SkinZen /
history blame
15.6 kB
import numpy as np
import cv2
from os.path import join
import dlib
import os
from PIL import Image
import urllib.request
import imageio
width_ratio = 1.5
top_ratio = 1.5
gap_ratio = 0.1
down_ratio = 4.5
chin_width_ratio = 2.8
forehead_ratio = 0.3
verb = False
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
PREDICTOR_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat")
eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "haarcascade_eye.xml"))
assert not eye_cascade.empty()
FACE_POINTS = list(range(17, 68))
MOUTH_POINTS = list(range(48, 61))
RIGHT_BROW_POINTS = list(range(17, 22))
LEFT_BROW_POINTS = list(range(22, 27))
RIGHT_EYE_POINTS = list(range(36, 42))
LEFT_EYE_POINTS = list(range(42, 48))
NOSE_POINTS = list(range(27, 35))
JAW_POINTS = list(range(0, 17))
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(PREDICTOR_PATH)
class TooManyFaces(Exception):
class NoFaces(Exception):
def get_landmarks(im):
rects = detector(im, 1)
if len(rects) > 1:
raise TooManyFaces
if len(rects) == 0:
raise NoFaces
return np.matrix([[p.x, p.y] for p in predictor(im, rects[0]).parts()])
def read_imgURL(URL):
with urllib.request.urlopen(URL) as url:
with open('temp.jpg', 'wb') as f:
img ='temp.jpg')
img = np.array(img)
return img
def draw_convex_hull(im, points, color):
points = cv2.convexHull(points)
cv2.fillConvexPoly(im, points, color=color)
def get_face_mask(im, landmarks):
im = np.zeros(im.shape[:2], dtype=np.float64)
for group in OVERLAY_POINTS:
im = np.array([im, im, im]).transpose((1, 2, 0))
im = (cv2.GaussianBlur(im, (FEATHER_AMOUNT, FEATHER_AMOUNT), 0) > 0) * 1.0
im = cv2.GaussianBlur(im, (FEATHER_AMOUNT, FEATHER_AMOUNT), 0)
return im
def read_im_and_landmarks(fname):
im = np.array(fname)
im = cv2.resize(im, (im.shape[1] * SCALE_FACTOR,
im.shape[0] * SCALE_FACTOR))
s = get_landmarks(im)
return im, s
def warp_im(im, M, dshape):
output_im = np.zeros(dshape, dtype=im.dtype)
(dshape[1], dshape[0]),
return output_im
def infer_chin_region(eye, width_ratio, down_ratio, left_or_right):
region1 = [0] * 4
if left_or_right == 'right': #assuming it is the absolute right chin
region1[0] = int(max(0, int(eye[0] - 0.5 * eye[2]))) #chin region should go lefwards
region1[2] = int(0.5 * eye[2])
else: # assuming it is the absolute left chin
region1[0] = int(eye[0] + eye[2]) # chin region should go rightwards
region1[2] = int(0.5 * eye[2])
region1[1] = int(eye[1] + eye[3])
region1[3] = int(1.5 * eye[3])
return region1
def detect_face_direction(gray, face, eye, down_ratio, chin_width_ratio):
region1 = [0] * 4 # assuming this is the left eye, forhead should go rightward
region2 = [0] * 4 # assuming this is the right eye, forhead should go leftward
region1 = infer_chin_region(eye[0], chin_width_ratio, down_ratio, 'left') #region1 is from eye to right
region2 = infer_chin_region(eye[0], chin_width_ratio, down_ratio, 'right') # region2 is from eye to left
std1 = np.std(gray[region1[1]:(region1[1]+region1[3]), region1[0]:(region1[0]+region1[2])])
std2 = np.std(gray[region2[1]:(region2[1]+region2[3]), region2[0]:(region2[0]+region2[2])])
face_direction = ""
if std1 > std2: #eye right has higher variance than eye left
face_direction = "right"
face_direction = "left"
return face_direction
def extract_cheek_region(face_x_min, face_x_max, face_y_max, eye_landmarks, left_or_right):
if left_or_right == "Left":
cheek_region_min_x = eye_landmarks[0,0]
cheek_region_max_x = int(face_x_max - 0.05 * (face_x_max - min(eye_landmarks[:,0])))
cheek_region_max_x = max(eye_landmarks[:,0])[0,0]
#print (max(eye_landmarks[:,0])[0,0])
#cheek_region_max_x = max(eye_landmarks[:, 0])
cheek_region_min_x = int(face_x_min + 0.1 * (cheek_region_max_x - face_x_min))
cheek_region_min_y = int(max(eye_landmarks[:,1]) + 0.2 * (max(eye_landmarks[:,1]) - min(eye_landmarks[:,1])))
cheek_region_max_y = int(face_y_max - 0.1 * (face_y_max - max(eye_landmarks[:,1])))
return [cheek_region_min_x, cheek_region_min_y, cheek_region_max_x, cheek_region_max_y]
def extract_patches(imagefile, dimension_dict, face_loc_dict, image_dim, croppedFaces_Dir):
imageName = "temp"
img, landmarks = read_im_and_landmarks(imagefile)
face_detected = True
img_height, img_width = img.shape[0:2]
image_dim = [img_height, img_width]
min_dim = min(img_height, img_width)
min_face_size = min(min_dim * 0.2, min_dim * 0.2)
min_eye = min_face_size * 0.2
min_eye_area = min_eye ** 2
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
if face_detected:
mask = get_face_mask(img, landmarks)
face_x_min = int(max(0, np.asarray(min(landmarks[:,0])).flatten()[0]))
face_x_max = int(min(img_width, np.asarray(max(landmarks[:,0])).flatten()[0]))
face_y_min = int(max(0, np.asarray(min(landmarks[:,1])).flatten()[0]))
face_y_max = int(min(img_height, np.asarray(max(landmarks[:,1])).flatten()[0]))
face_loc_dict['face_loc'] = [face_x_min, face_x_max, face_y_min, face_y_max]
face_height = face_y_max - face_y_min
forehead_height = int(face_height * forehead_ratio)
new_face_y_min = max(0, face_y_min - forehead_height)
right_brow_landmarks = landmarks[RIGHT_BROW_POINTS,:]
left_brow_landmarks = landmarks[LEFT_BROW_POINTS,:]
right_eye_landmarks = landmarks[RIGHT_EYE_POINTS,:]
left_eye_landmarks = landmarks[LEFT_EYE_POINTS,:]
mouse_landmarks = landmarks[MOUTH_POINTS,:]
# Get the forehead patch
[right_brow_min_x, left_brow_max_x] = \
[max(0, np.min(np.array(right_brow_landmarks[:,0]))), min(img_width, np.max(np.array(left_brow_landmarks[:,0])))]
brow_min_y = min(np.min(np.array(right_brow_landmarks[:,1])),np.min(np.array(left_brow_landmarks[:,1])))
forehead_x_min = right_brow_min_x
forehead_x_max = left_brow_max_x
forehead_y_min = max(0, brow_min_y - forehead_height)
forehead_y_max = min(brow_min_y, forehead_y_min + forehead_height)
forehead_region = img[forehead_y_min:forehead_y_max, forehead_x_min:forehead_x_max, :]
#print ('forehead dim (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): %i,%i, %i, %i' % (forehead_x_min, forehead_x_max, forehead_y_min, forehead_y_max))
key_name = 'landmark_fh'
dimension_dict[key_name] = [forehead_x_min, forehead_x_max, forehead_y_min, forehead_y_max]
forehead_file_name = join(croppedFaces_Dir, key_name +".jpg")
#forehead_region = cv2.cvtColor(forehead_region, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
imageio.imwrite(forehead_file_name, forehead_region)
chin_x_min = np.max(np.array(right_eye_landmarks[:,0]))
chin_x_max = np.min(np.array(left_eye_landmarks[:,0]))
chin_y_min = np.max(np.array(mouse_landmarks[:,1]))
chin_y_max = face_y_max
chin_region = img[chin_y_min:chin_y_max, chin_x_min:chin_x_max, :]
#print ('chin dim (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): %i,%i, %i, %i' % (chin_x_min, chin_x_max, chin_y_min, chin_y_max))
key_name = 'landmark_chin'
dimension_dict[key_name] = [chin_x_min, chin_x_max, chin_y_min, chin_y_max]
chin_file_name = join(croppedFaces_Dir, key_name +".jpg")
#chin_region = cv2.cvtColor(chin_region, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
imageio.imwrite(chin_file_name, chin_region)
# Get the cheeks patch
# Decide whether it is a side view or not
left_eye_width = np.max(np.array(left_eye_landmarks[:,0])) - np.min(np.array(left_eye_landmarks[:,0]))
right_eye_width = np.max(np.array(right_eye_landmarks[:,0])) - np.min(np.array(right_eye_landmarks[:,0]))
right_face = True
left_face = True
if float(right_eye_width) / float(left_eye_width) >= 1.15: # right eye is bigger than left eye, showing the right face
left_face = False
elif float(left_eye_width) / float(right_eye_width) >= 1.15: # left eye is bigger than right eye, showing the left face
right_face = False
if right_face:
right_cheek_region = extract_cheek_region(face_x_min, face_x_max, face_y_max, right_eye_landmarks, "Right")
cheek_region = img[right_cheek_region[1]:right_cheek_region[3], right_cheek_region[0]:right_cheek_region[2], :]
#print ('right cheek dim (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): %i,%i, %i, %i' % (right_cheek_region[0], right_cheek_region[2], right_cheek_region[1], right_cheek_region[3]))
key_name = 'landmark_rc'
dimension_dict[key_name] = [right_cheek_region[0], right_cheek_region[2], right_cheek_region[1], right_cheek_region[3]]
cheek_file_name = join(croppedFaces_Dir, key_name +".jpg")
#cheek_region = cv2.cvtColor(cheek_region, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
imageio.imwrite(cheek_file_name, cheek_region)
if left_face:
left_cheek_region = extract_cheek_region(face_x_min, face_x_max, face_y_max, left_eye_landmarks, "Left")
cheek_region = img[left_cheek_region[1]:left_cheek_region[3], left_cheek_region[0]:left_cheek_region[2], :]
#print ('left cheek dim (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): %i,%i, %i, %i' % (left_cheek_region[0], left_cheek_region[2], left_cheek_region[1], left_cheek_region[3]))
key_name = 'landmark_lc'
dimension_dict[key_name] = [left_cheek_region[0], left_cheek_region[2], left_cheek_region[1], left_cheek_region[3]]
cheek_file_name = join(croppedFaces_Dir, key_name +".jpg")
#cheek_region = cv2.cvtColor(cheek_region, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
imageio.imwrite(cheek_file_name, cheek_region)
if not face_detected:
print("Face not detected by landmarks model...")
# Use the OneEye model to detect one eye, and infer the face region based on the eye location
eye_detected = False
roi_gray = gray
roi_color = img
roi_color = cv2.cvtColor(roi_color, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
eyes = eye_cascade.detectMultiScale(roi_gray, 1.1, 5)
max_area = 0
eye_count = 0
max_index = 0
for (ex,ey,ew,eh) in eyes: # there might be multiple eyes detected. Choose the biggest one
if ew*eh >= max_area and ex >= img_width * 0.1 and ex <= img_width * 0.9:
max_area = ew*eh
max_index = eye_count
eye_count += 1
if max_area >= min_eye_area:
eye_detected = True
(ex, ey, ew, eh) = eyes[max_index]
if float(ew) / float(img_width) > 0.15 or float(eh) / float(img_height) > 0.15: # detected eye too large
# resize the detected eye
center_x = ex + ew/2
center_y = ey + eh/2
resized_w = min(img_width * 0.15, img_height * 0.15)
ex = int(center_x - resized_w/2)
ey = int(center_y - resized_w/2)
ew = int(resized_w)
eh = int(resized_w)
eyes1 = np.array([ex, ey, resized_w, resized_w]).reshape((1,4))
eyes1 = np.array(eyes[max_index]).reshape((1,4))
face1 = np.array(())
face_direction = detect_face_direction(gray, face1, eyes1, down_ratio, chin_width_ratio)
if face_direction == "left":
print("Left eye detected")
face_min_x = eyes1[0, 0]
face_max_x = min(img_width, int(eyes1[0,0] + (chin_width_ratio + 0.5) * eyes1[0, 2]))
forehead_max_x = min(img_width, int(eyes1[0,0] + width_ratio * eyes1[0, 2]))
forehead_min_x = face_min_x
cheek_min_x = int(eyes1[0, 0] + 0.5 * eyes1[0,2])
cheek_max_x = face_max_x
print("Right eye detected")
face_min_x = max(0, int(eyes1[0, 0] - chin_width_ratio * eyes1[0, 2]))
face_max_x = eyes1[0, 0] + eyes1[0, 2]
forehead_min_x = max(0, int(eyes1[0, 0] - width_ratio * eyes1[0, 2]))
forehead_max_x = min(img_width, int(eyes1[0, 0] + width_ratio * eyes1[0, 2]))
cheek_max_x = int(eyes1[0,0] + 0.5*eyes1[0,2])
cheek_min_x = face_min_x
forehead_min_y = max(0, int(eyes1[0, 1] - top_ratio * eyes1[0,3]))
forehead_max_y = max(0, int(eyes1[0, 1] - 0.5 * eyes1[0, 3]))
forehead_ok = False
# Get the forehead region
if forehead_max_y - forehead_min_y >= 0.7 * eyes1[0, 3]:
forehead_ok = True
forehead_region = img[forehead_min_y:forehead_max_y, forehead_min_x: forehead_max_x, :]
#print ('forehead dim (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): %i,%i, %i, %i' % (forehead_min_x, forehead_max_x, forehead_min_y, forehead_max_y))
key_name = 'oneeye_fh'
dimension_dict[key_name] = [forehead_min_x, forehead_max_x, forehead_min_y, forehead_max_y]
forehead_file_name = join(croppedFaces_Dir, key_name +".jpg")
imageio.imwrite(forehead_file_name, forehead_region)
# Get the cheek region
cheek_min_y = int(eyes1[0, 1] + eyes1[0, 3])
cheek_max_y = min(img_height, int(eyes1[0, 1] + down_ratio * eyes1[0, 3]))
cheek_region = img[cheek_min_y: cheek_max_y, cheek_min_x: cheek_max_x, :]
#print ('cheek dim (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): %i,%i, %i, %i' % (cheek_min_x, cheek_max_x, cheek_min_y, cheek_max_y))
key_name = 'oneeye_cheek'
dimension_dict[key_name] = [cheek_min_x, cheek_max_x, cheek_min_y, cheek_max_y]
face_loc_dict['face_loc'] = [face_min_x, face_max_x, forehead_min_y, cheek_max_y]
#cheek_region = cv2.cvtColor(cheek_region, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
if face_direction == "left":
cheek_file_name = join(croppedFaces_Dir, key_name +".jpg")
elif face_direction == "right":
cheek_file_name = join(croppedFaces_Dir, key_name +".jpg")
cheek_file_name = join(croppedFaces_Dir, key_name +".jpg")
imageio.imwrite(cheek_file_name, cheek_region)
if (not face_detected) and (not eye_detected):
print("No chin or forehead detected, output the original file %s.jpg"%imageName)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
outfile = join(croppedFaces_Dir, imageName+".jpg")
imageio.imwrite(outfile, img)
return dimension_dict, face_loc_dict, image_dim