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# Copyright 2020 Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import ast
from copy import deepcopy
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
import numpy as np
from nnunet.configuration import default_num_threads
from nnunet.evaluation.evaluator import aggregate_scores
from scipy.ndimage import label
import SimpleITK as sitk
from nnunet.utilities.sitk_stuff import copy_geometry
from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import *
import shutil
def load_remove_save(input_file: str, output_file: str, for_which_classes: list,
minimum_valid_object_size: dict = None):
# Only objects larger than minimum_valid_object_size will be removed. Keys in minimum_valid_object_size must
# match entries in for_which_classes
img_in = sitk.ReadImage(input_file)
img_npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_in)
volume_per_voxel = float(np.prod(img_in.GetSpacing(), dtype=np.float64))
image, largest_removed, kept_size = remove_all_but_the_largest_connected_component(img_npy, for_which_classes,
# print(input_file, "kept:", kept_size)
img_out_itk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(image)
img_out_itk = copy_geometry(img_out_itk, img_in)
sitk.WriteImage(img_out_itk, output_file)
return largest_removed, kept_size
def remove_all_but_the_largest_connected_component(image: np.ndarray, for_which_classes: list, volume_per_voxel: float,
minimum_valid_object_size: dict = None):
removes all but the largest connected component, individually for each class
:param image:
:param for_which_classes: can be None. Should be list of int. Can also be something like [(1, 2), 2, 4].
Here (1, 2) will be treated as a joint region, not individual classes (example LiTS here we can use (1, 2)
to use all foreground classes together)
:param minimum_valid_object_size: Only objects larger than minimum_valid_object_size will be removed. Keys in
minimum_valid_object_size must match entries in for_which_classes
if for_which_classes is None:
for_which_classes = np.unique(image)
for_which_classes = for_which_classes[for_which_classes > 0]
assert 0 not in for_which_classes, "cannot remove background"
largest_removed = {}
kept_size = {}
for c in for_which_classes:
if isinstance(c, (list, tuple)):
c = tuple(c) # otherwise it cant be used as key in the dict
mask = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=bool)
for cl in c:
mask[image == cl] = True
mask = image == c
# get labelmap and number of objects
lmap, num_objects = label(mask.astype(int))
# collect object sizes
object_sizes = {}
for object_id in range(1, num_objects + 1):
object_sizes[object_id] = (lmap == object_id).sum() * volume_per_voxel
largest_removed[c] = None
kept_size[c] = None
if num_objects > 0:
# we always keep the largest object. We could also consider removing the largest object if it is smaller
# than minimum_valid_object_size in the future but we don't do that now.
maximum_size = max(object_sizes.values())
kept_size[c] = maximum_size
for object_id in range(1, num_objects + 1):
# we only remove objects that are not the largest
if object_sizes[object_id] != maximum_size:
# we only remove objects that are smaller than minimum_valid_object_size
remove = True
if minimum_valid_object_size is not None:
remove = object_sizes[object_id] < minimum_valid_object_size[c]
if remove:
image[(lmap == object_id) & mask] = 0
if largest_removed[c] is None:
largest_removed[c] = object_sizes[object_id]
largest_removed[c] = max(largest_removed[c], object_sizes[object_id])
return image, largest_removed, kept_size
def load_postprocessing(json_file):
loads the relevant part of the pkl file that is needed for applying postprocessing
:param pkl_file:
a = load_json(json_file)
if 'min_valid_object_sizes' in a.keys():
min_valid_object_sizes = ast.literal_eval(a['min_valid_object_sizes'])
min_valid_object_sizes = None
return a['for_which_classes'], min_valid_object_sizes
def determine_postprocessing(base, gt_labels_folder, raw_subfolder_name="validation_raw",
final_subf_name="validation_final", processes=default_num_threads,
dice_threshold=0, debug=False,
:param base:
:param gt_labels_folder: subfolder of base with niftis of ground truth labels
:param raw_subfolder_name: subfolder of base with niftis of predicted (non-postprocessed) segmentations
:param temp_folder: used to store temporary data, will be deleted after we are done here undless debug=True
:param final_subf_name: final results will be stored here (subfolder of base)
:param processes:
:param dice_threshold: only apply postprocessing if results is better than old_result+dice_threshold (can be used as eps)
:param debug: if True then the temporary files will not be deleted
# lets see what classes are in the dataset
classes = [int(i) for i in load_json(join(base, raw_subfolder_name, "summary.json"))['results']['mean'].keys() if
int(i) != 0]
folder_all_classes_as_fg = join(base, temp_folder + "_allClasses")
folder_per_class = join(base, temp_folder + "_perClass")
if isdir(folder_all_classes_as_fg):
if isdir(folder_per_class):
# multiprocessing rules
p = Pool(processes)
assert isfile(join(base, raw_subfolder_name, "summary.json")), "join(base, raw_subfolder_name) does not " \
"contain a summary.json"
# these are all the files we will be dealing with
fnames = subfiles(join(base, raw_subfolder_name), suffix=".nii.gz", join=False)
# make output and temp dir
maybe_mkdir_p(join(base, final_subf_name))
pp_results = {}
pp_results['dc_per_class_raw'] = {}
pp_results['dc_per_class_pp_all'] = {} # dice scores after treating all foreground classes as one
pp_results['dc_per_class_pp_per_class'] = {} # dice scores after removing everything except larges cc
# independently for each class after we already did dc_per_class_pp_all
pp_results['for_which_classes'] = []
pp_results['min_valid_object_sizes'] = {}
validation_result_raw = load_json(join(base, raw_subfolder_name, "summary.json"))['results']
pp_results['num_samples'] = len(validation_result_raw['all'])
validation_result_raw = validation_result_raw['mean']
if advanced_postprocessing:
# first treat all foreground classes as one and remove all but the largest foreground connected component
results = []
for f in fnames:
predicted_segmentation = join(base, raw_subfolder_name, f)
# now remove all but the largest connected component for each class
output_file = join(folder_all_classes_as_fg, f)
results.append(p.starmap_async(load_remove_save, ((predicted_segmentation, output_file, (classes,)),)))
results = [i.get() for i in results]
# aggregate max_size_removed and min_size_kept
max_size_removed = {}
min_size_kept = {}
for tmp in results:
mx_rem, min_kept = tmp[0]
for k in mx_rem:
if mx_rem[k] is not None:
if max_size_removed.get(k) is None:
max_size_removed[k] = mx_rem[k]
max_size_removed[k] = max(max_size_removed[k], mx_rem[k])
for k in min_kept:
if min_kept[k] is not None:
if min_size_kept.get(k) is None:
min_size_kept[k] = min_kept[k]
min_size_kept[k] = min(min_size_kept[k], min_kept[k])
print("foreground vs background, smallest valid object size was", min_size_kept[tuple(classes)])
print("removing only objects smaller than that...")
min_size_kept = None
# we need to rerun the step from above, now with the size constraint
pred_gt_tuples = []
results = []
# first treat all foreground classes as one and remove all but the largest foreground connected component
for f in fnames:
predicted_segmentation = join(base, raw_subfolder_name, f)
# now remove all but the largest connected component for each class
output_file = join(folder_all_classes_as_fg, f)
p.starmap_async(load_remove_save, ((predicted_segmentation, output_file, (classes,), min_size_kept),)))
pred_gt_tuples.append([output_file, join(gt_labels_folder, f)])
_ = [i.get() for i in results]
# evaluate postprocessed predictions
_ = aggregate_scores(pred_gt_tuples, labels=classes,
json_output_file=join(folder_all_classes_as_fg, "summary.json"),
json_author="Fabian", num_threads=processes)
# now we need to figure out if doing this improved the dice scores. We will implement that defensively in so far
# that if a single class got worse as a result we won't do this. We can change this in the future but right now I
# prefer to do it this way
validation_result_PP_test = load_json(join(folder_all_classes_as_fg, "summary.json"))['results']['mean']
for c in classes:
dc_raw = validation_result_raw[str(c)]['Dice']
dc_pp = validation_result_PP_test[str(c)]['Dice']
pp_results['dc_per_class_raw'][str(c)] = dc_raw
pp_results['dc_per_class_pp_all'][str(c)] = dc_pp
# true if new is better
do_fg_cc = False
comp = [pp_results['dc_per_class_pp_all'][str(cl)] > (pp_results['dc_per_class_raw'][str(cl)] + dice_threshold) for
cl in classes]
before = np.mean([pp_results['dc_per_class_raw'][str(cl)] for cl in classes])
after = np.mean([pp_results['dc_per_class_pp_all'][str(cl)] for cl in classes])
print("Foreground vs background")
print("before:", before)
print("after: ", after)
if any(comp):
# at least one class improved - yay!
# now check if another got worse
# true if new is worse
any_worse = any(
[pp_results['dc_per_class_pp_all'][str(cl)] < pp_results['dc_per_class_raw'][str(cl)] for cl in classes])
if not any_worse:
if min_size_kept is not None:
do_fg_cc = True
print("Removing all but the largest foreground region improved results!")
print('for_which_classes', classes)
print('min_valid_object_sizes', min_size_kept)
# did not improve things - don't do it
if len(classes) > 1:
# now depending on whether we do remove all but the largest foreground connected component we define the source dir
# for the next one to be the raw or the temp dir
if do_fg_cc:
source = folder_all_classes_as_fg
source = join(base, raw_subfolder_name)
if advanced_postprocessing:
# now run this for each class separately
results = []
for f in fnames:
predicted_segmentation = join(source, f)
output_file = join(folder_per_class, f)
results.append(p.starmap_async(load_remove_save, ((predicted_segmentation, output_file, classes),)))
results = [i.get() for i in results]
# aggregate max_size_removed and min_size_kept
max_size_removed = {}
min_size_kept = {}
for tmp in results:
mx_rem, min_kept = tmp[0]
for k in mx_rem:
if mx_rem[k] is not None:
if max_size_removed.get(k) is None:
max_size_removed[k] = mx_rem[k]
max_size_removed[k] = max(max_size_removed[k], mx_rem[k])
for k in min_kept:
if min_kept[k] is not None:
if min_size_kept.get(k) is None:
min_size_kept[k] = min_kept[k]
min_size_kept[k] = min(min_size_kept[k], min_kept[k])
print("classes treated separately, smallest valid object sizes are")
print("removing only objects smaller than that")
min_size_kept = None
# rerun with the size thresholds from above
pred_gt_tuples = []
results = []
for f in fnames:
predicted_segmentation = join(source, f)
output_file = join(folder_per_class, f)
results.append(p.starmap_async(load_remove_save, ((predicted_segmentation, output_file, classes, min_size_kept),)))
pred_gt_tuples.append([output_file, join(gt_labels_folder, f)])
_ = [i.get() for i in results]
# evaluate postprocessed predictions
_ = aggregate_scores(pred_gt_tuples, labels=classes,
json_output_file=join(folder_per_class, "summary.json"),
json_author="Fabian", num_threads=processes)
if do_fg_cc:
old_res = deepcopy(validation_result_PP_test)
old_res = validation_result_raw
# these are the new dice scores
validation_result_PP_test = load_json(join(folder_per_class, "summary.json"))['results']['mean']
for c in classes:
dc_raw = old_res[str(c)]['Dice']
dc_pp = validation_result_PP_test[str(c)]['Dice']
pp_results['dc_per_class_pp_per_class'][str(c)] = dc_pp
print("before:", dc_raw)
print("after: ", dc_pp)
if dc_pp > (dc_raw + dice_threshold):
if min_size_kept is not None:
pp_results['min_valid_object_sizes'].update({c: min_size_kept[c]})
print("Removing all but the largest region for class %d improved results!" % c)
print('min_valid_object_sizes', min_size_kept)
print("Only one class present, no need to do each class separately as this is covered in fg vs bg")
if not advanced_postprocessing:
pp_results['min_valid_object_sizes'] = None
print("for which classes:")
pp_results['validation_raw'] = raw_subfolder_name
pp_results['validation_final'] = final_subf_name
# now that we have a proper for_which_classes, apply that
pred_gt_tuples = []
results = []
for f in fnames:
predicted_segmentation = join(base, raw_subfolder_name, f)
# now remove all but the largest connected component for each class
output_file = join(base, final_subf_name, f)
results.append(p.starmap_async(load_remove_save, (
(predicted_segmentation, output_file, pp_results['for_which_classes'],
join(gt_labels_folder, f)])
_ = [i.get() for i in results]
# evaluate postprocessed predictions
_ = aggregate_scores(pred_gt_tuples, labels=classes,
json_output_file=join(base, final_subf_name, "summary.json"),
json_author="Fabian", num_threads=processes)
pp_results['min_valid_object_sizes'] = str(pp_results['min_valid_object_sizes'])
save_json(pp_results, join(base, pp_filename))
# delete temp
if not debug:
def apply_postprocessing_to_folder(input_folder: str, output_folder: str, for_which_classes: list,
min_valid_object_size:dict=None, num_processes=8):
applies removing of all but the largest connected component to all niftis in a folder
:param min_valid_object_size:
:param min_valid_object_size:
:param input_folder:
:param output_folder:
:param for_which_classes:
:param num_processes:
p = Pool(num_processes)
nii_files = subfiles(input_folder, suffix=".nii.gz", join=False)
input_files = [join(input_folder, i) for i in nii_files]
out_files = [join(output_folder, i) for i in nii_files]
results = p.starmap_async(load_remove_save, zip(input_files, out_files, [for_which_classes] * len(input_files),
[min_valid_object_size] * len(input_files)))
res = results.get()
if __name__ == "__main__":
input_folder = "/media/fabian/DKFZ/predictions_Fabian/Liver_and_LiverTumor"
output_folder = "/media/fabian/DKFZ/predictions_Fabian/Liver_and_LiverTumor_postprocessed"
for_which_classes = [(1, 2), ]
apply_postprocessing_to_folder(input_folder, output_folder, for_which_classes)