jeevavijay10's picture
first commit
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
from src.utils import Utils
from swiplserver import PrologMQI
import plotly.graph_objects as go
facts_path = "./src/"
search_algorithm_path = "./src/"
utils = Utils()
possible_routes = []
def query(origin, destination):
with PrologMQI() as mqi:
with mqi.create_thread() as prolog_thread:
result = prolog_thread.query(f'consult("{facts_path}").')
print(f"Loaded facts: {result}")
result = prolog_thread.query(f'consult("{search_algorithm_path}").')
print(f"Loaded rules: {result}")
print(f"Query Path: {origin} - - to - - {destination}")
prolog_thread.query_async(f"a_star_search({utils.remove_spl_chars(origin)}, {utils.remove_spl_chars(destination)}, Path).", find_all=False)
result = prolog_thread.query_async_result()
if (result == False) or (len(result) == 0):
return []
print(f"Total Results: {len(result)}")
routes = result[0]['Path']
print(f"Result route: {routes}")
return routes
def load_map():
center_lat, center_lon = utils.get_map_center()
fig = go.Figure(layout=utils.get_default_map_layout(center_lat, center_lon))
fig = utils.filter_duplicate_traces(fig)
return fig
def filter_map(origin, destination):
center_lat, center_lon = utils.get_map_center()
output_text = ""
traces = []
if (len(origin) > 0) and (len(destination) > 0):
route = query(origin, destination)
if len(route) == 0:
output_text = "No Route Found"
traces, center_lat, center_lon, output_text = utils.filter_marker_and_traces(route)
traces = utils.get_traces()
fig = go.Figure(data=traces,layout=utils.get_default_map_layout(center_lat, center_lon))
fig = utils.filter_duplicate_traces(fig)
return fig, output_text
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Column():
gr.Label(value="London Underground Stations Route Finder", label="")
map = gr.Plot(label="London Underground Station Map")
with gr.Row():
origin = gr.Dropdown(
choices=utils.get_all_station_names(), label="Origin πŸ”΅")
destination = gr.Dropdown(
choices=utils.get_all_station_names(), label="Destination πŸ”΄")
with gr.Row():
btn_clear = gr.Button(value="Clear")
btn_search = gr.Button(value="Search"), [], map)
output_label = gr.Label(label="Optimal Route"), [origin, destination], [map, output_label])
demo.load(load_map, [], map)