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  {"question": "What is Form I-9 and what is its purpose?", "answer": "Form I-9 is the Employment Eligibility Verification form used to verify that employees are eligible to work in the United States."},
  {"question": "What is the timeframe for completing Section 2 of Form I-9?", "answer": "Within three days of the start date."},
  {"question": "What is the purpose of the New Hire Reporting Form?", "answer": "To report new and rehired employee information to a designated state agency for child support enforcement and preventing benefit fraud."},
- {"question": "What are some key indicators for evaluating a flight department technician's technical performance?", "answer": "Indicators include safety, general piloting skills, cockpit procedures, ATC procedures, maintenance planning, aircraft systems knowledge, and crew/passenger communication."}
- {"question": "How is a flight department technician's professional performance evaluated?", "answer": "Professional performance is assessed based on work quality, time management, initiative, interpersonal skills, communication, professionalism, confidentiality, self-development, and safety awareness."}
- {"question": "What are some aspects of administrative skills evaluated in a flight department technician's performance review?", "answer": "Administrative skills are evaluated based on work habits, knowledge of company equipment/software, interactions with staff, accuracy of forms, recordkeeping, written communication, and performance of additional duties."}
- {"question": "What managerial skills are assessed in a flight department manager's performance review?", "answer": "Managerial skills include goal achievement, safety program promotion, personal supervision, communication with corporate management, management development efforts, and goal achievement in the administrative area."}
- {"question": "What is the purpose of the 'Weighted Performance Distribution Grid' in the Performance Appraisal Worksheet?", "answer": "The grid helps calculate an overall performance score by assigning weights to each section of the performance appraisal (technical, professional, administrative, and management) and averaging the scores."}
- {"question": "How does the 'Performance Appraisal Worksheet' determine an employee's overall performance rating?", "answer": "It uses the average score from each of the four performance appraisal sections to calculate an overall score, which is then used to determine the employee's overall performance rating."}
- {"question": "What is the role of 'Safety' in the Flight Department Collateral Duty Job Description?", "answer": "The role involves ensuring a high level of safety consciousness, advising management on safety issues, reviewing operational procedures for safety inclusion, conducting safety reviews, and providing safety training."}
- {"question": "What is the responsibility of the Flight Department Collateral Duty role in 'Training'?", "answer": "It involves developing and maintaining a long-range training plan, arranging pilot and technician training, reviewing training curriculum, maintaining training records, and reporting on the state of department training."}
- {"question": "What is the purpose of 'Standardization' in the Flight Department Collateral Duty Job Description?", "answer": "It involves maintaining standardized flight procedures, developing standard operating procedures (SOPs), coordinating SOP training, conducting standardization checks, and advising management on the state of flight standardization."}
- {"question": "What is the Flight Department Collateral Duty's role in 'Flight Information Publications/Planning'?", "answer": "It involves ensuring current flight information publications and flight planning devices (FLIPPs) are available, developing a FLIPP plan, ordering FLIPPs, and ensuring timely delivery."}
- {"question": "What is the responsibility of the Flight Department Collateral Duty role in 'Automation Support'?", "answer": "It involves ensuring appropriate automation support, developing an automation support plan, evaluating automation needs, arranging computer/software training, and maintaining automation devices."}
- {"question": "What is the Flight Department Collateral Duty's role in 'Catering'?", "answer": "It involves providing consumable products for passengers, maintaining a standard inventory, evaluating and contracting with catering services, and evaluating the quality of food service."}
- {"question": "What is the Flight Department Collateral Duty's role in 'Records/Reports'?", "answer": "It involves maintaining flight operations and financial records, developing data recording and storage systems, and producing operational and management reports."}
- {"question": "What is the meaning of 'Writing Skills' as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It refers to an employee's ability to write clearly and informatively, edit for spelling/grammar, and vary writing style to suit the audience."}
- {"question": "How is 'Team Participation' measured as an employee performance indicator?", "answer": "It's measured by an employee's ability to balance team and individual responsibilities, exhibit objectivity, give/receive feedback, and contribute to a positive team spirit."}
- {"question": "What does 'Quantity' represent as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It refers to an employee's ability to complete work in a timely manner and achieve established goals."}
- {"question": "What are the aspects of 'Quality' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Quality is assessed based on accuracy, thoroughness, commitment to excellence, ability to improve quality, applying feedback, and monitoring own work for quality."}
- {"question": "How is 'Problem Solving' evaluated as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It's evaluated based on timely problem identification, information gathering/analysis, developing solutions, resolving problems early, and working well in group problem-solving situations."}
- {"question": "What are the components of 'Planning and Organization' as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It includes prioritizing/planning work, efficient time use, planning for resources, integrating changes smoothly, and setting goals/objectives."}
- {"question": "How is 'Organization Support' measured as an employee performance indicator?", "answer": "It's measured by an employee's adherence to policies/procedures, completion of administrative tasks, support of organizational goals/values, and contributions through outside activities."}
- {"question": "What are the aspects of 'Oral Communication' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Oral communication is assessed based on speaking clearly/persuasively, listening/obtaining clarification, responding to questions, group presentation skills, and meeting participation."}
- {"question": "How is 'Judgment' evaluated as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It's evaluated based on willingness to make decisions, exhibiting sound judgment, and including appropriate people in the decision-making process."}
- {"question": "What are the components of 'Job Knowledge' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Job knowledge is assessed based on competency in required skills/knowledge, ability to learn/apply new skills, staying updated on industry developments, requiring minimal supervision, and understanding how the job relates to others."}
- {"question": "How is 'Initiative' measured as an employee performance indicator?", "answer": "It's measured by an employee's willingness to volunteer, and undertaking self-development activities."}
- {"question": "What are the aspects of 'Dependability' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Dependability is assessed based on responsiveness to requests, following instructions/management direction, taking responsibility for actions, commitment to doing the best job, and meeting attendance/punctuality guidelines."}
- {"question": "How is 'Customer Service' evaluated as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It's evaluated based on courtesy, sensitivity, meeting commitments, responding to customer needs, and managing difficult customer situations."}
- {"question": "What are the components of 'Cooperation' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Cooperation is assessed based on establishing/maintaining effective relations, positive outlook, offering assistance/support, resolving conflicts, and working cooperatively in groups."}
- {"question": "What are the aspects of 'Communications' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Communications are assessed based on expressing ideas verbally and in writing, exhibiting good listening/comprehension, and selecting/using appropriate communication methods."}
- {"question": "How are 'Analytical Skills' evaluated as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "Analytical skills are assessed based on synthesizing complex information, collecting/using data, using intuition/experience, and identifying data relationships/dependencies."}
- {"question": "What are the benefits of conducting periodic employee evaluations?", "answer": "Benefits include providing opportunities for employees to improve performance, preparing for potential disciplinary actions, and creating a documented history for legal protection against wrongful termination claims."}
- {"question": "How can documented employee evaluations protect employers from wrongful termination lawsuits?", "answer": "Documented evaluations provide evidence of performance issues, warnings, and attempts to address problems, which can help defend against claims that termination was based on illegal reasons."}
- {"question": "What is the 'sandwich approach' in delivering employee performance feedback?", "answer": "It involves starting with positive feedback, followed by constructive criticism, and ending with more positive feedback to make the criticism more palatable and easier to accept."}
- {"question": "Why is it important to focus on workplace performance rather than personality when providing feedback?", "answer": "Focusing on performance makes it easier for employees to accept criticism and work on improvement, as it's less personal and more objective."}
- {"question": "What are some potential negative consequences of inconsistent or inaccurate employee evaluations?", "answer": "Inconsistent evaluations can damage credibility, lead to employee confusion, and potentially create legal issues if they contradict other actions like raises or promotions."}
- {"question": "What is the purpose of a consistent and objective employee evaluation form?", "answer": "It ensures fairness and consistency in evaluating employees within the same job category, focusing on job duties and performance rather than subjective biases."}
- {"question": "What are some guidelines for completing an employee evaluation form before meeting with the employee?", "answer": "Guidelines include providing a balanced view of strengths/weaknesses, using specific examples, identifying areas for improvement, setting goals, and stating potential consequences of failure to improve."}
- {"question": "What is the role of setting goals for improvement in an employee evaluation?", "answer": "Setting goals provides a clear path for employees to focus on improvement, and helps them understand what's expected of them to meet performance standards."}
- {"question": "What is the importance of employee feedback in the evaluation process?", "answer": "Employee feedback allows them to share their perspective on their performance, identify areas they agree/disagree with, and suggest ways to improve the process."}
- {"question": "What is the concept of 'progressive discipline' in managing employee performance?", "answer": "Progressive discipline is a system where employees are given a series of increasingly serious warnings and consequences for poor performance before termination, providing opportunities for improvement."}
- {"question": "What are some steps that can be included in a progressive discipline program?", "answer": "Steps can include coaching/counseling, verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension, and ultimately, dismissal."}
- {"question": "How can a progressive discipline policy strengthen an employer's position in a wrongful termination lawsuit?", "answer": "It demonstrates that the employer made efforts to address performance issues and gave the employee opportunities to improve before termination."}
- {"question": "What is a potential drawback of a rigid progressive discipline policy?", "answer": "It can create an expectation among employees that they are entitled to a specific sequence of disciplinary actions before termination, which may not be appropriate for all situations."}
- {"question": "When is it appropriate to bypass progressive discipline and take immediate action against an employee?", "answer": "Immediate action, such as termination, may be warranted for serious offenses like violence, theft, or violations of company policy."}
- {"question": "What is the importance of clearly stating that an employer reserves the right to terminate at will, even with a progressive discipline policy?", "answer": "It clarifies that the progressive discipline policy is a guideline, not a guarantee, and that the employer retains the right to terminate for any lawful reason."}
- {"question": "What are some examples of employee conduct that might warrant immediate dismissal?", "answer": "Examples include violence, theft, excessive absenteeism, fighting, drug/alcohol use at work, failing to follow instructions, discrimination, and harassment."}
- {"question": "What is the purpose of including a sample written progressive discipline policy in an employee handbook?", "answer": "It informs employees of the company's general approach to addressing performance issues and provides examples of conduct that may lead to disciplinary action."}
- {"question": "What is the role of a performance appraisal in a performance management system?", "answer": "Performance appraisals are a crucial part of a performance management system that helps retain valued employees by supporting skill development, reward attainment, and organizational advancement."}
- {"question": "What are the two main focuses of HRM professionals in relation to performance appraisal?", "answer": "HRM professionals focus on ensuring accurate performance evaluation through assessment systems and training managers to conduct effective performance appraisal interviews."}
- {"question": "Why is it important for performance appraisal to be an ongoing process rather than just an annual event?", "answer": "Ongoing performance appraisal allows for timely feedback, identification of issues, and opportunities for improvement throughout the year, rather than waiting for a single annual review."}
- {"question": "What is the concept of 360-degree feedback in performance appraisal?", "answer": "360-degree feedback involves gathering feedback from multiple sources, including supervisors, coworkers, customers, and the employee themselves, to provide a more comprehensive view of performance."}
- {"question": "How can social networking systems be used to make 360-degree feedback more dynamic and ongoing?", "answer": "Social networking systems can allow employees to post performance-related questions, receive feedback, share goals, and provide ongoing assessments of colleagues' performance."}
- {"question": "What is a performance review ranking system, and how does it work?", "answer": "A performance review ranking system evaluates employees against each other, typically ranking them into tiers (e.g., top 20%, middle 70%, bottom 10%) based on relative performance."}
- {"question": "What are the potential advantages of using a performance ranking system?", "answer": "Advantages include forcing managers to make decisions about performance, identifying top/bottom performers, and potentially creating a culture of continuous improvement."}
- {"question": "What are some potential disadvantages of using a performance ranking system?", "answer": "Disadvantages include increased competition among employees, discouraging collaboration/teamwork, and potentially harming employee morale."}
- {"question": "What is the 'stereotyping' error in performance appraisal?", "answer": "Stereotyping occurs when a rater makes assumptions about an employee based on a few traits or characteristics, rather than evaluating their actual performance."}
- {"question": "What is the 'halo effect' error in performance appraisal?", "answer": "The halo effect occurs when a rater gives an employee the same rating across all performance dimensions, regardless of actual variations in performance."}
- {"question": "What is a behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS), and how does it help avoid performance appraisal errors?", "answer": "BARS is a rating scale that uses specific behavioral examples to anchor each performance level, making it easier to evaluate performance based on observable behaviors rather than subjective judgments."}
- {"question": "How can a BARS be used to evaluate a production line supervisor's performance?", "answer": "A BARS for a production line supervisor might include dimensions like equipment maintenance, employee training, and work scheduling, with each dimension having specific behavioral examples for different performance levels."}
- {"question": "What are the components of compensation in an organization?", "answer": "Compensation includes monetary payments (wages, salaries) and goods/commodities used as rewards (benefits like health insurance, paid time off)."}
- {"question": "How can an organization's compensation structure impact its strategic performance?", "answer": "Effective compensation systems can attract and retain talent, which is essential for achieving strategic goals and improving overall organizational performance."}
- {"question": "How should organizational strategy influence the design of a pay system?", "answer": "The pay system should be designed to align with the organization's strategic goals. For example, a company focused on increasing profitability might use a merit pay system to incentivize high performance."}
- {"question": "What is job-based pay, and what are its potential limitations?", "answer": "Job-based pay links compensation to specific job tasks. Limitations include failing to reward learning and adaptation, reinforcing hierarchy, and potentially conflicting with employee participation/increased responsibility."}
- {"question": "What is skill-based pay, and what are its advantages?", "answer": "Skill-based pay, also called competency-based pay, links compensation to the level of skills and competencies an employee possesses. Advantages include encouraging skill development, making employees more valuable, and increasing their employability."}
- {"question": "How can big data analytics be used in compensation decisions?", "answer": "Companies can use big data to analyze factors like turnover, promotions, job changes, benefits, and work-life balance to predict what influences employee retention and make informed compensation decisions."}
- {"question": "What did a large regional bank discover about the impact of pay increases on employee turnover?", "answer": "The bank found that increasing pay only slightly reduced turnover for customer service representatives, suggesting that dissatisfaction, not low pay, was the primary driver of turnover."}
  {"question": "What is Form I-9 and what is its purpose?", "answer": "Form I-9 is the Employment Eligibility Verification form used to verify that employees are eligible to work in the United States."},
  {"question": "What is the timeframe for completing Section 2 of Form I-9?", "answer": "Within three days of the start date."},
  {"question": "What is the purpose of the New Hire Reporting Form?", "answer": "To report new and rehired employee information to a designated state agency for child support enforcement and preventing benefit fraud."},
+ {"question": "What are some key indicators for evaluating a flight department technician's technical performance?", "answer": "Indicators include safety, general piloting skills, cockpit procedures, ATC procedures, maintenance planning, aircraft systems knowledge, and crew/passenger communication."},
+ {"question": "How is a flight department technician's professional performance evaluated?", "answer": "Professional performance is assessed based on work quality, time management, initiative, interpersonal skills, communication, professionalism, confidentiality, self-development, and safety awareness."},
+ {"question": "What are some aspects of administrative skills evaluated in a flight department technician's performance review?", "answer": "Administrative skills are evaluated based on work habits, knowledge of company equipment/software, interactions with staff, accuracy of forms, recordkeeping, written communication, and performance of additional duties."},
+ {"question": "What managerial skills are assessed in a flight department manager's performance review?", "answer": "Managerial skills include goal achievement, safety program promotion, personal supervision, communication with corporate management, management development efforts, and goal achievement in the administrative area."},
+ {"question": "What is the purpose of the 'Weighted Performance Distribution Grid' in the Performance Appraisal Worksheet?", "answer": "The grid helps calculate an overall performance score by assigning weights to each section of the performance appraisal (technical, professional, administrative, and management) and averaging the scores."},
+ {"question": "How does the 'Performance Appraisal Worksheet' determine an employee's overall performance rating?", "answer": "It uses the average score from each of the four performance appraisal sections to calculate an overall score, which is then used to determine the employee's overall performance rating."},
+ {"question": "What is the role of 'Safety' in the Flight Department Collateral Duty Job Description?", "answer": "The role involves ensuring a high level of safety consciousness, advising management on safety issues, reviewing operational procedures for safety inclusion, conducting safety reviews, and providing safety training."},
+ {"question": "What is the responsibility of the Flight Department Collateral Duty role in 'Training'?", "answer": "It involves developing and maintaining a long-range training plan, arranging pilot and technician training, reviewing training curriculum, maintaining training records, and reporting on the state of department training."},
+ {"question": "What is the purpose of 'Standardization' in the Flight Department Collateral Duty Job Description?", "answer": "It involves maintaining standardized flight procedures, developing standard operating procedures (SOPs), coordinating SOP training, conducting standardization checks, and advising management on the state of flight standardization."},
+ {"question": "What is the Flight Department Collateral Duty's role in 'Flight Information Publications/Planning'?", "answer": "It involves ensuring current flight information publications and flight planning devices (FLIPPs) are available, developing a FLIPP plan, ordering FLIPPs, and ensuring timely delivery."},
+ {"question": "What is the responsibility of the Flight Department Collateral Duty role in 'Automation Support'?", "answer": "It involves ensuring appropriate automation support, developing an automation support plan, evaluating automation needs, arranging computer/software training, and maintaining automation devices."},
+ {"question": "What is the Flight Department Collateral Duty's role in 'Catering'?", "answer": "It involves providing consumable products for passengers, maintaining a standard inventory, evaluating and contracting with catering services, and evaluating the quality of food service."},
+ {"question": "What is the Flight Department Collateral Duty's role in 'Records/Reports'?", "answer": "It involves maintaining flight operations and financial records, developing data recording and storage systems, and producing operational and management reports."},
+ {"question": "What is the meaning of 'Writing Skills' as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It refers to an employee's ability to write clearly and informatively, edit for spelling/grammar, and vary writing style to suit the audience."},
+ {"question": "How is 'Team Participation' measured as an employee performance indicator?", "answer": "It's measured by an employee's ability to balance team and individual responsibilities, exhibit objectivity, give/receive feedback, and contribute to a positive team spirit."},
+ {"question": "What does 'Quantity' represent as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It refers to an employee's ability to complete work in a timely manner and achieve established goals."},
+ {"question": "What are the aspects of 'Quality' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Quality is assessed based on accuracy, thoroughness, commitment to excellence, ability to improve quality, applying feedback, and monitoring own work for quality."},
+ {"question": "How is 'Problem Solving' evaluated as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It's evaluated based on timely problem identification, information gathering/analysis, developing solutions, resolving problems early, and working well in group problem-solving situations."},
+ {"question": "What are the components of 'Planning and Organization' as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It includes prioritizing/planning work, efficient time use, planning for resources, integrating changes smoothly, and setting goals/objectives."},
+ {"question": "How is 'Organization Support' measured as an employee performance indicator?", "answer": "It's measured by an employee's adherence to policies/procedures, completion of administrative tasks, support of organizational goals/values, and contributions through outside activities."},
+ {"question": "What are the aspects of 'Oral Communication' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Oral communication is assessed based on speaking clearly/persuasively, listening/obtaining clarification, responding to questions, group presentation skills, and meeting participation."},
+ {"question": "How is 'Judgment' evaluated as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It's evaluated based on willingness to make decisions, exhibiting sound judgment, and including appropriate people in the decision-making process."},
+ {"question": "What are the components of 'Job Knowledge' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Job knowledge is assessed based on competency in required skills/knowledge, ability to learn/apply new skills, staying updated on industry developments, requiring minimal supervision, and understanding how the job relates to others."},
+ {"question": "How is 'Initiative' measured as an employee performance indicator?", "answer": "It's measured by an employee's willingness to volunteer, and undertaking self-development activities."},
+ {"question": "What are the aspects of 'Dependability' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Dependability is assessed based on responsiveness to requests, following instructions/management direction, taking responsibility for actions, commitment to doing the best job, and meeting attendance/punctuality guidelines."},
+ {"question": "How is 'Customer Service' evaluated as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "It's evaluated based on courtesy, sensitivity, meeting commitments, responding to customer needs, and managing difficult customer situations."},
+ {"question": "What are the components of 'Cooperation' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Cooperation is assessed based on establishing/maintaining effective relations, positive outlook, offering assistance/support, resolving conflicts, and working cooperatively in groups."},
+ {"question": "What are the aspects of 'Communications' considered in an employee performance evaluation?", "answer": "Communications are assessed based on expressing ideas verbally and in writing, exhibiting good listening/comprehension, and selecting/using appropriate communication methods."},
+ {"question": "How are 'Analytical Skills' evaluated as an employee performance measure?", "answer": "Analytical skills are assessed based on synthesizing complex information, collecting/using data, using intuition/experience, and identifying data relationships/dependencies."},
+ {"question": "What are the benefits of conducting periodic employee evaluations?", "answer": "Benefits include providing opportunities for employees to improve performance, preparing for potential disciplinary actions, and creating a documented history for legal protection against wrongful termination claims."},
+ {"question": "How can documented employee evaluations protect employers from wrongful termination lawsuits?", "answer": "Documented evaluations provide evidence of performance issues, warnings, and attempts to address problems, which can help defend against claims that termination was based on illegal reasons."},
+ {"question": "What is the 'sandwich approach' in delivering employee performance feedback?", "answer": "It involves starting with positive feedback, followed by constructive criticism, and ending with more positive feedback to make the criticism more palatable and easier to accept."},
+ {"question": "Why is it important to focus on workplace performance rather than personality when providing feedback?", "answer": "Focusing on performance makes it easier for employees to accept criticism and work on improvement, as it's less personal and more objective."},
+ {"question": "What are some potential negative consequences of inconsistent or inaccurate employee evaluations?", "answer": "Inconsistent evaluations can damage credibility, lead to employee confusion, and potentially create legal issues if they contradict other actions like raises or promotions."},
+ {"question": "What is the purpose of a consistent and objective employee evaluation form?", "answer": "It ensures fairness and consistency in evaluating employees within the same job category, focusing on job duties and performance rather than subjective biases."},
+ {"question": "What are some guidelines for completing an employee evaluation form before meeting with the employee?", "answer": "Guidelines include providing a balanced view of strengths/weaknesses, using specific examples, identifying areas for improvement, setting goals, and stating potential consequences of failure to improve."},
+ {"question": "What is the role of setting goals for improvement in an employee evaluation?", "answer": "Setting goals provides a clear path for employees to focus on improvement, and helps them understand what's expected of them to meet performance standards."},
+ {"question": "What is the importance of employee feedback in the evaluation process?", "answer": "Employee feedback allows them to share their perspective on their performance, identify areas they agree/disagree with, and suggest ways to improve the process."},
+ {"question": "What is the concept of 'progressive discipline' in managing employee performance?", "answer": "Progressive discipline is a system where employees are given a series of increasingly serious warnings and consequences for poor performance before termination, providing opportunities for improvement."},
+ {"question": "What are some steps that can be included in a progressive discipline program?", "answer": "Steps can include coaching/counseling, verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension, and ultimately, dismissal."},
+ {"question": "How can a progressive discipline policy strengthen an employer's position in a wrongful termination lawsuit?", "answer": "It demonstrates that the employer made efforts to address performance issues and gave the employee opportunities to improve before termination."},
+ {"question": "What is a potential drawback of a rigid progressive discipline policy?", "answer": "It can create an expectation among employees that they are entitled to a specific sequence of disciplinary actions before termination, which may not be appropriate for all situations."},
+ {"question": "When is it appropriate to bypass progressive discipline and take immediate action against an employee?", "answer": "Immediate action, such as termination, may be warranted for serious offenses like violence, theft, or violations of company policy."},
+ {"question": "What is the importance of clearly stating that an employer reserves the right to terminate at will, even with a progressive discipline policy?", "answer": "It clarifies that the progressive discipline policy is a guideline, not a guarantee, and that the employer retains the right to terminate for any lawful reason."},
+ {"question": "What are some examples of employee conduct that might warrant immediate dismissal?", "answer": "Examples include violence, theft, excessive absenteeism, fighting, drug/alcohol use at work, failing to follow instructions, discrimination, and harassment."},
+ {"question": "What is the purpose of including a sample written progressive discipline policy in an employee handbook?", "answer": "It informs employees of the company's general approach to addressing performance issues and provides examples of conduct that may lead to disciplinary action."},
+ {"question": "What is the role of a performance appraisal in a performance management system?", "answer": "Performance appraisals are a crucial part of a performance management system that helps retain valued employees by supporting skill development, reward attainment, and organizational advancement."},
+ {"question": "What are the two main focuses of HRM professionals in relation to performance appraisal?", "answer": "HRM professionals focus on ensuring accurate performance evaluation through assessment systems and training managers to conduct effective performance appraisal interviews."},
+ {"question": "Why is it important for performance appraisal to be an ongoing process rather than just an annual event?", "answer": "Ongoing performance appraisal allows for timely feedback, identification of issues, and opportunities for improvement throughout the year, rather than waiting for a single annual review."},
+ {"question": "What is the concept of 360-degree feedback in performance appraisal?", "answer": "360-degree feedback involves gathering feedback from multiple sources, including supervisors, coworkers, customers, and the employee themselves, to provide a more comprehensive view of performance."},
+ {"question": "How can social networking systems be used to make 360-degree feedback more dynamic and ongoing?", "answer": "Social networking systems can allow employees to post performance-related questions, receive feedback, share goals, and provide ongoing assessments of colleagues' performance."},
+ {"question": "What is a performance review ranking system, and how does it work?", "answer": "A performance review ranking system evaluates employees against each other, typically ranking them into tiers (e.g., top 20%, middle 70%, bottom 10%) based on relative performance."},
+ {"question": "What are the potential advantages of using a performance ranking system?", "answer": "Advantages include forcing managers to make decisions about performance, identifying top/bottom performers, and potentially creating a culture of continuous improvement."},
+ {"question": "What are some potential disadvantages of using a performance ranking system?", "answer": "Disadvantages include increased competition among employees, discouraging collaboration/teamwork, and potentially harming employee morale."},
+ {"question": "What is the 'stereotyping' error in performance appraisal?", "answer": "Stereotyping occurs when a rater makes assumptions about an employee based on a few traits or characteristics, rather than evaluating their actual performance."},
+ {"question": "What is the 'halo effect' error in performance appraisal?", "answer": "The halo effect occurs when a rater gives an employee the same rating across all performance dimensions, regardless of actual variations in performance."},
+ {"question": "What is a behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS), and how does it help avoid performance appraisal errors?", "answer": "BARS is a rating scale that uses specific behavioral examples to anchor each performance level, making it easier to evaluate performance based on observable behaviors rather than subjective judgments."},
+ {"question": "How can a BARS be used to evaluate a production line supervisor's performance?", "answer": "A BARS for a production line supervisor might include dimensions like equipment maintenance, employee training, and work scheduling, with each dimension having specific behavioral examples for different performance levels."},
+ {"question": "What are the components of compensation in an organization?", "answer": "Compensation includes monetary payments (wages, salaries) and goods/commodities used as rewards (benefits like health insurance, paid time off)."},
+ {"question": "How can an organization's compensation structure impact its strategic performance?", "answer": "Effective compensation systems can attract and retain talent, which is essential for achieving strategic goals and improving overall organizational performance."},
+ {"question": "How should organizational strategy influence the design of a pay system?", "answer": "The pay system should be designed to align with the organization's strategic goals. For example, a company focused on increasing profitability might use a merit pay system to incentivize high performance."},
+ {"question": "What is job-based pay, and what are its potential limitations?", "answer": "Job-based pay links compensation to specific job tasks. Limitations include failing to reward learning and adaptation, reinforcing hierarchy, and potentially conflicting with employee participation/increased responsibility."},
+ {"question": "What is skill-based pay, and what are its advantages?", "answer": "Skill-based pay, also called competency-based pay, links compensation to the level of skills and competencies an employee possesses. Advantages include encouraging skill development, making employees more valuable, and increasing their employability."},
+ {"question": "How can big data analytics be used in compensation decisions?", "answer": "Companies can use big data to analyze factors like turnover, promotions, job changes, benefits, and work-life balance to predict what influences employee retention and make informed compensation decisions."},
+ {"question": "What did a large regional bank discover about the impact of pay increases on employee turnover?", "answer": "The bank found that increasing pay only slightly reduced turnover for customer service representatives, suggesting that dissatisfaction, not low pay, was the primary driver of turnover."},