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"""Loader that loads Figma files json dump."""
import json
import urllib.request
from typing import Any, List
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader
def _stringify_value(val: Any) -> str:
if isinstance(val, str):
return val
elif isinstance(val, dict):
return "\n" + _stringify_dict(val)
elif isinstance(val, list):
return "\n".join(_stringify_value(v) for v in val)
return str(val)
def _stringify_dict(data: dict) -> str:
text = ""
for key, value in data.items():
text += key + ": " + _stringify_value(data[key]) + "\n"
return text
class FigmaFileLoader(BaseLoader):
"""Loader that loads Figma file json."""
def __init__(self, access_token: str, ids: str, key: str):
"""Initialize with access token, ids, and key."""
self.access_token = access_token
self.ids = ids
self.key = key
def _construct_figma_api_url(self) -> str:
api_url = "https://api.figma.com/v1/files/%s/nodes?ids=%s" % (
return api_url
def _get_figma_file(self) -> Any:
"""Get Figma file from Figma REST API."""
headers = {"X-Figma-Token": self.access_token}
request = urllib.request.Request(
self._construct_figma_api_url(), headers=headers
with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as response:
json_data = json.loads(response.read().decode())
return json_data
def load(self) -> List[Document]:
"""Load file"""
data = self._get_figma_file()
text = _stringify_dict(data)
metadata = {"source": self._construct_figma_api_url()}
return [Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)]