yolochess / app.py
jrahn's picture
update to chessv6 sl policy model
history blame
No virus
3.24 kB
import os
import random
from datetime import datetime
import gradio as gr
import chess
import chess.svg
from transformers import DebertaV2ForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer, pipeline
token = os.environ['auth_token']
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('jrahn/chessv6', use_auth_token=token)
model = DebertaV2ForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('jrahn/chessv6', use_auth_token=token)
pipe = pipeline(task="text-classification", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
def predict_move(fen, top_k=3):
preds = pipe(fen, top_k=top_k)
weights = [p['score'] for p in preds]
p = random.choices(preds, weights=weights)[0]
return p['label']
def btn_load(inp_fen):
print(f'** log - load - ts {datetime.now().isoformat()}, fen: {inp_fen}')
board = chess.Board()
with open('board.svg', 'w') as f:
return 'board.svg', board.fen(), ''
def btn_play(inp_fen, inp_move, inp_notation, inp_k):
print(f'** log - play - ts {datetime.now().isoformat()}, fen: {inp_fen}, move: {inp_move}, notation: {inp_notation}, top_k: {inp_k}')
board = chess.Board(inp_fen)
if inp_move:
if inp_notation == 'UCI': mv = chess.Move.from_uci(inp_move)
elif inp_notation == 'SAN': mv = board.parse_san(inp_move)
mv = chess.Move.from_uci(predict_move(board.fen(), top_k=inp_k))
if mv in board.legal_moves:
raise ValueError(f'Illegal Move: {str(mv)} @ {board.fen()}')
with open('board.svg', 'w') as f:
f.write(str(chess.svg.board(board, lastmove=mv)))
return 'board.svg', board.fen(), ''
with gr.Blocks() as block:
# Play YoloChess - Policy Network v0.6
87M Parameter Transformer (DeBERTaV2-base architecture)
- pre-trained (MLM) from scratch on chess positions in FEN notation
- fine-tuned for text classification (moves) on expert games.
with gr.Row() as row:
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
move = gr.Textbox(label='human player move')
notation = gr.Radio(["SAN", "UCI"], value="SAN", label='move notation')
fen = gr.Textbox(value=chess.Board().fen(), label='FEN')
top_k = gr.Number(value=3, label='sample from top_k moves', precision=0)
with gr.Row():
load_btn = gr.Button("Load")
play_btn = gr.Button("Play")
- Click "Load" button to start and reset board.
- Click "Play" button to get Engine move.
- Enter a "human player move" in UCI or SAN notation and click "Play" to move a piece.
- Output "ERROR" generally occurs on illegal moves (Human or Engine).
- Enter "FEN" to start from a custom position.
with gr.Column():
position_output = gr.Image(label='board')
load_btn.click(fn=btn_load, inputs=fen, outputs=[position_output, fen, move])
play_btn.click(fn=btn_play, inputs=[fen, move, notation, top_k], outputs=[position_output, fen, move])