MonocularDepth /
tested BTS model and added to the app
import streamlit as st
import os, sys, io, time
import urllib.request as urllib
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import DPT, BTS_infer
### Some Utils Functions ###
def get_image(st_asset = st.sidebar, as_np_arr = False, extension_list = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']):
image_url, image_fh = None, None
if st_asset.checkbox('use image URL?'):
image_url = st_asset.text_input("Enter Image URL")
image_fh = st_asset.file_uploader(label = "Update your image", type = extension_list)
im = None
if image_url:
response = urllib.urlopen(image_url)
im =
elif image_fh:
im =
if im and as_np_arr:
im = np.array(im)
return im
def show_miro_logo(use_column_width = False, width = 100, st_asset= st.sidebar, str_color = 'white'):
logo_url = f'{str_color}.png'
st_asset.image(logo_url, use_column_width = use_column_width, channels = 'BGR', output_format = 'PNG', width = width)
def im_apply_mask(im_rgb_array, mask_array, get_pil_im = False, bg_rgb_tup = None,
bg_blur_radius = None, bg_greyscale = False, mask_gblur_radius = 0):
return either a np array with 4 channels or PIL Image with alpha
bg_rgb_tup: if given, return a 3-channel image with color background instead of transparent
bg_blur_radius: if given, return a 3-channel image with GaussianBlur applied to the background
h, w, c = im_rgb_array.shape
m_h, m_w = mask_array.shape
if not all([h == m_h, w == m_w]):
raise ValueError(f'im_apply_mask: mask_array size {(m_h, m_w)} must match im_rgb_array {(h, w)}')
im = Image.fromarray(im_rgb_array)
# convert bitwise mask from np to pillow
# ref:
pil_mask = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255* mask_array))
pil_mask = pil_mask.filter(
ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius = mask_gblur_radius)
) if mask_gblur_radius > 0 else pil_mask
if bg_rgb_tup:
bg_im = np.zeros([h,w,3], dtype = np.uint8) # black
bg_im[:,:] = bg_rgb_tup # apply color
# old method using just np but doesn't support blurred mask
# idx = (mask_array != 0)
# bg_im[idx] = im_rgb_array[idx]
bg_im = Image.fromarray(bg_im)
bg_im.paste(im, mask = pil_mask)
im = bg_im
elif bg_blur_radius:
bg_im = im.copy().filter(
ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius = bg_blur_radius)
bg_im.paste(im, mask = pil_mask)
im = bg_im
elif bg_greyscale:
bg_im = ImageOps.grayscale(Image.fromarray(im_rgb_array))
bg_im = np.array(bg_im)
bg_im = np.stack((bg_im,)*3, axis = -1) # greyscale 1-channel to 3-channel
bg_im = Image.fromarray(bg_im)
bg_im.paste(im, mask = pil_mask)
im = bg_im
return im if get_pil_im else np.array(im)
### Streamlit App ###
# @st.experimental_memo
@st.cache(allow_output_mutation = True)
def get_model_zoo():
model_zoo = {
'DPT': {'infer_func': DPT.inference,'model': DPT.load_model()},
'BTS': {'infer_func': BTS_infer.inference,'model': BTS_infer.get_model()}
return model_zoo
# @st.experimental_memo(suppress_st_warning=True)
hash_funcs={st.delta_generator.DeltaGenerator: lambda _:None})
def mono_depth(pil_im, model_name, _st_asset = None):
s_time = time.time()
model_zoo = get_model_zoo()
infer_func = model_zoo[model_name]['infer_func']
model_obj = model_zoo[model_name]['model']
depth_im = infer_func(img_array_rgb = np.array(pil_im),
model_obj = model_obj)
if _st_asset:
with _st_asset:'''
model name: {model_name}\n
inference time: `{round(time.time()-s_time,2)}` seconds\n
depth image shape: {np.array(depth_im).shape}\n
depth image type: {type(depth_im)}\n
depth map min-max: {depth_im.min()}, {depth_im.max()}
return depth_im
def Main(): # streamlit version 1.9.2
layout = 'wide',
page_title = 'Monocular Depth',
page_icon = '',
initial_sidebar_state = 'collapsed'
l_col, r_col = st.columns(2)
show_miro_logo(st_asset = l_col, str_color = 'purple', width = 200)
with l_col.expander('Monocular Depth: CNN vs Transformers'):'''
Comparsion of two [SoTA]( models:
[BTS (CNN), 2019](
and [DPT (Transformer), 2021](
model_zoo = get_model_zoo()
im = get_image(st_asset = r_col.expander('Input Image', expanded = True), extension_list = ['jpg','jpeg'])
model_name = l_col.selectbox('Pick Model', options = list(model_zoo.keys()))
if im:
d_im = mono_depth(pil_im = im, model_name=model_name,
_st_asset = r_col.expander('inference info'))
l_col, r_col = st.columns(2)
l_col.image(im, caption = 'Input Image')
r_col.image(d_im, caption = 'Depth Map')
with l_col.form('depth filter'):
min_d, max_d = st.slider('Depth Filter', value = (0,255),
help = 'smaller value = further away from camera',
min_value = 0, max_value = 255)
submitted = st.form_submit_button('filter depth')
if submitted:
depth_mask = ((d_im>= min_d) & (d_im<=max_d))
depth_filter_im = im_apply_mask(np.array(im),mask_array = depth_mask)
r_col.image(depth_filter_im, caption = 'Depth Filtered Image')
st.warning(f'please provide an image :point_up:')
if __name__ == '__main__':