add embeddings explanation and dimensionality reduction explanation
history blame
No virus
45.2 kB
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
# TODO: move to 'utils'
mystyle = '''
p {
text-align: justify;
st.markdown(mystyle, unsafe_allow_html=True)
def divider():
_, c, _ = st.columns(3)
def get_embeddings(text):
return np.array(openai.Embedding.create(input=text, model=EMBEDDING_MODEL)["data"][0]["embedding"])
st.title("Transformers: Tokenisers and Embeddings")
preface_image, preface_text, = st.columns(2)
# preface_image.image("")
# preface_image.image("""""")
*Transformers represent a revolutionary class of machine learning architectures that have sparked
immense interest. While numerous insightful tutorials are available, the evolution of transformer architectures over
the last few years has led to significant simplifications. These advancements have made it increasingly
straightforward to understand their inner workings. In this series of articles, I aim to provide a direct, clear explanation of
how and why modern transformers function, unburdened by the historical complexities associated with their inception.*
In order to understand the recent success in AI we need to understand the Transformer architecture. Its
rise in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is largely attributed to a combination of several key
- Tokenisers and Embeddings
- Attention and Self-Attention
- Encoder-Decoder architecture
Understanding these foundational concepts is crucial to comprehending the overall structure and function of the
Transformer model. They are the building blocks from which the rest of the model is constructed, and their roles
within the architecture are essential to the model's ability to process and generate language. In my view,
a comprehensive and simple explanation may give a reader a significant advantage in using LLMs. Feynman once said:
"*I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.*". Because he couldn't explain it to a freshman.
Given the importance and complexity of these concepts, I have chosen to dedicate the first article in this series
solely to Tokenisation and embeddings. The decision to separate the topics into individual articles is driven by a
desire to provide a thorough and in-depth understanding of each component of the Transformer model.
Note: *HuggingFace provides an exceptional [tutorial on Transformer models](
That tutorial is particularly beneficial for readers willing to dive into advanced topics.*
with st.expander("Copernicus Museum in Warsaw"):
Have you ever visited the Copernicus Museum in Warsaw? It's an engaging interactive hub that allows
you to familiarize yourself with various scientific topics. The experience is both entertaining and educational,
providing the opportunity to explore different concepts firsthand. **They even feature a small neural network that
illustrates the neuron activation process during the recognition of handwritten digits!**
Taking inspiration from this approach, we'll embark on our journey into the world of Transformer models by first
establishing a firm understanding of tokenisation and embeddings. This foundation will equip us with the knowledge
needed to delve into the more complex aspects of these models later on.
I encourage you not to hesitate in modifying parameters or experimenting with different models in the provided
examples. This hands-on exploration can significantly enhance your learning experience. So, let's begin our journey
through this virtual, interactive museum of AI. Enjoy the exploration!
st.header("Tokenisers and Tokenisation")
Tokenisation is the initial step in the data preprocessing pipeline for natural language processing (NLP)
models. It involves breaking down a piece of text—whether a sentence, paragraph, or document—into smaller units,
known as "tokens". In English and many other languages, a token often corresponds to a word, but it can also be a
subword, character, or n-gram. The choice of token size depends on various factors, including the task at hand and
the language of the text.
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
sentence = st.text_input("Consider the sentence: (you can change it):", value="Tokenising text is a fundamental step for NLP models.")
sentence_split = sentence.split()
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
sentence_tokenise_bert = tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)
sentence_encode_bert = tokenizer.encode(sentence)
sentence_encode_bert = list(zip(sentence_tokenise_bert, sentence_encode_bert))
A basic word-level tokenisation, which splits a text by spaces, would produce next tokens:
However, we notice that the punctuation may attached to the words. It is disadvantageous, how the tokenization dealt with the word "Don't".
"Don't" stands for "do not", so it would be better tokenized as ["Do", "n't"]. (Hint: try another sentence: "I musn't tell lies. Don't do this.") This is where things start getting complicated,
and part of the reason each model has its own tokenizer type. Depending on the rules we apply for tokenizing a text,
a different tokenized output is generated for the same text.
A more sophisticated algorithm, with several optimizations, might generate a different set of tokens:
with st.expander("click here to look at the Python code:"):
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
sentence = "{sentence}"
sentence_split = sentence.split()
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
sentence_tokenise_bert = tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)
sentence_encode_bert = tokenizer.encode(sentence)
sentence_encode_bert = list(zip(sentence_tokenise_bert, sentence_encode_bert))
""", language='python')
As machine learning models, including Transformers, work with numbers rather than words, each vocabulary
entry is assigned a corresponding numerical value. Here is a potential key-value, vocabulary-based representation of
the input (so called 'token ids'):
What distinguishes subword Tokenisation is its reliance on statistical rules and algorithms, learned from
the pretraining corpus. The resulting Tokeniser creates a vocabulary, which usually represents the most frequently
used words and subwords. For example, Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) first encodes the most frequent words as single
tokens, while less frequent words are represented by multiple tokens, each representing a word part.
There are numerous different Tokenisers available, including spaCy, Moses, Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE),
Byte-level BPE, WordPiece, Unigram, and SentencePiece. It's crucial to choose a specific Tokeniser and stick with it.
Changing the Tokeniser is akin to altering the model's language on the fly—imagine studying physics in English and
then taking the exam in French or Spanish. You might get lucky, but it's a considerable risk.
training_dataset = """\
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
tokeniser_name = st.selectbox(label="Choose your tokeniser", options=["BPE", 'Unigram', 'WordPiece'])
if tokeniser_name == 'BPE':
st.subheader("Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE)")
Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) was introduced in [Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword
Units (Sennrich et al., 2015)]( BPE relies on a pre-tokenizer that splits the
training data into words. Pre-tokenization can be as simple as space tokenization, e.g. GPT-2, Roberta. More
advanced pre-tokenization include rule-based tokenization, e.g. XLM, FlauBERT which uses Moses for most
languages, or GPT which uses Spacy and ftfy, to count the frequency of each word in the training corpus.
After pre-tokenization, a set of unique words has been created and the frequency with which each word occurred in the
training data has been determined. Next, BPE creates a base vocabulary consisting of all symbols that occur in the
set of unique words and learns merge rules to form a new symbol from two symbols of the base vocabulary. It does so
until the vocabulary has attained the desired vocabulary size. Note that the desired vocabulary size is a
hyperparameter to define before training the tokenizer.
As an example, let’s assume that after pre-tokenization, the following set of words including their frequency has
been determined:
st.code(""" ("hug", 10), ("pug", 5), ("pun", 12), ("bun", 4), ("hugs", 5) """)
Consequently, the base vocabulary is ["b", "g", "h", "n", "p", "s", "u"]. Splitting all words into symbols of the base vocabulary, we obtain:
st.code(""" ("h" "u" "g", 10), ("p" "u" "g", 5), ("p" "u" "n", 12), ("b" "u" "n", 4), ("h" "u" "g" "s", 5) """)
BPE then counts the frequency of each possible symbol pair and picks the symbol pair that occurs
most frequently. In the example above "h" followed by "u" is present 10 + 5 = 15 times (10 times in the 10
occurrences of "hug", 5 times in the 5 occurrences of "hugs"). However, the most frequent symbol pair is "u"
followed by "g", occurring 10 + 5 + 5 = 20 times in total. Thus, the first merge rule the tokenizer learns is to
group all "u" symbols followed by a "g" symbol together. Next, "ug" is added to the vocabulary. The set of words
then becomes
st.code(""" ("h" "ug", 10), ("p" "ug", 5), ("p" "u" "n", 12), ("b" "u" "n", 4), ("h" "ug" "s", 5) """)
BPE then identifies the next most common symbol pair. It’s "u" followed by "n", which occurs 16
times. "u", "n" is merged to "un" and added to the vocabulary. The next most frequent symbol pair is "h" followed
by "ug", occurring 15 times. Again the pair is merged and "hug" can be added to the vocabulary.
At this stage, the vocabulary is ["b", "g", "h", "n", "p", "s", "u", "ug", "un", "hug"] and our set of unique words is represented as
st.code(""" ("hug", 10), ("p" "ug", 5), ("p" "un", 12), ("b" "un", 4), ("hug" "s", 5) """)
Assuming, that the Byte-Pair Encoding training would stop at this point, the learned merge rules
would then be applied to new words (as long as those new words do not include symbols that were not in the base
vocabulary). For instance, the word "bug" would be tokenized to ["b", "ug"] but "mug" would be tokenized as [
"[unk]", "ug"] since the symbol "m" is not in the base vocabulary. In general, single letters such as "m" are not
replaced by the "[unk]" symbol because the training data usually includes at least one occurrence of each letter,
but it is likely to happen for very special characters like emojis.
As mentioned earlier, the vocabulary size, i.e. the base vocabulary size + the number of merges, is a hyperparameter
to choose. For instance GPT has a vocabulary size of 40,478 since they have 478 base characters and chose to stop
training after 40,000 merges.
st.subheader(":green[Try Yourself:]")
*Using text area field below try to find or create a comprehensive vocabulary (training dataset) for Tokenisation, which can enhance the
efficiency of the process. This approach helps to eliminate unknown tokens, thereby making the token sequence
more understandable and containing less tokens (ids)*
training_dataset = st.text_area("*Training Dataset - Vocabulary:*", value=training_dataset, height=200)
training_dataset = training_dataset.split('\n')
vocabulary_size = st.number_input("Vocabulary Size:", value=100000)
sentence = st.text_input(label="*Text to tokenise:*",
value="[CLS] Tokenising text is a fundamental step for NLP models. [SEP] [PAD] [PAD] [PAD]")
from tokenizers import Tokenizer, decoders, models, normalizers, pre_tokenizers, trainers
tokenizer = Tokenizer(models.BPE(unk_token="[UNK]"))
tokenizer.pre_tokenizer = pre_tokenizers.Whitespace()
tokenizer.decoder = decoders.ByteLevel()
trainer = trainers.BpeTrainer(special_tokens=["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"], vocab_size=vocabulary_size)
tokenizer.train_from_iterator(training_dataset, trainer=trainer)
output = tokenizer.encode(sentence)
ids: {output.ids}
attention_mast: {output.attention_mask}
st.write(""" *well done if you get ids like these: [1, 57, 49, 28, 10, 58, 55, 52, 31, 54, 5, 2, 3, 3, 3]!*""")
with st.expander("Python code:"):
from tokenizers import Tokenizer, decoders, models, normalizers, pre_tokenizers, trainers
tokenizer = Tokenizer(models.BPE(unk_token="[UNK]"))
tokenizer.pre_tokenizer = pre_tokenizers.Whitespace()
tokenizer.decoder = decoders.ByteLevel()
trainer = trainers.BpeTrainer(
special_tokens=["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"],
training_dataset = {training_dataset}
tokenizer.train_from_iterator(training_dataset, trainer=trainer)
output = tokenizer.encode("{sentence}")
""", language='python')
elif tokeniser_name == 'Unigram':
Unigram is a subword tokenization algorithm introduced in [Subword Regularization: Improving Neural
Network Translation Models with Multiple Subword Candidates (Kudo, 2018)](
In contrast to BPE or WordPiece, Unigram initializes its base vocabulary to a large number of symbols and
progressively trims down each symbol to obtain a smaller vocabulary. The base vocabulary could for instance
correspond to all pre-tokenized words and the most common substrings. Unigram is not used directly for any of the
models in the transformers, but it’s used in conjunction with SentencePiece.
At each training step, the Unigram algorithm defines a loss (often defined as the log-likelihood) over the training
data given the current vocabulary and a unigram language model. Then, for each symbol in the vocabulary,
the algorithm computes how much the overall loss would increase if the symbol was to be removed from the vocabulary.
Unigram then removes p (with p usually being 10% or 20%) percent of the symbols whose loss increase is the lowest,
i.e. those symbols that least affect the overall loss over the training data. This process is repeated until the
vocabulary has reached the desired size. The Unigram algorithm always keeps the base characters so that any word can
be tokenized.
Because Unigram is not based on merge rules (in contrast to BPE and WordPiece), the algorithm has several ways of
tokenizing new text after training. As an example, if a trained Unigram tokenizer exhibits the vocabulary:
st.code(""" ["b", "g", "h", "n", "p", "s", "u", "ug", "un", "hug"] """)
"hugs" could be tokenized both as ["hug", "s"], ["h", "ug", "s"] or ["h", "u", "g", "s"]. So which
one to choose? Unigram saves the probability of each token in the training corpus on top of saving the vocabulary
so that the probability of each possible tokenization can be computed after training. The algorithm simply picks
the most likely tokenization in practice, but also offers the possibility to sample a possible tokenization
according to their probabilities.
st.subheader(":green[Try Yourself:]")
*Using text area field below try to find or create a comprehensive vocabulary (training dataset) for Tokenisation, which can enhance the
efficiency of the process. This approach helps to eliminate unknown tokens, thereby making the token sequence
more understandable and containing less tokens (ids)*
training_dataset = st.text_area("*Training Dataset - Vocabulary(change it and looks at resulted tokens):*", value=training_dataset, height=200)
training_dataset = training_dataset.split('\n')
vocabulary_size = st.number_input("Vocabulary Size:", value=100000)
sentence = st.text_input(label="*Text to tokenise:*",
value="[CLS] Tokenising text is a fundamental step for NLP models. [SEP] [PAD] [PAD] [PAD]")
from tokenizers import Tokenizer, decoders, models, normalizers, pre_tokenizers, trainers
tokenizer = Tokenizer(models.Unigram())
tokenizer.pre_tokenizer = pre_tokenizers.Whitespace()
tokenizer.decoder = decoders.ByteLevel()
trainer = trainers.UnigramTrainer(
# initial_alphabet=pre_tokenizers.ByteLevel.alphabet(),
special_tokens=["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"],
tokenizer.train_from_iterator(training_dataset, trainer=trainer)
output = tokenizer.encode(sentence)
# TODO: make it more visible, container with a differect color or something
ids: {output.ids}
attention_mast: {output.attention_mask}
st.write(""" *well done if you get ids like these: [1, 57, 49, 28, 10, 58, 55, 52, 31, 54, 5, 2, 3, 3, 3]!*""")
with st.expander("Python code:"):
from tokenizers import Tokenizer, decoders, models, normalizers, pre_tokenizers, trainers
tokenizer = Tokenizer(models.Unigram())
tokenizer.pre_tokenizer = pre_tokenizers.Whitespace()
tokenizer.decoder = decoders.ByteLevel()
trainer = trainers.UnigramTrainer(
special_tokens=["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"],
training_dataset = {training_dataset}
tokenizer.train_from_iterator(training_dataset, trainer=trainer)
output = tokenizer.encode("{sentence}")
""", language='python')
elif tokeniser_name == 'WordPiece':
WordPiece is the subword tokenization algorithm used for BERT, DistilBERT, and Electra. The
algorithm was outlined in [Japanese and Korean Voice Search (Schuster et al.,
2012)]( and is very
similar to BPE. WordPiece first initializes the vocabulary to include every character present in the training
data and progressively learns a given number of merge rules. In contrast to BPE, WordPiece does not choose the
most frequent symbol pair, but the one that maximizes the likelihood of the training data once added to the
So what does this mean exactly? Referring to the example from BPE tokeniser, maximizing the likelihood of the training data is
equivalent to finding the symbol pair, whose probability divided by the probabilities of its first symbol followed by
its second symbol is the greatest among all symbol pairs. E.g. "u", followed by "g" would have only been merged if
the probability of "ug" divided by "u", "g" would have been greater than for any other symbol pair. Intuitively,
WordPiece is slightly different to BPE in that it evaluates what it loses by merging two symbols to ensure it’s worth
st.subheader(":green[Try Yourself:]")
*Using text area field below try to find or create a comprehensive vocabulary (training dataset) for Tokenisation, which can enhance the
efficiency of the process. This approach helps to eliminate unknown tokens, thereby making the token sequence
more understandable and containing less tokens (ids)*
training_dataset = st.text_area("*Training Dataset - Vocabulary(change it and looks at resulted tokens):*",
value=training_dataset, height=200)
training_dataset = training_dataset.split('\n')
vocabulary_size = st.number_input("Vocabulary Size:", value=100000)
sentence = st.text_input(label="*Text to tokenise:*",
value="[CLS] Tokenising text is a fundamental step for NLP models. [SEP] [PAD] [PAD] [PAD]")
from tokenizers import Tokenizer, decoders, models, pre_tokenizers, trainers
tokenizer = Tokenizer(models.WordPiece(unk_token="[UNK]"))
tokenizer.pre_tokenizer = pre_tokenizers.Whitespace()
tokenizer.decoder = decoders.ByteLevel()
trainer = trainers.WordPieceTrainer(
special_tokens=["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"],
tokenizer.train_from_iterator(training_dataset, trainer=trainer)
output = tokenizer.encode(sentence)
# TODO: make it more visible, container with a differect color or something
ids: {output.ids}
attention_mast: {output.attention_mask}
st.write(""" *well done if you get ids like these: [1, 76, 72, 50, 10, 77, 71, 68, 66, 78, 5, 2, 3, 3, 3]!*""")
with st.expander("Python code:"):
from tokenizers import Tokenizer, decoders, models, pre_tokenizers, trainers
tokenizer = Tokenizer(models.WordPiece(unk_token="[UNK]"))
trainer = trainers.WordPieceTrainer(
special_tokens=["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"],
training_dataset = {training_dataset}
tokenizer.train_from_iterator(training_dataset, trainer=trainer)
output = tokenizer.encode("{sentence}")
""", language='python')
with st.expander("Special tokens meaning:"):
\\#\\# prefix: It means that the preceding string is not whitespace, any token with this prefix should be
merged with the previous token when you convert the tokens back to a string.
[UNK]: Stands for "unknown". This token is used to represent any word that is not in the model's vocabulary. Since
most models have a fixed-size vocabulary, it's not possible to have a unique token for every possible word. The [UNK]
token is used as a catch-all for any words the model hasn't seen before. E.g. in our example we 'decided' that Large
Language (LL) abbreviation is not part of the model's vocabulary.
[CLS]: Stands for "classification". In models like BERT, this token is added at the beginning of every input
sequence. The representation (embedding) of this token is used as the aggregate sequence representation for
classification tasks. In other words, the model is trained to encode the meaning of the entire sequence into this token.
[SEP]: Stands for "separator". This token is used to separate different sequences when the model needs to take more
than one input sequence. For example, in question-answering tasks, the model takes two inputs: a question and a
passage that contains the answer. The two inputs are separated by a [SEP] token.
[MASK]: This token is specific to models like BERT, which are trained with a masked language modelling objective.
During training, some percentage of the input tokens are replaced with the [MASK] token, and the model's goal is to
predict the original value of the masked tokens.
[PAD]: Stands for "padding". This token is used to fill in the extra spaces when batching sequences of different
lengths together. Since models require input sequences to be the same length, shorter sequences are extended with [
PAD] tokens. In our example, we extended the length of the input sequence to 16 tokens.
with st.expander("References:"):
Following tokenization, each token is transformed into a vector of numeric characteristics, a process
known as 'embedding.' In this context, 'embedding' refers to the mapping of the discrete, categorical space of words
or tokens into a continuous, numeric space, which the model can manipulate more effectively.
Each dimension in this high-dimensional space can encapsulate a different facet of the token's meaning. For instance,
one dimension might capture the tense of a token if it's a verb, while another dimension might capture the degree of
positivity or negativity if the token is an adjective expressing sentiment. For instance:
"I" -> [noun, person]
"love" -> [verb, feeling]
"machine" -> [noun, automation]
"learn" -> [verb, knowledge]
"##ing" -> [gerund, continues]
The actual embeddings in a typical NLP model would be in a much higher-dimensional space (often several hundred dimensions), but the idea is the same.
Embeddings are dynamically learned from the data, with the model adjusting these embeddings during
training to minimize the discrepancy between the predicted and actual outputs for a set of training examples.
Consequently, tokens with similar meanings often end up with similar embeddings.
In the context of Transformers, these embeddings are the inputs that the model uses. Once again, we represent all the
characteristics using numbers, not words.
Let's explore embeddings in more detail. We can take an experimental approach by encoding two specific
words and examining the corresponding embedding vectors they generate. To make our exploration more accessible,
we'll visualise a portion of these vectors, thereby unveiling the underlying structure of embeddings. Pay attention
to common patterns and peaks, try to find two words that yield differing embeddings.
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
token_king = col1.text_input("Choose a word:", value="king")
token_queen = col2.text_input("Choose a word:", value="queen")
token_dots = col3.number_input("Number of dots:", value=50, min_value=0, max_value=1536)
from torch import nn
from transformers import AutoConfig
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
import pandas as pd
import openai
import as px
model_ckpt = 'bert-base-uncased'
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_ckpt)
king_id = tokenizer(token_king, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False)
queen_id = tokenizer(token_queen, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False)
config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_ckpt)
token_emb = nn.Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.hidden_size)
king_embeddings = token_emb(king_id.input_ids)
queen_embeddings = token_emb(queen_id.input_ids)
king_emb_np = king_embeddings.reshape(-1).detach().numpy()
queen_emb_np = queen_embeddings.reshape(-1).detach().numpy()
openai.api_key = st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
EMBEDDING_MODEL = 'text-embedding-ada-002'
EMBEDDING_ENCODING = 'cl100k_base'
king = get_embeddings(token_king)
queen = get_embeddings(token_queen)
df = pd.DataFrame({f'"{token_king}" embeddings': king_emb_np, f'"{token_queen}" embeddings': queen_emb_np})
fig = px.line(df[:token_dots], title=f"Google's 'bert-base-uncased' model embeddings, embedding vector size: {len(queen_emb_np)}")
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
with st.expander("Python Code:"):
from torch import nn
from transformers import AutoConfig
model_ckpt = 'bert-base-uncased'
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_ckpt)
king_id = tokenizer("{token_king}", return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False)
queen_id = tokenizer("{token_queen}", return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False)
config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_ckpt)
token_emb = nn.Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.hidden_size)
king_embeddings = token_emb(king_id.input_ids)
queen_embeddings = token_emb(queen_id.input_ids)
df = pd.DataFrame({f'"{token_king}" embeddings': king, f'"{token_queen}" embeddings': queen})
fig = px.line(df[:token_dots], title=f"OpenAI's 'text-embedding-ada-002' model embeddings, embedding vector size: {len(queen)}")
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
with st.expander("Python Code:"):
import openai
EMBEDDING_MODEL = 'text-embedding-ada-002'
king_embeddings = np.array(openai.Embedding.create(input="{token_king}", model=EMBEDDING_MODEL)["data"][0]["embedding"])
queen_embeddings = np.array(openai.Embedding.create(input="{token_queen}", model=EMBEDDING_MODEL)["data"][0]["embedding"])
The similarity can be represented as a similarity score. Identical words naturally have the highest
score (black colours), while unrelated terms have lower scores (white colours). To compute this score,
we construct a matrix infused with our embedding vectors. Each row in this matrix corresponds to a unique word in the
sentence, while each column aligns with another word. The value at the intersection of row i and column j represents
the score between word i and word j. For a clearer understanding, let's visualise this matrix using a heatmap. Each
cell in the grid corresponds to a pair of words, and the colour of the cell indicates the similarity (correlation)
score between those two words. The intensity of the colour directly corresponds to the magnitude of the score - the
darker the hue, the higher the score.
st.write("""Here is a heatmap of the score matrix for the sentence:""")
sentence = st.text_input(label="*words to explore embeddings*", value="a the king queen space sit eat from on")
sentence = sentence.split()
input = {word: get_embeddings(word) for word in sentence}
scores_matrix = np.zeros((len(sentence), len(sentence)))
for i, word_i in enumerate(sentence):
for j, word_j in enumerate(sentence):
scores_matrix[i, j] =[word_i], input[word_j])
fig = px.imshow(scores_matrix, x=sentence, y=sentence, color_continuous_scale="hot_r")
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
st.subheader(":green[Try Yourself:]")
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.schema.document import Document
def create_vector_database():
return FAISS.from_documents([Document(page_content="king"), Document(page_content="queen")], OpenAIEmbeddings(model=EMBEDDING_MODEL))
db = create_vector_database()
def search_vector_database(term):
embedding_vector = OpenAIEmbeddings(model=EMBEDDING_MODEL).embed_query(term)
docs = db.similarity_search_by_vector(embedding_vector)
return docs
*There is a vector database containing two words: 'king' and 'queen'. Your task is to pinpoint search
terms that would yield either of these words. To facilitate this, use the previously presented similarity matrix to
seek out words that give a higher correlation with the word in question. For instance, you might want to explore
terms such as 'king', 'queen', 'dog', 'prince', 'man', 'minister', 'boy'.*
embeddings_query = st.text_input(label="search term")
if embeddings_query is not None and embeddings_query != '':
docs = search_vector_database(embeddings_query)
with st.expander("Python Code:"):
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.schema.document import Document
db = FAISS.from_documents([Document(page_content="king"), Document(page_content="queen")], OpenAIEmbeddings(model=EMBEDDING_MODEL))
embedding_vector = OpenAIEmbeddings(model=EMBEDDING_MODEL).embed_query("{embeddings_query}")
docs = db.similarity_search_by_vector(embedding_vector)
As embedding algorithms are trained on a vast corpus of data, they inherently encapsulate a rich
tapestry of information about our language and even the world at large. Therefore, they can be used for:
- Search (where results are ranked by relevance to a query string)
- Clustering (where text strings are grouped by similarity)
- Recommendations (where items with related text strings are recommended)
- Anomaly detection (where outliers with little relatedness are identified)
- Diversity measurement (where similarity distributions are analyzed)
- Classification (where text strings are classified by their most similar label)
with st.expander("References:"):
st.header("Dimensionality Reduction (optional)")
As was mentioned above, embedding vectors are learned in such a way that words with similar meanings
are located close to each other in the space. However, this is an abstract concept that might be difficult to
explore, understand and visualise in a 2D space because word embeddings typically have hundreds of dimensions. To
solve this, we can use techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or t-SNE to reduce the dimensionality of
the vectors and plot them.
st.write("""But first, let's talk about the meaning of dimensionality reduction using simplified use-case:""")
dimensionality_name = st.selectbox(label="Choose your example", options=["Simplified", "PCA", 't-SNE'])
if dimensionality_name == 'Simplified':
_, col2, _ = st.columns(3)
**Step 1: The context**\n
We have a 3D object (your hand) and a light source that's casting a 2D shadow of your hand onto a
wall. The shadow is a simpler, lower-dimensional representation of your hand.
**Step 2: Identifying the dimensions**\n
In this case, the dimensions are the different aspects of your hand that can be
observed: the length of your fingers, the width of your palm, the height (or depth) of your hand, the scars,
the colour of the skin, etc. However, we have a problem: we can't easily visualise or understand all these dimensions
at once. Just as it's hard to imagine a 6-dimensional space.
**Step 3: Deciding on important dimensions**\n
Let's say you want to compare the number of fingers of different hands. In
this case, you don't need to know about the depth of the hand, the width of the palm, or other details like freckles,
scars, or skin colour. You just need a shadow that clearly shows the fingers. So, you decide to focus on the length
of the fingers, which can be easily shown in the shadow.
**Step 4: Reducing dimensions**\n
This is where you actually perform dimensionality reduction. You orient your hand in such
a way (giving the wall a high-five) that the shadow clearly shows the fingers. You've effectively reduced the
dimensions from 3D to 2D. Your hand is still a 3D object, but its shadow — the simplified representation you're using
for your comparison — is 2D.
**Step 5: Interpretation**\n
This hand and shadow example shows how dimensionality reduction simplifies a complex object (
the 3D hand) into a lower-dimensional representation (the 2D shadow) that retains the most important information (the
number of fingers) while discarding the less important details (like the depth of the hand, skin colour, etc.). It's
a process of prioritisation and simplification that makes it easier for us to understand and analyse the data (or the
hands, in this case).
elif dimensionality_name == 'PCA':
**Step 1: Understanding PCA**\n
PCA is a popular method for dimensionality reduction. It identifies the
axes in the feature space along which the original data varies the most. These axes are known as the principal
components, and they are orthogonal (perpendicular) to each other.
**Step 2: Projecting the Data**\n
Imagine that instead of just casting a shadow on the wall, you can cast your hand's
shadow onto a number of walls arranged at different angles around your hand. Each shadow is a different projection of
your hand. In PCA, these different walls represent different principal components, and the shadow on each wall is a
projection of your hand onto that principal component.
**Step 3: Choosing the Best Projection**\n
Now, consider the shadow that most accurately portrays the number of fingers on
your hand. This shadow corresponds to the principal component that captures the most variance in the data. In PCA,
this would be the first principal component.
**Step 4: Secondary Features**\n
Next, consider the shadow that, while not as accurate as the first, still gives a
reasonable representation of your hand, such as showing the width of your palm. This shadow represents the second
principal component, which captures the second highest amount of variance in the data.
**Step 5: Reduction of Dimensions**\n
In the process of reducing dimensions, we select the top few principal components (
shadows) that capture the most variance. The other dimensions (shadows) are discarded. So, instead of having to
consider the complex 3D structure of your hand, you can simply look at one or two shadows that give you the most
information about the hand.
**Step 6: Transformation**\n
Finally, we transform the original data into the reduced dimensional space defined by the
selected principal components. This is analogous to replacing each hand with the selected shadows for further analysis.
By using PCA, we can reduce the complexity of the data (from a 3D hand to a 2D or even 1D shadow), while still
retaining the most important information (like the number of fingers or the width of the palm). This makes the data
easier to visualize, understand, and work with.
embedding_dim = 1536
embeddings = st.text_input("words to explore:",
value="king queen man woman prince prince princess counselor minister teacher")
embeddings = embeddings.split()
embeddings = {word: get_embeddings(word) for word in embeddings}
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
embedding_matrix = np.array(list(embeddings.values()))
reduced_embeddings = pca.fit_transform(embedding_matrix)
df = pd.DataFrame(reduced_embeddings, columns=["X", "Y"])
df["Word"] = list(embeddings.keys())
fig = px.scatter(df, x="X", y="Y", text="Word", title="Word Embeddings", width=800, height=800)
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
embedding_matrix = np.array(list(embeddings.values()))
reduced_embeddings = pca.fit_transform(embedding_matrix)
""", language='python')
elif dimensionality_name == 't-SNE':
**Step 1: Understanding t-SNE**\n
t-SNE is a technique for dimensionality reduction that is particularly
well-suited for the visualization of high-dimensional datasets. Unlike PCA, which is a linear technique,
t-SNE is a non-linear technique, making it better at capturing complex polynomial relationships between variables.
**Step 2: Measuring Similarities**\n
Imagine that instead of just one hand, you have many hands casting shadows. Each hand
is different - some hands might have longer fingers, some might have a wider palm, and so on. Each hand has its own
"neighborhood" of similar hands. In t-SNE, these neighborhoods are represented mathematically by a probability
distribution. Hands that are very similar to each other have a high probability of being "neighbors", while hands
that are very different have a low probability.
**Step 3: Creating a Map**\n
t-SNE creates a map (or a projection) where hands that were close in the high-dimensional
space (similar hands) are still close in the low-dimensional space (in their shadows), and hands that were far apart
in the high-dimensional space (different hands) are still far apart in the low-dimensional space. This map is created
in such a way that it minimizes the difference between the distances in the high-dimensional space and the distances
in the low-dimensional space.
**Step 4: Reducing Dimensions**\n
The process of reducing dimensions in t-SNE involves optimizing the locations of each
hand's shadow in the low-dimensional space such that the overall configuration of shadows best represents the
similarities between the hands in the high-dimensional space.
**Step 5: Interpretation**\n
The result of t-SNE is a map where similar hands are located close together and dissimilar
hands are located far apart. This makes it easier to visualize clusters or groups of similar hands.
t-SNE, therefore, helps us to project high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space in a way that preserves
the structure of the data as much as possible, making it easier to visualize and understand the relationships in the
embedding_dim = 1536
embeddings = st.text_input("words to explore:",
value="king queen man woman prince prince princess counselor minister teacher")
embeddings = embeddings.split()
embeddings = {word: get_embeddings(word) for word in embeddings}
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=2, random_state=0)
embedding_matrix = np.array(list(embeddings.values()))
reduced_embeddings = tsne.fit_transform(embedding_matrix)
df = pd.DataFrame(reduced_embeddings, columns=["X", "Y"])
df["Word"] = list(embeddings.keys())
fig = px.scatter(df, x="X", y="Y", text="Word", title="Word Embeddings", width=800, height=800)
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=2, random_state=0)
embedding_matrix = np.array(list(embeddings.values()))
reduced_embeddings = tsne.fit_transform(embedding_matrix)
""", language='python')
with st.expander("References:"):