VideoChain-API / src /scheduler /processTask.mts
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import { saveCompletedTask } from "./saveCompletedTask.mts"
import { savePendingTask } from "./savePendingTask.mts"
import { updatePendingTask } from "./updatePendingTask.mts"
import { VideoShot, VideoTask } from "../types.mts"
import { downloadFileToTmp } from "../utils/downloadFileToTmp.mts"
import { generateVideo } from "../production/generateVideo.mts"
import { copyVideoFromTmpToPending } from "../utils/copyVideoFromTmpToPending.mts"
import { copyVideoFromTmpToCompleted } from "../utils/copyVideoFromTmpToCompleted.mts"
import { upscaleVideo } from "../production/upscaleVideo.mts"
import { interpolateVideo } from "../production/interpolateVideo.mts"
import { postInterpolation } from "../production/postInterpolation.mts"
import { moveVideoFromPendingToCompleted } from "../utils/moveVideoFromPendingToCompleted.mts"
import { assembleShots } from "../production/assembleShots.mts"
import { copyVideoFromPendingToCompleted } from "../utils/copyVideoFromPendingToCompleted.mts"
export const processTask = async (task: VideoTask) => {
console.log(`processing video task ${}`)
// something isn't right, the task is already completed
if (task.completed) {
console.log(`video task ${} is already completed`)
await saveCompletedTask(task)
for (const shot of task.shots) {
// skip shots completed previously
if (shot.completed) {
console.log(`need to complete shot ${}`)
// currenty we cannot generate too many frames at once,
// otherwise the upscaler will have trouble
// so for now, we fix it to 24 frames
// const nbFramesForBaseModel = Math.min(3, Math.max(1, Math.round(duration))) * 8
const nbFramesForBaseModel = 24
if (!shot.hasGeneratedPreview) {
console.log("generating a preview of the final result..")
let generatedPreviewVideoUrl = ""
try {
generatedPreviewVideoUrl = await generateVideo(shot.shotPrompt, {
seed: shot.seed,
nbFrames: nbFramesForBaseModel,
nbSteps: 10, // for the preview, we only give a rough approximation
console.log("downloading preview video..")
// download to /tmp
await downloadFileToTmp(generatedPreviewVideoUrl, shot.fileName)
// NO NEED to copy from /tmp to /data/pending
// await copyVideoFromTmpToPending(shot.fileName)
// copy from /tmp to /data/completed
await copyVideoFromTmpToCompleted(shot.fileName, task.fileName)
shot.hasGeneratedPreview = true
await updatePendingTask(task)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`failed to generate preview for shot ${} (${err})`)
// something is wrong, let's put the whole thing back into the queue
task.error = `failed to generate preview for shot ${} (will try again later)`
await updatePendingTask(task)
if (!shot.hasGeneratedVideo) {
console.log("generating primordial pixel soup (raw video)..")
let generatedVideoUrl = ""
const nbFramesForBaseModel = 24
try {
generatedVideoUrl = await generateVideo(shot.shotPrompt, {
seed: shot.seed,
nbFrames: nbFramesForBaseModel,
nbSteps: shot.steps,
console.log("downloading video..")
await downloadFileToTmp(generatedVideoUrl, shot.fileName)
await copyVideoFromTmpToPending(shot.fileName)
shot.hasGeneratedVideo = true
await updatePendingTask(task)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`failed to generate shot ${} (${err})`)
// something is wrong, let's put the whole thing back into the queue
task.error = `failed to generate shot ${} (will try again later)`
await updatePendingTask(task)
if (!shot.hasUpscaledVideo) {
console.log("upscaling video..")
try {
await upscaleVideo(shot.fileName, shot.shotPrompt)
shot.hasUpscaledVideo = true
await updatePendingTask(task)
await copyVideoFromPendingToCompleted(shot.fileName, task.fileName)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`failed to upscale shot ${} (${err})`)
// something is wrong, let's put the whole thing back into the queue
task.error = `failed to upscale shot ${} (will try again later)`
await updatePendingTask(task)
if (!shot.hasInterpolatedVideo) {
console.log("interpolating video..")
// the interpolation step always create a SLOW MOTION video
// it means it can last a lot longer (eg. 2x, 3x, 4x.. longer)
// than the duration generated by the original video model
// the interpolation step generates videos in 910x512!
// the interpolation step parameters are currently not passed to the space,
// so changing those two variables below will have no effect!
const interpolationSteps = 3
const interpolatedFramesPerSecond = 24
console.log('creating slow-mo video (910x512 @ 24 FPS)')
try {
await interpolateVideo(
shot.hasInterpolatedVideo = true
await updatePendingTask(task)
await copyVideoFromPendingToCompleted(shot.fileName, task.fileName)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`failed to interpolate shot ${} (${err})`)
// something is wrong, let's put the whole thing back into the queue
task.error = `failed to interpolate shot ${} (will try again later)`
await updatePendingTask(task)
if (!shot.hasPostProcessedVideo) {
console.log("post-processing video..")
// with our current interpolation settings, the 3 seconds video generated by the model
// become a 7 seconds video, at 24 FPS
// so we want to scale it back to the desired duration length
// also, as a last trick we want to upscale it (without AI) and add some FXs
console.log('performing final scaling (1280x720 @ 24 FPS)')
try {
await postInterpolation(shot.fileName, shot.durationMs, shot.fps)
shot.hasPostProcessedVideo = true
await updatePendingTask(task)
await copyVideoFromPendingToCompleted(shot.fileName, task.fileName)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`failed to post-process shot ${} (${err})`)
// something is wrong, let's put the whole thing back into the queue
task.error = `failed to post-process shot ${} (will try again later)`
await updatePendingTask(task)
shot.completed = true
shot.completedAt = new Date().toISOString()
await updatePendingTask(task)
console.log(`end of the loop:`)
console.log(`nb completed shots: ${task.nbCompletedShots}`)
console.log(`len of the shot array: ${task.shots.length}`)
if (task.nbCompletedShots === task.shots.length) {
console.log(`we have completed the whole video sequence!`)
console.log(`assembling the video..`)
if (task.shots.length === 1) {
console.log(`we only have one shot, so this gonna be easy`)
task.hasAssembledVideo = true
// the single shot (so, the first) becomes the final movie
await moveVideoFromPendingToCompleted(task.shots[0].fileName, task.fileName)
await updatePendingTask(task)
if (!task.hasAssembledVideo) {
console.log(`assembling the ${task.shots.length} shots together (might take a while)`)
try {
await assembleShots(task.shots, task.fileName)
console.log(`finished assembling the ${task.shots.length} shots together!`)
await moveVideoFromPendingToCompleted(task.fileName)
task.hasAssembledVideo = true
await updatePendingTask(task)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`failed to assemble the shots together (${err})`)
// something is wrong, let's put the whole thing back into the queue
task.error = `failed to assemble the shots together (will try again later)`
await updatePendingTask(task)
task.completed = true
task.completedAt = new Date().toISOString()
await updatePendingTask(task)
console.log(`moving task to completed tasks..`)
await saveCompletedTask(task)