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from bark.generation import load_codec_model, generate_text_semantic, grab_best_device
from encodec.utils import convert_audio
from bark.hubert.hubert_manager import HuBERTManager
from bark.hubert.pre_kmeans_hubert import CustomHubert
from bark.hubert.customtokenizer import CustomTokenizer
import torchaudio
import torch
import os
import gradio
def clone_voice(audio_filepath, dest_filename, progress=gradio.Progress(track_tqdm=True)):
# if len(text) < 1:
# raise gradio.Error('No transcription text entered!')
use_gpu = not os.environ.get("BARK_FORCE_CPU", False)
progress(0, desc="Loading Codec")
model = load_codec_model(use_gpu=use_gpu)
# From
hubert_manager = HuBERTManager()
# From
# Load HuBERT for semantic tokens
# Load the HuBERT model
device = grab_best_device(use_gpu)
hubert_model = CustomHubert(checkpoint_path='./models/hubert/').to(device)
# Load the CustomTokenizer model
tokenizer = CustomTokenizer.load_from_checkpoint('./models/hubert/tokenizer.pth').to(device) # Automatically uses the right layers
progress(0.25, desc="Converting WAV")
# Load and pre-process the audio waveform
wav, sr = torchaudio.load(audio_filepath)
if wav.shape[0] == 2: # Stereo to mono if needed
wav = wav.mean(0, keepdim=True)
wav = convert_audio(wav, sr, model.sample_rate, model.channels)
wav =
progress(0.5, desc="Extracting codes")
semantic_vectors = hubert_model.forward(wav, input_sample_hz=model.sample_rate)
semantic_tokens = tokenizer.get_token(semantic_vectors)
# Extract discrete codes from EnCodec
with torch.no_grad():
encoded_frames = model.encode(wav.unsqueeze(0))
codes =[encoded[0] for encoded in encoded_frames], dim=-1).squeeze() # [n_q, T]
# get seconds of audio
# seconds = wav.shape[-1] / model.sample_rate
# generate semantic tokens
# semantic_tokens = generate_text_semantic(text, max_gen_duration_s=seconds, top_k=50, top_p=.95, temp=0.7)
# move codes to cpu
codes = codes.cpu().numpy()
# move semantic tokens to cpu
semantic_tokens = semantic_tokens.cpu().numpy()
import numpy as np
output_path = dest_filename + '.npz'
np.savez(output_path, fine_prompt=codes, coarse_prompt=codes[:2, :], semantic_prompt=semantic_tokens)
return "Finished"