Runtime error
Runtime error
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import pickle | |
import torch | |
from rdkit import Chem | |
from import Dataset, DataLoader | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from src import const | |
from pdb import set_trace | |
def read_sdf(sdf_path): | |
with Chem.SDMolSupplier(sdf_path, sanitize=False) as supplier: | |
for molecule in supplier: | |
yield molecule | |
def get_one_hot(atom, atoms_dict): | |
one_hot = np.zeros(len(atoms_dict)) | |
one_hot[atoms_dict[atom]] = 1 | |
return one_hot | |
def parse_molecule(mol, is_geom): | |
one_hot = [] | |
charges = [] | |
atom2idx = const.GEOM_ATOM2IDX if is_geom else const.ATOM2IDX | |
charges_dict = const.GEOM_CHARGES if is_geom else const.CHARGES | |
for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): | |
one_hot.append(get_one_hot(atom.GetSymbol(), atom2idx)) | |
charges.append(charges_dict[atom.GetSymbol()]) | |
positions = mol.GetConformer().GetPositions() | |
return positions, np.array(one_hot), np.array(charges) | |
class ZincDataset(Dataset): | |
def __init__(self, data_path, prefix, device): | |
dataset_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}.pt') | |
if os.path.exists(dataset_path): | | = torch.load(dataset_path, map_location=device) | |
else: | |
print(f'Preprocessing dataset with prefix {prefix}') | | = ZincDataset.preprocess(data_path, prefix, device) | |, dataset_path) | |
def __len__(self): | |
return len( | |
def __getitem__(self, item): | |
return[item] | |
def preprocess(data_path, prefix, device): | |
data = [] | |
table_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_table.csv') | |
fragments_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_frag.sdf') | |
linkers_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_link.sdf') | |
is_geom = ('geom' in prefix) or ('MOAD' in prefix) | |
is_multifrag = 'multifrag' in prefix | |
table = pd.read_csv(table_path) | |
generator = tqdm(zip(table.iterrows(), read_sdf(fragments_path), read_sdf(linkers_path)), total=len(table)) | |
for (_, row), fragments, linker in generator: | |
uuid = row['uuid'] | |
name = row['molecule'] | |
frag_pos, frag_one_hot, frag_charges = parse_molecule(fragments, is_geom=is_geom) | |
link_pos, link_one_hot, link_charges = parse_molecule(linker, is_geom=is_geom) | |
positions = np.concatenate([frag_pos, link_pos], axis=0) | |
one_hot = np.concatenate([frag_one_hot, link_one_hot], axis=0) | |
charges = np.concatenate([frag_charges, link_charges], axis=0) | |
anchors = np.zeros_like(charges) | |
if is_multifrag: | |
for anchor_idx in map(int, row['anchors'].split('-')): | |
anchors[anchor_idx] = 1 | |
else: | |
anchors[row['anchor_1']] = 1 | |
anchors[row['anchor_2']] = 1 | |
fragment_mask = np.concatenate([np.ones_like(frag_charges), np.zeros_like(link_charges)]) | |
linker_mask = np.concatenate([np.zeros_like(frag_charges), np.ones_like(link_charges)]) | |
data.append({ | |
'uuid': uuid, | |
'name': name, | |
'positions': torch.tensor(positions, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'one_hot': torch.tensor(one_hot, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'charges': torch.tensor(charges, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'anchors': torch.tensor(anchors, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'fragment_mask': torch.tensor(fragment_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'linker_mask': torch.tensor(linker_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'num_atoms': len(positions), | |
}) | |
return data | |
class MOADDataset(Dataset): | |
def __init__(self, data=None, data_path=None, prefix=None, device=None): | |
assert (data is not None) or all(x is not None for x in (data_path, prefix, device)) | |
if data is not None: | | = data | |
return | |
if '.' in prefix: | |
prefix, pocket_mode = prefix.split('.') | |
else: | |
parts = prefix.split('_') | |
prefix = '_'.join(parts[:-1]) | |
pocket_mode = parts[-1] | |
dataset_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_{pocket_mode}.pt') | |
if os.path.exists(dataset_path): | | = torch.load(dataset_path, map_location=device) | |
else: | |
print(f'Preprocessing dataset with prefix {prefix}') | | = self.preprocess(data_path, prefix, pocket_mode, device) | |, dataset_path) | |
def __len__(self): | |
return len( | |
def __getitem__(self, item): | |
return[item] | |
def preprocess(data_path, prefix, pocket_mode, device): | |
data = [] | |
table_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_table.csv') | |
fragments_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_frag.sdf') | |
linkers_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_link.sdf') | |
pockets_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_pockets.pkl') | |
is_geom = True | |
is_multifrag = 'multifrag' in prefix | |
with open(pockets_path, 'rb') as f: | |
pockets = pickle.load(f) | |
table = pd.read_csv(table_path) | |
generator = tqdm( | |
zip(table.iterrows(), read_sdf(fragments_path), read_sdf(linkers_path), pockets), | |
total=len(table) | |
) | |
for (_, row), fragments, linker, pocket_data in generator: | |
uuid = row['uuid'] | |
name = row['molecule'] | |
frag_pos, frag_one_hot, frag_charges = parse_molecule(fragments, is_geom=is_geom) | |
link_pos, link_one_hot, link_charges = parse_molecule(linker, is_geom=is_geom) | |
# Parsing pocket data | |
pocket_pos = pocket_data[f'{pocket_mode}_coord'] | |
pocket_one_hot = [] | |
pocket_charges = [] | |
for atom_type in pocket_data[f'{pocket_mode}_types']: | |
pocket_one_hot.append(get_one_hot(atom_type, const.GEOM_ATOM2IDX)) | |
pocket_charges.append(const.GEOM_CHARGES[atom_type]) | |
pocket_one_hot = np.array(pocket_one_hot) | |
pocket_charges = np.array(pocket_charges) | |
positions = np.concatenate([frag_pos, pocket_pos, link_pos], axis=0) | |
one_hot = np.concatenate([frag_one_hot, pocket_one_hot, link_one_hot], axis=0) | |
charges = np.concatenate([frag_charges, pocket_charges, link_charges], axis=0) | |
anchors = np.zeros_like(charges) | |
if is_multifrag: | |
for anchor_idx in map(int, row['anchors'].split('-')): | |
anchors[anchor_idx] = 1 | |
else: | |
anchors[row['anchor_1']] = 1 | |
anchors[row['anchor_2']] = 1 | |
fragment_only_mask = np.concatenate([ | |
np.ones_like(frag_charges), | |
np.zeros_like(pocket_charges), | |
np.zeros_like(link_charges) | |
]) | |
pocket_mask = np.concatenate([ | |
np.zeros_like(frag_charges), | |
np.ones_like(pocket_charges), | |
np.zeros_like(link_charges) | |
]) | |
linker_mask = np.concatenate([ | |
np.zeros_like(frag_charges), | |
np.zeros_like(pocket_charges), | |
np.ones_like(link_charges) | |
]) | |
fragment_mask = np.concatenate([ | |
np.ones_like(frag_charges), | |
np.ones_like(pocket_charges), | |
np.zeros_like(link_charges) | |
]) | |
data.append({ | |
'uuid': uuid, | |
'name': name, | |
'positions': torch.tensor(positions, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'one_hot': torch.tensor(one_hot, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'charges': torch.tensor(charges, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'anchors': torch.tensor(anchors, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'fragment_only_mask': torch.tensor(fragment_only_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'pocket_mask': torch.tensor(pocket_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'fragment_mask': torch.tensor(fragment_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'linker_mask': torch.tensor(linker_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device), | |
'num_atoms': len(positions), | |
}) | |
return data | |
def create_edges(positions, fragment_mask_only, linker_mask_only): | |
ligand_mask = fragment_mask_only.astype(bool) | linker_mask_only.astype(bool) | |
ligand_adj = ligand_mask[:, None] & ligand_mask[None, :] | |
proximity_adj = np.linalg.norm(positions[:, None, :] - positions[None, :, :], axis=-1) <= 6 | |
full_adj = ligand_adj | proximity_adj | |
full_adj &= ~np.eye(len(positions)).astype(bool) | |
curr_rows, curr_cols = np.where(full_adj) | |
return [curr_rows, curr_cols] | |
def collate(batch): | |
out = {} | |
# Filter out big molecules | |
# if 'pocket_mask' not in batch[0].keys(): | |
# batch = [data for data in batch if data['num_atoms'] <= 50] | |
# else: | |
# batch = [data for data in batch if data['num_atoms'] <= 1000] | |
for i, data in enumerate(batch): | |
for key, value in data.items(): | |
out.setdefault(key, []).append(value) | |
for key, value in out.items(): | |
if key in const.DATA_LIST_ATTRS: | |
continue | |
if key in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_PAD: | |
out[key] = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(value, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) | |
continue | |
raise Exception(f'Unknown batch key: {key}') | |
atom_mask = (out['fragment_mask'].bool() | out['linker_mask'].bool()).to(const.TORCH_INT) | |
out['atom_mask'] = atom_mask[:, :, None] | |
batch_size, n_nodes = atom_mask.size() | |
# In case of MOAD edge_mask is batch_idx | |
if 'pocket_mask' in batch[0].keys(): | |
batch_mask =[ | |
torch.ones(n_nodes, dtype=const.TORCH_INT) * i | |
for i in range(batch_size) | |
]).to(atom_mask.device) | |
out['edge_mask'] = batch_mask | |
else: | |
edge_mask = atom_mask[:, None, :] * atom_mask[:, :, None] | |
diag_mask = ~torch.eye(edge_mask.size(1), dtype=const.TORCH_INT, device=atom_mask.device).unsqueeze(0) | |
edge_mask *= diag_mask | |
out['edge_mask'] = edge_mask.view(batch_size * n_nodes * n_nodes, 1) | |
for key in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_ADD_LAST_DIM: | |
if key in out.keys(): | |
out[key] = out[key][:, :, None] | |
return out | |
def collate_with_fragment_edges(batch): | |
out = {} | |
# Filter out big molecules | |
# batch = [data for data in batch if data['num_atoms'] <= 50] | |
for i, data in enumerate(batch): | |
for key, value in data.items(): | |
out.setdefault(key, []).append(value) | |
for key, value in out.items(): | |
if key in const.DATA_LIST_ATTRS: | |
continue | |
if key in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_PAD: | |
out[key] = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(value, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) | |
continue | |
raise Exception(f'Unknown batch key: {key}') | |
frag_mask = out['fragment_mask'] | |
edge_mask = frag_mask[:, None, :] * frag_mask[:, :, None] | |
diag_mask = ~torch.eye(edge_mask.size(1), dtype=const.TORCH_INT, device=frag_mask.device).unsqueeze(0) | |
edge_mask *= diag_mask | |
batch_size, n_nodes = frag_mask.size() | |
out['edge_mask'] = edge_mask.view(batch_size * n_nodes * n_nodes, 1) | |
# Building edges and covalent bond values | |
rows, cols, bonds = [], [], [] | |
for batch_idx in range(batch_size): | |
for i in range(n_nodes): | |
for j in range(n_nodes): | |
rows.append(i + batch_idx * n_nodes) | |
cols.append(j + batch_idx * n_nodes) | |
edges = [torch.LongTensor(rows).to(frag_mask.device), torch.LongTensor(cols).to(frag_mask.device)] | |
out['edges'] = edges | |
atom_mask = (out['fragment_mask'].bool() | out['linker_mask'].bool()).to(const.TORCH_INT) | |
out['atom_mask'] = atom_mask[:, :, None] | |
for key in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_ADD_LAST_DIM: | |
if key in out.keys(): | |
out[key] = out[key][:, :, None] | |
return out | |
def get_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, collate_fn=collate, shuffle=False): | |
return DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, collate_fn=collate_fn, shuffle=shuffle) | |
def create_template(tensor, fragment_size, linker_size, fill=0): | |
values_to_keep = tensor[:fragment_size] | |
values_to_add = torch.ones(linker_size, tensor.shape[1], dtype=values_to_keep.dtype, device=values_to_keep.device) | |
values_to_add = values_to_add * fill | |
return[values_to_keep, values_to_add], dim=0) | |
def create_templates_for_linker_generation(data, linker_sizes): | |
""" | |
Takes data batch and new linker size and returns data batch where fragment-related data is the same | |
but linker-related data is replaced with zero templates with new linker sizes | |
""" | |
decoupled_data = [] | |
for i, linker_size in enumerate(linker_sizes): | |
data_dict = {} | |
fragment_mask = data['fragment_mask'][i].squeeze() | |
fragment_size = fragment_mask.sum().int() | |
for k, v in data.items(): | |
if k == 'num_atoms': | |
# Computing new number of atoms (fragment_size + linker_size) | |
data_dict[k] = fragment_size + linker_size | |
continue | |
if k in const.DATA_LIST_ATTRS: | |
# These attributes are written without modification | |
data_dict[k] = v[i] | |
continue | |
if k in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_PAD: | |
# Should write fragment-related data + (zeros x linker_size) | |
fill_value = 1 if k == 'linker_mask' else 0 | |
template = create_template(v[i], fragment_size, linker_size, fill=fill_value) | |
if k in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_ADD_LAST_DIM: | |
template = template.squeeze(-1) | |
data_dict[k] = template | |
decoupled_data.append(data_dict) | |
return collate(decoupled_data) | |