import shutil |
from collections import OrderedDict |
from copy import deepcopy |
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool |
from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import * |
from nnunet.dataset_conversion.Task056_VerSe2019 import check_if_all_in_good_orientation, \ |
print_unique_labels_and_their_volumes |
from nnunet.paths import nnUNet_raw_data, preprocessing_output_dir |
from nnunet.utilities.image_reorientation import reorient_all_images_in_folder_to_ras |
def manually_change_plans(): |
pp_out_folder = join(preprocessing_output_dir, "Task083_VerSe2020") |
original_plans = join(pp_out_folder, "nnUNetPlansv2.1_plans_3D.pkl") |
assert isfile(original_plans) |
original_plans = load_pickle(original_plans) |
new_plans = deepcopy(original_plans) |
stages = len(new_plans['plans_per_stage']) |
for s in range(stages): |
new_plans['plans_per_stage'][s]['patch_size'] = (224, 160, 160) |
new_plans['plans_per_stage'][s]['pool_op_kernel_sizes'] = [[2, 2, 2], |
[2, 2, 2], |
[2, 2, 2], |
[2, 2, 2], |
[2, 2, 2]] |
new_plans['plans_per_stage'][s]['conv_kernel_sizes'] = [[3, 3, 3], |
[3, 3, 3], |
[3, 3, 3], |
[3, 3, 3], |
[3, 3, 3], |
[3, 3, 3]] |
save_pickle(new_plans, join(pp_out_folder, "custom_plans_3D.pkl")) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
base = '/home/fabian/Downloads/osfstorage-archive/' |
task_id = 83 |
task_name = "VerSe2020" |
foldername = "Task%03.0d_%s" % (task_id, task_name) |
out_base = join(nnUNet_raw_data, foldername) |
imagestr = join(out_base, "imagesTr") |
imagests = join(out_base, "imagesTs") |
labelstr = join(out_base, "labelsTr") |
maybe_mkdir_p(imagestr) |
maybe_mkdir_p(imagests) |
maybe_mkdir_p(labelstr) |
train_patient_names = [] |
for t in subdirs(join(base, 'training_data'), join=False): |
train_patient_names_here = [i[:-len("_seg.nii.gz")] for i in |
subfiles(join(base, "training_data", t), join=False, suffix="_seg.nii.gz")] |
for p in train_patient_names_here: |
curr = join(base, "training_data", t) |
label_file = join(curr, p + "_seg.nii.gz") |
image_file = join(curr, p + ".nii.gz") |
shutil.copy(image_file, join(imagestr, p + "_0000.nii.gz")) |
shutil.copy(label_file, join(labelstr, p + ".nii.gz")) |
train_patient_names += train_patient_names_here |
json_dict = OrderedDict() |
json_dict['name'] = "VerSe2020" |
json_dict['description'] = "VerSe2020" |
json_dict['tensorImageSize'] = "4D" |
json_dict['reference'] = "see challenge website" |
json_dict['licence'] = "see challenge website" |
json_dict['release'] = "0.0" |
json_dict['modality'] = { |
"0": "CT", |
} |
json_dict['labels'] = {i: str(i) for i in range(29)} |
json_dict['numTraining'] = len(train_patient_names) |
json_dict['numTest'] = [] |
json_dict['training'] = [ |
{'image': "./imagesTr/%s.nii.gz" % i.split("/")[-1], "label": "./labelsTr/%s.nii.gz" % i.split("/")[-1]} for i |
in |
train_patient_names] |
json_dict['test'] = ["./imagesTs/%s.nii.gz" % i.split("/")[-1] for i in []] |
save_json(json_dict, os.path.join(out_base, "dataset.json")) |
reorient_all_images_in_folder_to_ras(imagestr, 16) |
reorient_all_images_in_folder_to_ras(imagests, 16) |
reorient_all_images_in_folder_to_ras(labelstr, 16) |
check_if_all_in_good_orientation(imagestr, labelstr, join(out_base, 'sanitycheck')) |
p = Pool(6) |
_ = p.starmap(print_unique_labels_and_their_volumes, zip(subfiles(labelstr, suffix='.nii.gz'), [1000] * 113)) |
"""# run this part of the code once training is done |
folder_gt = "/media/fabian/My Book/MedicalDecathlon/nnUNet_raw_splitted/Task056_VerSe/labelsTr" |
folder_pred = "/home/fabian/drives/datasets/results/nnUNet/3d_fullres/Task056_VerSe/nnUNetTrainerV2__nnUNetPlansv2.1/cv_niftis_raw" |
out_json = "/home/fabian/Task056_VerSe_3d_fullres_summary.json" |
evaluate_verse_folder(folder_pred, folder_gt, out_json) |
folder_pred = "/home/fabian/drives/datasets/results/nnUNet/3d_lowres/Task056_VerSe/nnUNetTrainerV2__nnUNetPlansv2.1/cv_niftis_raw" |
out_json = "/home/fabian/Task056_VerSe_3d_lowres_summary.json" |
evaluate_verse_folder(folder_pred, folder_gt, out_json) |
folder_pred = "/home/fabian/drives/datasets/results/nnUNet/3d_cascade_fullres/Task056_VerSe/nnUNetTrainerV2CascadeFullRes__nnUNetPlansv2.1/cv_niftis_raw" |
out_json = "/home/fabian/Task056_VerSe_3d_cascade_fullres_summary.json" |
evaluate_verse_folder(folder_pred, folder_gt, out_json)""" |