/*! Copyright (c) 2011, Lloyd Hilaiel, ISC License */ | |
/* | |
* This is the JSONSelect reference implementation, in javascript. This | |
* code is designed to run under node.js or in a browser. In the former | |
* case, the "public API" is exposed as properties on the `export` object, | |
* in the latter, as properties on `window.JSONSelect`. That API is thus: | |
* | |
* Selector formating and parameter escaping: | |
* | |
* Anywhere where a string selector is selected, it may be followed by an | |
* optional array of values. When provided, they will be escaped and | |
* inserted into the selector string properly escaped. i.e.: | |
* | |
* .match(':has(?)', [ 'foo' ], {}) | |
* | |
* would result in the seclector ':has("foo")' being matched against {}. | |
* | |
* This feature makes dynamically generated selectors more readable. | |
* | |
* .match(selector, [ values ], object) | |
* | |
* Parses and "compiles" the selector, then matches it against the object | |
* argument. Matches are returned in an array. Throws an error when | |
* there's a problem parsing the selector. | |
* | |
* .forEach(selector, [ values ], object, callback) | |
* | |
* Like match, but rather than returning an array, invokes the provided | |
* callback once per match as the matches are discovered. | |
* | |
* .compile(selector, [ values ]) | |
* | |
* Parses the selector and compiles it to an internal form, and returns | |
* an object which contains the compiled selector and has two properties: | |
* `match` and `forEach`. These two functions work identically to the | |
* above, except they do not take a selector as an argument and instead | |
* use the compiled selector. | |
* | |
* For cases where a complex selector is repeatedly used, this method | |
* should be faster as it will avoid recompiling the selector each time. | |
*/ | |
(function(exports) { | |
var // localize references | |
toString = Object.prototype.toString; | |
function jsonParse(str) { | |
try { | |
if(JSON && JSON.parse){ | |
return JSON.parse(str); | |
} | |
return (new Function("return " + str))(); | |
} catch(e) { | |
te("ijs", e.message); | |
} | |
} | |
// emitted error codes. | |
var errorCodes = { | |
"bop": "binary operator expected", | |
"ee": "expression expected", | |
"epex": "closing paren expected ')'", | |
"ijs": "invalid json string", | |
"mcp": "missing closing paren", | |
"mepf": "malformed expression in pseudo-function", | |
"mexp": "multiple expressions not allowed", | |
"mpc": "multiple pseudo classes (:xxx) not allowed", | |
"nmi": "multiple ids not allowed", | |
"pex": "opening paren expected '('", | |
"se": "selector expected", | |
"sex": "string expected", | |
"sra": "string required after '.'", | |
"uc": "unrecognized char", | |
"ucp": "unexpected closing paren", | |
"ujs": "unclosed json string", | |
"upc": "unrecognized pseudo class" | |
}; | |
// throw an error message | |
function te(ec, context) { | |
throw new Error(errorCodes[ec] + ( context && " in '" + context + "'")); | |
} | |
// THE LEXER | |
var toks = { | |
psc: 1, // pseudo class | |
psf: 2, // pseudo class function | |
typ: 3, // type | |
str: 4, // string | |
ide: 5 // identifiers (or "classes", stuff after a dot) | |
}; | |
// The primary lexing regular expression in jsonselect | |
var pat = new RegExp( | |
"^(?:" + | |
// (1) whitespace | |
"([\\r\\n\\t\\ ]+)|" + | |
// (2) one-char ops | |
"([~*,>\\)\\(])|" + | |
// (3) types names | |
"(string|boolean|null|array|object|number)|" + | |
// (4) pseudo classes | |
"(:(?:root|first-child|last-child|only-child))|" + | |
// (5) pseudo functions | |
"(:(?:nth-child|nth-last-child|has|expr|val|contains))|" + | |
// (6) bogusly named pseudo something or others | |
"(:\\w+)|" + | |
// (7 & 8) identifiers and JSON strings | |
"(?:(\\.)?(\\\"(?:[^\\\\\\\"]|\\\\[^\\\"])*\\\"))|" + | |
// (8) bogus JSON strings missing a trailing quote | |
"(\\\")|" + | |
// (9) identifiers (unquoted) | |
"\\.((?:[_a-zA-Z]|[^\\0-\\0177]|\\\\[^\\r\\n\\f0-9a-fA-F])(?:[_a-zA-Z0-9\\-]|[^\\u0000-\\u0177]|(?:\\\\[^\\r\\n\\f0-9a-fA-F]))*)" + | |
")" | |
); | |
// A regular expression for matching "nth expressions" (see grammar, what :nth-child() eats) | |
var nthPat = /^\s*\(\s*(?:([+\-]?)([0-9]*)n\s*(?:([+\-])\s*([0-9]))?|(odd|even)|([+\-]?[0-9]+))\s*\)/; | |
function lex(str, off) { | |
if (!off) off = 0; | |
var m = pat.exec(str.substr(off)); | |
if (!m) return undefined; | |
off+=m[0].length; | |
var a; | |
if (m[1]) a = [off, " "]; | |
else if (m[2]) a = [off, m[0]]; | |
else if (m[3]) a = [off, toks.typ, m[0]]; | |
else if (m[4]) a = [off, toks.psc, m[0]]; | |
else if (m[5]) a = [off, toks.psf, m[0]]; | |
else if (m[6]) te("upc", str); | |
else if (m[8]) a = [off, m[7] ? toks.ide : toks.str, jsonParse(m[8])]; | |
else if (m[9]) te("ujs", str); | |
else if (m[10]) a = [off, toks.ide, m[10].replace(/\\([^\r\n\f0-9a-fA-F])/g,"$1")]; | |
return a; | |
} | |
var exprPat = new RegExp( | |
// skip and don't capture leading whitespace | |
"^\\s*(?:" + | |
// (1) simple vals | |
"(true|false|null)|" + | |
// (2) numbers | |
"(-?\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+\\-]?\\d+)?)|" + | |
// (3) strings | |
"(\"(?:[^\\]|\\[^\"])*\")|" + | |
// (4) the 'x' value placeholder | |
"(x)|" + | |
// (5) binops | |
"(&&|\\|\\||[\\$\\^<>!\\*]=|[=+\\-*/%<>])|" + | |
// (6) parens | |
"([\\(\\)])" + | |
")" | |
); | |
function is(o, t) { return typeof o === t; } | |
var operators = { | |
'*': [ 9, function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs * rhs; } ], | |
'/': [ 9, function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs / rhs; } ], | |
'%': [ 9, function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs % rhs; } ], | |
'+': [ 7, function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs + rhs; } ], | |
'-': [ 7, function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs - rhs; } ], | |
'<=': [ 5, function(lhs, rhs) { return is(lhs, 'number') && is(rhs, 'number') && lhs <= rhs; } ], | |
'>=': [ 5, function(lhs, rhs) { return is(lhs, 'number') && is(rhs, 'number') && lhs >= rhs; } ], | |
'$=': [ 5, function(lhs, rhs) { return is(lhs, 'string') && is(rhs, 'string') && lhs.lastIndexOf(rhs) === lhs.length - rhs.length; } ], | |
'^=': [ 5, function(lhs, rhs) { return is(lhs, 'string') && is(rhs, 'string') && lhs.indexOf(rhs) === 0; } ], | |
'*=': [ 5, function(lhs, rhs) { return is(lhs, 'string') && is(rhs, 'string') && lhs.indexOf(rhs) !== -1; } ], | |
'>': [ 5, function(lhs, rhs) { return is(lhs, 'number') && is(rhs, 'number') && lhs > rhs; } ], | |
'<': [ 5, function(lhs, rhs) { return is(lhs, 'number') && is(rhs, 'number') && lhs < rhs; } ], | |
'=': [ 3, function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs === rhs; } ], | |
'!=': [ 3, function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs !== rhs; } ], | |
'&&': [ 2, function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs && rhs; } ], | |
'||': [ 1, function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs || rhs; } ] | |
}; | |
function exprLex(str, off) { | |
var v, m = exprPat.exec(str.substr(off)); | |
if (m) { | |
off += m[0].length; | |
v = m[1] || m[2] || m[3] || m[5] || m[6]; | |
if (m[1] || m[2] || m[3]) return [off, 0, jsonParse(v)]; | |
else if (m[4]) return [off, 0, undefined]; | |
return [off, v]; | |
} | |
} | |
function exprParse2(str, off) { | |
if (!off) off = 0; | |
// first we expect a value or a '(' | |
var l = exprLex(str, off), | |
lhs; | |
if (l && l[1] === '(') { | |
lhs = exprParse2(str, l[0]); | |
var p = exprLex(str, lhs[0]); | |
if (!p || p[1] !== ')') te('epex', str); | |
off = p[0]; | |
lhs = [ '(', lhs[1] ]; | |
} else if (!l || (l[1] && l[1] != 'x')) { | |
te("ee", str + " - " + ( l[1] && l[1] )); | |
} else { | |
lhs = ((l[1] === 'x') ? undefined : l[2]); | |
off = l[0]; | |
} | |
// now we expect a binary operator or a ')' | |
var op = exprLex(str, off); | |
if (!op || op[1] == ')') return [off, lhs]; | |
else if (op[1] == 'x' || !op[1]) { | |
te('bop', str + " - " + ( op[1] && op[1] )); | |
} | |
// tail recursion to fetch the rhs expression | |
var rhs = exprParse2(str, op[0]); | |
off = rhs[0]; | |
rhs = rhs[1]; | |
// and now precedence! how shall we put everything together? | |
var v; | |
if (typeof rhs !== 'object' || rhs[0] === '(' || operators[op[1]][0] < operators[rhs[1]][0] ) { | |
v = [lhs, op[1], rhs]; | |
} | |
else { | |
v = rhs; | |
while (typeof rhs[0] === 'object' && rhs[0][0] != '(' && operators[op[1]][0] >= operators[rhs[0][1]][0]) { | |
rhs = rhs[0]; | |
} | |
rhs[0] = [lhs, op[1], rhs[0]]; | |
} | |
return [off, v]; | |
} | |
function exprParse(str, off) { | |
function deparen(v) { | |
if (typeof v !== 'object' || v === null) return v; | |
else if (v[0] === '(') return deparen(v[1]); | |
else return [deparen(v[0]), v[1], deparen(v[2])]; | |
} | |
var e = exprParse2(str, off ? off : 0); | |
return [e[0], deparen(e[1])]; | |
} | |
function exprEval(expr, x) { | |
if (expr === undefined) return x; | |
else if (expr === null || typeof expr !== 'object') { | |
return expr; | |
} | |
var lhs = exprEval(expr[0], x), | |
rhs = exprEval(expr[2], x); | |
return operators[expr[1]][1](lhs, rhs); | |
} | |
function parse(str, off, nested, hints) { | |
if (!nested) hints = {}; | |
var a = [], am, readParen; | |
if (!off) off = 0; | |
while (true) { | |
var s = parse_selector(str, off, hints); | |
a.push(s[1]); | |
s = lex(str, off = s[0]); | |
if (s && s[1] === " ") s = lex(str, off = s[0]); | |
if (!s) break; | |
// now we've parsed a selector, and have something else... | |
if (s[1] === ">" || s[1] === "~") { | |
if (s[1] === "~") hints.usesSiblingOp = true; | |
a.push(s[1]); | |
off = s[0]; | |
} else if (s[1] === ",") { | |
if (am === undefined) am = [ ",", a ]; | |
else am.push(a); | |
a = []; | |
off = s[0]; | |
} else if (s[1] === ")") { | |
if (!nested) te("ucp", s[1]); | |
readParen = 1; | |
off = s[0]; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (nested && !readParen) te("mcp", str); | |
if (am) am.push(a); | |
var rv; | |
if (!nested && hints.usesSiblingOp) { | |
rv = normalize(am ? am : a); | |
} else { | |
rv = am ? am : a; | |
} | |
return [off, rv]; | |
} | |
function normalizeOne(sel) { | |
var sels = [], s; | |
for (var i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { | |
if (sel[i] === '~') { | |
// `A ~ B` maps to `:has(:root > A) > B` | |
// `Z A ~ B` maps to `Z :has(:root > A) > B, Z:has(:root > A) > B` | |
// This first clause, takes care of the first case, and the first half of the latter case. | |
if (i < 2 || sel[i-2] != '>') { | |
s = sel.slice(0,i-1); | |
s = s.concat([{has:[[{pc: ":root"}, ">", sel[i-1]]]}, ">"]); | |
s = s.concat(sel.slice(i+1)); | |
sels.push(s); | |
} | |
// here we take care of the second half of above: | |
// (`Z A ~ B` maps to `Z :has(:root > A) > B, Z :has(:root > A) > B`) | |
// and a new case: | |
// Z > A ~ B maps to Z:has(:root > A) > B | |
if (i > 1) { | |
var at = sel[i-2] === '>' ? i-3 : i-2; | |
s = sel.slice(0,at); | |
var z = {}; | |
for (var k in sel[at]) if (sel[at].hasOwnProperty(k)) z[k] = sel[at][k]; | |
if (!z.has) z.has = []; | |
z.has.push([{pc: ":root"}, ">", sel[i-1]]); | |
s = s.concat(z, '>', sel.slice(i+1)); | |
sels.push(s); | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (i == sel.length) return sel; | |
return sels.length > 1 ? [','].concat(sels) : sels[0]; | |
} | |
function normalize(sels) { | |
if (sels[0] === ',') { | |
var r = [","]; | |
for (var i = i; i < sels.length; i++) { | |
var s = normalizeOne(s[i]); | |
r = r.concat(s[0] === "," ? s.slice(1) : s); | |
} | |
return r; | |
} else { | |
return normalizeOne(sels); | |
} | |
} | |
function parse_selector(str, off, hints) { | |
var soff = off; | |
var s = { }; | |
var l = lex(str, off); | |
// skip space | |
if (l && l[1] === " ") { soff = off = l[0]; l = lex(str, off); } | |
if (l && l[1] === toks.typ) { | |
s.type = l[2]; | |
l = lex(str, (off = l[0])); | |
} else if (l && l[1] === "*") { | |
// don't bother representing the universal sel, '*' in the | |
// parse tree, cause it's the default | |
l = lex(str, (off = l[0])); | |
} | |
// now support either an id or a pc | |
while (true) { | |
if (l === undefined) { | |
break; | |
} else if (l[1] === toks.ide) { | |
if ( te("nmi", l[1]); | | = l[2]; | |
} else if (l[1] === toks.psc) { | |
if (s.pc || te("mpc", l[1]); | |
// collapse first-child and last-child into nth-child expressions | |
if (l[2] === ":first-child") { | | = ":nth-child"; | |
s.a = 0; | |
s.b = 1; | |
} else if (l[2] === ":last-child") { | | = ":nth-last-child"; | |
s.a = 0; | |
s.b = 1; | |
} else { | |
s.pc = l[2]; | |
} | |
} else if (l[1] === toks.psf) { | |
if (l[2] === ":val" || l[2] === ":contains") { | |
s.expr = [ undefined, l[2] === ":val" ? "=" : "*=", undefined]; | |
// any amount of whitespace, followed by paren, string, paren | |
l = lex(str, (off = l[0])); | |
if (l && l[1] === " ") l = lex(str, off = l[0]); | |
if (!l || l[1] !== "(") te("pex", str); | |
l = lex(str, (off = l[0])); | |
if (l && l[1] === " ") l = lex(str, off = l[0]); | |
if (!l || l[1] !== toks.str) te("sex", str); | |
s.expr[2] = l[2]; | |
l = lex(str, (off = l[0])); | |
if (l && l[1] === " ") l = lex(str, off = l[0]); | |
if (!l || l[1] !== ")") te("epex", str); | |
} else if (l[2] === ":has") { | |
// any amount of whitespace, followed by paren | |
l = lex(str, (off = l[0])); | |
if (l && l[1] === " ") l = lex(str, off = l[0]); | |
if (!l || l[1] !== "(") te("pex", str); | |
var h = parse(str, l[0], true); | |
l[0] = h[0]; | |
if (!s.has) s.has = []; | |
s.has.push(h[1]); | |
} else if (l[2] === ":expr") { | |
if (s.expr) te("mexp", str); | |
var e = exprParse(str, l[0]); | |
l[0] = e[0]; | |
s.expr = e[1]; | |
} else { | |
if (s.pc || ) te("mpc", str); | | = l[2]; | |
var m = nthPat.exec(str.substr(l[0])); | |
if (!m) te("mepf", str); | |
if (m[5]) { | |
s.a = 2; | |
s.b = (m[5] === "odd") ? 1 : 0; | |
} else if (m[6]) { | |
s.a = 0; | |
s.b = parseInt(m[6], 10); | |
} else { | |
s.a = parseInt((m[1] ? m[1] : "+") + (m[2] ? m[2] : "1"),10); | |
s.b = m[3] ? parseInt(m[3] + m[4],10) : 0; | |
} | |
l[0] += m[0].length; | |
} | |
} else { | |
break; | |
} | |
l = lex(str, (off = l[0])); | |
} | |
// now if we didn't actually parse anything it's an error | |
if (soff === off) te("se", str); | |
return [off, s]; | |
} | |
function isArray(o) { | |
return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(o) : | | === "[object Array]"; | |
} | |
function mytypeof(o) { | |
if (o === null) return "null"; | |
var to = typeof o; | |
if (to === "object" && isArray(o)) to = "array"; | |
return to; | |
} | |
function mn(node, sel, id, num, tot) { | |
var sels = []; | |
var cs = (sel[0] === ">") ? sel[1] : sel[0]; | |
var m = true, mod; | |
if (cs.type) m = m && (cs.type === mytypeof(node)); | |
if ( m = m && ( === id); | |
if (m && { | |
if ( === ":nth-last-child") num = tot - num; | |
else num++; | |
if (cs.a === 0) { | |
m = cs.b === num; | |
} else { | |
mod = ((num - cs.b) % cs.a); | |
m = (!mod && ((num*cs.a + cs.b) >= 0)); | |
} | |
} | |
if (m && cs.has) { | |
// perhaps we should augment forEach to handle a return value | |
// that indicates "client cancels traversal"? | |
var bail = function() { throw 42; }; | |
for (var i = 0; i < cs.has.length; i++) { | |
try { | |
forEach(cs.has[i], node, bail); | |
} catch (e) { | |
if (e === 42) continue; | |
} | |
m = false; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (m && cs.expr) { | |
m = exprEval(cs.expr, node); | |
} | |
// should we repeat this selector for descendants? | |
if (sel[0] !== ">" && sel[0].pc !== ":root") sels.push(sel); | |
if (m) { | |
// is there a fragment that we should pass down? | |
if (sel[0] === ">") { if (sel.length > 2) { m = false; sels.push(sel.slice(2)); } } | |
else if (sel.length > 1) { m = false; sels.push(sel.slice(1)); } | |
} | |
return [m, sels]; | |
} | |
function forEach(sel, obj, fun, id, num, tot) { | |
var a = (sel[0] === ",") ? sel.slice(1) : [sel], | |
a0 = [], | |
call = false, | |
i = 0, j = 0, k, x; | |
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { | |
x = mn(obj, a[i], id, num, tot); | |
if (x[0]) { | |
call = true; | |
} | |
for (j = 0; j < x[1].length; j++) { | |
a0.push(x[1][j]); | |
} | |
} | |
if (a0.length && typeof obj === "object") { | |
if (a0.length >= 1) { | |
a0.unshift(","); | |
} | |
if (isArray(obj)) { | |
for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { | |
forEach(a0, obj[i], fun, undefined, i, obj.length); | |
} | |
} else { | |
for (k in obj) { | |
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) { | |
forEach(a0, obj[k], fun, k); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (call && fun) { | |
fun(obj); | |
} | |
} | |
function match(sel, obj) { | |
var a = []; | |
forEach(sel, obj, function(x) { | |
a.push(x); | |
}); | |
return a; | |
} | |
function format(sel, arr) { | |
sel = sel.replace(/\?/g, function() { | |
if (arr.length === 0) throw "too few parameters given"; | |
var p = arr.shift(); | |
return ((typeof p === 'string') ? JSON.stringify(p) : p); | |
}); | |
if (arr.length) throw "too many parameters supplied"; | |
return sel; | |
} | |
function compile(sel, arr) { | |
if (arr) sel = format(sel, arr); | |
return { | |
sel: parse(sel)[1], | |
match: function(obj){ | |
return match(this.sel, obj); | |
}, | |
forEach: function(obj, fun) { | |
return forEach(this.sel, obj, fun); | |
} | |
}; | |
} | |
exports._lex = lex; | |
exports._parse = parse; | |
exports.match = function (sel, arr, obj) { | |
if (!obj) { obj = arr; arr = undefined; } | |
return compile(sel, arr).match(obj); | |
}; | |
exports.forEach = function(sel, arr, obj, fun) { | |
if (!fun) { fun = obj; obj = arr; arr = undefined } | |
return compile(sel, arr).forEach(obj, fun); | |
}; | |
exports.compile = compile; | |
})(typeof exports === "undefined" ? (window.JSONSelect = {}) : exports); | |