M3L / datasets /base_dataset.py
harshm121's picture
Working demo
import torch
import torch.utils.data as data
import numpy as np
import cv2
from PIL import Image
from utils.img_utils import pad_image_to_shape
class BaseDataset(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_settings, mode, unsupervised):
self._mode = mode
self.unsupervised = unsupervised
self._rgb_path = dataset_settings['rgb_root']
self._depth_path = dataset_settings['depth_root']
self._gt_path = dataset_settings['gt_root']
self._train_source = dataset_settings['train_source']
self._eval_source = dataset_settings['eval_source']
self.modalities = dataset_settings['modalities']
# self._file_length = dataset_settings['max_samples']
self._required_length = dataset_settings['required_length']
self._file_names = self._get_file_names(mode)
self.model_input_shape = (dataset_settings['image_height'], dataset_settings['image_width'])
def __len__(self):
if self._required_length is not None:
return self._required_length
return len(self._file_names) # when model == "val"
def _get_file_names(self, mode):
assert mode in ['train', 'val']
source = self._train_source
if mode == "val":
source = self._eval_source
file_names = []
with open(source) as f:
files = f.readlines()
for item in files:
names = self._process_item_names(item)
if mode == "val":
return file_names
elif self._required_length <= len(file_names):
return file_names[:self._required_length]
return self._construct_new_file_names(file_names, self._required_length)
def _construct_new_file_names(self, file_names, length):
assert isinstance(length, int)
files_len = len(file_names)
new_file_names = file_names * (length // files_len) #length % files_len items remaining
rand_indices = torch.randperm(files_len).tolist()
new_indices = rand_indices[:length % files_len]
new_file_names += [file_names[i] for i in new_indices]
return new_file_names
def _process_item_names(self, item):
item = item.strip()
item = item.split('\t')
num_modalities = len(self.modalities)
num_items = len(item)
names = {}
if not self.unsupervised:
assert num_modalities + 1 == num_items, f"Number of modalities and number of items in file name don't match, len(modalities) = {num_modalities} and len(item) = {num_items}" + item[0]
for i, modality in enumerate(self.modalities):
names[modality] = item[i]
names['gt'] = item[-1]
assert num_modalities == num_items, f"Number of modalities and number of items in file name don't match, len(modalities) = {num_modalities} and len(item) = {num_items}"
for i, modality in enumerate(self.modalities):
names[modality] = item[i]
names['gt'] = None
return names
def _open_rgb(self, rgb_path, dtype = None):
bgr = cv2.imread(rgb_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) #cv2 reads in BGR format, HxWxC
rgb = np.array(cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), dtype=dtype) #Pretrained PyTorch model accepts image in RGB
return rgb
def _open_depth(self, depth_path, dtype = None): #returns in HxWx3 with the same image in all channels
img_arr = np.array(Image.open(depth_path))
if len(img_arr.shape) == 2: # grayscale
img_arr = np.array(np.tile(img_arr, [3, 1, 1]).transpose(1, 2, 0), dtype = dtype)
img_arr = (img_arr - img_arr.min()) * 255.0 / (img_arr.max() - img_arr.min())
return img_arr
def _open_depth_tf_nyu(self, depth_path, dtype = None): #returns in HxWx3 with the same image in all channels
img_arr = np.array(Image.open(depth_path))
if len(img_arr.shape) == 2: # grayscale
img_arr = np.tile(img_arr, [3, 1, 1]).transpose(1, 2, 0)
return img_arr
def _open_gt(self, gt_path, dtype = None):
return np.array(cv2.imread(gt_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE), dtype=dtype)
def slide_over_image(self, img, crop_size, stride_rate):
H, W, C = img.shape
long_size = H if H > W else W
output = []
if long_size <= min(crop_size[0], crop_size[1]):
raise Exception("Crop size is greater than the image size itself. Not handeled right now")
stride_0 = int(np.ceil(crop_size[0] * stride_rate))
stride_1 = int(np.ceil(crop_size[1] * stride_rate))
r_grid = int(np.ceil((H - crop_size[0]) / stride_0)) + 1
c_grid = int(np.ceil((W - crop_size[1]) / stride_1)) + 1
for grid_yidx in range(r_grid):
for grid_xidx in range(c_grid):
s_x = grid_xidx * stride_1
s_y = grid_yidx * stride_0
e_x = min(s_x + crop_size[1], W)
e_y = min(s_y + crop_size[0], H)
s_x = e_x - crop_size[1]
s_y = e_y - crop_size[0]
img_sub = img[s_y:e_y, s_x: e_x, :]
img_sub, margin = pad_image_to_shape(img_sub, crop_size, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0)
output.append((img_sub, np.array([s_y, e_y, s_x, e_x]), margin))
return output