from PIL import Image |
import shutil |
from collections import OrderedDict |
import dicom2nifti |
import numpy as np |
from batchgenerators.utilities.data_splitting import get_split_deterministic |
from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import * |
from PIL import Image |
import SimpleITK as sitk |
from nnunet.paths import preprocessing_output_dir, nnUNet_raw_data |
from nnunet.utilities.sitk_stuff import copy_geometry |
from nnunet.inference.ensemble_predictions import merge |
def load_png_stack(folder): |
pngs = subfiles(folder, suffix="png") |
pngs.sort() |
loaded = [] |
for p in pngs: |
loaded.append(np.array(Image.open(p))) |
loaded = np.stack(loaded, 0)[::-1] |
return loaded |
def convert_CT_seg(loaded_png): |
return loaded_png.astype(np.uint16) |
def convert_MR_seg(loaded_png): |
result = np.zeros(loaded_png.shape) |
result[(loaded_png > 55) & (loaded_png <= 70)] = 1 |
result[(loaded_png > 110) & (loaded_png <= 135)] = 2 |
result[(loaded_png > 175) & (loaded_png <= 200)] = 3 |
result[(loaded_png > 240) & (loaded_png <= 255)] = 4 |
return result |
def convert_seg_to_intensity_task5(seg): |
seg_new = np.zeros(seg.shape, dtype=np.uint8) |
seg_new[seg == 1] = 63 |
seg_new[seg == 2] = 126 |
seg_new[seg == 3] = 189 |
seg_new[seg == 4] = 252 |
return seg_new |
def convert_seg_to_intensity_task3(seg): |
seg_new = np.zeros(seg.shape, dtype=np.uint8) |
seg_new[seg == 1] = 63 |
return seg_new |
def write_pngs_from_nifti(nifti, output_folder, converter=convert_seg_to_intensity_task3): |
npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk.ReadImage(nifti)) |
seg_new = converter(npy) |
for z in range(len(npy)): |
Image.fromarray(seg_new[z]).save(join(output_folder, "img%03.0d.png" % z)) |
def convert_variant2_predicted_test_to_submission_format(folder_with_predictions, |
output_folder="/home/fabian/drives/datasets/results/nnUNet/test_sets/Task038_CHAOS_Task_3_5_Variant2/ready_to_submit", |
postprocessing_file="/home/fabian/drives/datasets/results/nnUNet/ensembles/Task038_CHAOS_Task_3_5_Variant2/ensemble_2d__nnUNetTrainerV2__nnUNetPlansv2.1--3d_fullres__nnUNetTrainerV2__nnUNetPlansv2.1/postprocessing.json"): |
""" |
output_folder is where the extracted template is |
:param folder_with_predictions: |
:param output_folder: |
:return: |
""" |
postprocessing_file = "/media/fabian/Results/nnUNet/3d_fullres/Task039_CHAOS_Task_3_5_Variant2_highres/" \ |
"nnUNetTrainerV2__nnUNetPlansfixed/postprocessing.json" |
final_predictions_folder = join(output_folder, "final") |
maybe_mkdir_p(final_predictions_folder) |
t1_patient_names = [i.split("_")[-1][:-7] for i in subfiles(folder_with_predictions, prefix="T1", suffix=".nii.gz", join=False)] |
folder_for_ensembing0 = join(output_folder, "ens0") |
folder_for_ensembing1 = join(output_folder, "ens1") |
maybe_mkdir_p(folder_for_ensembing0) |
maybe_mkdir_p(folder_for_ensembing1) |
for t1 in t1_patient_names: |
shutil.copy(join(folder_with_predictions, "T1_in_%s.npz" % t1), join(folder_for_ensembing1, "T1_%s.npz" % t1)) |
shutil.copy(join(folder_with_predictions, "T1_in_%s.pkl" % t1), join(folder_for_ensembing1, "T1_%s.pkl" % t1)) |
shutil.copy(join(folder_with_predictions, "T1_out_%s.npz" % t1), join(folder_for_ensembing0, "T1_%s.npz" % t1)) |
shutil.copy(join(folder_with_predictions, "T1_out_%s.pkl" % t1), join(folder_for_ensembing0, "T1_%s.pkl" % t1)) |
shutil.copy(join(folder_with_predictions, "plans.pkl"), join(folder_for_ensembing0, "plans.pkl")) |
shutil.copy(join(folder_with_predictions, "plans.pkl"), join(folder_for_ensembing1, "plans.pkl")) |
ens1_softmax = np.load(join(folder_for_ensembing1, "T1_35.npz"))['softmax'] |
ens1_softmax = ens1_softmax[:, :, :-1, :] |
np.savez_compressed(join(folder_for_ensembing1, "T1_35.npz"), softmax=ens1_softmax) |
shutil.copy(join(folder_for_ensembing0, "T1_35.pkl"), join(folder_for_ensembing1, "T1_35.pkl")) |
merge((folder_for_ensembing0, folder_for_ensembing1), final_predictions_folder, 8, True, |
postprocessing_file=postprocessing_file) |
t2_files = subfiles(folder_with_predictions, prefix="T2", suffix=".nii.gz", join=False) |
for t2 in t2_files: |
shutil.copy(join(folder_with_predictions, t2), join(final_predictions_folder, t2)) |
from nnunet.postprocessing.connected_components import apply_postprocessing_to_folder, load_postprocessing |
postprocessed_folder = join(output_folder, "final_postprocessed") |
for_which_classes, min_valid_obj_size = load_postprocessing(postprocessing_file) |
apply_postprocessing_to_folder(final_predictions_folder, postprocessed_folder, |
for_which_classes, min_valid_obj_size, 8) |
output_dir = join(output_folder, "CHAOS_submission_template_new", "Task3", "MR") |
for t1 in t1_patient_names: |
output_folder_here = join(output_dir, t1, "T1DUAL", "Results") |
nifti_file = join(postprocessed_folder, "T1_%s.nii.gz" % t1) |
write_pngs_from_nifti(nifti_file, output_folder_here, converter=convert_seg_to_intensity_task3) |
for t2 in t2_files: |
patname = t2.split("_")[-1][:-7] |
output_folder_here = join(output_dir, patname, "T2SPIR", "Results") |
nifti_file = join(postprocessed_folder, "T2_%s.nii.gz" % patname) |
write_pngs_from_nifti(nifti_file, output_folder_here, converter=convert_seg_to_intensity_task3) |
output_dir = join(output_folder, "CHAOS_submission_template_new", "Task5", "MR") |
for t1 in t1_patient_names: |
output_folder_here = join(output_dir, t1, "T1DUAL", "Results") |
nifti_file = join(postprocessed_folder, "T1_%s.nii.gz" % t1) |
write_pngs_from_nifti(nifti_file, output_folder_here, converter=convert_seg_to_intensity_task5) |
for t2 in t2_files: |
patname = t2.split("_")[-1][:-7] |
output_folder_here = join(output_dir, patname, "T2SPIR", "Results") |
nifti_file = join(postprocessed_folder, "T2_%s.nii.gz" % patname) |
write_pngs_from_nifti(nifti_file, output_folder_here, converter=convert_seg_to_intensity_task5) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
""" |
This script only prepares data to participate in Task 5 and Task 5. I don't like the CT task because |
1) there are |
no abdominal organs in the ground truth. In the case of CT we are supposed to train only liver while on MRI we are |
supposed to train all organs. This would require manual modification of nnU-net to deal with this dataset. This is |
not what nnU-net is about. |
2) CT Liver or multiorgan segmentation is too easy to get external data for. Therefore the challenges comes down |
to who gets the b est external data, not who has the best algorithm. Not super interesting. |
Task 3 is a subtask of Task 5 so we need to prepare the data only once. |
Difficulty: We need to process both T1 and T2, but T1 has 2 'modalities' (phases). nnU-Net cannot handly varying |
number of input channels. We need to be creative. |
We deal with this by preparing 2 Variants: |
1) pretend we have 2 modalities for T2 as well by simply stacking a copy of the data |
2) treat all MRI sequences independently, so we now have 3*20 training data instead of 2*20. In inference we then |
ensemble the results for the two t1 modalities. |
Careful: We need to split manually here to ensure we stratify by patient |
""" |
root = "/media/fabian/My Book/datasets/CHAOS_challenge/Train_Sets" |
root_test = "/media/fabian/My Book/datasets/CHAOS_challenge/Test_Sets" |
out_base = nnUNet_raw_data |
patient_ids = [] |
patient_ids_test = [] |
output_folder = join(out_base, "Task037_CHAOS_Task_3_5_Variant1") |
output_images = join(output_folder, "imagesTr") |
output_labels = join(output_folder, "labelsTr") |
output_imagesTs = join(output_folder, "imagesTs") |
maybe_mkdir_p(output_images) |
maybe_mkdir_p(output_labels) |
maybe_mkdir_p(output_imagesTs) |
d = join(root, "MR") |
patients = subdirs(d, join=False) |
for p in patients: |
patient_name = "T1_" + p |
gt_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "Ground") |
seg = convert_MR_seg(load_png_stack(gt_dir)[::-1]) |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "DICOM_anon", "InPhase") |
img_outfile = join(output_images, patient_name + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "DICOM_anon", "OutPhase") |
img_outfile = join(output_images, patient_name + "_0001.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(img_outfile) |
img_sitk_npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_sitk) |
seg_itk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(seg.astype(np.uint8)) |
seg_itk = copy_geometry(seg_itk, img_sitk) |
sitk.WriteImage(seg_itk, join(output_labels, patient_name + ".nii.gz")) |
patient_ids.append(patient_name) |
d = join(root_test, "MR") |
patients = subdirs(d, join=False) |
for p in patients: |
patient_name = "T1_" + p |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "DICOM_anon", "InPhase") |
img_outfile = join(output_imagesTs, patient_name + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "DICOM_anon", "OutPhase") |
img_outfile = join(output_imagesTs, patient_name + "_0001.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(img_outfile) |
img_sitk_npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_sitk) |
patient_ids_test.append(patient_name) |
d = join(root, "MR") |
patients = subdirs(d, join=False) |
for p in patients: |
patient_name = "T2_" + p |
gt_dir = join(d, p, "T2SPIR", "Ground") |
seg = convert_MR_seg(load_png_stack(gt_dir)[::-1]) |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T2SPIR", "DICOM_anon") |
img_outfile = join(output_images, patient_name + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
shutil.copy(join(output_images, patient_name + "_0000.nii.gz"), join(output_images, patient_name + "_0001.nii.gz")) |
img_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(img_outfile) |
img_sitk_npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_sitk) |
seg_itk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(seg.astype(np.uint8)) |
seg_itk = copy_geometry(seg_itk, img_sitk) |
sitk.WriteImage(seg_itk, join(output_labels, patient_name + ".nii.gz")) |
patient_ids.append(patient_name) |
d = join(root_test, "MR") |
patients = subdirs(d, join=False) |
for p in patients: |
patient_name = "T2_" + p |
gt_dir = join(d, p, "T2SPIR", "Ground") |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T2SPIR", "DICOM_anon") |
img_outfile = join(output_imagesTs, patient_name + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
shutil.copy(join(output_imagesTs, patient_name + "_0000.nii.gz"), join(output_imagesTs, patient_name + "_0001.nii.gz")) |
img_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(img_outfile) |
img_sitk_npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_sitk) |
patient_ids_test.append(patient_name) |
json_dict = OrderedDict() |
json_dict['name'] = "Chaos Challenge Task3/5 Variant 1" |
json_dict['description'] = "nothing" |
json_dict['tensorImageSize'] = "4D" |
json_dict['reference'] = "https://chaos.grand-challenge.org/Data/" |
json_dict['licence'] = "see https://chaos.grand-challenge.org/Data/" |
json_dict['release'] = "0.0" |
json_dict['modality'] = { |
"0": "MRI", |
"1": "MRI", |
} |
json_dict['labels'] = { |
"0": "background", |
"1": "liver", |
"2": "right kidney", |
"3": "left kidney", |
"4": "spleen", |
} |
json_dict['numTraining'] = len(patient_ids) |
json_dict['numTest'] = 0 |
json_dict['training'] = [{'image': "./imagesTr/%s.nii.gz" % i, "label": "./labelsTr/%s.nii.gz" % i} for i in |
patient_ids] |
json_dict['test'] = [] |
save_json(json_dict, join(output_folder, "dataset.json")) |
patient_ids = [] |
patient_ids_test = [] |
output_folder = join(out_base, "Task038_CHAOS_Task_3_5_Variant2") |
output_images = join(output_folder, "imagesTr") |
output_imagesTs = join(output_folder, "imagesTs") |
output_labels = join(output_folder, "labelsTr") |
maybe_mkdir_p(output_images) |
maybe_mkdir_p(output_imagesTs) |
maybe_mkdir_p(output_labels) |
d = join(root, "MR") |
patients = subdirs(d, join=False) |
for p in patients: |
patient_name_in = "T1_in_" + p |
patient_name_out = "T1_out_" + p |
gt_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "Ground") |
seg = convert_MR_seg(load_png_stack(gt_dir)[::-1]) |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "DICOM_anon", "InPhase") |
img_outfile = join(output_images, patient_name_in + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "DICOM_anon", "OutPhase") |
img_outfile = join(output_images, patient_name_out + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(img_outfile) |
img_sitk_npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_sitk) |
seg_itk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(seg.astype(np.uint8)) |
seg_itk = copy_geometry(seg_itk, img_sitk) |
sitk.WriteImage(seg_itk, join(output_labels, patient_name_in + ".nii.gz")) |
sitk.WriteImage(seg_itk, join(output_labels, patient_name_out + ".nii.gz")) |
patient_ids.append(patient_name_out) |
patient_ids.append(patient_name_in) |
d = join(root_test, "MR") |
patients = subdirs(d, join=False) |
for p in patients: |
patient_name_in = "T1_in_" + p |
patient_name_out = "T1_out_" + p |
gt_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "Ground") |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "DICOM_anon", "InPhase") |
img_outfile = join(output_imagesTs, patient_name_in + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T1DUAL", "DICOM_anon", "OutPhase") |
img_outfile = join(output_imagesTs, patient_name_out + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(img_outfile) |
img_sitk_npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_sitk) |
patient_ids_test.append(patient_name_out) |
patient_ids_test.append(patient_name_in) |
d = join(root, "MR") |
patients = subdirs(d, join=False) |
for p in patients: |
patient_name = "T2_" + p |
gt_dir = join(d, p, "T2SPIR", "Ground") |
seg = convert_MR_seg(load_png_stack(gt_dir)[::-1]) |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T2SPIR", "DICOM_anon") |
img_outfile = join(output_images, patient_name + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(img_outfile) |
img_sitk_npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_sitk) |
seg_itk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(seg.astype(np.uint8)) |
seg_itk = copy_geometry(seg_itk, img_sitk) |
sitk.WriteImage(seg_itk, join(output_labels, patient_name + ".nii.gz")) |
patient_ids.append(patient_name) |
d = join(root_test, "MR") |
patients = subdirs(d, join=False) |
for p in patients: |
patient_name = "T2_" + p |
gt_dir = join(d, p, "T2SPIR", "Ground") |
img_dir = join(d, p, "T2SPIR", "DICOM_anon") |
img_outfile = join(output_imagesTs, patient_name + "_0000.nii.gz") |
_ = dicom2nifti.convert_dicom.dicom_series_to_nifti(img_dir, img_outfile, reorient_nifti=False) |
img_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(img_outfile) |
img_sitk_npy = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_sitk) |
patient_ids_test.append(patient_name) |
json_dict = OrderedDict() |
json_dict['name'] = "Chaos Challenge Task3/5 Variant 2" |
json_dict['description'] = "nothing" |
json_dict['tensorImageSize'] = "4D" |
json_dict['reference'] = "https://chaos.grand-challenge.org/Data/" |
json_dict['licence'] = "see https://chaos.grand-challenge.org/Data/" |
json_dict['release'] = "0.0" |
json_dict['modality'] = { |
"0": "MRI", |
} |
json_dict['labels'] = { |
"0": "background", |
"1": "liver", |
"2": "right kidney", |
"3": "left kidney", |
"4": "spleen", |
} |
json_dict['numTraining'] = len(patient_ids) |
json_dict['numTest'] = 0 |
json_dict['training'] = [{'image': "./imagesTr/%s.nii.gz" % i, "label": "./labelsTr/%s.nii.gz" % i} for i in |
patient_ids] |
json_dict['test'] = [] |
save_json(json_dict, join(output_folder, "dataset.json")) |
patients = subdirs(join(root, "MR"), join=False) |
task_name_variant1 = "Task037_CHAOS_Task_3_5_Variant1" |
task_name_variant2 = "Task038_CHAOS_Task_3_5_Variant2" |
output_preprocessed_v1 = join(preprocessing_output_dir, task_name_variant1) |
maybe_mkdir_p(output_preprocessed_v1) |
output_preprocessed_v2 = join(preprocessing_output_dir, task_name_variant2) |
maybe_mkdir_p(output_preprocessed_v2) |
splits = [] |
for fold in range(5): |
tr, val = get_split_deterministic(patients, fold, 5, 12345) |
train = ["T2_" + i for i in tr] + ["T1_" + i for i in tr] |
validation = ["T2_" + i for i in val] + ["T1_" + i for i in val] |
splits.append({ |
'train': train, |
'val': validation |
}) |
save_pickle(splits, join(output_preprocessed_v1, "splits_final.pkl")) |
splits = [] |
for fold in range(5): |
tr, val = get_split_deterministic(patients, fold, 5, 12345) |
train = ["T2_" + i for i in tr] + ["T1_in_" + i for i in tr] + ["T1_out_" + i for i in tr] |
validation = ["T2_" + i for i in val] + ["T1_in_" + i for i in val] + ["T1_out_" + i for i in val] |
splits.append({ |
'train': train, |
'val': validation |
}) |
save_pickle(splits, join(output_preprocessed_v2, "splits_final.pkl")) |