% neighbor/2 predicate to define neighbors (replace with your own logic) |
neighbor(Node, Neighbor) :- eta(Node, Neighbor, _). |
neighbor(Node, Neighbor) :- eta(Neighbor, Node, _). |
get_cost(Node, Neighbor, Cost) :- eta(Node, Neighbor, Cost). |
get_cost(Node, Neighbor,Cost) :- eta(Neighbor, Node, Cost). |
calculate_cost([_],0). |
calculate_cost([Head|[Second|Rest]],Cost):- |
get_cost(Head, Second, C1), |
calculate_cost([Second|Rest], CRest), |
Cost is C1 + CRest. |
%Depth-first Search Implementation |
depth_first_search(Start, Goal,Path):- |
dfs(Start, Goal, [Start], Path). |
% dfs/4 Goal node found. |
dfs(Goal, Goal,_,[Goal]). |
% dfs/4 Recurvice depth search. |
dfs(Start, Goal, Visited, [Start|Path]):- |
neighbor(Start, Node), |
not(member(Node,Visited)), |
dfs(Node, Goal, [Node|Visited], Path). |
%Breadth-first Search Implementation |
breadth_first_search(Start, Goal, Path) :- |
bfs([0-(Start, [Start])], Goal, RevPath), |
reverse(RevPath, Path). |
% bfs/3 Goal node found. |
bfs([_C-(Node, Path) | _], Node, Path). |
% bfs/3Recursive case: Continue BFS |
bfs([_C-(_Node, Path) | Rest], Goal, FinalPath) :- |
expand(Path, NewNodes), |
append(Rest, NewNodes, NewQueue), |
keysort(NewQueue, SortedQueue), |
bfs(SortedQueue, Goal, FinalPath). |
% expand/2 predicate to generate neighboring nodes |
expand([Node|Path], Neighbors) :- |
findall(C-(Neighbor,[Neighbor | [Node|Path]]), |
(neighbor(Node, Neighbor), not(member(Neighbor, Path)), calculate_cost([Neighbor | [Node|Path]], C)), |
Neighbors). |
% A* Search Implementation |
a_star_search(Start, Goal, Path) :- |
heuristic(Start, Goal, F), |
a_star([F-(0, Start, [Start])], Goal, RevPath), |
reverse(RevPath, Path). |
% Base case: Goal node found |
a_star([_F-(_G, Node, Path) | _], Node, Path). |
% Recursive case: Continue A* search |
a_star([_F-(G, _Node, Path) | Rest], Goal, FinalPath) :- |
expand(Path, NewNodes, G, Goal), |
append(Rest, NewNodes, NewQueue), |
keysort(NewQueue, SortedQueue), |
a_star(SortedQueue, Goal, FinalPath). |
% expand/5 predicate to generate neighboring nodes with cost |
expand([Node|Path], Neighbors, G_prev, Goal) :- |
findall(F-(G, Neighbor, [Neighbor | [Node|Path]]), |
(neighbor(Node, Neighbor), not(member(Neighbor, Path)), |
calculate_cost([Neighbor|[Node|Path]], Cost), |
heuristic(Neighbor, Goal, H), |
G is G_prev + Cost, F is G + H), |
Neighbors). |
% Heuristic function to calculate the estimated distance between nodes using latitude and longitude. |
heuristic(Node, Destination, Heuristic) :- |
location(Node, Lat1, Lon1), |
location(Destination, Lat2, Lon2), |
haversine_distance(Lat1, Lon1, Lat2, Lon2, Heuristic). |
% Convert degrees to radians |
degrees_to_radians(Degrees, Radians) :- |
Radians is Degrees * (pi / 180). |
% Haversine formula to calculate the distance between two points on Earth |
haversine_distance(Lat1, Lon1, Lat2, Lon2, Distance) :- |
degrees_to_radians(Lat1, Lat1Rad), |
degrees_to_radians(Lon1, Lon1Rad), |
degrees_to_radians(Lat2, Lat2Rad), |
degrees_to_radians(Lon2, Lon2Rad), |
DLat is Lat2Rad - Lat1Rad, |
DLon is Lon2Rad - Lon1Rad, |
A is sin(DLat / 2) ** 2 + cos(Lat1Rad) * cos(Lat2Rad) * sin(DLon / 2) ** 2, |
C is 2 * atan2(sqrt(A), sqrt(1 - A)), |
Radius is 6371, % Earth's radius in kilometers |
Distance is Radius * C. |