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jbilcke-hf HF staff
faster download of public channels
history blame
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"use server"
import { VideoInfo } from "@/types"
import { getVideoIndex } from "./getVideoIndex"
const HARD_LIMIT = 100
// this just return ALL videos on the platform
export async function getVideos({
mandatoryTags = [],
niceToHaveTags = [],
sortBy = "date",
ignoreVideoIds = [],
maxVideos = HARD_LIMIT,
}: {
// the videos MUST include those tags
mandatoryTags?: string[]
// tags that we should try to use to filter the videos,
// but it isn't a hard limit - TODO: use some semantic search here?
niceToHaveTags?: string[]
sortBy?: "random" | "date"
// ignore some ids - this is used to not show the same videos again
// eg. videos already watched, or disliked etc
ignoreVideoIds?: string[]
maxVideos?: number
}): Promise<VideoInfo[]> {
// the index is gonna grow more and more,
// but in the future we will use some DB eg. Prisma or sqlite
const published = await getVideoIndex({
status: "published",
renewCache: true
let allPotentiallyValidVideos = Object.values(published)
if (ignoreVideoIds.length) {
allPotentiallyValidVideos = allPotentiallyValidVideos.filter(video => !ignoreVideoIds.includes(video.id))
if (sortBy === "date") {
allPotentiallyValidVideos.sort(((a, b) => b.updatedAt.localeCompare(a.updatedAt)))
} else {
allPotentiallyValidVideos.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5)
let videosMatchingFilters: VideoInfo[] = allPotentiallyValidVideos
// filter videos by mandatory tags, or else we return everything
const mandatoryTagsList = mandatoryTags.map(tag => tag.toLowerCase().trim()).filter(tag => tag)
if (mandatoryTagsList.length) {
videosMatchingFilters = allPotentiallyValidVideos.filter(video =>
video.tags.some(tag =>
// filter videos by mandatory tags, or else we return everything
const niceToHaveTagsList = niceToHaveTags.map(tag => tag.toLowerCase().trim()).filter(tag => tag)
if (niceToHaveTagsList.length) {
videosMatchingFilters = videosMatchingFilters.filter(video =>
video.tags.some(tag =>
// if we don't have enough videos
if (videosMatchingFilters.length < maxVideos) {
// count how many we need
const nbMissingVideos = maxVideos - videosMatchingFilters.length
// then we try to fill the gap with valid videos from other topics
const videosToUseAsFiller = allPotentiallyValidVideos
.filter(video => !videosMatchingFilters.some(v => v.id === video.id)) // of course we don't reuse the same
// .sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5) // randomize them
.slice(0, nbMissingVideos) // and only pick those we need
videosMatchingFilters = [
// we enforce the max limit of HARD_LIMIT (eg. 100)
return videosMatchingFilters.slice(0, Math.min(HARD_LIMIT, maxVideos))