buster / buster /chatbot.py
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import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Iterable
import numpy as np
import openai
import pandas as pd
import promptlayer
from openai.embeddings_utils import cosine_similarity, get_embedding
from buster.documents import get_documents_manager_from_extension
from buster.formatter import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Check if an API key exists for promptlayer, if it does, use it
promptlayer_api_key = os.environ.get("PROMPTLAYER_API_KEY")
if promptlayer_api_key:
logger.info("Enabling prompt layer...")
promptlayer.api_key = promptlayer_api_key
# replace openai with the promptlayer wrapper
openai = promptlayer.openai
openai.api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
class ChatbotConfig:
"""Configuration object for a chatbot.
documents_csv: Path to the csv file containing the documents and their embeddings.
embedding_model: OpenAI model to use to get embeddings.
top_k: Max number of documents to retrieve, ordered by cosine similarity
thresh: threshold for cosine similarity to be considered
max_words: maximum number of words the retrieved documents can be. Will truncate otherwise.
completion_kwargs: kwargs for the OpenAI.Completion() method
separator: the separator to use, can be either "\n" or <p> depending on rendering.
response_format: the type of format to render links with, e.g. slack or markdown
unknown_prompt: Prompt to use to generate the "I don't know" embedding to compare to.
text_before_prompt: Text to prompt GPT with before the user prompt, but after the documentation.
reponse_footnote: Generic response to add the the chatbot's reply.
documents_file: str = "buster/data/document_embeddings.tar.gz"
embedding_model: str = "text-embedding-ada-002"
top_k: int = 3
thresh: float = 0.7
max_words: int = 3000
unknown_threshold: float = 0.9 # set to 0 to deactivate
completion_kwargs: dict = field(
default_factory=lambda: {
"engine": "text-davinci-003",
"max_tokens": 200,
"temperature": None,
"top_p": None,
"frequency_penalty": 1,
"presence_penalty": 1,
separator: str = "\n"
response_format: str = "slack"
unknown_prompt: str = "I Don't know how to answer your question."
text_before_documents: str = "You are a chatbot answering questions.\n"
text_before_prompt: str = "Answer the following question:\n"
response_footnote: str = "I'm a bot 🤖 and not always perfect."
class Chatbot:
def __init__(self, cfg: ChatbotConfig):
# TODO: right now, the cfg is being passed as an omegaconf, is this what we want?
self.cfg = cfg
def _init_response_formatter(self):
self.response_formatter = response_formatter_factory(
format=self.cfg.response_format, response_footnote=self.cfg.response_footnote
def _init_documents(self):
filepath = self.cfg.documents_file
logger.info(f"loading embeddings from {filepath}...")
self.documents = get_documents_manager_from_extension(filepath)(filepath)
logger.info(f"embeddings loaded.")
def _init_unk_embedding(self):
logger.info("Generating UNK embedding...")
self.unk_embedding = get_embedding(
def rank_documents(
query: str,
top_k: float,
thresh: float,
engine: str,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Compare the question to the series of documents and return the best matching documents.
query_embedding = get_embedding(
matched_documents = self.documents.retrieve(query_embedding, top_k)
# log matched_documents to the console
logger.info(f"matched documents before thresh: {matched_documents}")
# filter out matched_documents using a threshold
if thresh:
matched_documents = matched_documents[matched_documents.similarity > thresh]
logger.info(f"matched documents after thresh: {matched_documents}")
return matched_documents
def prepare_documents(self, matched_documents: pd.DataFrame, max_words: int) -> str:
# gather the documents in one large plaintext variable
documents_list = matched_documents.content.to_list()
documents_str = " ".join(documents_list)
# truncate the documents to fit
# TODO: increase to actual token count
word_count = len(documents_str.split(" "))
if word_count > max_words:
logger.info("truncating documents to fit...")
documents_str = " ".join(documents_str.split(" ")[0:max_words])
logger.info(f"Documents after truncation: {documents_str}")
return documents_str
def prepare_prompt(
question: str,
matched_documents: pd.DataFrame,
text_before_prompt: str,
text_before_documents: str,
) -> str:
Prepare the prompt with prompt engineering.
documents_str: str = self.prepare_documents(matched_documents, max_words=self.cfg.max_words)
return text_before_documents + documents_str + text_before_prompt + question
def get_gpt_response(self, **completion_kwargs) -> Response:
# Call the API to generate a response
logger.info(f"querying GPT...")
response = openai.Completion.create(**completion_kwargs)
except Exception as e:
# log the error and return a generic response instead.
logger.exception("Error connecting to OpenAI API. See traceback:")
return Response("", True, "We're having trouble connecting to OpenAI right now... Try again soon!")
text = response["choices"][0]["text"]
return Response(text)
def generate_response(
self, prompt: str, matched_documents: pd.DataFrame, unknown_prompt: str
) -> tuple[Response, Iterable[Source]]:
Generate a response based on the retrieved documents.
if len(matched_documents) == 0:
# No matching documents were retrieved, return
sources = tuple()
return Response(unknown_prompt), sources
logger.info(f"Prompt: {prompt}")
response = self.get_gpt_response(prompt=prompt, **self.cfg.completion_kwargs)
if response:
logger.info(f"GPT Response:\n{response.text}")
relevant = self.check_response_relevance(
if relevant:
sources = (
Source(dct["source"], dct["url"], dct["similarity"])
for dct in matched_documents.to_dict(orient="records")
# Override the answer with a generic unknown prompt, without sources.
response = Response(text=self.cfg.unknown_prompt)
sources = tuple()
return response, sources
def check_response_relevance(
self, response: str, engine: str, unk_embedding: np.array, unk_threshold: float
) -> bool:
"""Check to see if a response is relevant to the chatbot's knowledge or not.
We assume we've prompt-engineered our bot to say a response is unrelated to the context if it isn't relevant.
Here, we compare the embedding of the response to the embedding of the prompt-engineered "I don't know" embedding.
set the unk_threshold to 0 to essentially turn off this feature.
response_embedding = get_embedding(
score = cosine_similarity(response_embedding, unk_embedding)
logger.info(f"UNK score: {score}")
# Likely that the answer is meaningful, add the top sources
return score < unk_threshold
def process_input(self, question: str, formatter: ResponseFormatter = None) -> str:
Main function to process the input question and generate a formatted output.
logger.info(f"User Question:\n{question}")
# We make sure there is always a newline at the end of the question to avoid completing the question.
if not question.endswith("\n"):
question += "\n"
matched_documents = self.rank_documents(
prompt = self.prepare_prompt(
response, sources = self.generate_response(prompt, matched_documents, self.cfg.unknown_prompt)
return self.response_formatter(response, sources)