import streamlit as st |
import hopsworks |
import joblib |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import folium |
from streamlit_folium import st_folium, folium_static |
import json |
import time |
from datetime import timedelta, datetime |
from branca.element import Figure |
from functions import decode_features, get_model |
def fancy_header(text, font_size=24): |
res = f'<span style="color:#ff5f27; font-size: {font_size}px;">{text}</span>' |
st.markdown(res, unsafe_allow_html=True ) |
st.title('⛅️Air Quality Prediction Project🌩') |
progress_bar = st.sidebar.header('⚙️ Working Progress') |
progress_bar = st.sidebar.progress(0) |
st.write(36 * "-") |
fancy_header('\n📡 Connecting to Hopsworks Feature Store...') |
project = hopsworks.login(api_key_value="0rdWXlLgEd3mkGOg.iRZ7TtAkWGPlJHNQcAEph6Qbokoaq7QTBRI9ckwWUki8tIYGyBvrKhJvtLoUOGQ4") |
fs = project.get_feature_store() |
feature_view = fs.get_feature_view( |
name = 'air_quality_fv', |
version = 1 |
) |
st.write("Successfully connected!✔️") |
progress_bar.progress(20) |
st.write(36 * "-") |
fancy_header('\n☁️ Getting batch data from Feature Store...') |
start_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1) |
start_time = int(start_date.timestamp()) * 1000 |
X = feature_view.get_batch_data(start_time=start_time) |
progress_bar.progress(50) |
latest_date_unix = str(X.date.values[0])[:10] |
latest_date = time.ctime(int(latest_date_unix)) |
st.write(f"⏱ Data for {latest_date}") |
X = X.drop(columns=["date"]).fillna(0) |
data_to_display = decode_features(X, feature_view=feature_view) |
progress_bar.progress(60) |
st.write(36 * "-") |
fancy_header(f"🗺 Processing the map...") |
fig = Figure(width=550,height=350) |
my_map = folium.Map(location=[58, 20], zoom_start=3.71) |
fig.add_child(my_map) |
folium.TileLayer('Stamen Terrain').add_to(my_map) |
folium.TileLayer('Stamen Toner').add_to(my_map) |
folium.TileLayer('Stamen Water Color').add_to(my_map) |
folium.TileLayer('cartodbpositron').add_to(my_map) |
folium.TileLayer('cartodbdark_matter').add_to(my_map) |
folium.LayerControl().add_to(my_map) |
data_to_display = data_to_display[["city", "temp", "humidity", |
"conditions", "aqi"]] |
cities_coords = {("Sundsvall", "Sweden"): [62.390811, 17.306927], |
("Stockholm", "Sweden"): [59.334591, 18.063240], |
("Malmo", "Sweden"): [55.604981, 13.003822]} |
if "Kyiv" in data_to_display["city"]: |
cities_coords[("Kyiv", "Ukraine")]: [50.450001, 30.523333] |
data_to_display = data_to_display.set_index("city") |
cols_names_dict = {"temp": "Temperature", |
"humidity": "Humidity", |
"conditions": "Conditions", |
"aqi": "AQI"} |
data_to_display = data_to_display.rename(columns=cols_names_dict) |
cols_ = ["Temperature", "Humidity", "AQI"] |
data_to_display[cols_] = data_to_display[cols_].apply(lambda x: round(x, 1)) |
for city, country in cities_coords: |
text = f""" |
<h4 style="color:green;">{city}</h4> |
<h5 style="color":"green"> |
<table style="text-align: right;"> |
<tr> |
<th>Country:</th> |
<td><b>{country}</b></td> |
</tr> |
""" |
for column in data_to_display.columns: |
text += f""" |
<tr> |
<th>{column}:</th> |
<td>{data_to_display.loc[city][column]}</td> |
</tr>""" |
text += """</table> |
</h5>""" |
folium.Marker( |
cities_coords[(city, country)], popup=text, tooltip=f"<strong>{city}</strong>" |
).add_to(my_map) |
folium_static(my_map) |
progress_bar.progress(80) |
st.sidebar.write("-" * 36) |
model = get_model(project=project, |
model_name="gradient_boost_model", |
evaluation_metric="f1_score", |
sort_metrics_by="max") |
preds = model.predict(X) |
cities = [city_tuple[0] for city_tuple in cities_coords.keys()] |
next_day_date = datetime.today() + timedelta(days=1) |
next_day = next_day_date.strftime ('%d/%m/%Y') |
df = pd.DataFrame(data=preds, index=cities, columns=[f"AQI Predictions for {next_day}"], dtype=int) |
st.sidebar.write(df) |
progress_bar.progress(100) |
st.button("Re-run") |