buster-dev / tests /test_docparser.py
hbertrand's picture
PR: retriever interface (#77)
06bca0c unverified
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from buster.docparser import generate_embeddings
from buster.utils import get_retriever_from_extension
@pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", ["db", "tar.gz"])
def test_generate_embeddings(tmp_path, monkeypatch, extension):
# Create fake data
data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
{"title": ["test"], "url": ["http://url.com"], "content": ["cool text"], "source": ["my_source"]}
# Patch the get_embedding function to return a fixed embedding
monkeypatch.setattr("buster.docparser.get_embedding", lambda x, engine: [-0.005, 0.0018])
monkeypatch.setattr("buster.docparser.get_all_documents", lambda a, b, c: data)
# Generate embeddings, store in a file
output_file = tmp_path / f"test_document_embeddings.{extension}"
df = generate_embeddings(data, output_file)
# Read the embeddings from the file
read_df = get_retriever_from_extension(output_file)(output_file).get_documents("my_source")
# Check all the values are correct across the files
assert df["title"].iloc[0] == data["title"].iloc[0] == read_df["title"].iloc[0]
assert df["url"].iloc[0] == data["url"].iloc[0] == read_df["url"].iloc[0]
assert df["content"].iloc[0] == data["content"].iloc[0] == read_df["content"].iloc[0]
assert np.allclose(df["embedding"].iloc[0], read_df["embedding"].iloc[0])
assert df["n_tokens"].iloc[0] == read_df["n_tokens"].iloc[0]