import csv |
import glob |
import json |
import numpy as np |
import os.path as osp |
import pickle |
import random |
import decord |
import pandas as pd |
import torch |
def datetime2sec(str): |
hh, mm, ss = str.split(':') |
return int(hh) * 3600 + int(mm) * 60 + float(ss) |
def video_loader(root, vid, second, end_second=None, chunk_len=300, fps=30, clip_length=32, jitter=False): |
if chunk_len == -1: |
vr = decord.VideoReader(osp.join(root, '{}.mp4'.format(vid))) |
second_offset = second |
if end_second is not None: |
end_second = min(end_second, len(vr) / vr.get_avg_fps()) |
else: |
end_second = len(vr) / vr.get_avg_fps() |
else: |
chunk_start = int(second) // chunk_len * chunk_len |
second_offset = second - chunk_start |
vr = decord.VideoReader(osp.join(root, '{}.mp4'.format(vid), '{}.mp4'.format(chunk_start))) |
if fps == -1: |
fps = vr.get_avg_fps() |
frame_offset = int(np.round(second_offset * fps)) |
total_duration = max(int((end_second - second) * fps), clip_length) |
if chunk_len == -1: |
if end_second <= second: |
raise ValueError("end_second should be greater than second") |
else: |
frame_ids = get_frame_ids(frame_offset, min(frame_offset + total_duration, len(vr)), num_segments=clip_length, jitter=jitter) |
else: |
frame_ids = get_frame_ids(frame_offset, frame_offset + total_duration, num_segments=clip_length, jitter=jitter) |
if max(frame_ids) < len(vr): |
try: |
frames = vr.get_batch(frame_ids).asnumpy() |
except decord.DECORDError as error: |
print(error) |
frames = vr.get_batch([0] * len(frame_ids)).asnumpy() |
else: |
try: |
frame_ids_part1 = list(filter(lambda frame_id: frame_id < len(vr), frame_ids)) |
frames_part1 = vr.get_batch(frame_ids_part1).asnumpy() |
vr2 = decord.VideoReader(osp.join(root, '{}.mp4'.format(vid), '{}.mp4'.format(chunk_start + chunk_len))) |
frame_ids_part2 = list(filter(lambda frame_id: frame_id >= len(vr), frame_ids)) |
frame_ids_part2 = [min(frame_id % len(vr), len(vr2) - 1) for frame_id in frame_ids_part2] |
frames_part2 = vr2.get_batch(frame_ids_part2).asnumpy() |
frames = np.concatenate([frames_part1, frames_part2], axis=0) |
except (RuntimeError, decord.DECORDError) as error: |
print(error) |
frame_ids = get_frame_ids(min(frame_offset, len(vr) - 1), len(vr), num_segments=clip_length, jitter=jitter) |
frames = vr.get_batch(frame_ids).asnumpy() |
frames = [torch.tensor(frame, dtype=torch.float32) for frame in frames] |
return torch.stack(frames, dim=0) |
def get_frame_ids(start_frame, end_frame, num_segments=32, jitter=True): |
seg_size = float(end_frame - start_frame - 1) / num_segments |
seq = [] |
for i in range(num_segments): |
start = int(np.round(seg_size * i) + start_frame) |
end = int(np.round(seg_size * (i + 1)) + start_frame) |
end = min(end, end_frame) |
if jitter: |
frame_id = np.random.randint(low=start, high=(end + 1)) |
else: |
frame_id = (start + end) // 2 |
seq.append(frame_id) |
return seq |
def video_loader_by_frames(root, vid, frame_ids): |
vr = decord.VideoReader(osp.join(root, vid)) |
try: |
frames = vr.get_batch(frame_ids).asnumpy() |
frames = [torch.tensor(frame, dtype=torch.float32) for frame in frames] |
except (IndexError, decord.DECORDError) as error: |
print(error) |
print("Erroneous video: ", vid) |
frames = [torch.zeros((240, 320, 3)) for _ in range(len(frame_ids))] |
return torch.stack(frames, dim=0) |
class VideoCaptionDatasetBase(torch.utils.data.Dataset): |
def __init__(self, dataset, root, metadata, is_trimmed=True): |
self.dataset = dataset |
self.root = root |
self.is_trimmed = is_trimmed |
if self.dataset == 'ego4d': |
with open(metadata, 'rb') as f: |
self.samples = pickle.load(f) |
elif self.dataset == 'ego4d_mcq': |
with open(metadata, 'r') as f: |
self.samples = json.load(f) |
elif self.dataset in ['ek100_cls', 'ek100_mir']: |
video_list = glob.glob(osp.join(self.root, '*/*.MP4')) |
fps_dict = {video: decord.VideoReader(video).get_avg_fps() for video in video_list} |
self.samples = [] |
with open(metadata) as f: |
csv_reader = csv.reader(f) |
_ = next(csv_reader) |
for row in csv_reader: |
pid, vid = row[1:3] |
start_timestamp, end_timestamp = datetime2sec(row[4]), datetime2sec(row[5]) |
narration = row[8] |
verb, noun = int(row[10]), int(row[12]) |
vid_path = '{}/{}.MP4'.format(pid, vid) |
fps = fps_dict[osp.join(self.root, vid_path)] |
start_frame = int(np.round(fps * start_timestamp)) |
end_frame = int(np.ceil(fps * end_timestamp)) |
self.samples.append((vid_path, start_frame, end_frame, narration, verb, noun)) |
if self.dataset == 'ek100_mir': |
self.metadata_sentence = pd.read_csv(metadata[:metadata.index('.csv')] + '_sentence.csv') |
if 'train' in metadata: |
self.relevancy_mat = pickle.load(open(osp.join(osp.dirname(metadata), 'relevancy', 'caption_relevancy_EPIC_100_retrieval_train.pkl'), 'rb')) |
elif 'test' in metadata: |
self.relevancy_mat = pickle.load(open(osp.join(osp.dirname(metadata), 'relevancy', 'caption_relevancy_EPIC_100_retrieval_test.pkl'), 'rb')) |
else: |
raise ValueError('{} should contain either "train" or "test"!'.format(metadata)) |
self.relevancy = .1 |
elif self.dataset == 'egtea': |
video_list = glob.glob(osp.join(self.root, '*/*')) |
len_dict = {video: len(decord.VideoReader(video)) for video in video_list} |
vn_list, labels = [], [] |
for row in open(osp.join(osp.dirname(metadata), 'action_idx.txt')): |
row = row.strip() |
vn = int(row.split(' ')[-1]) |
vn_list.append(vn) |
narration = ' '.join(row.split(' ')[:-1]) |
labels.append(narration.replace('_', ' ').lower()) |
mapping_act2narration = {vn: narration for vn, narration in zip(vn_list, labels)} |
self.samples = [] |
with open(metadata) as f: |
for row in f: |
clip_id, action_idx = row.strip().split(' ')[:2] |
video_id = '-'.join(clip_id.split('-')[:3]) |
vid_relpath = osp.join(video_id, '{}.mp4'.format(clip_id)) |
vid_fullpath = osp.join(self.root, video_id, '{}.mp4'.format(clip_id)) |
self.samples.append((vid_relpath, 0, len_dict[vid_fullpath], mapping_act2narration[int(action_idx)])) |
elif self.dataset == 'charades_ego': |
video_list = glob.glob(osp.join(self.root, '*.mp4')) |
fps_dict = {video: decord.VideoReader(video).get_avg_fps() for video in video_list} |
self.samples = [] |
with open(metadata) as f: |
csv_reader = csv.reader(f) |
_ = next(csv_reader) |
for row in csv_reader: |
video_id = row[0] |
if self.is_trimmed: |
for action_tuple in row[9].split(';'): |
if not action_tuple: |
continue |
action, start_timestamp, end_timestamp = action_tuple.split(' ') |
start_timestamp, end_timestamp = float(start_timestamp), float(end_timestamp) |
vid_path = '{}.mp4'.format(video_id) |
fps = fps_dict[osp.join(self.root, vid_path)] |
start_frame = int(np.round(fps * start_timestamp)) |
end_frame = int(np.ceil(fps * end_timestamp)) |
self.samples.append((vid_path, start_frame, end_frame, action)) |
else: |
if not row[9]: |
action_list = [] |
else: |
action_list = [action_tuple.split(' ')[0] for action_tuple in row[9].split(';')] |
vid_path = '{}.mp4'.format(video_id) |
fps = fps_dict[osp.join(self.root, vid_path)] |
duration = fps * float(row[10]) |
self.samples.append((vid_path, 0, duration, action_list)) |
elif self.dataset == 'charades_ego_trimmed': |
with open(metadata, 'rb') as f: |
self.samples = pickle.load(f) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
def get_raw_item(self, i, is_training=True, num_clips=1, clip_length=32, clip_stride=2, sparse_sample=False, |
narration_selection='random'): |
if self.dataset == 'ego4d': |
if len(self.samples[i]) == 4: |
vid, start_second, end_second, narration = self.samples[i] |
frames = video_loader(self.root, vid, start_second, |
end_second=end_second, |
clip_length=clip_length, |
jitter=is_training) |
if isinstance(narration, list): |
if narration_selection == 'random': |
narration = random.choice(narration) |
elif narration_selection == 'concat': |
narration = '. '.join(narration) |
elif narration_selection == 'list': |
narration = narration |
else: |
raise ValueError |
return frames, narration |
elif len(self.samples[i]) == 5: |
vid, start_second, end_second, narration, _ = self.samples[i] |
frames = video_loader(self.root, vid, start_second, |
end_second=end_second, |
clip_length=clip_length, |
jitter=is_training) |
if isinstance(narration, list): |
if narration_selection == 'random': |
narration = random.choice(narration) |
elif narration_selection == 'concat': |
narration = '. '.join(narration) |
elif narration_selection == 'list': |
narration = narration |
else: |
raise ValueError |
return frames, narration |
elif self.dataset == 'ego4d_mcq': |
itemMCQ = self.samples[str(i)] |
answerIndex = itemMCQ['answer'] |
textQuery = itemMCQ['query']['clip_text'] |
sampleOptions = itemMCQ['choices'] |
frames_options = [] |
narration_options = [] |
for option_id in range(len(sampleOptions)): |
option = sampleOptions[str(option_id)] |
frames = video_loader(self.root, option['video_uid'], |
float(option['clip_start']), end_second=float(option['clip_end']), |
clip_length=clip_length, |
jitter=is_training) |
frames_options.append(frames) |
narration_options.append(option['clip_text']) |
return textQuery, frames_options, narration_options, answerIndex, itemMCQ['types'] |
elif self.dataset == 'ek100_mir': |
vid_path, start_frame, end_frame, narration, verb, noun = self.samples[i] |
frame_ids = get_frame_ids(start_frame, end_frame, num_segments=clip_length, jitter=is_training) |
frames = video_loader_by_frames(self.root, vid_path, frame_ids) |
if is_training: |
positive_list = np.where(self.relevancy_mat[i] > self.relevancy)[0].tolist() |
if positive_list != []: |
pos = random.sample(positive_list, min(len(positive_list), 1))[0] |
if pos < len(self.metadata_sentence) and pos < self.relevancy_mat.shape[1]: |
return frames, (self.metadata_sentence.iloc[pos][1], self.relevancy_mat[i][pos]) |
else: |
return frames, (narration, 1) |
elif self.dataset == 'ek100_cls': |
vid_path, start_frame, end_frame, narration, verb, noun = self.samples[i] |
frame_ids = get_frame_ids(start_frame, end_frame, num_segments=clip_length, jitter=is_training) |
frames = video_loader_by_frames(self.root, vid_path, frame_ids) |
return frames, '{}:{}'.format(verb, noun) |
elif self.dataset == 'egtea': |
vid_path, start_frame, end_frame, sentence = self.samples[i] |
if is_training: |
assert num_clips == 1 |
if end_frame < clip_length * clip_stride: |
frames = video_loader_by_frames(self.root, vid_path, list(np.arange(0, end_frame))) |
zeros = torch.zeros((clip_length * clip_stride - end_frame, *frames.shape[1:])) |
frames = torch.cat((frames, zeros), dim=0) |
frames = frames[::clip_stride] |
else: |
start_id = np.random.randint(0, end_frame - clip_length * clip_stride + 1) |
frame_ids = np.arange(start_id, start_id + clip_length * clip_stride, clip_stride) |
frames = video_loader_by_frames(self.root, vid_path, frame_ids) |
else: |
if end_frame < clip_length * clip_stride: |
frames = video_loader_by_frames(self.root, vid_path, list(np.arange(0, end_frame))) |
zeros = torch.zeros((clip_length * clip_stride - end_frame, *frames.shape[1:])) |
frames = torch.cat((frames, zeros), dim=0) |
frames = frames[::clip_stride] |
frames = frames.repeat(num_clips, 1, 1, 1) |
else: |
frame_ids = [] |
for start_id in np.linspace(0, end_frame - clip_length * clip_stride, num_clips, dtype=int): |
frame_ids.extend(np.arange(start_id, start_id + clip_length * clip_stride, clip_stride)) |
frames = video_loader_by_frames(self.root, vid_path, frame_ids) |
return frames, sentence |
elif self.dataset == 'charades_ego': |
vid_path, start_frame, end_frame, action_list = self.samples[i] |
if sparse_sample: |
frame_ids = get_frame_ids(start_frame, end_frame, num_segments=num_clips * clip_length, jitter=is_training) |
frames = video_loader_by_frames(self.root, vid_path, frame_ids) |
else: |
if end_frame < clip_length * clip_stride: |
frames = video_loader_by_frames(self.root, vid_path, list(np.arange(0, end_frame))) |
zeros = torch.zeros((clip_length * clip_stride - end_frame, *frames.shape[1:])) |
frames = torch.cat((frames, zeros), dim=0) |
frames = frames[::clip_stride] |
frames = frames.repeat(num_clips, 1, 1, 1) |
else: |
frame_ids = [] |
for start_id in np.linspace(0, end_frame - clip_length * clip_stride, num_clips, dtype=int): |
frame_ids.extend(np.arange(start_id, start_id + clip_length * clip_stride, clip_stride)) |
frames = video_loader_by_frames(self.root, vid_path, frame_ids) |
return frames, action_list, vid_path |
elif self.dataset == 'charades_ego_trimmed': |
vid, start_second, end_second, narration = self.samples[i] |
frames = video_loader(self.root, vid, start_second, |
end_second=end_second, |
chunk_len=-1, |
fps=-1, |
clip_length=clip_length, |
jitter=is_training) |
return frames, narration |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
def __getitem__(self, i): |
raise NotImplementedError |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.samples) |
class VideoCaptionDatasetCLIP(VideoCaptionDatasetBase): |
def __init__(self, dataset, root, metadata, transform=None, |
is_training=True, tokenizer=None, |
clip_length=32, clip_stride=2, sparse_sample=False, |
narration_selection='random', |
num_hard_negatives=0, |
subsample_stride=None): |
super().__init__(dataset, root, metadata) |
self.full_samples = self.samples.copy() |
if isinstance(subsample_stride, int): |
self.samples = self.samples[::subsample_stride] |
self.transform = transform |
self.is_training = is_training |
self.tokenizer = tokenizer |
self.clip_length = clip_length |
self.clip_stride = clip_stride |
self.sparse_sample = sparse_sample |
self.narration_selection = narration_selection |
self.num_hard_negatives = num_hard_negatives |
if num_hard_negatives > 0: |
assert self.dataset == 'htm_aa' |
def __getitem__(self, i): |
frames, caption = self.get_raw_item( |
i, is_training=self.is_training, |
clip_length=self.clip_length, |
clip_stride=self.clip_stride, |
sparse_sample=self.sparse_sample, |
narration_selection=self.narration_selection, |
) |
if isinstance(caption, tuple): |
caption, relevancy = caption |
else: |
relevancy = 0. |
if self.transform is not None: |
frames = self.transform(frames) |
if self.tokenizer is not None: |
caption = self.tokenizer(caption) |
if isinstance(caption, tuple): |
caption, mask = caption |
return frames, caption, mask, relevancy |
else: |
return frames, caption, relevancy |
class VideoCaptionDatasetMCQ(VideoCaptionDatasetBase): |
def __init__(self, dataset, root, metadata, transform=None, |
is_training=True, tokenizer=None, |
clip_length=32, clip_stride=2, sparse_sample=False, |
narration_selection='random'): |
super().__init__(dataset, root, metadata) |
self.full_samples = self.samples.copy() |
self.transform = transform |
self.is_training = is_training |
self.tokenizer = tokenizer |
self.clip_length = clip_length |
self.clip_stride = clip_stride |
self.sparse_sample = sparse_sample |
self.narration_selection = narration_selection |
def __getitem__(self, i): |
textQuery, frames_options, narration_options, answerIndex, q_type = self.get_raw_item( |
i, is_training=self.is_training, |
clip_length=self.clip_length, |
clip_stride=self.clip_stride, |
sparse_sample=self.sparse_sample, |
narration_selection=self.narration_selection, |
) |
if self.transform is not None: |
frames_options = [self.transform(frames) for frames in frames_options] |
if self.tokenizer is not None: |
textQuery = self.tokenizer(textQuery) |
narration_options = self.tokenizer(narration_options) |
if isinstance(textQuery, tuple): |
textQuery, mask_query = textQuery |
narration_options, mask_options = narration_options |
return ( |
textQuery, torch.stack(frames_options, dim=0), |
narration_options, answerIndex, q_type, |
mask_query, mask_options |
) |
else: |
return textQuery, torch.stack(frames_options, dim=0), narration_options, answerIndex, q_type |
class VideoClassyDataset(VideoCaptionDatasetBase): |
def __init__( |
self, dataset, root, metadata, transform=None, |
is_training=True, label_mapping=None, |
num_clips=1, |
clip_length=32, clip_stride=2, |
sparse_sample=False, |
is_trimmed=True, |
): |
super().__init__(dataset, root, metadata, is_trimmed=is_trimmed) |
self.transform = transform |
self.is_training = is_training |
self.label_mapping = label_mapping |
self.num_clips = num_clips |
self.clip_length = clip_length |
self.clip_stride = clip_stride |
self.sparse_sample = sparse_sample |
def __getitem__(self, i): |
frames, label, vid_path = self.get_raw_item( |
i, is_training=self.is_training, |
num_clips=self.num_clips, |
clip_length=self.clip_length, |
clip_stride=self.clip_stride, |
sparse_sample=self.sparse_sample, |
) |
if self.transform is not None: |
frames = self.transform(frames) |
if self.label_mapping is not None: |
if isinstance(label, list): |
res_array = np.zeros(len(self.label_mapping)) |
for lbl in label: |
res_array[self.label_mapping[lbl]] = 1. |
label = res_array |
else: |
label = self.label_mapping[label] |
return frames, label, vid_path |
def get_dataset(train_transform, tokenizer, cfg, is_training=True): |
narration_selection = cfg.get('narration_selection', 'random') |
num_hard_neg = cfg.get('num_hard_neg', 0) |
data_cfg = cfg['data'] |
if cfg['model']['arch'].startswith('CLIP') or cfg['model']['arch'].startswith('VCLM'): |
if is_training: |
metadata = data_cfg['metadata'] |
else: |
metadata = data_cfg['metadata_val'] |
return VideoCaptionDatasetCLIP( |
data_cfg['dataset'], data_cfg['root'], metadata, train_transform, |
is_training=is_training, |
tokenizer=tokenizer, |
clip_length=data_cfg['clip_length'], clip_stride=data_cfg['clip_stride'], |
sparse_sample=data_cfg['sparse_sample'], |
narration_selection=narration_selection, |
num_hard_negatives=num_hard_neg |
) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
def get_downstream_dataset(transform, tokenizer, cfg, is_training=True, num_clips=0, label_mapping=None): |
data_cfg = cfg['data'] |
n_clips = num_clips if num_clips > 0 else data_cfg['num_clips'] |
if is_training: |
metadata = data_cfg['metadata'] |
return VideoClassyDataset( |
data_cfg['dataset'], data_cfg['root'], metadata, transform, |
is_training=True, label_mapping=label_mapping, |
num_clips=n_clips, |
clip_length=data_cfg['clip_length'], clip_stride=data_cfg['clip_stride'], |
sparse_sample=data_cfg['sparse_sample'], |
) |
else: |
metadata = data_cfg['metadata_val'] |
return VideoClassyDataset( |
data_cfg['dataset'], data_cfg['root'], metadata, transform, |
is_training=False, label_mapping=label_mapping, |
num_clips=n_clips, |
clip_length=data_cfg['clip_length'], clip_stride=data_cfg['clip_stride'], |
sparse_sample=data_cfg['sparse_sample'], |
is_trimmed=not data_cfg['dataset'] == 'charades_ego' |
) |