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// Author: (David Talkin)
// Implementation of the EpochTracker class. This does all of the
// processing necessary to estimate the F0, voicing state and epochs
// (glottal-closure instants) in human speech signals. See
// epoch_tracker.h for details.
#include "epoch_tracker/epoch_tracker.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "epoch_tracker/fd_filter.h"
#include "epoch_tracker/lpc_analyzer.h"
#include "epoch_tracker/fft.h"
const int kMinSampleRate = 6000;
EpochTracker::EpochTracker(void) : sample_rate_(-1.0) {
EpochTracker::~EpochTracker(void) {
static inline int32_t RoundUp(float val) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(val + 0.5);
void EpochTracker::CleanUp(void) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < resid_peaks_.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < resid_peaks_[i].future.size(); ++j) {
delete resid_peaks_[i].future[j];
void EpochTracker::SetParameters(void) {
// Externally-settable control parameters:
// Period for the returned F0 signal.
external_frame_interval_ = kExternalFrameInterval;
do_highpass_ = kDoHighpass; // Enables highpassing of input signal.
// Enables Hilbert transformation of the input data.
do_hilbert_transform_ = kDoHilbertTransform;
max_f0_search_ = kMaxF0Search; // Maximum F0 to search for.
min_f0_search_ = kMinF0Search; // Minimum F0 to search for.
// Pulse spacing to use in unvoiced regions of the returned epoch signal.
unvoiced_pulse_interval_ = kUnvoicedPulseInterval;
debug_name_ = kDebugName; // base path for all debugging signals.
// Internal feature-computation parameters:
// For internal feature computations
internal_frame_interval_ = kInternalFrameInterval;
// for the high-pass filter
corner_frequency_ = 80.0;
filter_duration_ = 0.05;
// for the LPC inverse filter.
frame_duration_ = 0.02; // window size (sec)
lpc_frame_interval_ = 0.01; // (sec)
preemphasis_ = 0.98; // preemphasis for LPC analysis
noise_floor_ = 70.0; // SNR in dB simulated during LPC analysis.
// for computing LPC residual peak quality.
peak_delay_ = 0.0004; // for measuring prominence
skew_delay_ = 0.00015; // for measuring shape
peak_val_wt_ = 0.1;
peak_prominence_wt_ = 0.3;
peak_skew_wt_ = 0.1;
peak_quality_floor_ = 0.01;
// for computing voice-transition pseudo-probabilities
time_span_ = 0.020; // the interval (sec) centered on the
// measurement point, used to compute parameter
// deltas.
level_change_den_ = 30.0; // max. dB level change expected over
// time_span_ for bandpassed RMS for
// computing pseudo-probability of
// voicing.
min_rms_db_ = 20.0; // level floor in dB
// window size for computing amplitude-normalizing RMS
ref_dur_ = 0.02;
// low and high frequency limits for bandpassed RMS used in voicing indicator
min_freq_for_rms_ = 100.0;
max_freq_for_rms_ = 1000.0;
// duration of integrator for bandpassed RMS
rms_window_dur_ = 0.025;
// window duration, in seconds, for NCCF computations
correlation_dur_ = 0.0075;
// ignore any NCCF peaks less than this
correlation_thresh_ = 0.2;
// Parametrs used by the dynamic-programming tracker:
// reward for inserting another period
reward_ = -1.5;
// weight given to deviation of inter-pulse interval from the
// closest NCCF peak lag
period_deviation_wt_ = 1.0;
// weight given to the quality of the residual peak
peak_quality_wt_ = 1.3;
// cost of the unvoiced hypothesis
unvoiced_cost_ = kUnvoicedCost;
// cost of high NCCF values in hypothetical unvoiced regions
nccf_uv_peak_wt_ = 0.9;
// weight given to period length
period_wt_ = 0.0002;
// weight given to the pseudo-probability of voicing feature
level_wt_ = 0.8;
// weight given to period-length differences between adjacent periods.
freq_trans_wt_ = 1.8;
// cost of switching between voicing states; modulated by voicing
// onset/offset probs.
voice_transition_factor_ = 1.4;
// Parameters used to generate final outputs:
// pad time in seconds to add to the last measured period during
// output of periodically-resampled data
endpoint_padding_ = 0.01;
bool EpochTracker::Init(const int16_t* input, int32_t n_input, float sample_rate,
float min_f0_search, float max_f0_search,
bool do_highpass, bool do_hilbert_transform) {
if (input && (sample_rate > 6000.0) && (n_input > (sample_rate * 0.05)) &&
(min_f0_search < max_f0_search) && (min_f0_search > 0.0)) {
min_f0_search_ = min_f0_search;
max_f0_search_ = max_f0_search;
sample_rate_ = sample_rate;
int16_t* input_p = const_cast<int16_t *>(input);
if (do_highpass) {
input_p = HighpassFilter(input_p, n_input, sample_rate,
corner_frequency_, filter_duration_);
if (do_hilbert_transform) {
HilbertTransform(input_p, n_input, &(signal_.front()));
} else {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_input; ++i) {
signal_[i] = input_p[i];
if (input_p != input) {
delete [] input_p;
return true;
return false;
void EpochTracker::HilbertTransform(int16_t* input, int32_t n_input,
float* output) {
FFT ft = FFT(FFT::fft_pow2_from_window_size(n_input));
int32_t n_fft = ft.get_fftSize();
float* re = new float[n_fft];
float* im = new float[n_fft];
for (int i = 0; i < n_input; ++i) {
re[i] = input[i];
im[i] = 0.0;
for (int i = n_input; i < n_fft; ++i) {
re[i] = 0.0;
im[i] = 0.0;
ft.fft(re, im);
for (int i = 1; i < n_fft/2; ++i) {
float tmp = im[i];
im[i] = -re[i];
re[i] = tmp;
re[0] = im[0] = 0.0;
for (int i = n_fft/2 + 1; i < n_fft; ++i) {
float tmp = im[i];
im[i] = re[i];
re[i] = -tmp;
ft.ifft(re, im);
for (int i = 0; i < n_input; ++i) {
output[i] = re[i] / n_fft;
delete [] re;
delete [] im;
int16_t* EpochTracker::HighpassFilter(int16_t* input, int32_t n_input,
float sample_rate, float corner_freq,
float fir_duration) {
FdFilter filter(sample_rate, corner_freq, true, fir_duration, false);
int16_t* filtered_data = new int16_t[n_input];
int32_t max_buffer_size = filter.GetMaxInputSize();
int32_t to_process = n_input;
bool start = true;
bool end = false;
int32_t input_index = 0;
int32_t output_index = 0;
while (to_process > 0) {
int32_t to_send = to_process;
if (to_send > max_buffer_size) {
to_send = max_buffer_size;
} else {
end = true;
int32_t samples_returned = filter.FilterArray(input + input_index, to_send,
start, end,
filtered_data + output_index,
n_input - output_index);
input_index += to_send;
to_process -= to_send;
output_index += samples_returned;
start = false;
return filtered_data;
static float LpcDcGain(float* lpc, int32_t order) {
float sum = 0.0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i <= order; ++i) {
sum += lpc[i];
if (sum > 0.0) {
return sum;
} else {
return 1.0;
static void MakeDeltas(float* now, float* next, int32_t size, int32_t n_steps,
float* deltas) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
deltas[i] = (next[i] - now[i]) / n_steps;
bool EpochTracker::GetLpcResidual(const std::vector<float>& input, float sample_rate,
std::vector<float>* output) {
int32_t n_input = input.size();
if (!((n_input > 0) && (sample_rate > 0.0) && output)) {
return false;
int32_t frame_step = RoundUp(sample_rate * lpc_frame_interval_);
int32_t frame_size = RoundUp(sample_rate * frame_duration_);
int32_t n_frames = 1 + ((n_input - frame_size) / frame_step);
int32_t n_analyzed = ((n_frames - 1) * frame_step) + frame_size;
// Must have one more than frame size to do a complete frame.
if (n_analyzed <= n_input) {
if (n_frames <= 0) {
return false;
LpcAnalyzer lp;
int32_t order = lp.GetLpcOrder(sample_rate);
float* lpc = new float[order + 1];
float* old_lpc = new float[order + 1];
float* delta_lpc = new float[order + 1];
float norm_error = 0.0;
float preemp_rms = 0.0;
#define RELEASE_MEMORY() { \
delete [] lpc; \
delete [] old_lpc; \
delete [] delta_lpc; \
if (!lp.ComputeLpc(order, noise_floor_, frame_size, &(input.front()),
old_lpc, NULL, NULL, &norm_error, &preemp_rms,
preemphasis_)) {
return false;
for (int32_t i = 0; i <= order; ++i) {
delta_lpc[i] = 0.0;
(*output)[i] = 0.0;
float old_gain = LpcDcGain(old_lpc, order);
float new_gain = 1.0;
int32_t n_to_filter = (frame_size / 2) - order; // How many samples
// to process before
// computing the next
// LPC frame.
int32_t input_p = 0; // Where to get the next frame for LPC analysis
int32_t output_p = order; // where to store output samples.
int32_t proc_p = 0; // Where to pick up samples for input to the filter
// Main processing loop:
// Compute a new frame of LPC
// Compute the DC gain for the new LPC
// Compute delta DC gain.
// Compute the LPC deltas.
// For each point in the frame:
// Use old_lpc to produce an output point.
// Update the old LPCs and the DC gain
// As soon as the center of the current frame is reached, compute
// the LPC for the next frame.
for ( ; n_frames > 0; --n_frames, input_p += frame_step,
n_to_filter = frame_step) {
if (!lp.ComputeLpc(order, noise_floor_, frame_size,
(&(input.front())) + input_p, lpc, NULL, NULL,
&norm_error, &preemp_rms, preemphasis_)) {
return false;
new_gain = LpcDcGain(lpc, order);
float delta_gain = (new_gain - old_gain) / n_to_filter;
MakeDeltas(old_lpc, lpc, order+1, n_to_filter, delta_lpc);
for (int32_t sample = 0; sample < n_to_filter; ++sample, ++proc_p,
++output_p) {
float sum = 0.0;
int32_t mem = proc_p;
for (int32_t k = order; k > 0; --k, ++mem) {
sum += (old_lpc[k] * input[mem]);
old_lpc[k] += delta_lpc[k];
sum += input[mem]; // lpc[0] is always 1.0
(*output)[output_p] = sum / old_gain;
old_gain += delta_gain;
return true;
// Note that GetResidualPulses assumes the LPC residual is in the
// "correct" polarity, with the GCI pulses of interest being negative
// pulses with a gradual fall and an abrupt rise.
void EpochTracker::GetResidualPulses(void) {
int32_t peak_ind = RoundUp(peak_delay_ * sample_rate_);
int32_t skew_ind = RoundUp(skew_delay_ * sample_rate_);
float min_peak = -1.0; // minimum value that will be considered as a peak
int32_t limit = norm_residual_.size() - peak_ind;
for (size_t i = 0; i < peaks_debug_.size(); ++i) {
peaks_debug_[i] = 0.0;
for (int32_t i = peak_ind; i < limit; ++i) {
float val = norm_residual_[i];
if (val > min_peak) {
if ((norm_residual_[i-1] > val) && (val <= norm_residual_[i+1])) {
float vm_peak = norm_residual_[i - peak_ind];
float vp_peak = norm_residual_[i + peak_ind];
if ((vm_peak < val) || (vp_peak < val)) {
float vm_skew = norm_residual_[i - skew_ind];
float vp_skew = norm_residual_[i + skew_ind];
float sharp = (0.5 * (vp_peak + vm_peak)) - val;
float skew = -(vm_skew - vp_skew);
ResidPeak p;
p.resid_index = i;
float time = static_cast<float>(i) / sample_rate_;
p.frame_index = RoundUp(time / internal_frame_interval_);
if (p.frame_index >= n_feature_frames_) {
p.frame_index = n_feature_frames_ - 1;
p.peak_quality = (-val * peak_val_wt_) + (skew * peak_skew_wt_) +
(sharp * peak_prominence_wt_);
if (p.peak_quality < peak_quality_floor_) {
p.peak_quality = peak_quality_floor_;
peaks_debug_[i] = p.peak_quality;
void EpochTracker::GetVoiceTransitionFeatures(void) {
int32_t frame_offset = RoundUp(0.5 * time_span_ / internal_frame_interval_);
if (frame_offset <= 0) {
frame_offset = 1;
int32_t limit = n_feature_frames_ - frame_offset;
for (int32_t frame = frame_offset; frame < limit; ++frame) {
float delta_rms = (bandpassed_rms_[frame + frame_offset] -
bandpassed_rms_[frame - frame_offset]) / level_change_den_;
if (delta_rms > 1.0) {
delta_rms = 1.0;
} else {
if (delta_rms < -1.0) {
delta_rms = -1.0;
float prob_onset = delta_rms;
float prob_offset = -prob_onset;
if (prob_onset > 1.0) {
prob_onset = 1.0;
} else {
if (prob_onset < 0.0) {
prob_onset = 0.0;
if (prob_offset > 1.0) {
prob_offset = 1.0;
} else {
if (prob_offset < 0.0) {
prob_offset = 0.0;
voice_onset_prob_[frame] = prob_onset;
voice_offset_prob_[frame] = prob_offset;
// Just set the onset and offset probs to zero in the end zones.
for (int32_t frame = 0; frame < frame_offset; ++frame) {
int32_t bframe = n_feature_frames_ - 1 - frame;
voice_onset_prob_[frame] = voice_offset_prob_[frame] = 0.0;
voice_onset_prob_[bframe] = voice_offset_prob_[bframe] = 0.0;
void EpochTracker::GetRmsVoicingModulator(void) {
float min_val = bandpassed_rms_[0];
float max_val = min_val;
// Find the max and min over the whole RMS array. Scale and offset
// the RMS values to all fall in th range of 0.0 to 1.0.
for (size_t i = 1; i < bandpassed_rms_.size(); ++i) {
float val = bandpassed_rms_[i];
if (val < min_val) {
min_val = val;
} else {
if (val > max_val) {
max_val = val;
if (min_val < min_rms_db_) {
min_val = min_rms_db_;
float range = max_val - min_val;
if (range < 1.0) {
range = 1.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bandpassed_rms_.size(); ++i) {
prob_voiced_[i] = (bandpassed_rms_[i] - min_val) / range;
if (prob_voiced_[i] < 0.0) {
prob_voiced_[i] = 0.0;
int32_t EpochTracker::FindNccfPeaks(const std::vector<float>& input, float thresh,
std::vector<int16_t>* output) {
int32_t limit = input.size() - 1;
uint32_t n_peaks = 0;
float max_val = 0.0;
int16_t max_index = 1;
int16_t max_out_index = 0;
for (int16_t i = 1; i < limit; ++i) {
float val = input[i];
if ((val > thresh) && (val > input[i-1]) && (val >= input[i+1])) {
if (val > max_val) {
max_val = val;
max_out_index = n_peaks;
max_index = i;
// Be sure the highest peak is the first one in the array.
if ((n_peaks > 1) && (max_out_index > 0)) {
int16_t hold = (*output)[0];
(*output)[0] = (*output)[max_out_index];
(*output)[max_out_index] = hold;
} else {
if (n_peaks <= 0) {
n_peaks = 1;
return n_peaks;
void EpochTracker::CrossCorrelation(const std::vector<float>& data, int32_t start,
int32_t first_lag, int32_t n_lags,
int32_t size, std::vector<float>* corr) {
const float* input = (&(data.front())) + start;
float energy = 0.0; // Zero-lag energy part of the normalizer.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
energy += input[i] * input[i];
if (energy == 0.0) { // Bail out if no energy is found.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_lags; ++i) {
(*corr)[i] = 0.0;
int32_t limit = first_lag + size;
double lag_energy = 0.0; // Energy at the period hypothesis lag.
for (int32_t i = first_lag; i < limit; ++i) {
lag_energy += input[i] * input[i];
int32_t last_lag = first_lag + n_lags;
int32_t oind = 0; // Index for storing output values.
for (int32_t lag = first_lag; lag < last_lag; ++lag, ++oind) {
float sum = 0.0;
int32_t lag_ind = lag;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i, ++lag_ind) {
sum += input[i] * input[lag_ind];
if (lag_energy <= 0.0)
lag_energy = 1.0;
(*corr)[oind] = sum / sqrt(energy * lag_energy);
lag_energy -= input[lag] * input[lag]; // Discard old sample.
lag_energy += input[lag_ind] * input[lag_ind]; // Pick up the new sample.
void EpochTracker::GetPulseCorrelations(float window_dur, float peak_thresh) {
first_nccf_lag_ = RoundUp(sample_rate_ / max_f0_search_);
int32_t max_lag = RoundUp(sample_rate_ / min_f0_search_);
n_nccf_lags_ = max_lag - first_nccf_lag_;
int32_t window_size = RoundUp(window_dur * sample_rate_);
int32_t half_wind = window_size / 2;
int32_t frame_size = window_size + max_lag;
std::vector<float> mixture;
const float kMinCorrelationStep = 0.001; // Pulse separation
// before computing new
// correlation values.
const float kResidFract = 0.7; // Fraction of the residual to use.
const float kPcmFract = 1.0 - kResidFract; // Fraction of the input to use.
for (size_t i = 0; i < residual_.size(); ++i) {
mixture[i] = (kResidFract * residual_[i]) + (kPcmFract * signal_[i]);
int32_t min_step = RoundUp(sample_rate_ * kMinCorrelationStep);
int32_t old_start = - (2.0 * min_step);
for (size_t peak = 0; peak < resid_peaks_.size(); ++peak) {
int32_t start = resid_peaks_[peak].resid_index - half_wind;
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
size_t end = start + frame_size;
if ((end >= mixture.size()) || ((start - old_start) < min_step)) {
resid_peaks_[peak].nccf = resid_peaks_[peak - 1].nccf;
resid_peaks_[peak].nccf_periods = resid_peaks_[peak - 1].nccf_periods;
} else {
CrossCorrelation(mixture, start, first_nccf_lag_, n_nccf_lags_,
window_size, &(resid_peaks_[peak].nccf));
FindNccfPeaks(resid_peaks_[peak].nccf, peak_thresh,
// Turn the peak indices from FindNccfPeaks into NCCF period hyps.
for (size_t i = 0; i < resid_peaks_[peak].nccf_periods.size(); ++i) {
resid_peaks_[peak].nccf_periods[i] += first_nccf_lag_;
old_start = start;
void EpochTracker::Window(const std::vector<float>& input, int32_t offset, size_t size,
float* output) {
if (size != window_.size()) {
float arg = 2.0 * M_PI / size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
window_[i] = 0.5 - (0.5 * cos((i + 0.5) * arg));
const float* data = (&(input.front())) + offset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
output[i] = data[i] * window_[i];
bool EpochTracker::GetBandpassedRmsSignal(const std::vector<float>& input,
float sample_rate,
float low_limit, float high_limit,
float frame_interval,
float frame_dur,
std::vector<float>* output_rms) {
size_t frame_step = RoundUp(sample_rate * frame_interval);
size_t frame_size = RoundUp(sample_rate * frame_dur);
size_t n_frames = 1 + ((input.size() - frame_size) / frame_step);
if (n_frames < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "input too small (%d) in GetBandpassedRmsSignal\n",
return false;
FFT ft(FFT::fft_pow2_from_window_size(frame_size));
int32_t fft_size = ft.get_fftSize();
int32_t first_bin = RoundUp(fft_size * low_limit / sample_rate);
int32_t last_bin = RoundUp(fft_size * high_limit / sample_rate);
float* re = new float[fft_size];
float* im = new float[fft_size];
size_t first_frame = frame_size / (2 * frame_step);
if ((first_frame * 2 * frame_step) < frame_size) {
for (size_t frame = first_frame; frame < n_frames; ++frame) {
Window(input, (frame - first_frame) * frame_step, frame_size, re);
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_size; ++i) {
im[i] = 0.0;
for (int32_t i = frame_size; i < fft_size; ++i) {
re[i] = im[i] = 0.0;
ft.fft(re, im);
float rms = 20.0 *
log10(1.0 + ft.get_band_rms(re, im, first_bin, last_bin));
(*output_rms)[frame] = rms;
if (frame == first_frame) {
for (size_t bframe = 0; bframe < first_frame; ++bframe) {
(*output_rms)[bframe] = rms;
delete [] re;
delete [] im;
return true;
void EpochTracker::GetSymmetryStats(const std::vector<float>& data, float* pos_rms,
float* neg_rms, float* mean) {
int32_t n_input = data.size();
double p_sum = 0.0;
double n_sum = 0.0;
double sum = 0.0;
int32_t n_p = 0;
int32_t n_n = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_input; ++i) {
sum += data[i];
*mean = sum / n_input;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_input; ++i) {
double val = data[i] - *mean;
if (val > 0.0) {
p_sum += (val * val);
} else {
if (val < 0.0) {
n_sum += (val * val);
*pos_rms = sqrt(p_sum / n_p);
*neg_rms = sqrt(n_sum / n_n);
void EpochTracker::NormalizeAmplitude(const std::vector<float>& input,
float sample_rate,
std::vector<float>* output) {
int32_t n_input = input.size();
int32_t ref_size = RoundUp(sample_rate * ref_dur_);
std::vector<float> wind;
// Just calling Window here to create a Hann window in window_.
Window(input, 0, ref_size, &(output->front()));
int32_t ref_by_2 = ref_size / 2;
int32_t frame_step = RoundUp(sample_rate * internal_frame_interval_);
int32_t limit = n_input - ref_size;
int32_t frame_limit = ref_by_2;
int32_t data_p = 0;
int32_t frame_p = 0;
double old_inv_rms = 0.0;
while (frame_p < limit) {
double ref_energy = 1.0; // to prevent divz
for (int32_t i = 0; i < ref_size; ++i) {
double val = window_[i] * input[i + frame_p];
ref_energy += (val * val);
double inv_rms = sqrt(static_cast<double>(ref_size) / ref_energy);
double delta_inv_rms = 0.0;
if (frame_p > 0) {
delta_inv_rms = (inv_rms - old_inv_rms) / frame_step;
} else {
old_inv_rms = inv_rms;
for (int i = 0; i < frame_limit; ++i, ++data_p) {
(*output)[data_p] = input[data_p] * old_inv_rms;
old_inv_rms += delta_inv_rms;
frame_limit = frame_step;
frame_p += frame_step;
for ( ; data_p < n_input; ++data_p) {
(*output)[data_p] = input[data_p] * old_inv_rms;
bool EpochTracker::ComputePolarity(int *polarity) {
if (sample_rate_ <= 0.0) {
fprintf(stderr, "EpochTracker not initialized in ComputeFeatures\n");
return false;
if (!GetBandpassedRmsSignal(signal_, sample_rate_, min_freq_for_rms_,
max_freq_for_rms_, internal_frame_interval_,
rms_window_dur_, &bandpassed_rms_)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failure in GetBandpassedRmsSignal\n");
return false;
if (!GetLpcResidual(signal_, sample_rate_, &residual_)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failure in GetLpcResidual\n");
return false;
float mean = 0.0;
GetSymmetryStats(residual_, &positive_rms_, &negative_rms_, &mean);
*polarity = -1;
if (positive_rms_ > negative_rms_) {
*polarity = 1;
return true;
bool EpochTracker::ComputeFeatures(void) {
if (sample_rate_ <= 0.0) {
fprintf(stderr, "EpochTracker not initialized in ComputeFeatures\n");
return false;
if (!GetBandpassedRmsSignal(signal_, sample_rate_, min_freq_for_rms_,
max_freq_for_rms_, internal_frame_interval_,
rms_window_dur_, &bandpassed_rms_)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failure in GetBandpassedRmsSignal\n");
return false;
if (!GetLpcResidual(signal_, sample_rate_, &residual_)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failure in GetLpcResidual\n");
return false;
n_feature_frames_ = bandpassed_rms_.size();
float mean = 0.0;
GetSymmetryStats(residual_, &positive_rms_, &negative_rms_, &mean);
fprintf(stdout, "Residual symmetry: P:%f N:%f MEAN:%f\n",
positive_rms_, negative_rms_, mean);
if (positive_rms_ > negative_rms_) {
fprintf(stdout, "Inverting signal\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < residual_.size(); ++i) {
residual_[i] = -residual_[i];
signal_[i] = -signal_[i];
NormalizeAmplitude(residual_, sample_rate_, &norm_residual_);
GetPulseCorrelations(correlation_dur_, correlation_thresh_);
return true;
bool EpochTracker::TrackEpochs(void) {
return BacktrackAndSaveOutput();
void EpochTracker::CreatePeriodLattice(void) {
int32_t low_period = RoundUp(sample_rate_ / max_f0_search_);
int32_t high_period = RoundUp(sample_rate_ / min_f0_search_);
int32_t total_cands = 0;
// For each pulse in the normalized residual...
for (size_t peak = 0; peak < resid_peaks_.size(); ++peak) {
size_t frame_index = resid_peaks_[peak].frame_index;
size_t resid_index = resid_peaks_[peak].resid_index;
int32_t min_period = resid_index + low_period;
int32_t max_period = resid_index + high_period;
float lowest_cost = 1.0e30;
float time = resid_index / sample_rate_;
int32_t best_nccf_period = resid_peaks_[peak].nccf_periods[0];
float best_cc_val =
resid_peaks_[peak].nccf[best_nccf_period - first_nccf_lag_];
EpochCand* uv_cand = new EpochCand; // pre-allocate an unvoiced candidate.
uv_cand->voiced = false;
uv_cand->start_peak = peak;
uv_cand->cost_sum = 0.0;
uv_cand->local_cost = 0.0;
uv_cand->best_prev_cand = -1;
int32_t next_cands_created = 0;
// For each of the next residual pulses in the search range...
for (size_t npeak = peak + 1; npeak < resid_peaks_.size(); ++npeak) {
int32_t iperiod = resid_peaks_[npeak].resid_index - resid_index;
if (resid_peaks_[npeak].resid_index >= min_period) {
float fperiod = iperiod;
// Find the NCCF period that most closely matches.
int32_t cc_peak = 0;
float min_period_diff = fabs(log(fperiod / best_nccf_period));
for (size_t cc_peak_ind = 1;
cc_peak_ind < resid_peaks_[peak].nccf_periods.size();
++cc_peak_ind) {
int32_t nccf_period = resid_peaks_[peak].nccf_periods[cc_peak_ind];
float test_diff = fabs(log(fperiod / nccf_period));
if (test_diff < min_period_diff) {
min_period_diff = test_diff;
cc_peak = cc_peak_ind;
// Generate a forward-period candidate. Grade the candidate
// on closeness to a NCCF period hyp, value of the NCCF,
// values of the candidate endpoint peaks.
EpochCand* v_cand = new EpochCand;
v_cand->voiced = true;
v_cand->period = iperiod;
int32_t cc_index = iperiod - first_nccf_lag_;
float cc_value = 0.0;
// If this period is in the normal search range, retrieve the
// actual NCCF value for that lag.
if ((cc_index >= 0) && (cc_index < n_nccf_lags_)) {
cc_value = resid_peaks_[peak].nccf[cc_index];
} else { // punt and use the "closest" nccf peak
int32_t peak_cc_index = resid_peaks_[peak].nccf_periods[cc_peak] -
cc_value = resid_peaks_[peak].nccf[peak_cc_index];
float per_dev_cost = period_deviation_wt_ * min_period_diff;
float level_cost = level_wt_ * (1.0 - prob_voiced_[frame_index]);
float period_cost = fperiod * period_wt_;
float peak_qual_cost = peak_quality_wt_ /
(resid_peaks_[npeak].peak_quality + resid_peaks_[peak].peak_quality);
float local_cost = (1.0 - cc_value) + per_dev_cost + peak_qual_cost +
level_cost + period_cost + reward_;
v_cand->local_cost = local_cost;
if (local_cost < lowest_cost) {
lowest_cost = local_cost;
// Evaluate this best voiced period as an unvoiced
// hypothesis. (There are always plenty of poor
// voiced candidates!)
uv_cand->period = iperiod;
level_cost = level_wt_ * prob_voiced_[frame_index];
uv_cand->local_cost = (nccf_uv_peak_wt_ * cc_value) +
level_cost + unvoiced_cost_ + reward_;
uv_cand->end_peak = npeak;
uv_cand->closest_nccf_period =
v_cand->start_peak = peak;
v_cand->end_peak = npeak;
v_cand->closest_nccf_period = resid_peaks_[peak].nccf_periods[cc_peak];
v_cand->cost_sum = 0.0;
v_cand->best_prev_cand = -1;
if (resid_peaks_[npeak].resid_index >= max_period) {
break; // Exit the search only after at least one peak has
// been found, even if it is necessary to go beyond
// the nominal maximum period.
} // end if this period is >= minimum search period.
} // end for each next pulse in the global period-search range.
// Install the unvoiced candidate for this pulse.
if (next_cands_created) { // Register the unvoiced hyp iff there
// was at least one voiced hyp.
} else {
delete uv_cand;
// Now all residual-pulse period hyps that start at the current
// pulse have been generated.
// If this pulse is one of the first few in the residual that had
// no possible preceeding periods, mark it as an origin.
if (resid_peaks_[peak].past.size() == 0) { // Is this pulse an origin?
for (size_t pp = 0; pp < resid_peaks_[peak].future.size(); ++pp) {
resid_peaks_[peak].future[pp]->cost_sum =
resid_peaks_[peak].future[pp]->best_prev_cand = -1;
} else { // There are previous period hyps to consider...
// Check if at least one UV hyp is included in the period hyps
// that end on this peak. If there are none, generate one by
// cloning the best voiced hyp in the collection, but score it
// as unvoiced.
int32_t uv_hyps_found = 0;
float lowest_cost = resid_peaks_[peak].past[0]->local_cost;
size_t lowest_index = 0;
for (size_t pcand = 0; pcand < resid_peaks_[peak].past.size(); ++pcand) {
if (!resid_peaks_[peak].past[pcand]->voiced) {
} else {
if (resid_peaks_[peak].past[pcand]->local_cost < lowest_cost) {
lowest_index = pcand;
lowest_cost = resid_peaks_[peak].past[pcand]->local_cost;
if (!uv_hyps_found) { // clone an UV hyp from the best V hyp found.
size_t start_peak = resid_peaks_[peak].past[lowest_index]->start_peak;
EpochCand* uv_cand = new EpochCand;
uv_cand->voiced = false;
uv_cand->start_peak = start_peak;
uv_cand->end_peak = peak;
uv_cand->period = resid_peaks_[peak].past[lowest_index]->period;
uv_cand->closest_nccf_period =
uv_cand->cost_sum = 0.0;
uv_cand->local_cost = 0.0;
uv_cand->best_prev_cand = -1;
float llevel_cost = level_wt_ *
int32_t lcc_index = uv_cand->period - first_nccf_lag_;
float lcc_value = 0.0;
// If this period is in the normal search range, retrieve the
// actual NCCF value for that lag.
if ((lcc_index >= 0) && (lcc_index < n_nccf_lags_)) {
lcc_value = resid_peaks_[start_peak].nccf[lcc_index];
} else {
int32_t peak_cc_index = uv_cand->closest_nccf_period - first_nccf_lag_;
lcc_value = resid_peaks_[start_peak].nccf[peak_cc_index];
uv_cand->local_cost = (nccf_uv_peak_wt_ * lcc_value) + llevel_cost +
unvoiced_cost_ + reward_;
} // end of the first pass at all pulses in the residual.
// All forward period hypotheses that start on all residual pulses
// in the signal have now been generated, and both voiced and
// unvoiced continuity throughout the lattice of hyps have been
// assured.
void EpochTracker::DoDynamicProgramming(void) {
// Perform the dynamic programming iterations over all pulses in
// the residual.
// For each pulse in the residual....
for (size_t peak = 0; peak < resid_peaks_.size(); ++peak) {
if (resid_peaks_[peak].past.size() == 0) { // Is this peak an origin?
// For each forward period hypothesis starting at this pulse...
for (size_t fhyp = 0; fhyp < resid_peaks_[peak].future.size(); ++fhyp) {
float min_cost = 1.0e30; // huge
size_t min_index = 0;
float forward_period = resid_peaks_[peak].future[fhyp]->period;
// For each of the previous period hyps ending on this pulse...
for (size_t phyp = 0; phyp < resid_peaks_[peak].past.size(); ++phyp) {
float sum_cost = 0.0;
// There are 4 voicing hyps to consider: V->V V->UV UV->V UV->UV
if (resid_peaks_[peak].future[fhyp]->voiced &&
resid_peaks_[peak].past[phyp]->voiced) { // v->v
float f_trans_cost = freq_trans_wt_ *
fabs(log(forward_period / resid_peaks_[peak].past[phyp]->period));
sum_cost = f_trans_cost + resid_peaks_[peak].past[phyp]->cost_sum;
} else {
if (resid_peaks_[peak].future[fhyp]->voiced &&
!resid_peaks_[peak].past[phyp]->voiced) { // uv->v
float v_transition_cost = voice_transition_factor_ *
(1.0 - voice_onset_prob_[resid_peaks_[peak].frame_index]);
sum_cost = resid_peaks_[peak].past[phyp]->cost_sum +
} else {
if ((!resid_peaks_[peak].future[fhyp]->voiced) &&
resid_peaks_[peak].past[phyp]->voiced) { // v->uv
float v_transition_cost = voice_transition_factor_ *
(1.0 - voice_offset_prob_[resid_peaks_[peak].frame_index]);
sum_cost = resid_peaks_[peak].past[phyp]->cost_sum +
} else { // UV->UV
sum_cost = resid_peaks_[peak].past[phyp]->cost_sum;
if (sum_cost < min_cost) {
min_cost = sum_cost;
min_index = phyp;
} // end for each previous period hyp
resid_peaks_[peak].future[fhyp]->cost_sum =
resid_peaks_[peak].future[fhyp]->local_cost + min_cost;
resid_peaks_[peak].future[fhyp]->best_prev_cand = min_index;
} // end for each foreward period hyp
} // end for each pulse in the residual signal.
// Here ends the dynamic programming.
bool EpochTracker::BacktrackAndSaveOutput(void) {
if (resid_peaks_.size() == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't backtrack with no residual peaks\n");
return false;
// Now find the best period hypothesis at the end of the signal,
// and backtrack from there.
float min_cost = 1.0e30;
int32_t min_index = 0;
// First, find a terminal peak which is the end of more than one
// period candidate.
size_t end = 0;
for (size_t peak = resid_peaks_.size() - 1; peak > 0; --peak) {
if ((resid_peaks_[peak].past.size() > 1)) {
for (size_t ind = 0; ind < resid_peaks_[peak].past.size(); ++ind) {
if (resid_peaks_[peak].past[ind]->cost_sum < min_cost) {
min_cost = resid_peaks_[peak].past[ind]->cost_sum;
min_index = ind;
end = peak;
if (end == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "No terminal peak found in DynamicProgramming\n");
return false;
// Backtrack through the best pointers to retrieve the optimum
// period and voicing candidates. Save the GCI and voicing
// estimates.
while (1) {
int32_t start_peak = resid_peaks_[end].past[min_index]->start_peak;
TrackerResults tr;
tr.resid_index = resid_peaks_[start_peak].resid_index;
if (resid_peaks_[end].past[min_index]->voiced) {
float nccf_period =
// TODO(dtalkin) If the closest NCCF period is more than epsilon
// different from the inter-pulse interval, use the inter-pulse
// interval instead.
tr.f0 = sample_rate_ / nccf_period;
tr.voiced = true;
} else {
tr.f0 = 0.0;
tr.voiced = false;
int32_t cc_index = resid_peaks_[end].past[min_index]->period -
// If this period is in the normal search range, retrieve the
// actual NCCF value for that lag.
if ((cc_index >= 0) && (cc_index < n_nccf_lags_)) {
tr.nccf_value = resid_peaks_[start_peak].nccf[cc_index];
} else {
int32_t peak_cc_index =
resid_peaks_[end].past[min_index]->closest_nccf_period -
tr.nccf_value = resid_peaks_[start_peak].nccf[peak_cc_index];
size_t new_end = resid_peaks_[end].past[min_index]->start_peak;
min_index = resid_peaks_[end].past[min_index]->best_prev_cand;
if (min_index < 0) { // Has an origin pulse been reached?
end = new_end;
// NOTE: The output_ array is in reverse time order!
return true;
void EpochTracker::GetFilledEpochs(float unvoiced_pm_interval,
std::vector<float>* times,
std::vector<int16_t>* voicing) {
float final_time = norm_residual_.size() / sample_rate_;
int32_t limit = output_.size() - 1;
int32_t i = limit;
// Produce the output in normal time order.
while (i >= 0) {
int32_t i_old = i;
float time = output_[i].resid_index / sample_rate_;
// Note that the pulse locations of both the beginning and end
// of any voiced period are of interest.
if (output_[i].voiced || ((i < limit) && (output_[i+1].voiced))) {
if (i == limit) {
time = 0.0;
if ((i > 0) && (!output_[i].voiced) && (time < final_time)) {
for ( ; i > 0; --i) {
if (output_[i].voiced) {
float next_time = final_time;
int32_t fill_ind = 1;
if (i > 0) {
next_time = (output_[i].resid_index / sample_rate_) -
(1.0 / max_f0_search_);
float now = time + (fill_ind * unvoiced_pm_interval);
while (now < next_time) {
now = time + (fill_ind * unvoiced_pm_interval);
if (i == i_old) {
bool EpochTracker::ResampleAndReturnResults(float resample_interval,
std::vector<float>* f0,
std::vector<float>* correlations) {
if ((sample_rate_ <= 0.0) || (output_.size() == 0)) {
"Un-initialized EpochTracker or no output_ in ResampleAndReturnF0\n");
return false;
if (resample_interval <= 0.0) {
fprintf(stderr, "resample_interval <= 0.0 in ResampleAndReturnF0\n");
return false;
float last_time = (output_[0].resid_index / sample_rate_) + endpoint_padding_;
int32_t n_frames = RoundUp(last_time / resample_interval);
f0->insert(f0->begin(), n_frames, 0.0);
correlations->insert(correlations->begin(), n_frames, 0.0);
int32_t limit = output_.size() - 1;
int32_t prev_frame = 0;
float prev_f0 = output_[limit].f0;
float prev_corr = output_[limit].nccf_value;
for (int32_t i = limit; i >= 0; --i) {
int32_t frame = RoundUp(output_[i].resid_index /
(sample_rate_ * resample_interval));
(*f0)[frame] = output_[i].f0;
(*correlations)[frame] = output_[i].nccf_value;
if ((frame - prev_frame) > 1) {
for (int32_t fr = prev_frame + 1; fr < frame; ++fr) {
(*f0)[fr] = prev_f0;
(*correlations)[fr] = prev_corr;
prev_frame = frame;
prev_corr = output_[i].nccf_value;
prev_f0 = output_[i].f0;
for (int32_t frame = prev_frame; frame < n_frames; ++frame) {
(*f0)[frame] = prev_f0;
(*correlations)[frame] = prev_corr;
return true;
bool EpochTracker::WriteDebugData(const std::vector<float>& data,
const std::string& extension) {
if (debug_name_.empty()) {
return true;
std::string filename = debug_name_ + "." + extension;
if (data.size() == 0) {
fprintf(stdout, "Data size==0 for %s in WriteDebugData\n",
return false;
FILE* out = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
if (!out) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s for debug output\n", filename.c_str());
return false;
size_t written = fwrite(&(data.front()), sizeof(data.front()),
data.size(), out);
if (written != data.size()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Problems writing debug data (%d %d)\n",
static_cast<int>(written), static_cast<int>(data.size()));
return false;
return true;
bool EpochTracker::WriteDiagnostics(const std::string& file_base) {
if (!file_base.empty()) {
WriteDebugData(signal_, "pcm");
WriteDebugData(residual_, "resid");
WriteDebugData(norm_residual_, "nresid");
WriteDebugData(bandpassed_rms_, "bprms");
WriteDebugData(voice_onset_prob_, "onsetp");
WriteDebugData(voice_offset_prob_, "offsetp");
WriteDebugData(peaks_debug_, "pvals");
WriteDebugData(prob_voiced_, "pvoiced");
// best_corr_ is only available after CreatePeriodLattice.
WriteDebugData(best_corr_, "bestcorr");
// NOTE: if WriteDiagnostics is called before the
// DynamicProgramming, there will be nothing in output_.
if ((!debug_name_.empty()) && (output_.size() > 2)) {
std::string pm_name = debug_name_ + ".pmlab";
FILE* pmfile = fopen(pm_name.c_str(), "w");
fprintf(pmfile, "#\n");
std::vector<float> f0;
int32_t limit = output_.size() - 1;
// Produce debug output in normal time order.
for (int32_t i = limit; i >= 0; --i) {
float time = output_[i].resid_index / sample_rate_;
// Note that the pulse locations of both the beginning and end
// of any voiced period are of interest.
if (output_[i].voiced || ((i < limit) && (output_[i+1].voiced))) {
fprintf(pmfile, "%f blue \n", time);
} else {
fprintf(pmfile, "%f red \n", time);
WriteDebugData(f0, "f0ap");
return true;