import sha1 from "sha1"; | |
// eslint-disable-next-line | |
import {MusicNotation} from "@k-l-lambda/music-widgets"; | |
import DictArray from "./DictArray"; | |
// eslint-disable-next-line | |
import LogRecorder from "./logRecorder"; | |
const GROUP_N_TO_PITCH = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]; | |
const MIDDLE_C = 60; | |
const mod7 = x => { | |
let y = x % 7; | |
while (y < 0) | |
y += 7; | |
return y; | |
}; | |
const mod12 = x => { | |
let y = x % 12; | |
while (y < 0) | |
y += 12; | |
return y; | |
}; | |
interface NotationNote { | |
track?: number; | |
time?: number; | |
startTick?: number; | |
pitch: number; | |
id?: string; | |
tied?: boolean; | |
contextIndex?: number; | |
staffTrack?: number; | |
type?: number; | |
}; | |
const stringifyNumber = x => Number.isFinite(x) ? x : x.toString(); | |
const PHONETS = "CDEFGAB"; | |
const ALTER_NAMES = { | |
[-2]: "\u266D\u266D", | |
[-1]: "\u266D", | |
[0]: "\u266E", | |
[1]: "\u266F", | |
[2]: "\uD834\uDD2A", | |
}; | |
/* | |
Coordinates: | |
note: | |
zero: the middle C line (maybe altered) | |
positive: high (right on piano keyboard) | |
unit: a step in scales of the current staff key | |
staff Y: | |
zero: the third (middle) line among 5 staff lines | |
positive: down | |
unit: a interval between 2 neighbor staff lines | |
*/ | |
class PitchConfig { | |
clef: number = -3; | |
keyAlters: DictArray = new DictArray(); | |
octaveShift: number = 0; | |
alters: DictArray = new DictArray(); | |
get keySignature (): number { | |
return this.keyAlters.filter(a => Number.isInteger(a)).reduce((sum, a) => sum + a, 0); | |
} | |
noteToY (note: number): number { | |
return -note / 2 - this.clef - this.octaveShift * 3.5; | |
} | |
pitchToNote (pitch: number, {preferredAlter = null} = {}): {note: number, alter: number} { | |
if (!preferredAlter) | |
preferredAlter = this.keySignature < 0 ? -1 : 1; | |
const group = Math.floor((pitch - MIDDLE_C) / 12); | |
const gp = mod12(pitch); | |
const alteredGp = GROUP_N_TO_PITCH.includes(gp) ? gp : mod12(gp - preferredAlter); | |
const gn = GROUP_N_TO_PITCH.indexOf(alteredGp); | |
console.assert(gn >= 0, "invalid preferredAlter:", pitch, preferredAlter, alteredGp); | |
const naturalNote = group * 7 + gn; | |
const alterValue = gp - alteredGp; | |
const keyAlterValue = this.keyAlters[gn] || 0; | |
const onAcc = Number.isInteger(this.alters[naturalNote]); | |
const alter = onAcc ? alterValue : | |
(alterValue === keyAlterValue ? null : alterValue); | |
return {note: naturalNote, alter}; | |
} | |
pitchToY (pitch: number, {preferredAlter = null} = {}): {y: number, alter: number} { | |
const {note, alter} = this.pitchToNote(pitch, {preferredAlter}); | |
const y = this.noteToY(note); | |
return {y, alter}; | |
} | |
yToNote (y: number): number { | |
console.assert(Number.isInteger(y * 2), "invalid y:", y); | |
//if (!Number.isInteger(y * 2)) | |
// debugger; | |
return (-y - this.octaveShift * 3.5 - this.clef) * 2; | |
} | |
alterOnNote (note: number): number { | |
if (Number.isInteger(this.alters[note])) | |
return this.alters[note]; | |
const gn = mod7(note); | |
if (Number.isInteger(this.keyAlters[gn])) | |
return this.keyAlters[gn]; | |
return 0; | |
} | |
noteToPitch (note: number): number { | |
const group = Math.floor(note / 7); | |
const gn = mod7(note); | |
const pitch = MIDDLE_C + group * 12 + GROUP_N_TO_PITCH[gn] + this.alterOnNote(note); | |
if (!Number.isFinite(pitch)) { | |
console.warn("invalid pitch value:", pitch, note, group, gn); | |
return -1; | |
} | |
return pitch; | |
} | |
yToPitch (y: number): number { | |
return this.noteToPitch(this.yToNote(y)); | |
} | |
yToPitchName (y: number): string { | |
const note = this.yToNote(y); | |
const group = Math.floor(note / 7); | |
const gn = mod7(note); | |
let alter = this.alterOnNote(note); | |
if (!alter && !Number.isInteger(this.alters[note])) | |
alter = null; | |
return `${ALTER_NAMES[alter] ? ALTER_NAMES[alter] : ""}${PHONETS[gn]}${group + 4}`; | |
} | |
}; | |
class PitchContext extends PitchConfig { | |
tick?: number; | |
constructor (data) { | |
super(); | |
//console.assert(data.keyAlters instanceof DictArray, "unexpected keyAlters:", data); | |
Object.assign(this, data); | |
} | |
toJSON () { | |
return { | |
__prototype: "PitchContext", | |
clef: this.clef, | |
keyAlters: new DictArray(this.keyAlters), | |
octaveShift: this.octaveShift, | |
alters: new DictArray(this.alters), | |
}; | |
} | |
get hash () { | |
return sha1(JSON.stringify(this)); | |
} | |
}; | |
interface PitchContextItem { | |
tick: number; | |
endTick: number; | |
context: PitchContext; | |
}; | |
class PitchContextTable { | |
items: PitchContextItem[]; | |
static createFromNotation (contexts: PitchContext[], notes: NotationNote[], track: number) { | |
const items = []; | |
let index = -1; | |
const trackNotes = notes.filter(note => note.staffTrack === track); | |
for (const note of trackNotes) { | |
while (note.contextIndex > index) { | |
++index; | |
const context = contexts[index]; | |
console.assert(!!context, "invalid contextIndex:", index, note.contextIndex, contexts.length); | |
items.push({ | |
tick: note.startTick, | |
context, | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
// assign end ticks | |
items.forEach((item, i) => item.endTick = (i + 1 < items.length ? items[i + 1].tick : Infinity)); | |
// start from 0 | |
if (items[0]) | |
items[0].tick = 0; | |
return new PitchContextTable({items}); | |
} | |
static createPitchContextGroup (contextGroup: PitchContext[][], midiNotation: MusicNotation.NotationData): PitchContextTable[] { | |
return, track) => PitchContextTable.createFromNotation(contexts, midiNotation.notes, track)); | |
} | |
// workaround 'Infinity' JSON representation issue. | |
static itemToJSON (item: PitchContextItem) { | |
return { | |
...item, | |
endTick: stringifyNumber(item.endTick), | |
}; | |
} | |
static itemFromJSON (item: PitchContextItem) { | |
return { | |
...item, | |
endTick: Number(item.endTick), | |
}; | |
} | |
constructor ({items}: {items: PitchContextItem[]}) { | |
this.items =; | |
} | |
toJSON () { | |
return { | |
__prototype: "PitchContextTable", | |
items:, | |
}; | |
} | |
lookup (tick: number): PitchContext { | |
const item = this.items.find(item => tick >= item.tick && tick < item.endTick); | |
return item && item.context; | |
} | |
}; | |
class NotationTrack { | |
endTime = 0; | |
notes: NotationNote[] = []; | |
contexts: PitchContext[] = []; | |
get lastPitchContext (): PitchContext { | |
if (this.contexts.length) | |
return this.contexts[this.contexts.length - 1]; | |
return null; | |
} | |
appendNote (time: number, data: NotationNote) { | |
this.notes.push({ | |
time: this.endTime + time, | |, | |
}); | |
} | |
}; | |
class StaffContext extends PitchConfig { | |
logger: LogRecorder; | |
beatsPerMeasure = 4; | |
track = new NotationTrack(); | |
dirty = true; | |
constructor ({logger}) { | |
super(); | |
this.logger = logger; | |
} | |
snapshot ({tick}: {tick?: number} = {}): number { | |
if (this.dirty) { | |
const context = new PitchContext({ | |
clef: this.clef, | |
keyAlters: this.keyAlters.clone(), | |
octaveShift: this.octaveShift, | |
alters: this.alters.clone(), | |
tick, | |
}); | |
if (!this.track.lastPitchContext || context.hash !== this.track.lastPitchContext.hash) | |
this.track.contexts.push(context); | |
this.dirty = false; | |
} | |
return this.track.contexts.length - 1; | |
} | |
resetKeyAlters () { | |
this.logger.append("resetKeyAlters", Object.keys(this.keyAlters).length); | |
if (Object.keys(this.keyAlters).length) { | |
this.keyAlters.clear(); | |
this.dirty = true; | |
} | |
} | |
resetAlters () { | |
this.logger.append("resetAlters", Object.keys(this.alters).length); | |
if (Object.keys(this.alters).length) { | |
this.alters.clear(); | |
this.dirty = true; | |
} | |
} | |
setKeyAlter (y, value) { | |
//console.log("setKeyAlter:", y, value); | |
// reset old key alters in one staff | |
this.keyAlters.forEach((v, n) => { | |
if (v * value < 0) | |
this.keyAlters[n] = 0; | |
}); | |
const n = mod7(this.yToNote(y)); | |
this.keyAlters[n] = value; | |
this.logger.append("setKeyAlter", {n, value}); | |
this.dirty = true; | |
} | |
setAlter (y, value) { | |
//console.log("setAlter:", y, this.yToNote(y), value); | |
const n = this.yToNote(y); | |
this.alters[n] = value; | |
this.logger.append("setAlter", {n, value}); | |
this.dirty = true; | |
} | |
setClef (y, value) { | |
const clef = -y - value / 2; | |
if (clef !== this.clef) { | |
this.clef = clef; | |
this.dirty = true; | |
} | |
} | |
setOctaveShift (value) { | |
if (this.octaveShift !== value) { | |
this.octaveShift = value; | |
this.dirty = true; | |
this.logger.append("octaveShift", value); | |
} | |
} | |
setBeatsPerMeasure (value) { | |
this.beatsPerMeasure = value; | |
// this won't change pitch context | |
} | |
}; | |
export { | |
PitchContext, | |
PitchContextTable, | |
NotationTrack, | |
StaffContext, | |
}; | |