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jbilcke-hf HF staff
handle an edge case
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import { join } from "node:path"
import { ClapProject, ClapSegmentCategory } from "@aitube/clap"
import { deleteFilesWithName, getRandomDirectory, writeBase64ToFile } from "@aitube/io"
import {
type SupportedExportFormat,
type ConcatenateAudioOutput,
// } from "@aitube/ffmpeg"
} from "./bug-in-bun/aitube_ffmpeg"
import { clapWithStoryboardsToVideoFile } from "./core/exporters/clapWithStoryboardsToVideoFile"
import { clapWithVideosToVideoFile } from "./core/exporters/clapWithVideosToVideoFile"
import { extractBase64 } from "@aitube/encoders"
* Generate a .mp4 video inside a directory (if none is provided, it will be created in /tmp)
* @param clap
* @returns file path to the final .mp4
export async function clapToTmpVideoFilePath({
format = defaultExportFormat,
outputDir = "",
clearTmpFilesAtEnd = false
}: {
clap: ClapProject
format?: SupportedExportFormat
outputDir?: string
// if you leave this to false, you will have to clear files yourself
// (eg. after sending the final video file over)
clearTmpFilesAtEnd?: boolean
}): Promise<{
tmpWorkDir: string
outputFilePath: string
}> {
// in case we have an issue with the format
if (format !== "mp4" && format !== "webm") {
format = "mp4"
outputDir = outputDir || (await getRandomDirectory())
const alreadyAnEmbeddedFinalVideo = clap.segments.filter(s =>
s.category === ClapSegmentCategory.VIDEO &&
s.status === "completed" &&
s.startTimeInMs === 0 &&
s.endTimeInMs === clap.meta.durationInMs &&
let ignoreThisVideoSegmentId = ""
if (alreadyAnEmbeddedFinalVideo) {
ignoreThisVideoSegmentId = alreadyAnEmbeddedFinalVideo?.id || ""
you know what.. let's just ignore it, and re-generate fresh content
because most probably the user made an honest mistake
const outputFilePath = await writeBase64ToFile(
join(outputDir, `existing_final_video`)
return {
tmpWorkDir: outputDir,
const videoSegments = clap.segments.filter(s =>
s.category === ClapSegmentCategory.VIDEO &&
s.assetUrl.startsWith("data:video/") &&
s.id !== ignoreThisVideoSegmentId
const storyboardSegments = clap.segments.filter(s => s.category === ClapSegmentCategory.STORYBOARD && s.assetUrl.startsWith("data:image/"))
const canUseVideos = videoSegments.length > 0
const canUseStoryboards = !canUseVideos && storyboardSegments.length > 0
// we count the duration of the whole video
let totalDurationInMs = 0
clap.segments.forEach(s => {
if (s.endTimeInMs > totalDurationInMs) {
totalDurationInMs = s.endTimeInMs
let videoFilePaths: string[] = []
// two possibilities:
// we can either generate from the video files, or from the storyboards
// the storyboard video will be a bit more boring, but at least it should process faster
if (canUseVideos) {
const concatenatedData = await clapWithVideosToVideoFile({
// console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: called clapWithVideosToVideoFile, got concatenatedData = ${JSON.stringify(concatenatedData, null, 2)}`)
videoFilePaths = concatenatedData.videoFilePaths
} else if (canUseStoryboards) {
const concatenatedData = await clapWithStoryboardsToVideoFile({
// console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: called clapWithStoryboardsToVideoFile, got concatenatedData = ${JSON.stringify(concatenatedData, null, 2)}`)
videoFilePaths = concatenatedData.videoFilePaths
} else {
throw new Error(`the provided Clap doesn't contain any video or storyboard`)
console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: calling concatenateVideos over ${videoFilePaths.length} video chunks: ${JSON.stringify(videoFilePaths, null, 2)}\nconcatenateVideos(${JSON.stringify({
output: join(outputDir, `tmp_asset_concatenated_videos.mp4`)
}, null, 2)})`)
const concatenatedVideosNoMusic = await concatenateVideos({
output: join(outputDir, `tmp_asset_concatenated_videos.mp4`)
console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: concatenatedVideosNoMusic`, concatenatedVideosNoMusic)
const musicFilePaths: string[] = []
const musicSegments = clap.segments.filter(s =>
s.category === ClapSegmentCategory.MUSIC &&
console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: got ${musicSegments.length} music segments in total`)
// note: once we start with a certain type eg. mp3, there is no going to back
// another format like wav, we can't concatenate them together (well, not yet)
let detectedMusicTrackFormat = ''
// we count how much music has been generated
// if it is not enough to fill the full video, we will loop it (using cross-fading)
let availableMusicDurationInMs = 0
for (const segment of musicSegments) {
const analysis = extractBase64(segment.assetUrl)
if (!detectedMusicTrackFormat) {
detectedMusicTrackFormat = analysis.extension
} else if (detectedMusicTrackFormat !== analysis.extension) {
throw new Error(`fatal error: concatenating a mixture of ${detectedMusicTrackFormat} and ${analysis.extension} tracks isn't supported yet`)
const { durationInMs, hasAudio } = await getMediaInfo(segment.assetUrl)
// we have to skip silent music tracks
if (!hasAudio) {
console.log(`skipping a silent music track`)
const newMusicFilePath = await writeBase64ToFile(
join(outputDir, `tmp_asset_${segment.id}.${analysis.extension}`)
// console.log("wrote music to " + newMusicFilePath)
availableMusicDurationInMs += durationInMs
let concatenatedAudio: ConcatenateAudioOutput | undefined = undefined
if (musicFilePaths.length > 0) {
// console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: calling concatenateAudio over ${musicFilePaths.length} audio tracks`)
if (!detectedMusicTrackFormat) {
throw new Error(`uh that's weird, we couldn't detect the audio type`)
const availableMusicFilePaths = [...musicFilePaths]
// if we don't have enough music audio content
while (availableMusicDurationInMs < totalDurationInMs) {
let musicFilePathToRepeat = availableMusicFilePaths.shift()
// abort if there are no available tracks (for some reason)
if (!musicFilePathToRepeat) { break }
// we artificially duplicate it (note: this will be cross-faded)
const { durationInMs } = await getMediaInfo(musicFilePathToRepeat)
// let's abord if we have bad data
if (!durationInMs || durationInMs < 1000) { break }
availableMusicDurationInMs += durationInMs
console.log("DEBUG:", {
concatenatedAudio = await concatenateAudio({
output: join(outputDir, `tmp_asset_concatenated_audio.${detectedMusicTrackFormat}`),
audioFilePaths: musicFilePaths,
crossfadeDurationInSec: 2, // 2 seconds
outputFormat: detectedMusicTrackFormat
// console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: concatenatedAudio = ${concatenatedAudio}`)
console.log(`calling concatenateVideosWithAudio: `, {
output: join(outputDir, `final_video.${format}`),
audioFilePath: concatenatedAudio ? concatenatedAudio?.filepath : undefined,
videoFilePaths: [concatenatedVideosNoMusic.filepath],
// videos are silent, so they can stay at 0
videoTracksVolume: concatenatedAudio ? 0.85 : 1.0,
audioTrackVolume: concatenatedAudio ? 0.15 : 0.0, // let's keep the music volume low
const finalFilePathOfVideoWithMusic = await concatenateVideosWithAudio({
output: join(outputDir, `final_video.${format}`),
audioFilePath: concatenatedAudio ? concatenatedAudio?.filepath : undefined,
videoFilePaths: [concatenatedVideosNoMusic.filepath],
// videos are silent, so they can stay at 0
videoTracksVolume: concatenatedAudio ? 0.85 : 1.0,
audioTrackVolume: concatenatedAudio ? 0.15 : 0.0, // let's keep the music volume low
console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: finalFilePathOfVideoWithMusic = ${finalFilePathOfVideoWithMusic}`)
if (clearTmpFilesAtEnd) {
// we delete all the temporary assets
// console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: calling deleteFilesWithName(${outputDir}, 'tmp_asset_')`)
await deleteFilesWithName(outputDir, `tmp_asset_`)
console.log(`clapToTmpVideoFilePath: returning ${JSON.stringify( {
tmpWorkDir: outputDir,
outputFilePath: finalFilePathOfVideoWithMusic
}, null, 2)}`)
return {
tmpWorkDir: outputDir,
outputFilePath: finalFilePathOfVideoWithMusic