup.select_one(" > p:not(.mw-empty-elt)").text
context_sentence = re.sub(r'\[.*?\]', '', first_paragraph)
context_sentence = context_sentence.split(". ")[0].strip().replace("\n", "")
while " " in context_sentence:
context_sentence = context_sentence.replace(" ", " ")
return context_sentence
def play_wiki_game(starting_topic: str, target_topic: str, limit: int = 100, delay: int = 0):
topic = starting_topic
num_pages = 0
used_topics = []
used_links = []
start_time = time.time()
st.write("-" * 150)
st.write("-" * 150)
page_source = get_wikipedia_page(starting_topic)
placeholder = st.empty() # Placeholder for your most recent statement
old_statements = "" # Store old statements
while True:
num_pages += 1
if num_pages > 1:
# load url to new page of next topic
page_source = get_wikipedia_page(used_links[-1])
# create backup list of links and texts from previous page in case new current page fails
prev_links_texts = links_texts.pop(loc_idx) # removes the previously used topic
context_sentence = get_topic_context(page_source)
except Exception as e:
context_sentence = "Context could not be found from webpage"
links_texts = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(page_source, 'html.parser')
links = soup.find_all('a')
for link in links:
link_url = link.get('href')
if link_url and link_url.startswith("/wiki/"):
link_url = "" + link_url
link_text = link.text.strip()
if link_text and topic.lower() not in link_url.lower() and link_url not in used_links and link_text not in used_topics:
if "" in link_url and ":" not in "".join(link_url.split("/")[1:]) and "Main_Page" != str(link_url.split("/")[-1]):
links_texts.append((link_url, link_text))
# st.write(f'links_texts length: {len(links_texts)}')
prev_links_texts = []
if len(links_texts) == 0 and num_pages > 1: # if no links
links_texts = prev_links_texts
labels_list = [text for link, text in links_texts]
# st.write(f'labels_list length: {len(labels_list)}')
best_label, best_score, loc_idx = most_similar_sentence(target_topic = target_topic, labels_list = labels_list)
except Exception as e:
best_label, best_score, loc_idx = most_similar_sentence(target_topic = target_topic, labels_list = prev_links_texts) # previous page links without chosen error page
next_link, topic = links_texts[loc_idx]
new_statement = f"\nPage: {num_pages}\nCurrent topic: '{topic.title()}'\nCurrent URL: '{topic.replace(' ', '_')}'\nCurrent Topic Context: '{context_sentence}'\nNext topic: '{best_label.title()}'. Semantic similarity to '{target_topic.title()}': {round((best_score * 100), 2)}%"
old_statements = new_statement + "\n" + old_statements
if target_topic.lower() == topic.lower() or calculate_jaro_similarity(target_topic.lower(), topic.lower()) > 0.9 or best_score > float(0.90):
new_statement = "\n" + "-" * 150 + f"\nFrom '{starting_topic.title()}', to '{target_topic.title()}' in {num_pages} pages, {round(time.time() - start_time, 2)} seconds!\nStarting topic: '{starting_topic.title()}': {used_links[0].replace(' ', '_')}\nTarget topic: '{target_topic.title()}': '{used_links[-1].replace(' ', '_')}'\n" + "-" * 150
old_statements = new_statement + "\n" + old_statements
if num_pages == limit:
new_statement = "\n" + "-" * 150 + f"\nUnfortunately, the model couldn't get from '{starting_topic.title()}', to '{target_topic.title()}' in {num_pages} pages or less.\nIn {round(time.time() - start_time, 2)} seconds, it got from '{starting_topic.title()}': '{used_links[0].replace(' ', '_')}', to '{used_topics[-1].title()}': '{used_links[-1].replace(' ', '_')}'\n\nTry a different combination to see if it can do it!\n" + "-" * 150
old_statements = new_statement + "\n" + old_statements
# delay things, if applicable
# starting_topic = "soulja boy"
# target_topic = "game"
# delay = 0
# play_wiki_game(starting_topic = starting_topic, target_topic = target_topic, limit = 100, delay = delay)