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20.3 kB
The terminal interface is just a view. Just handles the very top layer.
If you were to build a frontend this would be a way to do it.
import readline
except ImportError:
import os
import platform
import random
import re
import subprocess
import time
from ..core.utils.scan_code import scan_code
from ..core.utils.system_debug_info import system_info
from ..core.utils.truncate_output import truncate_output
from .components.code_block import CodeBlock
from .components.message_block import MessageBlock
from .magic_commands import handle_magic_command
from .utils.check_for_package import check_for_package
from .utils.display_markdown_message import display_markdown_message
from .utils.display_output import display_output
from .utils.find_image_path import find_image_path
from .utils.cli_input import cli_input
# Add examples to the readline history
examples = [
"How many files are on my desktop?",
"What time is it in Seattle?",
"Make me a simple Pomodoro app.",
"Open Chrome and go to YouTube.",
"Can you set my system to light mode?",
for example in examples:
# If they don't have readline, that's fine
def terminal_interface(interpreter, message):
# Auto run and offline (this.. this isn't right) don't display messages.
# Probably worth abstracting this to something like "debug_cli" at some point.
if not interpreter.auto_run and not interpreter.offline:
interpreter_intro_message = [
"**Open Interpreter** will require approval before running code."
if interpreter.safe_mode == "ask" or interpreter.safe_mode == "auto":
if not check_for_package("semgrep"):
f"**Safe Mode**: {interpreter.safe_mode}\n\n>Note: **Safe Mode** requires `semgrep` (`pip install semgrep`)"
interpreter_intro_message.append("Use `interpreter -y` to bypass this.")
interpreter_intro_message.append("Press `CTRL-C` to exit.")
display_markdown_message("\n\n".join(interpreter_intro_message) + "\n")
if message:
interactive = False
interactive = True
active_block = None
voice_subprocess = None
while True:
if interactive:
### This is the primary input for Open Interpreter.
message = cli_input("> ").strip() if interpreter.multi_line else input("> ").strip()
# This lets users hit the up arrow key for past messages
# If the user doesn't have readline (may be the case on windows), that's fine
if isinstance(message, str):
# This is for the terminal interface being used as a CLI — messages are strings.
# This won't fire if they're in the python package, display=True, and they passed in an array of messages (for example).
if message == "":
# Ignore empty messages when user presses enter without typing anything
if message.startswith("%") and interactive:
handle_magic_command(interpreter, message)
# Many users do this
if message.strip() == "interpreter --local":
print("Please exit this conversation, then run `interpreter --local`.")
if message.strip() == "pip install --upgrade open-interpreter":
"Please exit this conversation, then run `pip install --upgrade open-interpreter`."
if interpreter.llm.supports_vision or interpreter.llm.vision_renderer != None:
# Is the input a path to an image? Like they just dragged it into the terminal?
image_path = find_image_path(message)
## If we found an image, add it to the message
if image_path:
# Add the text interpreter's message history
"role": "user",
"type": "message",
"content": message,
# Pass in the image to interpreter in a moment
message = {
"role": "user",
"type": "image",
"format": "path",
"content": image_path,
for chunk in, display=False, stream=True):
yield chunk
# Is this for thine eyes?
if "recipient" in chunk and chunk["recipient"] != "user":
if interpreter.verbose:
print("Chunk in `terminal_interface`:", chunk)
# Comply with PyAutoGUI fail-safe for OS mode
# so people can turn it off by moving their mouse to a corner
if interpreter.os:
if (
chunk.get("format") == "output"
and "failsafeexception" in chunk["content"].lower()
print("Fail-safe triggered (mouse in one of the four corners).")
if "end" in chunk and active_block:
if chunk["type"] in [
]: # We don't stop on code's end — code + console output are actually one block.
active_block = None
# Assistant message blocks
if chunk["type"] == "message":
if "start" in chunk:
active_block = MessageBlock()
render_cursor = True
if "content" in chunk:
active_block.message += chunk["content"]
if "end" in chunk and interpreter.os:
last_message = interpreter.messages[-1]["content"]
# Remove markdown lists and the line above markdown lists
lines = last_message.split("\n")
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
# Match markdown lists starting with hyphen, asterisk or number
if re.match(r"^\s*([-*]|\d+\.)\s", lines[i]):
del lines[i]
if i > 0:
del lines[i - 1]
i -= 1
i += 1
message = "\n".join(lines)
# Replace newlines with spaces, escape double quotes and backslashes
sanitized_message = (
message.replace("\\", "\\\\")
.replace("\n", " ")
.replace('"', '\\"')
# Display notification in OS mode
if interpreter.os:
# Speak message aloud
if platform.system() == "Darwin" and interpreter.speak_messages:
if voice_subprocess:
voice_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
f'say "{sanitized_message}" using "Fred"',
# User isn't on a Mac, so we can't do this. You should tell them something about that when they first set this up.
# Or use a universal TTS library.
# Assistant code blocks
elif chunk["role"] == "assistant" and chunk["type"] == "code":
if "start" in chunk:
active_block = CodeBlock()
active_block.language = chunk["format"]
render_cursor = True
if "content" in chunk:
active_block.code += chunk["content"]
# Execution notice
if chunk["type"] == "confirmation":
if not interpreter.auto_run:
# OI is about to execute code. The user wants to approve this
# End the active code block so you can run input() below it
if active_block:
active_block = None
code_to_run = chunk["content"]
language = code_to_run["format"]
code = code_to_run["content"]
should_scan_code = False
if not interpreter.safe_mode == "off":
if interpreter.safe_mode == "auto":
should_scan_code = True
elif interpreter.safe_mode == "ask":
response = input(
" Would you like to scan this code? (y/n)\n\n "
print("") # <- Aesthetic choice
if response.strip().lower() == "y":
should_scan_code = True
if should_scan_code:
scan_code(code, language, interpreter)
response = input(
" Would you like to run this code? (y/n)\n\n "
print("") # <- Aesthetic choice
if response.strip().lower() == "y":
# Create a new, identical block where the code will actually be run
# Conveniently, the chunk includes everything we need to do this:
active_block = CodeBlock()
active_block.margin_top = False # <- Aesthetic choice
active_block.language = language
active_block.code = code
# User declined to run code.
"role": "user",
"type": "message",
"content": "I have declined to run this code.",
# Computer can display visual types to user,
# Which sometimes creates more computer output (e.g. HTML errors, eventually)
if (
chunk["role"] == "computer"
and "content" in chunk
and (
chunk["type"] == "image"
or ("format" in chunk and chunk["format"] == "html")
or ("format" in chunk and chunk["format"] == "javascript")
if interpreter.os and interpreter.verbose == False:
# We don't display things to the user in OS control mode, since we use vision to communicate the screen to the LLM so much.
# But if verbose is true, we do display it!
# Display and give extra output back to the LLM
extra_computer_output = display_output(chunk)
# We're going to just add it to the messages directly, not changing `recipient` here.
# Mind you, the way we're doing this, this would make it appear to the user if they look at their conversation history,
# because we're not adding "recipient: assistant" to this block. But this is a good simple solution IMO.
# we just might want to change it in the future, once we're sure that a bunch of adjacent type:console blocks will be rendered normally to text-only LLMs
# and that if we made a new block here with "recipient: assistant" it wouldn't add new console outputs to that block (thus hiding them from the user)
if (
interpreter.messages[-1].get("format") != "output"
or interpreter.messages[-1]["role"] != "computer"
or interpreter.messages[-1]["type"] != "console"
# If the last message isn't a console output, make a new block
"role": "computer",
"type": "console",
"format": "output",
"content": extra_computer_output,
# If the last message is a console output, simply append the extra output to it
interpreter.messages[-1]["content"] += (
"\n" + extra_computer_output
interpreter.messages[-1]["content"] = interpreter.messages[-1][
# Console
if chunk["type"] == "console":
render_cursor = False
if "format" in chunk and chunk["format"] == "output":
active_block.output += "\n" + chunk["content"]
active_block.output = (
) # ^ Aesthetic choice
# Truncate output
active_block.output = truncate_output(
active_block.output, interpreter.max_output
if "format" in chunk and chunk["format"] == "active_line":
active_block.active_line = chunk["content"]
# Display action notifications if we're in OS mode
if interpreter.os and active_block.active_line != None:
action = ""
code_lines = active_block.code.split("\n")
if active_block.active_line < len(code_lines):
action = code_lines[active_block.active_line].strip()
if action.startswith("computer"):
description = None
# Extract arguments from the action
start_index = action.find("(")
end_index = action.rfind(")")
if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1:
# (If we found both)
arguments = action[start_index + 1 : end_index]
arguments = None
# NOTE: Do not put the text you're clicking on screen
# (unless we figure out how to do this AFTER taking the screenshot)
# otherwise it will try to click this notification!
if any(action.startswith(text) for text in [
description = "Viewing screen..."
elif action == "":
description = "Clicking..."
elif action.startswith(""):
if "icon=" in arguments:
text_or_icon = "icon"
text_or_icon = "text"
description = f"Clicking {text_or_icon}..."
elif action.startswith("computer.mouse.move("):
if "icon=" in arguments:
text_or_icon = "icon"
text_or_icon = "text"
if (
"click" in active_block.code
): # This could be better
description = f"Clicking {text_or_icon}..."
description = f"Mousing over {text_or_icon}..."
elif action.startswith("computer.keyboard.write("):
description = f"Typing {arguments}."
elif action.startswith("computer.keyboard.hotkey("):
description = f"Pressing {arguments}."
elif action.startswith(""):
description = f"Pressing {arguments}."
elif action == "computer.os.get_selected_text()":
description = f"Getting selected text."
if description:
if "start" in chunk:
# We need to make a code block if we pushed out an HTML block first, which would have closed our code block.
if not isinstance(active_block, CodeBlock):
if active_block:
active_block = CodeBlock()
if active_block:
# (Sometimes -- like if they CTRL-C quickly -- active_block is still None here)
if "active_block" in locals():
if active_block:
active_block = None
if not interactive:
# Don't loop
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Exit gracefully
if "active_block" in locals() and active_block:
active_block = None
if interactive:
# (this cancels LLM, returns to the interactive "> " input)
if interpreter.debug: