ConZIC /
jiaqingj's picture
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk import pos_tag
import torch
import json
def batch_texts_POS_analysis(batch_texts, pos_templete, device="cuda"):
batch_size = len(batch_texts)
pos_tags = []
pos_scores = torch.zeros(batch_size)
for b_id in range(batch_size):
text = batch_texts[b_id]
words = word_tokenize(text)
word_tag = pos_tag(words, tagset="universal")
res_tag = [tag[1] for tag in word_tag]
total_num = len(pos_templete)
correct = 0
if len(res_tag) <= total_num:
cur_tag = res_tag + [""] * (len(pos_templete)-len(res_tag))
cur_tag = res_tag[:total_num]
for word_id in range(len(cur_tag)):
if pos_templete[word_id]=="":
correct += 1
elif cur_tag[word_id] in pos_templete[word_id]:
correct +=1
acc = correct/total_num
pos_scores[b_id] = acc
return pos_tags, pos_scores
def text_POS_analysis(text):
words = word_tokenize(text)
word_tag = pos_tag(words, tagset="universal")
res_tag = [tag[1] for tag in word_tag]
return res_tag
if __name__=="__main__":
batch_texts = ["A cat sitting in the bed.",
"Two men in a nice hotel room one playing a video game with a remote control.",
"The man sitting in the chair feels like an invisible,dead man."]
pos_templete = ['DET', 'NOUN', 'ADP', 'ADJ', 'NOUN', '.', 'NOUN', 'CONJ', 'NOUN', 'ADP', 'PRON', '.']
batch_texts_POS_analysis(batch_texts, pos_templete, device="cuda")
cur_path = "iter_15.json"
all_caption = []
with open(cur_path, "r") as cur_json_file:
all_res = list(json.load(cur_json_file).values())
for res in all_res:
if isinstance(res, list):
all_caption += res
pos_tags, pos_scores = batch_texts_POS_analysis(all_caption, pos_templete, device="cuda")
word_id = 12
pos_dict = {"ADJ": 0, "ADP": 0, "ADV": 0,
"CONJ": 0, "DET": 0, "NOUN": 0,"X":0,
"NUM": 0, "PRT": 0, "PRON": 0, "VERB": 0, ".": 0}
for pos_tag in pos_tags:
if word_id < len(pos_tag):
pos_dict[pos_tag[word_id]] += 1