kevinwang676's picture
Duplicate from kevinwang676/Bark-UI-with-Voice-Cloning
from mutagen.wave import WAVE
from mutagen.id3._frames import *
def add_id3_tag(filename, text, speakername, seed):
audio = WAVE(filename)
if speakername == None:
speakername = "Unconditional"
# write id3 tag with text truncated to 60 chars, as a precaution...
audio["TIT2"] = TIT2(encoding=3, text=text[:60])
audio["TPE1"] = TPE1(encoding=3, text=f"Voice {speakername} using Seed={seed}")
audio["TPUB"] = TPUB(encoding=3, text="Bark by Suno AI")
audio["COMMENT"] = COMM(encoding=3, text="Generated with Bark GUI - Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model. Visit")