VistaDream / ops /
hpwang's picture
import PIL
import torch
import numpy as np
from transformers import AutoProcessor, LlavaForConditionalGeneration
class Llava():
def __init__(self,device='cuda',
llava_ckpt='llava-hf/bakLlava-v1-hf') -> None:
self.device = device
self.model_id = llava_ckpt
self.model = LlavaForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(
self.processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(self.model_id)
def __call__(self,image:PIL.Image, prompt=None):
# input check
if not isinstance(image,PIL.Image.Image):
if np.amax(image) < 1.1:
image = image * 255
image = image.astype(np.uint8)
image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image)
prompt = '<image>\n USER: Detaily imagine and describe the scene this image taken from? \n ASSISTANT: This image is taken from a scene of ' if prompt is None else prompt
inputs = self.processor(prompt, image, return_tensors='pt').to(self.model.device,torch.float16)
output = self.model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=200, do_sample=False)
answer = self.processor.decode(output[0][2:], skip_special_tokens=True)
return answer