import gradio as gr |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
from save_prediction import save_data_with_prediction |
import datetime |
import plotly.express as px |
data = pd.DataFrame() |
last_term = "" |
terms = [] |
shared_output = None |
def create_plot(data): |
today = datetime.date.today() |
year = today.year - 1 |
fig = px.scatter(data, x='Year', y='norm_publications_count', color='Term', |
title='Scatter Plot with Color and Symbols') |
fig.update_layout( |
title="Outbreak in ", |
xaxis_title="year", |
yaxis_title="normalized publication count", |
) |
fig.add_shape(type="line", x0=year + 0.5, x1=year + 0.5, y0=0, y1=data['norm_publications_count'].max(), |
line=dict(color="blue", width=2, dash="dot")) |
return fig |
def add_term_to_plot(custom_term,choice): |
global shared_output |
global last_term |
global terms |
global data |
term="" |
print("choice") |
print(choice) |
print("last_term") |
print(terms) |
if not custom_term or custom_term in terms: |
if not choice: |
return create_plot(data) |
if choice in terms: |
return create_plot(data) |
else: |
term = choice |
print ("term is choice "+term) |
elif not choice or choice in terms: |
if custom_term in terms: |
return create_plot(data) |
else: |
term = custom_term |
print ("term is custom_term "+term) |
if not term: |
term = custom_term |
print(term) |
if len(terms)>10: |
return create_plot(data) |
else: |
last_term = term |
terms = terms+[term] |
(print(terms)) |
today = datetime.date.today() |
year = today.year - 1 |
no_space_term = term.replace(" ", "_") |
print(no_space_term) |
path = "model_data/data_with_predictions_" + no_space_term + str(year) + ".csv" |
try: |
save_data_with_prediction(no_space_term) |
except: |
raise gr.Error("There is no data about your term in Pubmed. " |
"Please enter another term and the trend graph will be displayed") |
new_term_df = pd.read_csv(path) |
data = pd.concat([data, new_term_df], ignore_index=True) |
data = data[data['Year'] >= (year-40)] |
fig = create_plot(data) |
shared_output = fig |
return fig |
def delete_term(term): |
global shared_output |
global terms |
global data |
if term in terms: |
terms.remove(term) |
data = data[data["Term"] != term] |
fig = create_plot(data) |
shared_output = fig |
return fig |
else: |
raise gr.Error(term + " is not exist in the graph!") |
def clear_all(): |
global shared_output |
global terms |
global data |
if len(terms) > 0: |
terms = [] |
data = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Term","Year","norm_publications_count","Data"]) |
fig = create_plot(data) |
shared_output = fig |
return fig |
else: |
raise gr.Error("The trends graph is already empty") |
return None |
predefined_terms = [(term, term) for term in np.unique(pd.read_csv("training_data_all.csv")["Term"].to_numpy())] |
description= "Welcome to the predictor of trends in science!\n\n\n" \ |
"This tool predicts the popularity of fields in science for the next 6 years.\n" \ |
"Get predictions of scientific popularity for any term!\n"\ |
"Up to 10 terms can be inserted into the same graph.\n\n" \ |
"Popularity of a term is defined as the number of publications in PubMed per year for this term, \n" \ |
"normalized to 100, 000 publications..\n\n"\ |
"For details of the model and methodology see our paper. If you use us, please cite us!:\n"\ |
"Ofer D, Kaufman H, Linial, M. Whats next? Forecasting scientific research trends. Helyion (Dec 2023).\n Available from:\n"\ |
"https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23781\n\n"\ |
"contact us at:\n"\ |
"Hadasa.kaufman@mail.huji.ac.il\n\n\n"\ |
"Developed by Hadasa Kaufman & Dan Ofer" |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
gr.Image("logo_SciTrends.png") |
gr.Text(description,label="App Description") |
with gr.Column(): |
favicon="logo_SciTrends.png" |
txt1 = gr.components.Textbox(label="Insert a term") |
choice1 = gr.components.Dropdown(label="or choose an example term", choices=predefined_terms) |
btn = gr.Button(value="Submit") |
out1 = gr.Plot(label="plot") |
btn.click(add_term_to_plot, inputs=[txt1, choice1], outputs=out1 ) |
remove_term = gr.components.Textbox(label="Insert a term to remove") |
btn = gr.Button(value="Remove term") |
btn.click(delete_term, inputs=remove_term, outputs=out1) |
btn = gr.Button(value="clear all") |
btn.click(clear_all, outputs=out1) |
live = True |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
demo.launch(share=True) |