hongaik's picture
initial test
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate, InlineImage
from docx.shared import Mm, Inches
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta, date
import io
# from utils import *
########## Title for the Web App ##########
st.title("Report Generator")
########## Create Input field ##########
# feedback = st.text_input('Type your text here', 'Customer suggested that the customer service needs to be improved and the response time needs to be improved.')
# if st.button('Click for predictions!'):
# with st.spinner('Generating predictions...'):
# topics_prob, sentiment_prob, touchpoint_prob = get_single_prediction(feedback)
# bar_topic = px.bar(topics_prob, x='probability', y='topic')
# bar_touchpoint = px.bar(touchpoint_prob, x='probability', y='touchpoint')
# pie = px.pie(sentiment_prob,
# values='probability',
# names='sentiment',
# color_discrete_map={'positive':'rgb(0, 204, 0)',
# 'negative':'rgb(215, 11, 11)'
# },
# color='sentiment'
# )
# st.plotly_chart(bar_topic, use_container_width=True)
# st.plotly_chart(bar_touchpoint, use_container_width=True)
# st.plotly_chart(pie, use_container_width=True)
# st.write("\n")
# st.subheader('Or... Upload a csv file if you have a file instead.')
# st.write("\n")
# st.download_button(
# label="Download sample file here",
# data=sample_file,
# file_name='sample_data.csv',
# mime='text/csv',
# )
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload multiple files", accept_multiple_files=True)
if len(uploaded_files) > 0:
# with st.spinner('Generating report...'):
for uploaded_file in uploaded_files:
if uploaded_file.name == 'Flip_accum.xlsx':
flip_accum1 = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=8, nrows=11, usecols="A:D")
flip_accum2 = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=24, nrows=5, usecols="A:N")
#st.write('flip_accum1: ' + str(flip_accum1.shape))
elif uploaded_file.name == 'Fold_accum.xlsx':
fold_accum1 = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=8, nrows=11, usecols="A:D")
fold_accum2 = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=24, nrows=5, usecols="A:N")
#st.write('fold_accum1: ' + str(fold_accum1.shape))
elif uploaded_file.name == 'Flip_today.xlsx':
flip_today1 = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=8, nrows=11, usecols="A:D")
flip_today2 = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=24, nrows=5, usecols="A:M")
#st.write('flip_today1: ' + str(flip_today1.shape))
elif uploaded_file.name == 'Fold_today.xlsx':
fold_today1 = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=8, nrows=11, usecols="A:D")
fold_today2 = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=24, nrows=5, usecols="A:M")
#st.write('fold_today1: ' + str(fold_today1.shape))
elif uploaded_file.name == 'FlipFold4_accum.xlsx':
flipfold_accum = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=8, nrows=11, usecols="A:D")
flipfold_accum2 = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=24, nrows=5, usecols="A:N")
#st.write('flipfold_accum2: ' + str(flipfold_accum2.shape))
elif uploaded_file.name == 'FlipFold4_analysis.xlsx':
flipfold = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, skiprows=9)
#st.write('flipfold: ' + str(flipfold.shape))
elif uploaded_file.name == 'flipfold4_report_template.docx':
doc = DocxTemplate(uploaded_file)
if datetime.datetime.now().day == 1:
day_suffix = "st"
elif datetime.datetime.now().day == 2:
day_suffix = "nd"
elif datetime.datetime.now().day == 3:
day_suffix = "rd"
day_suffix = "th"
if round(((flipfold_accum2.iloc[2, 4] - flipfold_accum2.iloc[2, 13])/flipfold_accum2.iloc[2, 13]) * 100) < 0:
increase_decrease = "Decrease"
increase_decrease = "Increase"
flipfold = flipfold[['Symptom\nGroup 1', 'Subsidiary', 'Marketing Name']]
flipfold.columns = ['symptom', 'subsidiary', 'Marketing Name']
display = ['Display', 'Touch', 'OCTA/Backglass Broken', 'Sensor']
quick_discharge = ['Quick Discharge', 'Charging', 'Discharging']
appearance = ['Appearance', 'Case', 'Button']
others = ['In Process', 'WIFI', 'Connection', 'S pen', 'Fault Operation', 'Bluetooth']
flipfold['symptom'] = flipfold['symptom'].apply(lambda x:
'Display' if x in display else
'Quick Discharge' if x in quick_discharge else
'Appearance' if x in appearance else
'Others' if x in others else
'Sound/Call Audio' if x == 'Sound/Call audio' else
template = pd.DataFrame({
'symptom': ['Total', 'Heat', 'Display', 'Camera', 'Quick Discharge', 'Power', 'Rebooting', 'App/SW', 'Sound/Call Audio', 'Appearance', 'Others'],
'SEAO Total': [0]*11,
'SAVINA': [0]*11,
'SEAU': [0]*11,
'SEIN': [0]*11,
'SENZ': [0]*11,
'SEPCO': [0]*11,
'SESP': [0]*11,
'SME': [0]*11,
'TSE': [0]*11
flip4 = flipfold[flipfold['Marketing Name'] == 'Galaxy Z Flip4']
flip4_groupby = pd.DataFrame(flip4.groupby(['symptom', 'subsidiary'])['subsidiary'].count())
flip4_groupby = flip4_groupby.pivot(index='symptom', columns='subsidiary', values='count').fillna(0)
fold4 = flipfold[flipfold['Marketing Name'] == 'Galaxy Z Fold4']
fold4_groupby = pd.DataFrame(fold4.groupby(['symptom', 'subsidiary'])['subsidiary'].count())
fold4_groupby = fold4_groupby.pivot(index='symptom', columns='subsidiary', values='count').fillna(0)
template_flip4 = template.copy()
template_fold4 = template.copy()
for col in template.columns:
for row in template.index:
template_flip4.loc[row, col] = flip4_groupby.loc[row, col]
for col in template.columns:
for row in template.index:
template_fold4.loc[row, col] = fold4_groupby.loc[row, col]
# Account for SEPCO data entry error
template_flip4.loc['Display', 'SEPCO'] = template_flip4.loc['Display', 'SEPCO'] - 4
template_flip4.loc['App/SW', 'SEPCO'] = template_flip4.loc['App/SW', 'SEPCO'] - 2
template_flip4.loc['Others', 'SEPCO'] = template_flip4.loc['Others', 'SEPCO'] + 6
# Account for SEVT into SAVINA count
template_fold4.loc['Display', 'SAVINA'] = template_fold4.loc['Display', 'SAVINA'] + 5
template_fold4.loc['Others', 'SAVINA'] = template_fold4.loc['Others', 'SAVINA'] + 2
template_fold4.loc['Rebooting', 'SAVINA'] = template_fold4.loc['Rebooting', 'SAVINA'] + 1
template_fold4.loc['Appearance', 'SAVINA'] = template_fold4.loc['Appearance', 'SAVINA'] + 1
template_flip4.loc['Appearance', 'SAVINA'] = template_flip4.loc['Appearance', 'SAVINA'] + 1
template_flip4.loc['Others', 'SAVINA'] = template_flip4.loc['Others', 'SAVINA'] + 2
template_flip4['SEAO Total'] = template_flip4[['SAVINA', 'SEAU', 'SEIN', 'SENZ', 'SEPCO', 'SESP', 'SME', 'TSE']].sum(axis=1)
template_flip4.loc['Total'] = template_flip4[['SEAO Total', 'SAVINA', 'SEAU', 'SEIN', 'SENZ', 'SEPCO', 'SESP', 'SME', 'TSE']].sum(axis=0)
template_flip4 = template_flip4.astype(int)
template_fold4['SEAO Total'] = template_fold4[['SEAO Total', 'SAVINA', 'SEAU', 'SEIN', 'SENZ', 'SEPCO', 'SESP', 'SME', 'TSE']].sum(axis=1)
template_fold4.loc['Total'] = template_fold4[['SEAO Total', 'SAVINA', 'SEAU', 'SEIN', 'SENZ', 'SEPCO', 'SESP', 'SME', 'TSE']].sum(axis=0)
template_fold4 = template_fold4.astype(int)
flip4_dict = {'a' + str(i): template_flip4.values.flatten()[i-1] for i in range(1,100)}
fold4_dict = {'b' + str(i): template_fold4.values.flatten()[i-1] for i in range(1,100)}
context = {
#"topleft": topleft,
#"topright": topright,
#"bottomleft": bottomleft,
#"bottomright": bottomright,
"date0" : int((datetime.date.today() - date(2022, 9, 2))/ timedelta(days=1) + 1),
"date1" : datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%#d.%#m.%Y"),
"date2" : (datetime.datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%#d/%#m"),
"date3": datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%b.%#d"),
"day_suffix": day_suffix,
"v2": "{:>6}".format(f'{flip_today1.iloc[5, 2] + fold_today1.iloc[5, 2]:,}'),
"v3": f'{int(flip_accum1.iloc[3, 2]):,}',
"v4": f'{int(flip_accum1.iloc[5, 2]):,}',
"v5": f'{int(flip_accum1.iloc[7, 2]):,}',
"v6": f'{int(flip_accum2.iloc[1, 12]):,}',
"v7": f'{int(flip_accum2.iloc[1, 5]):,}',
"v8": f'{int(flip_accum2.iloc[1, 6]):,}',
"v9": f'{int(fold_accum1.iloc[3, 2]):,}',
"v10": f'{int(fold_accum1.iloc[5, 2]):,}',
"v11": f'{int(fold_accum1.iloc[7, 2]):,}',
"v12": f'{int(fold_accum2.iloc[1, 12]):,}',
"v13": f'{int(fold_accum2.iloc[1, 5]):,}',
"v14": f'{int(fold_accum2.iloc[1, 6]):,}',
# "v21": f'{int(flip_today1.iloc[3, 2]):,}', # changed on 5 Sep 2022
# "v22": f'{int(flip_today1.iloc[5, 2]):,}',
# "v23": f'{int(flip_today1.iloc[7, 2]):,}',
"v21": f'{int(flip_today2.iloc[1, 12]):,}',
"v22": f'{int(flip_today2.iloc[1, 5]):,}',
"v23": f'{int(flip_today2.iloc[1, 6]):,}',
"v24": f'{int(fold_today2.iloc[1, 12]):,}',
"v25": f'{int(fold_today2.iloc[1, 5]):,}',
"v26": f'{int(fold_today2.iloc[1, 6]):,}',
# Table 1 Subtotals
"v16": f'{int(flip_accum1.iloc[7, 2] + fold_accum1.iloc[7, 2]):,}',
"v17": f'{int(flip_accum1.iloc[3, 2] + fold_accum1.iloc[3, 2]):,}',
"v18": f'{int(flip_accum2.iloc[1, 12] + fold_accum2.iloc[1, 12]):,}',
"v19": f'{int(flip_accum2.iloc[1, 5] + fold_accum2.iloc[1, 5]):,}',
"v20": f'{int(flip_accum2.iloc[1, 6] + fold_accum2.iloc[1, 6]):,}',
"v27": f'{int(flip_today2.iloc[1, 12]) + int(fold_today2.iloc[1, 12]):,}',
"v28": f'{int(flip_today2.iloc[1, 5]) + int(fold_today2.iloc[1, 5]):,}',
"v29": f'{int(flip_today2.iloc[1, 6]) + int(fold_today2.iloc[1, 6]):,}',
"v30": f'{int(flip_today2.iloc[1, 4]):,}',
"v31": f'{int(fold_today2.iloc[1, 4]):,}',
"v15": f'{int(flip_today2.iloc[1, 4]) + int(fold_today2.iloc[1, 4]):,}',
"v1": f'{int(flip_accum1.iloc[5, 2] + fold_accum1.iloc[5, 2]):,}',
"v32": f'{int(flipfold_accum2.iloc[2, 4]):,}',
"v33": f'{int(flip_accum2.iloc[2, 4]):,}',
"v34": f'{int(fold_accum2.iloc[2, 4]):,}',
"v35": f'{int(flipfold_accum2.iloc[2, 13]):,}',
"v36": f'{int(fold_accum2.iloc[2, 13]):,}',
"v37": f'{int(flip_accum2.iloc[2, 13]):,}',
"v38": abs(round(((flipfold_accum2.iloc[2, 4] - flipfold_accum2.iloc[2, 13])/flipfold_accum2.iloc[2, 13]) * 100)),
"increase_decrease": increase_decrease,
"c12": int(template_flip4.loc[['Heat', 'Quick Discharge', 'Power', 'Rebooting'], 'SEAO Total'].sum()),
"c19": int(template_fold4.loc[['Heat', 'Quick Discharge', 'Power', 'Rebooting'], 'SEAO Total'].sum()),
"c14": int(template_flip4.loc[['Camera', 'Others'], 'SEAO Total'].sum()),
"c21": int(template_fold4.loc[['Camera', 'Others'], 'SEAO Total'].sum()),
"c1": int(flip4_dict["a1"] + fold4_dict["b1"]),
"c2": int(flip4_dict["a19"] + fold4_dict["b19"]),
"c3": int(flip4_dict["a64"] + fold4_dict["b64"]),
"c4": int(flip4_dict["a82"] + fold4_dict["b82"]),
"c5": int(template_flip4.loc[['Heat', 'Quick Discharge', 'Power', 'Rebooting'], 'SEAO Total'].sum() + template_fold4.loc[['Heat', 'Quick Discharge', 'Power', 'Rebooting'], 'SEAO Total'].sum()),
"c6": int(flip4_dict["a73"] + fold4_dict["b73"]),
"c7": int(template_flip4.loc[['Camera', 'Others'], 'SEAO Total'].sum() + template_fold4.loc[['Camera', 'Others'], 'SEAO Total'].sum()),
"d1": round(100*(flip4_dict["a19"] + fold4_dict["b19"])/(flip4_dict["a1"] + fold4_dict["b1"])),
"d2": round(100*(flip4_dict["a64"] + fold4_dict["b64"])/(flip4_dict["a1"] + fold4_dict["b1"])),
"d3": round(100*(template_flip4.loc[['Heat', 'Quick Discharge', 'Power', 'Rebooting'], 'SEAO Total'].sum() + template_fold4.loc[['Heat', 'Quick Discharge', 'Power', 'Rebooting'], 'SEAO Total'].sum())/(flip4_dict["a1"] + fold4_dict["b1"]))
context2 = {**context, **flip4_dict, **fold4_dict}
# Create in-memory buffer
file_stream = io.BytesIO()
# Save the .docx to the buffer
# Reset the buffer's file-pointer to the beginning of the file
#doc.save("SEAO Fold 4_Flip 4 Quality Monitoring (" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%#d %b") + ").docx")
label="Download report here",
file_name="SEAO Fold 4_Flip 4 Quality Monitoring (" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%#d %b") + ").docx",