jacktol's picture
updated app to support latest chainlit version
# Whether to enable telemetry (default: true). No personal data is collected.
enable_telemetry = true
# List of environment variables to be provided by each user to use the app.
user_env = []
# Duration (in seconds) during which the session is saved when the connection is lost
session_timeout = 3600
# Duration (in seconds) of the user session expiry
user_session_timeout = 1296000 # 15 days
# Enable third parties caching (e.g LangChain cache)
cache = false
# Authorized origins
allow_origins = ["*"]
# Process and display HTML in messages. This can be a security risk (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19603097/why-is-it-dangerous-to-render-user-generated-html-or-javascript)
unsafe_allow_html = false
# Process and display mathematical expressions. This can clash with "$" characters in messages.
latex = true
# Automatically tag threads with the current chat profile (if a chat profile is used)
auto_tag_thread = true
# Allow users to edit their own messages
edit_message = false
# Authorize users to spontaneously upload files with messages
enabled = false
# Define accepted file types using MIME types
# Examples:
# 1. For specific file types:
# accept = ["image/jpeg", "image/png", "application/pdf"]
# 2. For all files of certain type:
# accept = ["image/*", "audio/*", "video/*"]
# 3. For specific file extensions:
# accept = { "application/octet-stream" = [".xyz", ".pdb"] }
# Note: Using "*/*" is not recommended as it may cause browser warnings
accept = ["*/*"]
max_files = 20
max_size_mb = 500
# Sample rate of the audio
sample_rate = 24000
# Name of the assistant.
name = "USDA Food Assistant"
default_theme = "dark"
layout = "wide"
# Description of the assistant. This is used for HTML tags.
# description = ""
# Chain of Thought (CoT) display mode. Can be "hidden", "tool_call" or "full".
cot = "full"
# Specify a CSS file that can be used to customize the user interface.
# The CSS file can be served from the public directory or via an external link.
custom_css = "/public/styles.css"
# Specify a Javascript file that can be used to customize the user interface.
# The Javascript file can be served from the public directory.
custom_js = "/public/app.js"
# Specify a custom meta image url.
# custom_meta_image_url = "https://chainlit-cloud.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/logo/chainlit_banner.png"
# Specify a custom build directory for the frontend.
# This can be used to customize the frontend code.
# Be careful: If this is a relative path, it should not start with a slash.
# custom_build = "./public/build"
# Specify optional one or more custom links in the header.
# [[UI.header_links]]
# name = "Issues"
# icon_url = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/128686189?s=200&v=4"
# url = "https://github.com/Chainlit/chainlit/issues"
generated_by = "2.2.0"