airogs /
joheras's picture
import gradio as gr
from import *
import skimage
from skimage import filters, segmentation, measure
def crop_to_shape(arr, shape, cval=0):
"""Crops a numpy array into the specified shape. If the array was larger, return centered crop. If it was smaller,
return a larger array with the original data in the center"""
if arr.ndim != len(shape):
raise Exception("Array and crop shape dimensions do not match")
arr_shape = np.array(arr.shape)
shape = np.array(shape)
max_shape = np.stack([arr_shape, shape]).max(axis=0)
output_arr = np.ones(max_shape, dtype=arr.dtype) * cval
arr_min = ((max_shape - arr_shape) / 2).astype(
arr_max = arr_min + arr_shape
slicer_obj = tuple(slice(idx_min, idx_max, 1) for idx_min, idx_max in zip(arr_min, arr_max))
output_arr[slicer_obj] = arr
crop_min = ((max_shape - shape) / 2).astype(
crop_max = crop_min + shape
slicer_obj = tuple(slice(idx_min, idx_max, 1) for idx_min, idx_max in zip(crop_min, crop_max))
return output_arr[slicer_obj].copy() # Return a copy of the view, so the rest of memory can be GC
def crop_retina(image):
"""Return a square crop of the image centered on the retina.
This function does the following assumtions:
- image is an np.array with dimensions [height, weight, channels] or [height, weight]
- the background of the retinography will have a stark contrast with the rest of the image
# Check dimensionality of the array is valid
if image.ndim > 3:
raise Exception("image has too many dimensions. Max 3")
elif image.ndim < 2:
raise Exception("image has too few dimensions. Min 2")
# Rescale image to ensure there will be a black border around (even if the original was already cropped)
image = crop_to_shape(
np.array(image.shape) + np.array([20, 20, 0])[:image.ndim],
# If image is an RGB array, convert to grayscale
if image.ndim == 3:
bw_image = np.mean(image, axis=-1)
bw_image = image
# Find and apply threshold, to create a binary mask
thresh = filters.threshold_triangle(bw_image)
binary = bw_image > thresh
# Label image regions and select the largest one (the retina)
label_image = measure.label(binary)
eye_region = sorted(measure.regionprops(label_image), key=lambda p: -p.area)[0]
# Crop around the retina
y_start, x_start, y_end, x_end = eye_region.bbox
y_diff = y_end - y_start
x_diff = x_end - x_start
if x_diff > y_diff:
if (y_start + x_diff) <= binary.shape[0]:
y_end_x_diff = (y_start + x_diff)
cropped_image = image[y_start:y_end_x_diff, x_start:x_end]
y_start_x_diff = (y_end - x_diff) if (y_end - x_diff) > 0 else 0
cropped_image = image[y_start_x_diff:y_end, x_start:x_end]
if (x_start + y_diff) <= binary.shape[1]:
x_end_y_diff = (x_start + y_diff)
cropped_image = image[y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end_y_diff]
x_start_y_diff = (x_end - y_diff) if (x_end - y_diff) > 0 else 0
cropped_image = image[y_start:y_end, x_start_y_diff:x_end]
# Ensure aspect ratio will be square
max_axis = max(cropped_image.shape)
if cropped_image.ndim == 3:
square_crop = (max_axis, max_axis, cropped_image.shape[-1])
square_crop = (max_axis, max_axis)
square_image = crop_to_shape(cropped_image, square_crop)
return square_image
def equalize_histogram(
mean_rgb_vals=np.array([120, 100, 80]),
std_rgb_vals=np.array([75.40455101, 60.72748057, 46.14914927])
mask = img < 10
img_masked =, mask=mask, fill_value=0)
if img.ndim == 3:
equalized_img = (img - img_masked.mean(axis=(0, 1))) / img.std(axis=(0, 1)) * std_rgb_vals + mean_rgb_vals
elif img.ndim == 2:
equalized_img = (img - img_masked.mean()) / img.std() * std_rgb_vals[1] + mean_rgb_vals[1]
raise Exception("img ndim is neither 2 nor 3")
equalized_img = (equalized_img * ~mask).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
return equalized_img
def crop_and_equalize_fd(img, crop_resize=None, equalize=True):
retina_arr = crop_retina(np.array(img))
if equalize:
retina_arr = equalize_histogram(retina_arr)
retina_img = Image.fromarray(retina_arr)
if crop_resize:
retina_img = retina_img.resize((crop_resize, crop_resize), Image.LANCZOS)
return retina_img
learn = load_learner('convnext_base.pkl')
labels = learn.dls.vocab
def predict(img):
img = PILImage.create(img)
im= crop_and_equalize_fd(img,512)'tmp.jpg')
pred,_ = learn.tta(dl=learn.dls.test_dl(['tmp.jpg']))
rg_likelihood = float(pred[0][1])
rg_binary = bool(pred[0][1]>0.5)
ungradability_score = 1-float(pred[0][np.argmax(pred[0])])
ungradability_binary = bool(float(pred[0][np.argmax(pred[0])])<0.9)
return rg_likelihood,rg_binary,ungradability_score,ungradability_binary
title = "Clasificaci贸n de im谩genes"
description = "Demo for the submission to the airogs challenge."
examples = ['TRAIN000000.jpg','TRAIN001000.jpg','TRAIN002000.jpg','TRAIN003000.jpg']
gr.Interface(fn=predict,inputs=gr.inputs.Image(shape=(512, 512)),outputs=[gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Multiple referable glaucoma likelihoods"),gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Multiple referable glaucoma binary"),gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Multiple ungradability score"),gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Multiple ungradability binary")],title=title,description=description,examples=examples,interpretation=interpretation,enable_queue=enable_queue).launch()