import { useMutation, useQuery } from 'convex/react'; | |
import { useEffect } from 'react'; | |
import { api } from '../../convex/_generated/api'; | |
import { WORLD_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL } from '../../convex/constants'; | |
export function useWorldHeartbeat() { | |
const worldStatus = useQuery(; | |
const worldId = worldStatus?.worldId; | |
// Send a periodic heartbeat to our world to keep it alive. | |
const heartbeat = useMutation(; | |
useEffect(() => { | |
const sendHeartBeat = () => { | |
if (!worldStatus) { | |
return; | |
} | |
// Don't send a heartbeat if we've observed one sufficiently close | |
// to the present. | |
if ( - WORLD_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL / 2 < worldStatus.lastViewed) { | |
return; | |
} | |
void heartbeat({ worldId: worldStatus.worldId }); | |
}; | |
sendHeartBeat(); | |
const id = setInterval(sendHeartBeat, WORLD_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL); | |
return () => clearInterval(id); | |
// Rerun if the `worldId` changes but not `worldStatus`, since don't want to | |
// resend the heartbeat whenever its last viewed timestamp changes. | |
}, [worldId, heartbeat]); | |
} | |