Research_Team /
ddb4fb3 verified
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29.1 kB
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from typing import List
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from langgraph.graph import START, END, StateGraph
from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage
import operator
from typing import Annotated
from langgraph.graph import MessagesState
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
import gradio as gr
import uuid
from gradio.themes.utils import colors
from gradio.themes import Base
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
os.environ["TAVILY_API_KEY"] = os.getenv('TAVILY_API_KEY')
os.environ["LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2"] = "true"
os.environ["LANGCHAIN_API_KEY"] = os.getenv('LANGCHAIN_API_KEY')
os.environ["LANGCHAIN_PROJECT"] = "Research Assistant v1"
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o", temperature=0)
from typing import List
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
class Analyst(BaseModel):
affiliation: str = Field(
description="Primary affiliation of the analyst.",
name: str = Field(
description="Name of the analyst."
role: str = Field(
description="Role of the analyst in the context of the topic.",
description: str = Field(
description="Description of the analyst focus, concerns, and motives.",
def persona(self) -> str:
return f"Name: {}\nRole: {self.role}\nAffiliation: {self.affiliation}\nDescription: {self.description}\n"
class Perspectives(BaseModel):
analysts: List[Analyst] = Field(
description="Comprehensive list of analysts with their roles and affiliations.",
class GenerateAnalystsState(TypedDict):
topic: str # Research topic
max_analysts: int # Number of analysts
human_analyst_feedback: str # Human feedback
analysts: List[Analyst] # Analyst asking questions
from langgraph.graph import START, END, StateGraph
from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage
analyst_instructions="""You are tasked with creating a set of AI analyst personas. Follow these instructions carefully:
1. First, review the research topic:
2. Examine any editorial feedback that has been optionally provided to guide creation of the analysts:
3. Determine the most interesting themes based upon documents and / or feedback above.
4. Pick the top {max_analysts} themes.
5. Assign one analyst to each theme."""
def create_analysts(state: GenerateAnalystsState):
""" Create analysts """
human_analyst_feedback=state.get('human_analyst_feedback', '')
# Enforce structured output
structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(Perspectives)
# System message
system_message = analyst_instructions.format(topic=topic,
# Generate question
analysts = structured_llm.invoke([SystemMessage(content=system_message)]+[HumanMessage(content="Generate the set of analysts.")])
# Write the list of analysis to state
return {"analysts": analysts.analysts}
def human_feedback(state: GenerateAnalystsState):
""" No-op node that should be interrupted on """
def should_continue(state: GenerateAnalystsState):
""" Return the next node to execute """
# Check if human feedback
human_analyst_feedback=state.get('human_analyst_feedback', None)
if human_analyst_feedback:
return "create_analysts"
# Otherwise end
return END
import operator
from typing import Annotated
from langgraph.graph import MessagesState
class InterviewState(MessagesState):
max_num_turns: int # Number turns of conversation
context: Annotated[list, operator.add] # Source docs
analyst: Analyst # Analyst asking questions
interview: str # Interview transcript
sections: list # Final key we duplicate in outer state for Send() API
class SearchQuery(BaseModel):
search_query: str = Field(None, description="Search query for retrieval.")
question_instructions = """You are an analyst tasked with interviewing an expert to learn about a specific topic.
Your goal is boil down to interesting and specific insights related to your topic.
1. Interesting: Insights that people will find surprising or non-obvious.
2. Specific: Insights that avoid generalities and include specific examples from the expert.
Here is your topic of focus and set of goals: {goals}
Begin by introducing yourself using a name that fits your persona, and then ask your question.
Continue to ask questions to drill down and refine your understanding of the topic.
When you are satisfied with your understanding, complete the interview with: "Thank you so much for your help!"
Remember to stay in character throughout your response, reflecting the persona and goals provided to you."""
def generate_question(state: InterviewState):
""" Node to generate a question """
# Get state
analyst = state["analyst"]
messages = state["messages"]
# Generate question
system_message = question_instructions.format(goals=analyst.persona)
question = llm.invoke([SystemMessage(content=system_message)]+messages)
# Write messages to state
return {"messages": [question]}
from langchain_community.document_loaders import WikipediaLoader
from import TavilySearchResults
from langchain_core.messages import get_buffer_string
from langchain_core.documents import Document
import arxiv
# Search query writing
search_instructions = SystemMessage(content=f"""You will be given a conversation between an analyst and an expert.
Your goal is to generate a well-structured query for use in retrieval and / or web-search related to the conversation.
First, analyze the full conversation.
Pay particular attention to the final question posed by the analyst.
Convert this final question into a well-structured web search query""")
def search_web(state: InterviewState):
""" Retrieve docs from web search """
# Search query
structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(SearchQuery)
search_query = structured_llm.invoke([search_instructions]+state['messages'])
# Search
tavily_search = TavilySearchResults(max_results=5)
search_docs = tavily_search.invoke(search_query.search_query)
# Debug: Print the type and content of search_docs
print(f"Type of search_docs: {type(search_docs)}")
print(f"Content of search_docs: {search_docs}")
# Format
formatted_search_docs = "\n\n---\n\n".join(
f'<Document href="{doc["url"]}"/>\n{doc["content"]}\n</Document>'
for doc in search_docs
except TypeError as e:
print(f"Error in formatting search_docs: {e}")
# Fallback: treat search_docs as a single string if it's not iterable
formatted_search_docs = f"<Document>\n{search_docs}\n</Document>"
return {"context": [formatted_search_docs]}
def search_wikipedia(state: InterviewState):
""" Retrieve docs from wikipedia """
# Search query
structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(SearchQuery)
search_query = structured_llm.invoke([search_instructions]+state['messages'])
# Search
search_docs = WikipediaLoader(query=search_query.search_query,
# Format
formatted_search_docs = "\n\n---\n\n".join(
f'<Document source="{doc.metadata["source"]}" page="{doc.metadata.get("page", "")}"/>\n{doc.page_content}\n</Document>'
for doc in search_docs
return {"context": [formatted_search_docs]}
def search_arxiv(state: InterviewState):
""" Retrieve docs from arxiv """
# Search query
structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(SearchQuery)
search_query = structured_llm.invoke([search_instructions]+state['messages'])
# Search arXiv
search = arxiv.Search(
# Retrieve results
search_docs = []
for result in search.results():
doc = Document(
"title": result.title,
"authors": ", ".join( for author in result.authors),
"published": result.published.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
"url": result.entry_id,
# Format
formatted_search_docs = "\n\n---\n\n".join(
f'<Document title="{doc.metadata["title"]}" authors="{doc.metadata["authors"]}" published="{doc.metadata["published"]}" url="{doc.metadata["url"]}"/>\n{doc.page_content}\n</Document>'
for doc in search_docs
return {"context": [formatted_search_docs]}
answer_instructions = """You are an expert being interviewed by an analyst.
Here is analyst area of focus: {goals}.
You goal is to answer a question posed by the interviewer.
To answer question, use this context:
When answering questions, follow these guidelines:
1. Use only the information provided in the context.
2. Do not introduce external information or make assumptions beyond what is explicitly stated in the context.
3. The context contain sources at the topic of each individual document.
4. Include these sources your answer next to any relevant statements. For example, for source # 1 use [1].
5. List your sources in order at the bottom of your answer. [1] Source 1, [2] Source 2, etc
6. If the source is: <Document source="assistant/docs/llama3_1.pdf" page="7"/>' then just list:
[1] assistant/docs/llama3_1.pdf, page 7
And skip the addition of the brackets as well as the Document source preamble in your citation."""
def generate_answer(state: InterviewState):
""" Node to answer a question """
# Get state
analyst = state["analyst"]
messages = state["messages"]
context = state["context"]
# Answer question
system_message = answer_instructions.format(goals=analyst.persona, context=context)
answer = llm.invoke([SystemMessage(content=system_message)]+messages)
# Name the message as coming from the expert = "expert"
# Append it to state
return {"messages": [answer]}
def save_interview(state: InterviewState):
""" Save interviews """
# Get messages
messages = state["messages"]
# Convert interview to a string
interview = get_buffer_string(messages)
# Save to interviews key
return {"interview": interview}
def route_messages(state: InterviewState,
name: str = "expert"):
""" Route between question and answer """
# Get messages
messages = state["messages"]
max_num_turns = state.get('max_num_turns',2)
# Check the number of expert answers
num_responses = len(
[m for m in messages if isinstance(m, AIMessage) and == name]
# End if expert has answered more than the max turns
if num_responses >= max_num_turns:
return 'save_interview'
# This router is run after each question - answer pair
# Get the last question asked to check if it signals the end of discussion
last_question = messages[-2]
if "Thank you so much for your help" in last_question.content:
return 'save_interview'
return "ask_question"
section_writer_instructions = """You are an expert technical writer.
Your task is to create a short, easily digestible section of a report based on a set of source documents.
1. Analyze the content of the source documents:
- The name of each source document is at the start of the document, with the <Document tag.
2. Create a report structure using markdown formatting:
- Use ## for the section title
- Use ### for sub-section headers
3. Write the report following this structure:
a. Title (## header)
b. Summary (### header)
c. Sources (### header)
4. Make your title engaging based upon the focus area of the analyst:
5. For the summary section:
- Set up summary with general background / context related to the focus area of the analyst
- Emphasize what is novel, interesting, or surprising about insights gathered from the interview
- Create a numbered list of source documents, as you use them
- Do not mention the names of interviewers or experts
- Aim for approximately 400 words maximum
- Use numbered sources in your report (e.g., [1], [2]) based on information from source documents
6. In the Sources section:
- Include all sources used in your report
- Provide full links to relevant websites or specific document paths
- Separate each source by a newline. Use two spaces at the end of each line to create a newline in Markdown.
- It will look like:
### Sources
[1] Link or Document name
[2] Link or Document name
7. Be sure to combine sources. For example this is not correct:
There should be no redundant sources. It should simply be:
8. Final review:
- Ensure the report follows the required structure
- Include no preamble before the title of the report
- Check that all guidelines have been followed"""
def write_section(state: InterviewState):
""" Node to answer a question """
# Get state
interview = state["interview"]
context = state["context"]
analyst = state["analyst"]
# Write section using either the gathered source docs from interview (context) or the interview itself (interview)
system_message = section_writer_instructions.format(focus=analyst.description)
section = llm.invoke([SystemMessage(content=system_message)]+[HumanMessage(content=f"Use this source to write your section: {context}")])
# Append it to state
return {"sections": [section.content]}
# Add nodes and edges
interview_builder = StateGraph(InterviewState)
interview_builder.add_node("ask_question", generate_question)
interview_builder.add_node("search_web", search_web)
interview_builder.add_node("search_wikipedia", search_wikipedia)
interview_builder.add_node("search_arxiv", search_arxiv)
interview_builder.add_node("answer_question", generate_answer)
interview_builder.add_node("save_interview", save_interview)
interview_builder.add_node("write_section", write_section)
# Flow
interview_builder.add_edge(START, "ask_question")
interview_builder.add_edge("ask_question", "search_web")
interview_builder.add_edge("ask_question", "search_wikipedia")
interview_builder.add_edge("ask_question", "search_arxiv")
interview_builder.add_edge("search_web", "answer_question")
interview_builder.add_edge("search_wikipedia", "answer_question")
interview_builder.add_edge("search_arxiv", "answer_question")
interview_builder.add_conditional_edges("answer_question", route_messages,['ask_question','save_interview'])
interview_builder.add_edge("save_interview", "write_section")
interview_builder.add_edge("write_section", END)
import uuid
pre_defined_run_id = uuid.uuid4()
print("pre_defined_run_id", pre_defined_run_id)
# Interview
memory = MemorySaver()
interview_graph = interview_builder.compile(checkpointer=memory).with_config(run_name="Conduct Interviews")
import operator
from typing import List, Annotated
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
class ResearchGraphState(TypedDict):
topic: str # Research topic
max_analysts: int # Number of analysts
human_analyst_feedback: str # Human feedback
analysts: List[Analyst] # Analyst asking questions
sections: Annotated[list, operator.add] # Send() API key
introduction: str # Introduction for the final report
content: str # Content for the final report
conclusion: str # Conclusion for the final report
final_report: str # Final report
from langgraph.constants import Send
def initiate_all_interviews(state: ResearchGraphState):
""" This is the "map" step where we run each interview sub-graph using Send API """
# Check if human feedback
if human_analyst_feedback:
# Return to create_analysts
return "create_analysts"
# Otherwise kick off interviews in parallel via Send() API
topic = state["topic"]
return [Send("conduct_interview", {"analyst": analyst,
"messages": [HumanMessage(
content=f"So you said you were writing an article on {topic}?"
]}) for analyst in state["analysts"]]
report_writer_instructions = """You are a technical writer creating a report on this overall topic:
You have a team of analysts. Each analyst has done two things:
1. They conducted an interview with an expert on a specific sub-topic.
2. They write up their finding into a memo.
Your task:
1. You will be given a collection of memos from your analysts.
2. Think carefully about the insights from each memo.
3. Consolidate these into a crisp overall summary that ties together the central ideas from all of the memos.
4. Summarize the central points in each memo into a cohesive single narrative.
To format your report:
1. Use markdown formatting.
2. Include no pre-amble for the report.
3. Use no sub-heading.
4. Start your report with a single title header: ## Insights
5. Do not mention any analyst names in your report.
6. Preserve any citations in the memos, which will be annotated in brackets, for example [1] or [2].
7. Create a final, consolidated list of sources and add to a Sources section with the `## Sources` header.
8. List your sources in order and do not repeat.
[1] Source 1
[2] Source 2
Here are the memos from your analysts to build your report from:
def write_report(state: ResearchGraphState):
# Full set of sections
sections = state["sections"]
topic = state["topic"]
# Concat all sections together
formatted_str_sections = "\n\n".join([f"{section}" for section in sections])
# Summarize the sections into a final report
system_message = report_writer_instructions.format(topic=topic, context=formatted_str_sections)
report = llm.invoke([SystemMessage(content=system_message)]+[HumanMessage(content=f"Write a report based upon these memos.")])
return {"content": report.content}
intro_conclusion_instructions = """You are a technical writer finishing a report on {topic}
You will be given all of the sections of the report.
You job is to write a crisp and compelling introduction or conclusion section.
The user will instruct you whether to write the introduction or conclusion.
Include no pre-amble for either section.
Target around 100 words, crisply previewing (for introduction) or recapping (for conclusion) all of the sections of the report.
Use markdown formatting.
For your introduction, create a compelling title and use the # header for the title.
For your introduction, use ## Introduction as the section header.
For your conclusion, use ## Conclusion as the section header.
Here are the sections to reflect on for writing: {formatted_str_sections}"""
def write_introduction(state: ResearchGraphState):
# Full set of sections
sections = state["sections"]
topic = state["topic"]
# Concat all sections together
formatted_str_sections = "\n\n".join([f"{section}" for section in sections])
# Summarize the sections into a final report
instructions = intro_conclusion_instructions.format(topic=topic, formatted_str_sections=formatted_str_sections)
intro = llm.invoke([instructions]+[HumanMessage(content=f"Write the report introduction")])
return {"introduction": intro.content}
def write_conclusion(state: ResearchGraphState):
# Full set of sections
sections = state["sections"]
topic = state["topic"]
# Concat all sections together
formatted_str_sections = "\n\n".join([f"{section}" for section in sections])
# Summarize the sections into a final report
instructions = intro_conclusion_instructions.format(topic=topic, formatted_str_sections=formatted_str_sections)
conclusion = llm.invoke([instructions]+[HumanMessage(content=f"Write the report conclusion")])
return {"conclusion": conclusion.content}
def finalize_report(state: ResearchGraphState):
""" The is the "reduce" step where we gather all the sections, combine them, and reflect on them to write the intro/conclusion """
# Save full final report
content = state["content"]
if content.startswith("## Insights"):
content = content.strip("## Insights")
if "## Sources" in content:
content, sources = content.split("\n## Sources\n")
sources = None
sources = None
final_report = state["introduction"] + "\n\n---\n\n" + content + "\n\n---\n\n" + state["conclusion"]
if sources is not None:
final_report += "\n\n## Sources\n" + sources
return {"final_report": final_report}
# Add nodes and edges
builder = StateGraph(ResearchGraphState)
builder.add_node("create_analysts", create_analysts)
builder.add_node("human_feedback", human_feedback)
builder.add_node("conduct_interview", interview_builder.compile())
# Logic
builder.add_edge(START, "create_analysts")
builder.add_edge("create_analysts", "human_feedback")
builder.add_conditional_edges("human_feedback", initiate_all_interviews, ["create_analysts", "conduct_interview"])
builder.add_edge("conduct_interview", "write_report")
builder.add_edge("conduct_interview", "write_introduction")
builder.add_edge("conduct_interview", "write_conclusion")
builder.add_edge(["write_conclusion", "write_report", "write_introduction"], "finalize_report")
builder.add_edge("finalize_report", END)
# Compile
memory = MemorySaver()
graph = builder.compile(interrupt_before=['human_feedback'], checkpointer=memory)
def run_research(topic, max_analysts):
thread_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": thread_id}}
events = list({"topic": topic, "max_analysts": max_analysts},
for event in events:
analysts = event.get('analysts', '')
if analysts:
analyst_info = []
for analyst in analysts:
analyst_info.append(f"## {}\n"
f"Affiliation: {analyst.affiliation}\n"
f"Role: {analyst.role}\n"
f"Description: {analyst.description}\n"
return "\n\n".join(analyst_info), thread_id, gr.update(visible=True)
return "No analysts generated. Please try again.", None, gr.update(visible=False)
except GeneratorExit:
return "Research process was interrupted. Please try again.", None, gr.update(visible=False)
except Exception as e:
return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}", None, gr.update(visible=False)
def process_feedback(topic, max_analysts, feedback, thread_id):
if not thread_id:
return "Error: No active research session. Please start a new research.", None, gr.update(visible=True)
thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": thread_id}}
if feedback:
graph.update_state(thread, {"human_analyst_feedback": feedback}, as_node="human_feedback")
all_analysts = []
for event in, thread, stream_mode="values"):
analysts = event.get('analysts', [])
if analysts:
all_analysts = analysts # 更新為最新的分析師列表
if all_analysts:
# 只取最後 max_analysts 個分析師
latest_analysts = all_analysts[-max_analysts:]
analyst_info = []
for analyst in latest_analysts:
analyst_info.append(f"## {}\n"
f"Affiliation: {analyst.affiliation}\n"
f"Role: {analyst.role}\n"
f"Description: {analyst.description}\n"
return "\n\n".join(analyst_info), thread_id, gr.update(visible=True)
return "No new analysts generated. Please try again with different feedback.", thread_id, gr.update(visible=True)
# 繼續研究過程
graph.update_state(thread, {"human_analyst_feedback": None}, as_node="human_feedback")
for event in, thread, stream_mode="updates"):
pass # 我們可以在這裡添加進度更新
final_state = graph.get_state(thread)
report = final_state.values.get('final_report')
return report, None, gr.update(visible=False)
except GeneratorExit:
return "Feedback process was interrupted. Please try again.", thread_id, gr.update(visible=True)
except Exception as e:
return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}", thread_id, gr.update(visible=True)
# 在文件頂部��加以下導入
from gradio.themes.utils import colors
from gradio.themes import Base
# 在 demo 定義之前添加以下主題定義
theme = Base(,
font=("Helvetica", "sans-serif"),
block_shadow="0 4px 6px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1), 0 2px 4px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)",
# 修改 Gradio 介面定義
with gr.Blocks(theme=theme, css="footer {visibility: hidden}") as demo:
# Multi-agent Research Team 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦🔗
Generate a team of AI experts to conduct in-depth research on your chosen topic.
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=3):
topic = gr.Textbox(label="Research Topic", placeholder="Enter your research topic here...")
with gr.Column(scale=1):
max_analysts = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=5, step=1, label="Number of Experts", value=3)
start_btn = gr.Button("Generate Experts", variant="primary")
output = gr.Markdown(label="Output")
with gr.Row(visible=False) as feedback_row:
with gr.Column(scale=3):
feedback = gr.Textbox(label="Human-in-the-Loop Feedback (optional)", placeholder="Provide feedback to refine the experts...")
with gr.Column(scale=2):
with gr.Row():
continue_btn = gr.Button("Regenerate Experts", variant="secondary", scale=1)
finish_btn = gr.Button("Start Research", variant="primary", scale=1)
thread_id = gr.State(value=None)
def update_visibility(visible):
return gr.update(visible=visible),
inputs=[topic, max_analysts],
outputs=[output, thread_id, feedback_row]),
inputs=[topic, max_analysts, feedback, thread_id],
outputs=[output, thread_id, feedback_row]) t, m, f, tid: process_feedback(t, m, "", tid),
inputs=[topic, max_analysts, feedback, thread_id],
outputs=[output, thread_id, feedback_row])
if __name__ == "__main__":