lingoly-too /
Jude Khouja
Fix line length
import pandas as pd
def load_data():
"""Load and preprocess the data."""
df = pd.read_csv("leaderboard.csv").dropna()
return df
df = load_data()
MODELS = [x.strip() for x in df["Model"].unique().tolist()]
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<div class="header-wrapper">
<div class="header-content">
<div class="title-section">
<div class="title-gradient">LingOly-TOO</div>
<div class="description">
LingOly-TOO (L2) is a challenging linguistics reasoning benchmark designed to counteracts answering without reasoning (e.g. by guessing or memorizing answers).
We accomplish this by permuting <b>Ling</b>uistics <b>Oly</b>mpiad problems with <b>T</b>emplates and <b>O</b>rthographic <b>O</b>bfuscations. By rewriting (obfuscating) parts of questions and answers, the chance of benchmark leakage in training data is minimized.
<div class="highlight-question">
"How do top LLMs reason on unseen linguistic questions?"
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Add Your Model
CARDS = """ <div class="metrics-grid">
<div class="metric-card">
<div class="metric-number metric-blue">11</div>
<div class="metric-label">Total Models</div>
<div class="metric-detail primary">4 Reasoning Models</div>
<div class="metric-detail primary">4 Open Source Models</div>
<div class="metric-card">
<div class="metric-number metric-purple">82</div>
<div class="metric-label">Linguistics Problems</div>
<div class="metric-detail primary">6 Permutations per problem</div>
<div class="metric-detail primary">Problems from Low-resource Languages</div>
<div class="metric-card">
<div class="metric-number metric-green">1.2k</div>
<div class="metric-label">Total Questions</div>
<div class="metric-detail primary">Includes Match-Up, Multiple Choice and Completion</div>
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<h1 class="section-title">Citation</h2>
<div class="bibtex-citation" style="font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; padding: 1em; background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1); border: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2); border-radius: 4px; color: currentColor;">
title={LINGOLY-TOO: Disentangling Memorisation from Reasoning with Linguistic Templatisation and Orthographic Obfuscation},
author={Jude Khouja and Karolina Korgul and Simi Hellsten
and Lingyi Yang and Vlad Neacsu and Harry Mayne and Ryan Kearns and Andrew Bean and Adam Mahdi},
UNUSED = """
<!-- Insights Section -->
<h1 class="section-title">Key insights</h1>
We use orthographic templatisation on Linguistics Olympiad problems to create obfuscated variants
that maintain the same reasoning steps. Through extensive experiments, we show that obfuscation
reduces measurement bias from data exposure and provides reasoning estimates that correlate with
the ability to solve linguistic reasoning problems. Additionally, we find that state-of-the-art
models exhibit inconsistent reasoning abilities and that simple fine-tuning does not necessarily
equip models with context-free and robust problem-solving skills. This work establishes a reasoning
measure that is resilient to data exposure effects and supports ongoing efforts to fully understand
response generation in advanced models.