#--- build the image from dockerHub | |
FROM kidcoconut73/img_stm_omdenasaudi_hcc:0.1.4 | |
#--- for streamlit; external 49400; internal 39400 | |
#--- for fastapi; external 49500; internal 39500 | |
#--- build/rebuild the image from an alt Dockerfile | |
# docker build -t foo/bar -f /path/to/Dockerfile /path/to/ | |
# docker build -t img_stm_omdenasaudi_hcc:0.1.4 -f Dockerfile.hub ./ | |
#--- create a container from an image (without running it) | |
# docker create -it -p 49400:39400 -p 49500:39500 --name ctr_stmOmdenaHcc_demo kidcoconut73/img_stm_omdenasaudi_hcc:demo | |
#--- to run the container (interactive) from the image; specific port mapping (-p) vs any available port mapping (-P) | |
# docker run -it -p 49400:39400 -p 49500:39500 --name ctr_stmOmdenaHcc_demo img_stm_omdenasaudi_hcc:0.1.4 | |
# docker run -it -p 49400:39400 -p 49500:39500 --name ctr_stmOmdenaHcc_demo kidcoconut73/img_stm_omdenasaudi_hcc:demo | |
#--- start an existing container | |
# docker start -it ctr_stmOmdenaHcc_demo |