gaussian-city / gaussiancity /extensions /voxlib /
hzxie's picture
fix: reinitialize the repo.
83d5461 verified
* @File:
* @Author: NVIDIA Corporation
* @Date: 2021-10-13 00:00:00
* @Last Modified by: Haozhe Xie
* @Last Modified at: 2024-03-27 11:02:41
* @Email:
#include <torch/types.h>
#include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <ATen/AccumulateType.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAApplyUtils.cuh>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <curand.h>
#include <curand_kernel.h>
#include <time.h>
//#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <vector>
#include "voxlib_common.h"
struct RVIP_Params {
int voxel_dims[3];
int voxel_strides[3];
int max_samples;
int img_dims[2];
// Camera parameters
float cam_ori[3];
float cam_fwd[3];
float cam_side[3];
float cam_up[3];
float cam_c[2];
float cam_f;
// unsigned long seed;
out_voxel_id: torch CUDA int32 [ img_dims[0], img_dims[1], max_samples, 1]
out_depth: torch CUDA float [2, img_dims[0], img_dims[1], max_samples, 1]
out_raydirs: torch CUDA float [ img_dims[0], img_dims[1], 1, 3]
Image coordinates refer to the center of the pixel [0, 0, 0] at voxel
coordinate is at the corner of the corner block (instead of at the center)
template <int TILE_DIM>
static __global__ void ray_voxel_intersection_perspective_kernel(
int32_t *__restrict__ out_voxel_id, float *__restrict__ out_depth,
float *__restrict__ out_raydirs, const int32_t *__restrict__ in_voxel,
const RVIP_Params p) {
int img_coords[2];
img_coords[1] = blockIdx.x * TILE_DIM + threadIdx.x;
img_coords[0] = blockIdx.y * TILE_DIM + threadIdx.y;
if (img_coords[0] >= p.img_dims[0] || img_coords[1] >= p.img_dims[1]) {
int pix_index = img_coords[0] * p.img_dims[1] + img_coords[1];
// Calculate ray origin and direction
float rayori[3], raydir[3];
rayori[0] = p.cam_ori[0];
rayori[1] = p.cam_ori[1];
rayori[2] = p.cam_ori[2];
// Camera intrinsics
float ndc_imcoords[2];
ndc_imcoords[0] = p.cam_c[0] - (float)img_coords[0]; // Flip height
ndc_imcoords[1] = (float)img_coords[1] - p.cam_c[1];
raydir[0] = p.cam_up[0] * ndc_imcoords[0] + p.cam_side[0] * ndc_imcoords[1] +
p.cam_fwd[0] * p.cam_f;
raydir[1] = p.cam_up[1] * ndc_imcoords[0] + p.cam_side[1] * ndc_imcoords[1] +
p.cam_fwd[1] * p.cam_f;
raydir[2] = p.cam_up[2] * ndc_imcoords[0] + p.cam_side[2] * ndc_imcoords[1] +
p.cam_fwd[2] * p.cam_f;
normalize<float, 3>(raydir);
// Save out_raydirs
out_raydirs[pix_index * 3] = raydir[0];
out_raydirs[pix_index * 3 + 1] = raydir[1];
out_raydirs[pix_index * 3 + 2] = raydir[2];
float axis_t[3];
int axis_int[3];
// int axis_intbound[3];
// Current voxel
axis_int[0] = floorf(rayori[0]);
axis_int[1] = floorf(rayori[1]);
axis_int[2] = floorf(rayori[2]);
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (raydir[i] > 0) {
// Initial t value
// Handle boundary case where rayori[i] is a whole number. Always round Up
// for the next block
// axis_t[i] = (ceilf(nextafterf(rayori[i], HUGE_VALF)) - rayori[i]) /
// raydir[i];
axis_t[i] = ((float)(axis_int[i] + 1) - rayori[i]) / raydir[i];
} else if (raydir[i] < 0) {
axis_t[i] = ((float)axis_int[i] - rayori[i]) / raydir[i];
} else {
axis_t[i] = HUGE_VALF;
// Fused raymarching and sampling
bool quit = false;
for (int cur_plane = 0; cur_plane < p.max_samples;
cur_plane++) { // Last cycle is for calculating p2
float t = nanf("0");
float t2 = nanf("0");
int32_t blk_id = 0;
// Find the next intersection
while (!quit) {
// Find the next smallest t
float tnow;
// Hand unroll
if (axis_t[0] <= axis_t[1] && axis_t[0] <= axis_t[2]) {
// Update current t
tnow = axis_t[0];
// Update t candidates
if (raydir[0] > 0) {
axis_int[0] += 1;
if (axis_int[0] >= p.voxel_dims[0]) {
quit = true;
axis_t[0] = ((float)(axis_int[0] + 1) - rayori[0]) / raydir[0];
} else {
axis_int[0] -= 1;
if (axis_int[0] < 0) {
quit = true;
axis_t[0] = ((float)axis_int[0] - rayori[0]) / raydir[0];
} else if (axis_t[1] <= axis_t[2]) {
tnow = axis_t[1];
if (raydir[1] > 0) {
axis_int[1] += 1;
if (axis_int[1] >= p.voxel_dims[1]) {
quit = true;
axis_t[1] = ((float)(axis_int[1] + 1) - rayori[1]) / raydir[1];
} else {
axis_int[1] -= 1;
if (axis_int[1] < 0) {
quit = true;
axis_t[1] = ((float)axis_int[1] - rayori[1]) / raydir[1];
} else {
tnow = axis_t[2];
if (raydir[2] > 0) {
axis_int[2] += 1;
if (axis_int[2] >= p.voxel_dims[2]) {
quit = true;
axis_t[2] = ((float)(axis_int[2] + 1) - rayori[2]) / raydir[2];
} else {
axis_int[2] -= 1;
if (axis_int[2] < 0) {
quit = true;
axis_t[2] = ((float)axis_int[2] - rayori[2]) / raydir[2];
if (quit) {
// Skip empty space
// Could there be deadlock if the ray direction is away from the world?
if (axis_int[0] < 0 || axis_int[0] >= p.voxel_dims[0] ||
axis_int[1] < 0 || axis_int[1] >= p.voxel_dims[1] ||
axis_int[2] < 0 || axis_int[2] >= p.voxel_dims[2]) {
// Test intersection using voxel grid
int64_t in_voxel_idx =
static_cast<int64_t>(axis_int[0]) * p.voxel_strides[0] +
static_cast<int64_t>(axis_int[1]) * p.voxel_strides[1] +
static_cast<int64_t>(axis_int[2]) * p.voxel_strides[2];
blk_id = in_voxel[in_voxel_idx];
if (blk_id == 0) {
// Now that there is an intersection
t = tnow;
// Calculate t2
#pragma unroll
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
if (axis_t[i] <= axis_t[(i+1)%3] && axis_t[i] <= axis_t[(i+2)%3]) {
t2 = axis_t[i];
// Hand unroll
if (axis_t[0] <= axis_t[1] && axis_t[0] <= axis_t[2]) {
t2 = axis_t[0];
} else if (axis_t[1] <= axis_t[2]) {
t2 = axis_t[1];
} else {
t2 = axis_t[2];
} // while !quit (ray marching loop)
out_depth[pix_index * p.max_samples + cur_plane] = t;
out_depth[p.img_dims[0] * p.img_dims[1] * p.max_samples +
pix_index * p.max_samples + cur_plane] = t2;
out_voxel_id[pix_index * p.max_samples + cur_plane] = blk_id;
} // cur_plane
out_voxel_id: torch CUDA int32 [ img_dims[0], img_dims[1], max_samples, 1]
out_depth: torch CUDA float [2, img_dims[0], img_dims[1], max_samples, 1]
out_raydirs: torch CUDA float [ img_dims[0], img_dims[1], 1, 3]
in_voxel: torch CUDA int32 [X, Y, Z] [40, 512, 512]
cam_ori: torch float [3]
cam_dir: torch float [3]
cam_up: torch float [3]
cam_f: float
cam_c: int [2]
img_dims: int [2]
max_samples: int
std::vector<torch::Tensor> ray_voxel_intersection_perspective_cuda(
const torch::Tensor &in_voxel, const torch::Tensor &cam_ori,
const torch::Tensor &cam_dir, const torch::Tensor &cam_up, float cam_f,
const std::vector<float> &cam_c, const std::vector<int> &img_dims,
int max_samples) {
int curDevice = -1;
cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(curDevice);
torch::Device device = in_voxel.device();
assert(in_voxel.dtype() == torch::kInt32); // Minecraft compatibility
assert(in_voxel.dim() == 3);
assert(cam_ori.dtype() == torch::kFloat32);
assert(cam_ori.numel() == 3);
assert(cam_dir.dtype() == torch::kFloat32);
assert(cam_dir.numel() == 3);
assert(cam_up.dtype() == torch::kFloat32);
assert(cam_up.numel() == 3);
assert(img_dims.size() == 2);
RVIP_Params p;
// Calculate camera rays
const torch::Tensor cam_ori_c = cam_ori.cpu();
const torch::Tensor cam_dir_c = cam_dir.cpu();
const torch::Tensor cam_up_c = cam_up.cpu();
// Get the coordinate frame of camera space in world space
normalize<float, 3>(p.cam_fwd, cam_dir_c.data_ptr<float>());
cross<float>(p.cam_side, p.cam_fwd, cam_up_c.data_ptr<float>());
normalize<float, 3>(p.cam_side);
cross<float>(p.cam_up, p.cam_side, p.cam_fwd);
normalize<float, 3>(p.cam_up); // Not absolutely necessary as both vectors are
// normalized. But just in case...
copyarr<float, 3>(p.cam_ori, cam_ori_c.data_ptr<float>());
p.cam_f = cam_f;
p.cam_c[0] = cam_c[0];
p.cam_c[1] = cam_c[1];
p.max_samples = max_samples;
p.voxel_dims[0] = in_voxel.size(0);
p.voxel_dims[1] = in_voxel.size(1);
p.voxel_dims[2] = in_voxel.size(2);
p.voxel_strides[0] = in_voxel.stride(0);
p.voxel_strides[1] = in_voxel.stride(1);
p.voxel_strides[2] = in_voxel.stride(2);
p.img_dims[0] = img_dims[0];
p.img_dims[1] = img_dims[1];
// Create output tensors
// For Minecraft Seg Mask
torch::Tensor out_voxel_id =
torch::empty({p.img_dims[0], p.img_dims[1], p.max_samples, 1},
torch::Tensor out_depth;
// Produce two sets of localcoords, one for entry point, the other one for
// exit point. They share the same corner_ids.
out_depth = torch::empty(
{2, p.img_dims[0], p.img_dims[1], p.max_samples, 1},
torch::Tensor out_raydirs = torch::empty({p.img_dims[0], p.img_dims[1], 1, 3},
const int TILE_DIM = 8;
dim3 dimGrid((p.img_dims[1] + TILE_DIM - 1) / TILE_DIM,
(p.img_dims[0] + TILE_DIM - 1) / TILE_DIM, 1);
dim3 dimBlock(TILE_DIM, TILE_DIM, 1);
<<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>(
out_voxel_id.data_ptr<int32_t>(), out_depth.data_ptr<float>(),
out_raydirs.data_ptr<float>(), in_voxel.data_ptr<int32_t>(), p);
cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
if (err != cudaSuccess) {
printf("Error in ray_voxel_intersection_perspective_kernel: %s\n",
return {out_voxel_id, out_depth, out_raydirs};