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# Copyright 2020 Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import shutil
from itertools import combinations
import nnunet
from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import *
from nnunet.evaluation.add_mean_dice_to_json import foreground_mean
from nnunet.evaluation.evaluator import evaluate_folder
from nnunet.evaluation.model_selection.ensemble import ensemble
from nnunet.paths import network_training_output_dir
import numpy as np
from subprocess import call
from nnunet.postprocessing.consolidate_postprocessing import consolidate_folds, collect_cv_niftis
from nnunet.utilities.folder_names import get_output_folder_name
from nnunet.paths import default_cascade_trainer, default_trainer, default_plans_identifier
def find_task_name(folder, task_id):
candidates = subdirs(folder, prefix="Task%03.0d_" % task_id, join=False)
assert len(candidates) > 0, "no candidate for Task id %d found in folder %s" % (task_id, folder)
assert len(candidates) == 1, "more than one candidate for Task id %d found in folder %s" % (task_id, folder)
return candidates[0]
def get_mean_foreground_dice(json_file):
results = load_json(json_file)
return get_foreground_mean(results)
def get_foreground_mean(results):
results_mean = results['results']['mean']
dice_scores = [results_mean[i]['Dice'] for i in results_mean.keys() if i != "0" and i != 'mean']
return np.mean(dice_scores)
def main():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="This is intended to identify the best model based on the five fold "
"cross-validation. Running this script requires all models to have been run "
"already. This script will summarize the results of the five folds of all "
"models in one json each for easy interpretability")
parser.add_argument("-m", '--models', nargs="+", required=False, default=['2d', '3d_lowres', '3d_fullres',
parser.add_argument("-t", '--task_ids', nargs="+", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-tr", type=str, required=False, default=default_trainer,
help="nnUNetTrainer class. Default: %s" % default_trainer)
parser.add_argument("-ctr", type=str, required=False, default=default_cascade_trainer,
help="nnUNetTrainer class for cascade model. Default: %s" % default_cascade_trainer)
parser.add_argument("-pl", type=str, required=False, default=default_plans_identifier,
help="plans name, Default: %s" % default_plans_identifier)
parser.add_argument('-f', '--folds', nargs='+', default=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), help="Use this if you have non-standard "
"folds. Experienced users only.")
parser.add_argument('--disable_ensembling', required=False, default=False, action='store_true',
help='Set this flag to disable the use of ensembling. This will find the best single '
'configuration for each task.')
parser.add_argument("--disable_postprocessing", required=False, default=False, action="store_true",
help="Set this flag if you want to disable the use of postprocessing")
args = parser.parse_args()
tasks = [int(i) for i in args.task_ids]
models = args.models
tr = args.tr
trc = args.ctr
pl = args.pl
disable_ensembling = args.disable_ensembling
disable_postprocessing = args.disable_postprocessing
folds = tuple(int(i) for i in args.folds)
validation_folder = "validation_raw"
# this script now acts independently from the summary jsons. That was unnecessary
id_task_mapping = {}
for t in tasks:
# first collect pure model performance
results = {}
all_results = {}
valid_models = []
for m in models:
if m == "3d_cascade_fullres":
trainer = trc
trainer = tr
if t not in id_task_mapping.keys():
task_name = find_task_name(get_output_folder_name(m), t)
id_task_mapping[t] = task_name
output_folder = get_output_folder_name(m, id_task_mapping[t], trainer, pl)
if not isdir(output_folder):
raise RuntimeError("Output folder for model %s is missing, expected: %s" % (m, output_folder))
if disable_postprocessing:
# we need to collect the predicted niftis from the 5-fold cv and evaluate them against the ground truth
cv_niftis_folder = join(output_folder, 'cv_niftis_raw')
if not isfile(join(cv_niftis_folder, 'summary.json')):
print(t, m, ': collecting niftis from 5-fold cv')
if isdir(cv_niftis_folder):
collect_cv_niftis(output_folder, cv_niftis_folder, validation_folder, folds)
niftis_gt = subfiles(join(output_folder, "gt_niftis"), suffix='.nii.gz', join=False)
niftis_cv = subfiles(cv_niftis_folder, suffix='.nii.gz', join=False)
if not all([i in niftis_gt for i in niftis_cv]):
raise AssertionError("It does not seem like you trained all the folds! Train " \
"all folds first! There are %d gt niftis in %s but only " \
"%d predicted niftis in %s" % (len(niftis_gt), niftis_gt,
len(niftis_cv), niftis_cv))
# load a summary file so that we can know what class labels to expect
summary_fold0 = load_json(join(output_folder, "fold_%d" % folds[0], validation_folder,
# read classes from summary.json
classes = tuple((int(i) for i in summary_fold0.keys()))
# evaluate the cv niftis
print(t, m, ': evaluating 5-fold cv results')
evaluate_folder(join(output_folder, "gt_niftis"), cv_niftis_folder, classes)
postprocessing_json = join(output_folder, "postprocessing.json")
cv_niftis_folder = join(output_folder, "cv_niftis_raw")
# we need cv_niftis_postprocessed to know the single model performance. And we need the
# postprocessing_json. If either of those is missing, rerun consolidate_folds
if not isfile(postprocessing_json) or not isdir(cv_niftis_folder):
print("running missing postprocessing for %s and model %s" % (id_task_mapping[t], m))
consolidate_folds(output_folder, folds=folds)
assert isfile(postprocessing_json), "Postprocessing json missing, expected: %s" % postprocessing_json
assert isdir(cv_niftis_folder), "Folder with niftis from CV missing, expected: %s" % cv_niftis_folder
# obtain mean foreground dice
summary_file = join(cv_niftis_folder, "summary.json")
results[m] = get_mean_foreground_dice(summary_file)
all_results[m] = load_json(summary_file)['results']['mean']
if not disable_ensembling:
# now run ensembling and add ensembling to results
print("\nI will now ensemble combinations of the following models:\n", valid_models)
if len(valid_models) > 1:
for m1, m2 in combinations(valid_models, 2):
trainer_m1 = trc if m1 == "3d_cascade_fullres" else tr
trainer_m2 = trc if m2 == "3d_cascade_fullres" else tr
ensemble_name = "ensemble_" + m1 + "__" + trainer_m1 + "__" + pl + "--" + m2 + "__" + trainer_m2 + "__" + pl
output_folder_base = join(network_training_output_dir, "ensembles", id_task_mapping[t], ensemble_name)
network1_folder = get_output_folder_name(m1, id_task_mapping[t], trainer_m1, pl)
network2_folder = get_output_folder_name(m2, id_task_mapping[t], trainer_m2, pl)
print("ensembling", network1_folder, network2_folder)
ensemble(network1_folder, network2_folder, output_folder_base, id_task_mapping[t], validation_folder, folds, allow_ensembling=not disable_postprocessing)
# ensembling will automatically do postprocessingget_foreground_mean
# now get result of ensemble
results[ensemble_name] = get_mean_foreground_dice(join(output_folder_base, "ensembled_raw", "summary.json"))
summary_file = join(output_folder_base, "ensembled_raw", "summary.json")
all_results[ensemble_name] = load_json(summary_file)['results']['mean']
# now print all mean foreground dice and highlight the best
foreground_dices = list(results.values())
best = np.max(foreground_dices)
for k, v in results.items():
print(k, v)
predict_str = ""
best_model = None
for k, v in results.items():
if v == best:
print("%s submit model %s" % (id_task_mapping[t], k), v)
best_model = k
print("\nHere is how you should predict test cases. Run in sequential order and replace all input and output folder names with your personalized ones\n")
if k.startswith("ensemble"):
tmp = k[len("ensemble_"):]
model1, model2 = tmp.split("--")
m1, t1, pl1 = model1.split("__")
m2, t2, pl2 = model2.split("__")
predict_str += "nnUNet_predict -i FOLDER_WITH_TEST_CASES -o OUTPUT_FOLDER_MODEL1 -tr " + tr + " -ctr " + trc + " -m " + m1 + " -p " + pl + " -t " + \
id_task_mapping[t] + "\n"
predict_str += "nnUNet_predict -i FOLDER_WITH_TEST_CASES -o OUTPUT_FOLDER_MODEL2 -tr " + tr + " -ctr " + trc + " -m " + m2 + " -p " + pl + " -t " + \
id_task_mapping[t] + "\n"
if not disable_postprocessing:
predict_str += "nnUNet_ensemble -f OUTPUT_FOLDER_MODEL1 OUTPUT_FOLDER_MODEL2 -o OUTPUT_FOLDER -pp " + join(network_training_output_dir, "ensembles", id_task_mapping[t], k, "postprocessing.json") + "\n"
predict_str += "nnUNet_ensemble -f OUTPUT_FOLDER_MODEL1 OUTPUT_FOLDER_MODEL2 -o OUTPUT_FOLDER\n"
predict_str += "nnUNet_predict -i FOLDER_WITH_TEST_CASES -o OUTPUT_FOLDER_MODEL1 -tr " + tr + " -ctr " + trc + " -m " + k + " -p " + pl + " -t " + \
id_task_mapping[t] + "\n"
summary_folder = join(network_training_output_dir, "ensembles", id_task_mapping[t])
with open(join(summary_folder, "prediction_commands.txt"), 'w') as f:
num_classes = len([i for i in all_results[best_model].keys() if i != 'mean' and i != '0'])
with open(join(summary_folder, "summary.csv"), 'w') as f:
for c in range(1, num_classes + 1):
f.write(",class%d" % c)
for m in all_results.keys():
for c in range(1, num_classes + 1):
f.write(",%01.4f" % all_results[m][str(c)]["Dice"])
f.write(",%01.4f" % all_results[m]['mean']["Dice"])
if __name__ == "__main__":