defmodule MedicodeWeb do |
@moduledoc """ |
The entrypoint for defining your web interface, such |
as controllers, components, channels, and so on. |
This can be used in your application as: |
use MedicodeWeb, :controller |
use MedicodeWeb, :html |
The definitions below will be executed for every controller, |
component, etc, so keep them short and clean, focused |
on imports, uses and aliases. |
Do NOT define functions inside the quoted expressions |
below. Instead, define additional modules and import |
those modules here. |
""" |
def static_paths, do: ~w(assets fonts images favicon.ico robots.txt) |
def router do |
quote do |
use Phoenix.Router, helpers: false |
import Plug.Conn |
import Phoenix.Controller |
import Phoenix.LiveView.Router |
end |
end |
def channel do |
quote do |
use Phoenix.Channel |
end |
end |
def controller do |
quote do |
use Phoenix.Controller, |
formats: [:html, :json], |
layouts: [html: MedicodeWeb.Layouts] |
import Plug.Conn |
import MedicodeWeb.Gettext |
unquote(verified_routes()) |
end |
end |
def live_view do |
quote do |
use Phoenix.LiveView, |
layout: {MedicodeWeb.Layouts, :app} |
unquote(html_helpers()) |
end |
end |
def live_component do |
quote do |
use Phoenix.LiveComponent |
unquote(html_helpers()) |
end |
end |
def html do |
quote do |
use Phoenix.Component |
import Phoenix.Controller, |
only: [get_csrf_token: 0, view_module: 1, view_template: 1] |
unquote(html_helpers()) |
end |
end |
defp html_helpers do |
quote do |
import Phoenix.HTML |
import MedicodeWeb.CoreComponents |
import MedicodeWeb.Components |
import MedicodeWeb.Gettext |
alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS |
unquote(verified_routes()) |
end |
end |
def verified_routes do |
quote do |
use Phoenix.VerifiedRoutes, |
endpoint: MedicodeWeb.Endpoint, |
router: MedicodeWeb.Router, |
statics: MedicodeWeb.static_paths() |
end |
end |
@doc """ |
When used, dispatch to the appropriate controller/view/etc. |
""" |
defmacro __using__(which) when is_atom(which) do |
apply(__MODULE__, which, []) |
end |
end |