class StatusWordItem: | |
def __init__(self, word=None, value=None): | |
self.content = { | |
"aborted" : {"title": "Aborted", "icon": "βοΈ"}, | |
"cancelled" : {"title": "Cancelled", "icon": "β"}, | |
"cleaning" : {"title": "Cleaning", "icon": "π§Ή"}, | |
"compiling" : {"title": "Compiling", "icon": "π¨"}, | |
"complete" : {"title": "Complete", "icon": "β "}, | |
"connecting" : {"title": "Connecting", "icon": "π"}, | |
"deleting" : {"title": "Deleting", "icon": "π"}, | |
"disconnecting": {"title": "Disconnecting", "icon": "π"}, | |
"downloading" : {"title": "Downloading", "icon": "β¬οΈ"}, | |
"error" : {"title": "Error", "icon": "βοΈ"}, | |
"exporting" : {"title": "Exporting", "icon": "π€"}, | |
"failure" : {"title": "Failure", "icon": "β"}, | |
"finished" : {"title": "Finished", "icon": "π"}, | |
"idle" : {"title": "Idle", "icon": "π"}, | |
"importing" : {"title": "Importing", "icon": "π₯"}, | |
"installing" : {"title": "Installing", "icon": "π§"}, | |
"loading" : {"title": "Loading", "icon": "β³"}, | |
"paused" : {"title": "Paused", "icon": "βΈ"}, | |
"pending" : {"title": "Pending", "icon": "π"}, | |
"progress" : {"title": "Progress", "icon": "π"}, | |
"receiving" : {"title": "Receiving", "icon": "π©"}, | |
"refreshing" : {"title": "Refreshing", "icon": "π"}, | |
"rendering" : {"title": "Rendering", "icon": "π¨"}, | |
"restarting" : {"title": "Restarting", "icon": "π"}, | |
"resuming" : {"title": "Resuming", "icon": "βΆοΈ"}, | |
"running" : {"title": "Running", "icon": "π"}, | |
"saving" : {"title": "Saving", "icon": "πΎ"}, | |
"scanning" : {"title": "Scanning", "icon": "π"}, | |
"sending" : {"title": "Sending", "icon": "π€"}, | |
"size" : {"title": "Size", "icon": "π"}, | |
"started" : {"title": "Started", "icon": "π"}, | |
"success" : {"title": "Success", "icon": "β "}, | |
"syncing" : {"title": "Syncing", "icon": "π"}, | |
"uninstalling" : {"title": "Uninstalling", "icon": "π§"}, | |
"updating" : {"title": "Updating", "icon": "π"}, | |
"uploading" : {"title": "Uploading", "icon": "β¬οΈ"}, | |
"validating" : {"title": "Validating", "icon": "β "}, | |
"verifying" : {"title": "Verifying", "icon": "β "}, | |
"waiting" : {"title": "Waiting", "icon": "βοΈ"}, | |
} | |
self.display = {"status": "", "value": ""} | |
self.set(word or "", value) | |
def set(self, word: str, value=None): | |
""" | |
outtputto display: an icon and status word, as well as the state if exists | |
""" | |
if word in self.content: | |
self.display["status"] = f"{ self.content[word]['icon']} {self.content[word]['title']}" | |
else: | |
self.display["status"] = word or "" | |
if value in self.content: | |
self.display["value"] = f"{ self.content[str(value)]['title']}" | |
else: | |
self.display["value"] = str(value) | |
return self.display | |
def response_code(self, code): | |
""" | |
Returns the HTTP response code as a string representation. | |
""" | |
response_codes = { | |
100: "Continue", | |
101: "Switching Protocols", | |
102: "Processing", | |
103: "Early Hints", | |
200: "OK", | |
201: "Created", | |
202: "Accepted", | |
203: "Non-Authoritative Information", | |
204: "No Content", | |
205: "Reset Content", | |
206: "Partial Content", | |
207: "Multi-Status", | |
208: "Already Reported", | |
226: "IM Used", | |
300: "Multiple Choice", | |
301: "Moved Permanently", | |
302: "Found", | |
303: "See Other", | |
304: "Not Modified", | |
305: "Use Proxy", | |
307: "Temporary Redirect", | |
308: "Permanent Redirect", | |
400: "Bad Request", | |
401: "Unauthorized", | |
402: "Payment Required", | |
403: "Forbidden", | |
404: "Not Found", | |
405: "Method Not Allowed", | |
406: "Not Acceptable", | |
407: "Proxy Authentication Required", | |
408: "Request Timeout", | |
409: "Conflict", | |
410: "Gone", | |
411: "Length Required", | |
412: "Precondition Failed", | |
413: "Payload Too Large", | |
414: "URI Too Long", | |
415: "Unsupported Media Type", | |
416: "Range Not Satisfiable", | |
417: "Expectation Failed", | |
418: "I'm a teapot", | |
421: "Misdirected Request", | |
422: "Unprocessable Entity", | |
423: "Locked", | |
424: "Failed Dependency", | |
425: "Too Early", | |
426: "Upgrade Required", | |
428: "Precondition Required", | |
429: "Too Many Requests", | |
431: "Request Header Fields Too Large", | |
451: "Unavailable For Legal Reasons", | |
500: "Internal Server Error", | |
501: "Not Implemented", | |
502: "Bad Gateway", | |
503: "Service Unavailable", | |
504: "Gateway Timeout", | |
505: "HTTP Version Not Supported", | |
506: "Variant Also Negotiates", | |
507: "Insufficient Storage", | |
508: "Loop Detected", | |
510: "Not Extended", | |
511: "Network Authentication Required", | |
} | |
if code in response_codes: | |
self.display['status'] = 'HTTP Respopnse Code' | |
self.display['value'] = response_codes[code] | |
else: | |
return "Unknown" | |
return self.display | |
class Items: | |
""" List of Items Container """ | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.items : list[StatusWordItem] = [] | |
def add_item(self, item): | |
self.items.append(item) | |
def remove_item(self, item): | |
self.items.remove(item) | |
def clear_items(self): | |
self.items.clear() | |
def __len__(self): | |
return len(self.items) | |
def __iter__(self): | |
return iter(self.items) | |