ka1kuk's picture
Upload 235 files
7db0ae4 verified
history blame
No virus
9.76 kB
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, Field, root_validator
import enum
from typing import Optional, List, Union, Dict, Literal
from datetime import datetime
import uuid, json
class LiteLLMBase(BaseModel):
Implements default functions, all pydantic objects should have.
def json(self, **kwargs):
return self.model_dump() # noqa
# if using pydantic v1
return self.dict()
def fields_set(self):
return self.model_fields_set # noqa
# if using pydantic v1
return self.__fields_set__
######### Request Class Definition ######
class ProxyChatCompletionRequest(LiteLLMBase):
model: str
messages: List[Dict[str, str]]
temperature: Optional[float] = None
top_p: Optional[float] = None
n: Optional[int] = None
stream: Optional[bool] = None
stop: Optional[List[str]] = None
max_tokens: Optional[int] = None
presence_penalty: Optional[float] = None
frequency_penalty: Optional[float] = None
logit_bias: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None
user: Optional[str] = None
response_format: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
seed: Optional[int] = None
tools: Optional[List[str]] = None
tool_choice: Optional[str] = None
functions: Optional[List[str]] = None # soon to be deprecated
function_call: Optional[str] = None # soon to be deprecated
# Optional LiteLLM params
caching: Optional[bool] = None
api_base: Optional[str] = None
api_version: Optional[str] = None
api_key: Optional[str] = None
num_retries: Optional[int] = None
context_window_fallback_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
fallbacks: Optional[List[str]] = None
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = {}
deployment_id: Optional[str] = None
request_timeout: Optional[int] = None
class Config:
extra = "allow" # allow params not defined here, these fall in litellm.completion(**kwargs)
class ModelInfoDelete(LiteLLMBase):
id: Optional[str]
class ModelInfo(LiteLLMBase):
id: Optional[str]
mode: Optional[Literal["embedding", "chat", "completion"]]
input_cost_per_token: Optional[float] = 0.0
output_cost_per_token: Optional[float] = 0.0
max_tokens: Optional[int] = 2048 # assume 2048 if not set
# for azure models we need users to specify the base model, one azure you can call deployments - azure/my-random-model
# we look up the base model in model_prices_and_context_window.json
base_model: Optional[
class Config:
extra = Extra.allow # Allow extra fields
protected_namespaces = ()
def set_model_info(cls, values):
if values.get("id") is None:
values.update({"id": str(uuid.uuid4())})
if values.get("mode") is None:
values.update({"mode": None})
if values.get("input_cost_per_token") is None:
values.update({"input_cost_per_token": None})
if values.get("output_cost_per_token") is None:
values.update({"output_cost_per_token": None})
if values.get("max_tokens") is None:
values.update({"max_tokens": None})
if values.get("base_model") is None:
values.update({"base_model": None})
return values
class ModelParams(LiteLLMBase):
model_name: str
litellm_params: dict
model_info: ModelInfo
class Config:
protected_namespaces = ()
def set_model_info(cls, values):
if values.get("model_info") is None:
values.update({"model_info": ModelInfo()})
return values
class GenerateKeyRequest(LiteLLMBase):
duration: Optional[str] = "1h"
models: Optional[list] = []
aliases: Optional[dict] = {}
config: Optional[dict] = {}
spend: Optional[float] = 0
user_id: Optional[str] = None
max_parallel_requests: Optional[int] = None
metadata: Optional[dict] = {}
class UpdateKeyRequest(LiteLLMBase):
key: str
duration: Optional[str] = None
models: Optional[list] = None
aliases: Optional[dict] = None
config: Optional[dict] = None
spend: Optional[float] = None
user_id: Optional[str] = None
max_parallel_requests: Optional[int] = None
metadata: Optional[dict] = {}
class UserAPIKeyAuth(LiteLLMBase): # the expected response object for user api key auth
Return the row in the db
api_key: Optional[str] = None
models: list = []
aliases: dict = {}
config: dict = {}
spend: Optional[float] = 0
user_id: Optional[str] = None
max_parallel_requests: Optional[int] = None
duration: str = "1h"
metadata: dict = {}
class GenerateKeyResponse(LiteLLMBase):
key: str
expires: Optional[datetime]
user_id: str
class _DeleteKeyObject(LiteLLMBase):
key: str
class DeleteKeyRequest(LiteLLMBase):
keys: List[_DeleteKeyObject]
class NewUserRequest(GenerateKeyRequest):
max_budget: Optional[float] = None
class NewUserResponse(GenerateKeyResponse):
max_budget: Optional[float] = None
class KeyManagementSystem(enum.Enum):
GOOGLE_KMS = "google_kms"
AZURE_KEY_VAULT = "azure_key_vault"
LOCAL = "local"
class DynamoDBArgs(LiteLLMBase):
read_capacity_units: Optional[int] = None
write_capacity_units: Optional[int] = None
region_name: str
user_table_name: str = "LiteLLM_UserTable"
key_table_name: str = "LiteLLM_VerificationToken"
config_table_name: str = "LiteLLM_Config"
class ConfigGeneralSettings(LiteLLMBase):
Documents all the fields supported by `general_settings` in config.yaml
completion_model: Optional[str] = Field(
None, description="proxy level default model for all chat completion calls"
key_management_system: Optional[KeyManagementSystem] = Field(
None, description="key manager to load keys from / decrypt keys with"
use_google_kms: Optional[bool] = Field(
None, description="decrypt keys with google kms"
use_azure_key_vault: Optional[bool] = Field(
None, description="load keys from azure key vault"
master_key: Optional[str] = Field(
None, description="require a key for all calls to proxy"
database_url: Optional[str] = Field(
description="connect to a postgres db - needed for generating temporary keys + tracking spend / key",
database_type: Optional[Literal["dynamo_db"]] = Field(
None, description="to use dynamodb instead of postgres db"
database_args: Optional[DynamoDBArgs] = Field(
description="custom args for instantiating dynamodb client - e.g. billing provision",
otel: Optional[bool] = Field(
description="[BETA] OpenTelemetry support - this might change, use with caution.",
custom_auth: Optional[str] = Field(
description="override user_api_key_auth with your own auth script - https://docs.litellm.ai/docs/proxy/virtual_keys#custom-auth",
max_parallel_requests: Optional[int] = Field(
None, description="maximum parallel requests for each api key"
infer_model_from_keys: Optional[bool] = Field(
description="for `/models` endpoint, infers available model based on environment keys (e.g. OPENAI_API_KEY)",
background_health_checks: Optional[bool] = Field(
None, description="run health checks in background"
health_check_interval: int = Field(
300, description="background health check interval in seconds"
alerting: Optional[List] = Field(
description="List of alerting integrations. Today, just slack - `alerting: ['slack']`",
alerting_threshold: Optional[int] = Field(
description="sends alerts if requests hang for 5min+",
class ConfigYAML(LiteLLMBase):
Documents all the fields supported by the config.yaml
environment_variables: Optional[dict] = Field(
description="Object to pass in additional environment variables via POST request",
model_list: Optional[List[ModelParams]] = Field(
description="List of supported models on the server, with model-specific configs",
litellm_settings: Optional[dict] = Field(
description="litellm Module settings. See __init__.py for all, example litellm.drop_params=True, litellm.set_verbose=True, litellm.api_base, litellm.cache",
general_settings: Optional[ConfigGeneralSettings] = None
class Config:
protected_namespaces = ()
class LiteLLM_VerificationToken(LiteLLMBase):
token: str
spend: float = 0.0
expires: Union[str, None]
models: List[str]
aliases: Dict[str, str] = {}
config: Dict[str, str] = {}
user_id: Union[str, None]
max_parallel_requests: Union[int, None]
metadata: Dict[str, str] = {}
class LiteLLM_Config(LiteLLMBase):
param_name: str
param_value: Dict
class LiteLLM_UserTable(LiteLLMBase):
user_id: str
max_budget: Optional[float]
spend: float = 0.0
user_email: Optional[str]
def set_model_info(cls, values):
if values.get("spend") is None:
values.update({"spend": 0.0})
return values