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import json
import os
from io import BytesIO
import gradio as gr
from huggingface_hub import upload_file
default_question = """
We're going to use the <a href="" target="_blank"><code>wikitext (link)</a></code> dataset with the <code><a href="" target="_blank">distilbert-base-cased (link)</a></code> model checkpoint.
Start by loading the <code>wikitext-2-raw-v1</code> version of that dataset, and take the 11th example (index 10) of the <code>train</code> split.<br/>
We'll tokenize this using the appropriate tokenizer, and we'll mask the sixth token (index 5) the sequence.
When using the <code>distilbert-base-cased</code> checkpoint to unmask that (sixth token, index 5) token, what is the most probable predicted token (please provide the decoded token, and not the ID)?
- You might find the <a href="" target="_blank">transformers docs (link)</a> useful.
- You might find the <a href="" target="_blank">datasets docs (link)</a> useful.
- You might also be interested in the <a href="" target="_blank">Hugging Face course (link)</a>.
skops_question = """
1. Create a python environment[1] and install `scikit-learn` version `1.0` in that environment.
2. Using that environment, create a `LogisticRegression` model[2] and fit it on the Iris dataset[3].
3. Save the trained model using `pickle`[4] or `joblib`[5].
4. Create a second environment, and install `scikit-learn` version `1.1` in it.
5. Try loading the model you saved in step 3 in this second environment.
Is there a warning or error you receive while trying to load the model? If yes, what exactly is it.
- [1] You can use any tool you want to create the environment. Two of the options are:
- `venv`:
- `mamba`:
- [2] `LogisticRegression` API guide:
- [3] `load_iris` API guide:
- [4] `pickle`:
- [5] - `joblib`:
code_question = """
You are probing your code generation model on a program synthesis benchmark and
1 out of 4 the candidate solutions produced by your model pass the unit tests of a coding challenge.
What’s the pass@2 metric (in percent) as introduced in the
<a href="" target="_blank"><code>Codex paper</a></code> (see section 2.1)?
internships = {
'Accelerate': default_question,
'Diffusion distillation': default_question,
'Skops & Scikit-Learn': skops_question,
"Code Generation": code_question,
"Document AI Democratization": default_question,
"Evaluate": default_question,
"ASR": default_question,
"Efficient video pretraining": default_question,
"Embodied AI": default_question,
"Emergence of scene and text understanding": default_question,
"Everything is multimodal": default_question,
"Everything is vision": default_question,
"Retrieval augmentation as prompting": default_question,
"Social impact evaluations": default_question,
"Toolkit for detecting distribution shift": default_question,
"AI Art Tooling Residency": default_question,
"Gradio as an ecosystem": default_question,
"Benchmarking transformers on various AI hardware accelerators": default_question,
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
# Internship introduction
Please select the internship you would like to apply to and answer the question asked in the Answer box.
internship_choice = gr.Dropdown(label='Internship', choices=list(internships.keys()))
with gr.Column(visible=False) as details_col:
summary = gr.HTML(label='Question')
details = gr.Textbox(label="Answer")
username = gr.Textbox(label="Hugging Face Username")
comment = gr.Textbox(label="Any comment?")
generate_btn = gr.Button("Submit")
output = gr.Label()
def filter_species(species):
return gr.Label.update(
), gr.update(visible=True)
internship_choice.change(filter_species, internship_choice, [summary, details_col])
def on_click(_details, _username, _internship_choice, _comment):
response = {'response': _details, "internship": _internship_choice, "comment": _comment}
path_or_fileobj=BytesIO(bytes(json.dumps(response), 'utf-8')),
return f"Submitted: '{_details}' for user '{_username}'", inputs=[details, username, internship_choice, comment], outputs=[output])
if __name__ == "__main__":