juanma1907's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
#include "q4_mlp.cuh"
#include "q4_matmul.cuh"
#include "rope.cuh"
#include "rms_norm.cuh"
#include "half_matmul.cuh"
#include "../cuda_buffers.cuh"
#include "../util.cuh"
#include "../matrix.cuh"
#if defined(USE_ROCM)
#include "../hip_compat.cuh"
const int THREADS_X = 32;
const int THREADS_Y = 1;
const int THREADS_Z = 4;
const int BLOCKSIZE_X = 2; // 2*half == 1*uint32_t
const int BLOCKSIZE_Z = 4; // num_heads must be divisible by BLOCKSIZE_Z TODO: Check that this is the case when Llama2-34b releases
__global__ void update_cache_kernel
const half* __restrict__ key_states,
const half* __restrict__ value_states,
half* __restrict__ key_cache,
half* __restrict__ value_cache,
const int head_dim,
const int num_kv_heads,
const int q_len,
const int max_seq_len,
const int past_len
//int state_shape[] = { num_kv_heads, q_len, head_dim };
int state_stride[] = { head_dim, head_dim * num_kv_heads, 1 };
int state_pos[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
//int cache_shape[] = { num_kv_heads, max_seq_len, head_dim };
int cache_stride[] = { max_seq_len * head_dim, head_dim, 1 };
int cache_pos[] = { 0, past_len, 0 };
int size[] = { num_kv_heads, q_len, head_dim };
int x = (blockIdx.x * THREADS_X + threadIdx.x) * BLOCKSIZE_X;
int y = blockIdx.y * THREADS_Y + threadIdx.y;
int z = (blockIdx.z * THREADS_Z + threadIdx.z) * BLOCKSIZE_Z;
if (x >= size[2]) return;
if (y >= size[1]) return;
if (z >= size[0]) return;
int state_offset = (z + state_pos[0]) * state_stride[0] + (y + state_pos[1]) * state_stride[1] + (x + state_pos[2]) * state_stride[2];
int cache_offset = (z + cache_pos[0]) * cache_stride[0] + (y + cache_pos[1]) * cache_stride[1] + (x + cache_pos[2]) * cache_stride[2];
const uint32_t* key_ptr = (uint32_t*) (key_states + state_offset);
const uint32_t* value_ptr = (uint32_t*) (value_states + state_offset);
uint32_t* key_cache_ptr = (uint32_t*) (key_cache + cache_offset);
uint32_t* value_cache_ptr = (uint32_t*) (value_cache + cache_offset);
#pragma unroll
for (int k = 0; k < BLOCKSIZE_Z; k++)
*key_cache_ptr = *key_ptr;
key_ptr += state_stride[0] / BLOCKSIZE_X;
key_cache_ptr += cache_stride[0] / BLOCKSIZE_X;
#pragma unroll
for (int k = 0; k < BLOCKSIZE_Z; k++)
*value_cache_ptr = *value_ptr;
value_ptr += state_stride[0] / BLOCKSIZE_X;
value_cache_ptr += cache_stride[0] / BLOCKSIZE_X;
void q4_attn_cuda
ExLlamaTuning* tuningParams,
cudaStream_t stream,
cublasHandle_t handle,
half* x,
const half* rms_norm_weight, // shape == (x.shape[1],) == (dim,)
float epsilon,
half* query_states,
half* key_states,
half* value_states,
Q4Matrix* q_proj,
Q4Matrix* k_proj,
Q4Matrix* v_proj,
half* sin,
half* cos,
const int bsz,
const int q_len,
const int dim,
const int head_dim,
const int num_heads,
const int num_kv_heads,
const int past_len,
half* key_cache,
half* value_cache,
const half* q_a,
const half* q_b,
const int q_rank,
const half* k_a,
const half* k_b,
const int k_rank,
const half* v_a,
const half* v_b,
const int v_rank,
half* lora_temp,
const int max_seq_len,
const int device_index
// Cache update grid
dim3 blocks
((head_dim + THREADS_X - 1) / THREADS_X + BLOCKSIZE_X - 1) / BLOCKSIZE_X,
((num_kv_heads + THREADS_Z - 1) / THREADS_Z + BLOCKSIZE_Z - 1) / BLOCKSIZE_Z
int _rows_per_batch = q_len * num_heads;
int _rows_per_batch_kv = q_len * num_kv_heads;
CudaBuffers* buffers = get_buffers(device_index);
// Layernorm
half* temp_x = buffers->temp_state + q_len * dim;
rms_norm_cuda(tuningParams, x, rms_norm_weight, temp_x, epsilon, q_len, dim, device_index);
// Adapters
if (q_a)
half_matmul_cublas_cuda(tuningParams, temp_x, q_a, lora_temp, q_len, dim, q_rank, handle);
half_matmul_cublas_cuda(tuningParams, lora_temp, q_b, query_states, q_len, q_rank, dim, handle);
if (k_a)
half_matmul_cublas_cuda(tuningParams, temp_x, k_a, lora_temp, q_len, dim, k_rank, handle);
half_matmul_cublas_cuda(tuningParams, lora_temp, k_b, key_states, q_len, k_rank, dim, handle);
if (v_a)
half_matmul_cublas_cuda(tuningParams, temp_x, v_a, lora_temp, q_len, dim, v_rank, handle);
half_matmul_cublas_cuda(tuningParams, lora_temp, v_b, value_states, q_len, v_rank, dim, handle);
if (!tuningParams->concurrent_streams)
// Project q, k, v
q4_matmul_cuda(tuningParams, temp_x, q_len, q_proj, query_states, q_a ? true : false);
q4_matmul_cuda(tuningParams, temp_x, q_len, k_proj, key_states, k_a ? true : false);
q4_matmul_cuda(tuningParams, temp_x, q_len, v_proj, value_states, v_a ? true : false);
// Positional embeddings q, k
rope_cuda(tuningParams, query_states, sin, cos, bsz, _rows_per_batch, head_dim, num_heads, past_len);
rope_cuda(tuningParams, key_states, sin, cos, bsz, _rows_per_batch_kv, head_dim, num_kv_heads, past_len);
// Update cache tensors with projected k, v
update_cache_kernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(key_states, value_states, key_cache, value_cache, head_dim, num_kv_heads, q_len, max_seq_len, past_len);
// Project q, k, v, add positional embeddings to q, k, update cache tensors with projected k, v
cudaStream_t str_1 = buffers->alt_stream_1;
cudaStream_t str_2 = buffers->alt_stream_2;
cudaStream_t str_3 = buffers->alt_stream_3;
cudaEvent_t sync_1 = buffers->alt_stream_1_done;
cudaEvent_t sync_2 = buffers->alt_stream_2_done;
cudaEvent_t sync_3 = buffers->alt_stream_3_done;
// str_1: project q, positions q, sync
q4_matmul_cuda(tuningParams, temp_x, q_len, q_proj, query_states, q_a ? true : false, str_1);
rope_cuda(tuningParams, query_states, sin, cos, bsz, _rows_per_batch, head_dim, num_kv_heads, past_len, str_1);
cudaEventRecord(sync_1, str_1);
// str_2: project k, positions k, sync
q4_matmul_cuda(tuningParams, temp_x, q_len, k_proj, key_states, k_a ? true : false, str_2);
rope_cuda(tuningParams, key_states, sin, cos, bsz, _rows_per_batch_kv, head_dim, num_kv_heads, past_len, str_2);
cudaEventRecord(sync_2, str_2);
// str_3: project v, wait for str_2, copy (k,v) to cache, sync
q4_matmul_cuda(tuningParams, temp_x, q_len, v_proj, value_states, v_a ? true : false, buffers->alt_stream_3);
cudaStreamWaitEvent(str_3, sync_2, 0);
update_cache_kernel<<<blocks, threads, 0, str_3>>>(key_states, value_states, key_cache, value_cache, head_dim, num_kv_heads, q_len, max_seq_len, past_len);
cudaEventRecord(sync_3, str_3);
// default: wait for str_1 and str_3
cudaStreamWaitEvent(NULL, sync_1, 0);
cudaStreamWaitEvent(NULL, sync_3, 0);
void q4_attn_2_cuda
ExLlamaTuning* tuningParams,
cublasHandle_t handle,
half* x,
half* attn_output,
Q4Matrix* o_proj,
const int height,
const half* o_a,
const half* o_b,
const int o_rank,
half* lora_temp
if (o_a)
int dim = o_proj->height;
half_matmul_cublas_cuda(tuningParams, attn_output, o_a, lora_temp, height, dim, o_rank, handle);
half_matmul_cublas_cuda(tuningParams, lora_temp, o_b, x, height, o_rank, dim, handle, true);
q4_matmul_cuda(tuningParams, attn_output, height, o_proj, x, true);